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3DCoat ändert seine Lizenzen! Permamentlizenzen bleiben bestehen.


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Mein erster Beitrag seit Jahren...

As you may know, earlier this year we announced a new 3DCoat 2020 coming soon. Since then we’ve been working hard to prepare the release. We do not have a confirmed date just yet, however we are happy to announce the new 3DCoat will ship within Q4 this year as 3DCoat 2021!

Multiple new tools and features are coming to 3DCoat 2021, some of which have already been disclosed, while some are still under our development roof, including the new user interface and more. On top of that, we will launch a whole new website, all-to-make your experience with 3DCoat modern, fresh and enjoyable.

There are some other important changes coming with 3DCoat 2021, and we would like to highlight some of those today.

First off, our licensing policies will be modified. The principle of the never-expiring permanent licenses will remain unchanged, however new types of licenses will be introduced:

  • With the launch of 3DCoat 2021 the Amateur and Professional licenses will no longer be available.
  • We will lift all the technical and commercial use restrictions (such as with the Amateur license now), as well as remove the platform dependency.
  • Therefore, we will introduce completely new type of licenses, and namely: Individual and Company (the latter as node-locked and Floating) ones.
  • The Individual license is designed for personal use, such as with solo artists working on their own project, hobbysts and freelancers, commercial use allowed.
  • The Company type license is designed for use within organizations, commercial companies, studios etc.
  • Student and University licenses of 3DCoat 2021 will be introduced too.
Secondly, a note regarding the pricing policies. Those are still being defined, but on a general note, the licenses pricing will slightly increase.

  • The upgrade from the current V4 or earlier license to 3DCoat 2021 will be a paid one. We plan to offer upgrade discounts, depending on the time of your license purchase.
  • Given no technical and commercial restrictions, the price of the 3DCoat 2021 Individual license will be slightly higher than that of the current V4 Professional license.
  • 3DCoat 2021 Individual and 3DCoat 2021 Company will have not only the one-time purchase option, but also Monthly and Quarterly subscription as well as Rent-for-1-year options.
Finally, our Special Offers as of today.

  • All the 3DCoat Professional type licenses purchased by individuals from August 1, 2020 until the release of 3DCoat 2021 will get a Free Upgrade to 3DCoat 2021 Individual (free if you buy for your personal use, no technical and commercial use restrictions).
  • All the 3DCoat Professional type licenses purchased by companies from August 1, 2020 until the release of 3DCoat 2021 will get a 50% discounted Upgrade rate to 3DCoat 2021 Company (if you buy for company use).
  • All the 3DCoat Amateur type licenses purchased from August 1, 2020 until the release of 3DCoat 2021 will get a Discounted Upgrade rate to 3DCoat 2021 Individual license.
Please, expect to hear more news on 3DCoat 2021 soon!

Das ist mir schon klar. 3D Coat hatte aber schon die Ambitionen es auf deutsch anzubieten.

In wie weit es ihnen mittlerweile gelungen ist, weiß ich nicht. Meinem nicht ganz ernst gemeinten Kommentar fehlt also noch ein Inoniesmiley.
ist auch eine toll ZBRUSH Alternative, dieses Programm. Aber für deren Voxeltechnik braucht man sehr viel & guten RAM. Bin gespannt wie der neue, interne Render sich entwickelt, sehr vielversprechend.
Bilder bitte hier hochladen und danach über das Bild-Icon (Direktlink vorher kopieren) platzieren.
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