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  1. R

    Bild auf Webseite ist unscharf obwohl für Web abgespeichert und im Farbraum RGB?

    Hello my dears, I need your knowledge and hope you can help me. I have the problem that the pictures created by me in PS on my client's website are blurred.essay writer The pictures are only 269x380 pixels in size and all graphics used in this picture were photographed by me and actually have a...
  2. R

    DAZ Genesis 2 und 3DS Max?

    Hello I have a question about exporting the new Genesis 2 figure from Daz Studio to 3DS Max. It's about me wanting to export the Genesis figure so that I don't wake up badly after modeling clothes etc. when I import the whole thing back into Daz Studio.Speed Test Solitaire essay writer I had...
  3. R

    High Poly Bake wird nicht aus der Substanz in den Mixer gebracht?

    No question, I put my model of the substance in the blender, started plugging in my nodes, and I noticed that the details of my high poly beacon weren't put in the blender. She is said to have wrinkles on her knuckles, her nose is more pronounced, etc. etc. reverse phone lookupnba...