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Kontaktformular übernimmt weitere Labels nichts

Hallo Leute,

Habe versucht jetzt ein Kontaktformular mittels HTML5 & CSS3 Video-Training (DVD) // (Tutorial von pascal-bajorat) nachzuschreiben.

Läuft alles super bis auf das wenn ich weitere <label> und <input> einfüge werden diese dann beim submit nicht übernommen und somit sehe ich diese dann in der abgeschickten E-Mail nicht ???

Kann mir eventuell bitte jemand helfen wie ich diese einfach in die E-Mail einbauen kann ??

So sieht mein HTML Code aus:

            <form action="formmail.php" method="post" id="reservationsformular" name="reservationsformular"> 
            <input type="hidden" name="env_report" value="REMOTE_HOST,REMOTE_ADDR,HTTP_USER_AGENT,AUTH_TYPE,REMOTE_USER">
			<input type="hidden" name="recipients" value="elvan.dogan1905(sdfakjaflajsfdl)">
  		    <input type="hidden" name="required" value="vorname:Ihr Vorname,">
			<input type="hidden" name="subject" value="Kontaktformular //">
			<input type="hidden" name="derive_fields" value="email=email,realname=vorname">
            <input type="hidden" name="good_url" value="danke.html">
            <label for="vorname">Isim:</label> <input type="text" name="vorname"  id="vorname" placeholder="Lütfen Isminizi giriniz" class="required"><br>
            <label for="nachname">Soyisim:</label> <input type="text" name="nachname" id="nachname" placeholder="Lütfen Soyisminizi giriniz" class="required"><br>
            <label for="tel_number">Telefon / Cep No:</label> <input type="number" name="tel_number" id="tel_number"  class="tel_number" placeholder="Lütfen Telefon Numaranizi giriniz"> <br>
            <label for="adress">Adres:</label> <input type="text" name="adres" id="adress" class="adress" placeholder="Lütfen Adresinizi giriniz"><br>
            <label for="email">E-Mail:</label> <input type="email" id="email" placeholder="Lütfen E-Mail Adresinizi giriniz" class="required email"><br>
            <label for="guests">Misafir Sayisi:</label> <input type="date" name="guests" id="guests" placeholder="Lütfen Misafir Sayisini giriniz"><br>
            <label for="date">Tarih:</label> <input type="number" name"date" id="date" Placeholder="Gün" class="guen"> <input type="number" name"date" id="date" Placeholder="Ay" class="ay"> <input type="number" name"date" id="date" Placeholder="Sene" class="sene"><br>

<label for="sure">Süre:</label>

<select id="sure">

<option value="please_select" selected="selected">Lütfen Seciniz</option>
<option value="1week">1 Hafta</option>
<option value="2weeks">2 Hafta</option>
<option value="3weeks">3 Hafta</option>


            <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Rezervasyon Talebini Gönder" id="submit"><br>


Bitte um Hilfe


AW: Kontaktformular übernimmt weitere Labels nichts


Für konkrete Antworten wäre der Code deiner formmail.php wesentlich sinnvoller!
Wenn du weitere Felder eingefügt hast, dann müssen die dort höchstwahrscheinlich auch angesprochen werden.
AW: Kontaktformular übernimmt weitere Labels nichts


die formmail.php ist eine ziemlich große datei: ich füg sie mal als code ein ....
wie kann ich z.B. die checkfelder etc einfügen damit es sie auch in der email anzeigt?

und wie kann ich das Design von der abgeschickten E-Mail ändern ?

$FM_VERS = "8.36";      // script version

/* ex:set ts=4 sw=4 et:
 * FormMail PHP script from  This script requires PHP 4 or later.
 * Copyright (c) 2001-2012 Root Software and Open Concepts (Vic) Pty Ltd
 * (ABN 12 130 429 248), Melbourne, Australia.
 * This script is free for all use as described in the "Copying and Use" and
 * "Warranty and Disclaimer" sections below.
 * Visit us at for updates and more information.
 *** If you use Tectite FormMail, please support its development and other
 *** freeware products by putting the following link on your website:
 ***  Visit for free <a href="">FormMail</a>.
 * Author: Russell Robinson, 2nd October 2001
 * Read This First
 * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 *  This script is very well documented and quite large!  It looks daunting,
 *  but really isn't.
 *  If you have experience with PHP or other scripting languages,
 *  here's what you *need* to read:
 *      - Configuration (TARGET_EMAIL & DEF_ALERT)
 *      - Creating Forms
 *  That's it!  (Alternatively, just read the Quick Start and/or
 *  Quicker Start section below).
 *  Full configuration documentation is here:
 *  NOTE: do not read or modify this script or any PHP script
 *  with DreamWeaver or FrontPage!
 *  Many versions of those programs silently corrupt PHP scripts.
 * Purpose:
 * ~~~~~~~~
 *  To accept information from an HTML form via HTTP and mail it to recipients.
 * What does this PHP script do?
 * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 *  On your web site, you may have one or more HTML forms that accept
 *  information from people visiting your website.  Your aim is for your
 *  website to email that information to you and/or add it to a database.
 *  FormMail performs those functions.
 * Quick Start
 * ~~~~~~~~~~~
 *  1. Edit this file and set TARGET_EMAIL for your requirements (near
 *      line 256 in this file - replace "yourhost\.com" with your mail server's
 *      name).  We also strongly recommend you set DEF_ALERT (the next
 *      configuration below TARGET_EMAIL).
 *  2. Install this file as formmail.php (or other name ending in .php)
 *     on your web server.
 *     Test alerts by using your browser to open a URL to the script:
 *     Alerts are the only way FormMail can tell you the details of
 *     errors or faults.
 *  3. Create an HTML form and:
 *      - specify a hidden field called "recipients" with the email address
 *        of the person to receive the form's results.
 *      - in the your form tag set the action attribute to
 *        the formmail.php you uploaded to your web server
 *  Once you have FormMail working, you may be interested in some advanced
 *  usage and features.  We have HOW-TO guides at which
 *  describe many of the advanced processing you can do with FormMail.
 * Quicker Start
 * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 *  Use the FormMail Configuration Wizard here:
 *  By answering a few questions you'll get a configured FormMail and
 *  a sample HTML form ready to upload and use on your server.
 * Features
 * ~~~~~~~~
 *  For a list of features go to:
 * Security
 * ~~~~~~~~
 *  Security is the primary concern in accepting data from your website
 *  visitors.
 *  Tectite FormMail has several security features designed into it.  Note,
 *  however, it requires configuration for your particular web site.
 * Configuration
 * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 *  To configure this script, go to the section titled "CONFIGURATION"
 *  (after reading the legal stuff below).
 *  There is only one mandatory setting: TARGET_EMAIL
 *  and one strongly recommended setting: DEF_ALERT
 *  Full configuration information is available here:
 * Creating Forms
 * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 *  Go to this URL to learn how to write HTML forms for use with
 *  Tectite FormMail:
 * Copying and Use (Software License)
 * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 *  Tectite FormMail is provided free of charge and may be freely distributed
 *  and used provided that you:
 *      1. keep this header, including copyright and comments,
 *         in place and unmodified; and,
 *      2. do not charge a fee for distributing it, without an agreement
 *         in writing with Root Software allowing you to do so; and,
 *      3. if you modify FormMail before distributing it, you clearly
 *         identify:
 *              a) who you are
 *              b) how to contact you
 *              c) what changes you have made
 *              d) why you have made those changes.
 *  By using any of our products, including this script, you are
 *  agreeing to our standard Terms and Conditions, available here:
 *  This is free software and the Software License shown above
 *  is to be read in conjunction with our standard Terms and Conditions.
 * Warranty and Disclaimer
 * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 *  Tectite FormMail is provided free-of-charge and with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
 *  It has not been verified for use in critical applications, including,
 *  but not limited to, medicine, defense, aircraft, space exploration,
 *  or any other potentially dangerous activity.
 *  By using Tectite FormMail you agree to indemnify Root Software and
 *  Open Concepts (Vic) Pty Ltd, their agents, employees, directors and
 *  associated companies and businesses from any liability whatsoever.
 * We still care
 * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 *  If you find a bug or fault in FormMail, please report it to us.
 *  We will respond to your report and make endeavours to rectify any
 *  faults you've detected as soon as possible.
 *  To contact us please register on our forums at:
 *  or view our contact information:
 * Version History
 * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 *  Near the top of this file, you'll find its version. The version
 *  line looks like this:
 *       $FM_VERS = "N.MM";     /* script version ...
 *  The version history used to be located within this file.  However,
 *  starting with Version 8.00 we've moved it...
 *  You can read the complete version history of FormMail on our
 *  main website here:

FMDebug('Submission to: '.(isset($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) ? $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] : '').' from: '.(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : ''));

if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) && strtoupper($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) === 'OPTIONS')
    FMDebug('CORS OPTIONS request');

    // Capture the current date and time, for various purposes.
$lNow = time();

ini_set('track_errors',1);          // enable $php_errormsg

$aAlertInfo = array();
$aPHPVERSION = array();

$sLangID = "";                      // the language ID
$aMessages = array();               // all FormMail messages in the appropriate
                                    // language

$bUseOldVars = IsOldVersion($aPHPVERSION);

if (!IsPHPAtLeast("5.3.0"))
        // disable this silly setting (usually not enabled)
        // it's also deprecated from PHP version 5.3.0

    // seed the random number generate if not version 4.2.0 or later
if (!IsPHPAtLeast("4.2.0"))

    // we set references to the appropriate arrays to handle PHP version differences
    // Session vars are selected after we start the session.
if ($bUseOldVars)
    $aServerVars = &$HTTP_SERVER_VARS;
    $aGetVars = &$HTTP_GET_VARS;
    $aFormVars = &$HTTP_POST_VARS;
    $aFileVars = &$HTTP_POST_FILES;
    $aEnvVars = &$HTTP_ENV_VARS;
    $aServerVars = &$_SERVER;
    $aGetVars = &$_GET;
    $aFormVars = &$_POST;
    $aFileVars = &$_FILES;
    $aEnvVars = &$_ENV;
$bIsGetMethod = false;
$bHasGetData = false;

if (!isset($REAL_DOCUMENT_ROOT))

if (isset($aServerVars['SERVER_PORT']))
    $SCHEME = ($aServerVars['SERVER_PORT'] == 80) ? "http://" : "https://";
    $SCHEME = "";
if (isset($aServerVars['SERVER_NAME']) && $aServerVars['SERVER_NAME'] !== "")
    $SERVER = $aServerVars['SERVER_NAME'];
elseif (isset($aServerVars['SERVER_ADDR']) && $aServerVars['SERVER_ADDR'] !== "")
    $SERVER = $aServerVars['SERVER_ADDR'];
    $SERVER = "";

     * Load an optional include file before the configuration.
     * You can use this to set variables that can be used in the
     * configuration section.

/* CONFIGURATION (do not alter this line in any way!!!)                      */
 * This is the *only* place where you need to modify things to use formmail.php
 * on your particular system.  This section finishes at "END OF CONFIGURATION".
 * Help for all settings can be found on our website:
 * Also, above each setting is a direct URL to the help information for the
 * setting.

            /* Help: */
define("EMAIL_NAME","^[-a-z0-9.]+");    // the '^' is an important security feature!

            /* Help: */
$TARGET_EMAIL = array(EMAIL_NAME."@gmail\.com$");

            /* Help: */

            /* Help: */
$SITE_DOMAIN = "";           // your website domain name

            /* Help: */
$SET_REAL_DOCUMENT_ROOT = "";       // overrides the value set by SetRealDocumentRoot function

    // override $REAL_DOCUMENT_ROOT from the $SET_REAL_DOCUMENT_ROOT value (if any)
    // Do not alter the following code (next 3 lines)!

            /* Help: */

            /* Help: */

            /* Help: */
$TARGET_URLS = array();         // default; no URLs allowed

            /* Help: */

            /* Help: */
define("BODY_LF","\r\n");       // the new default: use this for CR+LF
//define("BODY_LF","\n");       // the old default: just LF

            /* Help: */
$FROM_USER = "";                            // the default - setting not used

            /* Help: */
define("SENDMAIL_F_OPTION_LINE",__LINE__-1);    // don't modify this line!

            /* Help: */

            /* Help: */

            /* Help: */

            /* Help: */
$LOGDIR = "";                           // directory for log files; empty string to
                                        // disallow log files
            /* Help: */
$AUTORESPONDLOG = "";           // file name in $LOGDIR for the auto responder
                                // log; empty string for no auto responder log

            /* Help: */
$CSVDIR = "";                       // directory for csv files; empty string to
                                    // disallow csv files
$CSVSEP = ",";      // comma separator between fields (columns)
$CSVINTSEP = ";";   // semicolon is the separator for fields (columns)
                    // with multiple values (checkboxes, etc.)
$CSVQUOTE = '"';    // all fields in the CSV are quoted with this character;
                    // default is double quote.  You can change it to
                    // single quote or leave it empty for no quotes.
//$CSVQUOTE = "'";  // use this if you want single quotes
$CSVOPEN = "";      // set to "b" to force line terminations to be
                    // kept as $CSVLINE setting below, regardless of
                    // operating system.  Keep as empty string and
                    // leave $CSVLINE unchanged, to get text file
                    // terminations for your server's operating system.
                    // (Line feed on UNIX, carriage-return line feed on Windows).
$CSVLINE = "\n";    // line termination for CSV files.  The default is
                    // a single line feed, which may be modified for your
                    // server's operating system.  If you want to change
                    // this value, you *must* set $CSVOPEN = "b".

            /* Help: */
$TEMPLATEDIR = "";                  // directory for template files; empty string
                                    // if you don't have any templates

            /* Help: */
$TEMPLATEURL = "";                  // default; no template URL

            /* Help: */
$MULTIFORMDIR = "";         // directory for multi-form template files; empty string
                            // if you're not using multi-forms

            /* Help: */
$MULTIFORMURL = "";                 // default; no multi-forms templates URL

            /* Help: */
$TEXT_SUBS = array(
    array("srch"=>"/(on[a-z]*|href|src)\\s*=\\s*/i","repl"=>""),/* strip html attributes that could be unsafe */

            /* Help: */
//$AUTHENTICATE = "Basic cnVzc2VsbHI6dGVzdA==";        // example
$AUTH_USER = "";
$AUTH_PW = "";

            /* Help: */

            /* Help: */

            /* Help: */
$FMCOMPUTE = "fmcompute.php";

            /* Help: */
$FMGEOIP = "fmgeoip.php";

            /* Help: */
define("ADVANCED_TEMPLATES",false);     // set to true for advanced templates

            /* Help: */
define("LIMITED_IMPORT",true);      // set to true if your database cannot
                                    // handle escaped quotes or newlines within
                                    // imported data.  Microsoft Access is one
                                    // example.

            /* Help: */

            /* Help: */
define("FILEUPLOADS",false);        // set to true to allow file attachments

            /* Help: */
define("MAX_FILE_UPLOAD_SIZE",0);       // default of 0 means that other software
                                        // controls the maximum file upload size
                                        // (FormMail doesn't test the file size)

            /* Help: */

            /* Help: */
define("FILE_MODE",0664);     // always precede with 0 to specify octal!

            /* Help: */

            /* Help: */

            /* Help: */
define("PUT_DATA_IN_URL",true); // set to true to place data in the URL
                                // for bad_url redirects

            /* Help: */

            /* Help: */
define("DB_SEE_INPUT",false);   // set to true to just see the input values

            /* Help: */
define("DB_SEE_INI",false);     // set to true to just see the ini file

            /* Help: */
define("MAXSTRING",1024);       // maximum string length for a value

            /* Help: */
$REQUIRE_CAPTCHA = "";          // set to a message string if your forms
                                // must provide a CAPTCHA string

            /* Help: */

            /* Help: */
$bShowMesgNumbers = false;

            /* Help: */
            /* Note for Tectite personnel: the upgrade Wizard will merge new values
             * but be careful of $var usage and quoting in new entries.
$FILTERS = array("encode"=>"$REAL_DOCUMENT_ROOT/cgi-bin/fmencoder -kpubkey.txt",

            /* Help: */

            /* Help: */
$FILTER_ATTRIBS = array("encode"=>"Strips,MIME=application/vnd.fmencoded,Encrypts",

            /* Help: */

            /* Help: */

            /* Help: */
$CLEANUP_TIME = 60;     // cleanup time in minutes

            /* Help: */
$CLEANUP_CHANCE = 20;     // percentage probability that cleanup will be performed

            /* Help: */

            /* Help: */

            /* Help: */

            /* Help: */

            /* Help: */

            /* Help: */

            /* Help: */
    "aiia",  /* Hawaiian */
    "aeoa",  /* palaeoanthropic */
    "aeoe",  /* palaeoethnic */
    "ooee",  /* cooee */
    "oeia",  /* pharmacopoeia */
    "ioau",  /* radioautograph */
    "uaia",  /* guaiac */
    "ueou",  /* aqueous */
    "uiou",  /* obsequious */
    "queue", /* queue, queueing */
    "earth", /* earthquake, earthslide */
    "cks",   /* jockstrap, backscratcher */
    "ngth",  /* strengths, length */
    "ndths", /* thousandths */
    "ght",   /* nightclub, knightsbridge */
    "phth",  /* ophthalmology */
    "sch",   /* rothschild */
    "shch",  /* borshch */
    "scr",   /* corkscrew */
    "spr",   /* wingspread, offspring */
    "str",   /* armstrong, songstress */
    "sts",   /* *****s, postscript */
    "tch",   /* catchphrase, scratchproof */
    "thst",  /* northstar, birthstone */
    "http",  /* https, http */
    "html",  /* HTML, XHTML */

            /* Help: */
$ATTACK_DETECTION_DUPS = array("realname","address1","address2","country","zip",

            /* Help: */

            /* Help: */
$ATTACK_DETECTION_SPECIALS_ONLY_EMAIL = array("derive_fields","required",

            /* Help: */

            /* Help: */

            /* Help: */

            /* Help: */

            /* Help: */

            /* Help: */

            /* Help: */
$GEOIP_LIC = "";        // default - no GeoIP

            /* Help: */

            /* Help: */

            /* Help: */
$SESSION_ACCESS = array();

            /* Help: */

            /* Help: */
$HOOK_DIR = "";

** FILTERS:lt:8.04:merge:The FILTERS configuration has
** been modified to include some new standard filters.:
** FILTER_ATTRIBS:lt:8.04:no_keep:The FILTER_ATTRIBS configuration has
** been modified to include new information about the standard filters.:
** configuration has been modified to fix a bug.:
** FILTER_ATTRIBS:lt:4.00:no_keep:The FILTER_ATTRIBS configuration has
** been modified to include new information about the standard filters.:
** REAL_DOCUMENT_ROOT configuration has been renamed to SET_REAL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.:
** EMAIL_NAME:lt:6.01:no_keep:The EMAIL_NAME configuration has
** been modified to match hyphens ('-') in email addresses.:
** ZERO_IS_EMPTY:le:6.01:set_to=true:ZERO_IS_EMPTY has been
** set to a value that duplicates previous behaviour.:
** TEXT_SUBS:lt:8.30:no_keep:The TEXT_SUBS configuration has
** been modified to be secure with new features released in this version.:

/* END OF CONFIGURATION (do not alter this line in any way!!!)               */

// for Ajax allow GET method for cross site JSONP
if (IsAjax())
    $ALLOW_GET_METHOD = true;

     * Load an optional include file after the configuration.
     * You can use this to set variables or make adjustments
     * based on the results of the configuration section.

    // the following constants define all FormMail messages
define('MSG_SCRIPT_VERSION',0);     // This script requires at least PHP version...
define('MSG_END_VERS_CHK',1);       // If you're happy...
define('MSG_VERS_CHK',2);           // A later version of FormMail is available...
define('MSG_CHK_FILE_ERROR',3);     // Unable to create check file...
define('MSG_UNK_VALUE_SPEC',4);     // derive_fields: unknown value specification...
define('MSG_INV_VALUE_SPEC',5);     // derive_fields: invalid value specification...
define('MSG_DERIVED_INVALID',6);    // Some derive_fields specifications...
define('MSG_INT_FORM_ERROR',7);     // Internal form error...
define('MSG_OPTIONS_INVALID',8);    // Some mail_options settings...
define('MSG_PLSWAIT_REDIR',9);      // Please wait while you are redirected...
define('MSG_IFNOT_REDIR',10);       // If you are not redirected...
define('MSG_PEAR_OBJ',11);          // Failed to create PEAR Mail object...
define('MSG_PEAR_ERROR',12);        // PEAR Mail error...
define('MSG_NO_FOPT_ADDR',13);      // You have specified "SendMailFOption"...
define('MSG_MORE_INFO',14);         // More information...
define('MSG_INFO_STOPPED',15);      // Extra alert information suppressed...
define('MSG_FM_ALERT',16);          // FormMail alert
define('MSG_FM_ERROR',17);          // FormMail script error
define('MSG_FM_ERROR_LINE',18);     // The following error occurred...
define('MSG_USERDATA_STOPPED',19);  // User data suppressed...
define('MSG_FILTERED',20);          // This alert has been filtered...
define('MSG_TEMPLATES',21);         // You must set either TEMPLATEDIR or TEMPLATEURL...
define('MSG_OPEN_TEMPLATE',22);     // Failed to open template...
define('MSG_ERROR_PROC',23);        // An error occurred while processing...
define('MSG_ALERT_DONE',24);        // Our staff have been alerted...
define('MSG_PLS_CONTACT',25);       // Please contact us directly...
define('MSG_APOLOGY',26);           // We apologize for any inconvenience...
define('MSG_ABOUT_FORMMAIL',27);    // Your form submission was processed by...
define('MSG_PREG_FAILED',28);       // preg_match_all failed in FindCRMFields...
define('MSG_URL_INVALID',29);       // CRM URL "$URL" is not valid...
define('MSG_URL_OPEN',30);          // Failed to open Customer Relationship...
define('MSG_CRM_FAILED',31);        // Failure report from CRM...
define('MSG_CRM_FORM_ERROR',32);    // Your form submission was not...
define('MSG_OR',33);                // "$ITEM1" or "$ITEM2"
define('MSG_NOT_BOTH',34);          // not both "$ITEM1" and "$ITEM2"
define('MSG_XOR',35);               // "$ITEM1" or "$ITEM2" (but not both)
define('MSG_IS_SAME_AS',36);        // "$ITEM1" is the same as "$ITEM2"
define('MSG_IS_NOT_SAME_AS',37);    // "$ITEM1" is not the same as "$ITEM2"
define('MSG_REQD_OPER',38);         // Operator "$OPER" is not valid for "required"
define('MSG_PAT_FAILED',39);        // Pattern operator "$OPER" failed: pattern...
define('MSG_COND_OPER',40);         // Operator "$OPER" is not valid...
define('MSG_INV_COND',41);          // Invalid "conditions" field...
define('MSG_COND_CHARS',42);        // The conditions field "$FLD" is not valid...
define('MSG_COND_INVALID',43);      // The conditions field "$FLD" is not valid...
define('MSG_COND_TEST_LONG',44);    // Field "$FLD" has too many components...
define('MSG_COND_IF_SHORT',45);     // Field "$FLD" has too few components for...
define('MSG_COND_IF_LONG',46);      // Field "$FLD" has too many components for...
define('MSG_COND_UNK',47);          // Field "$FLD" has an unknown command word...
define('MSG_MISSING',48);           // Missing "$ITEM"...
define('MSG_NEED_ARRAY',49);        // "$ITEM" must be an array...
define('MSG_SUBM_FAILED',50);       // Your form submission has failed...
define('MSG_FILTER_WRONG',51);      // Filter "$FILTER" is not properly...
define('MSG_FILTER_CONNECT',52);    // Could not connect to site "$SITE"...
define('MSG_FILTER_PARAM',53);      // Filter "$FILTER" has invalid parameter...
define('MSG_FILTER_OPEN_FILE',54);  // Filter "$FILTER" cannot open file...
define('MSG_FILTER_FILE_ERROR',55); // Filter "$FILTER": read error on file...
define('MSG_FILTER_READ_ERROR',56); // Filter '$filter' failed: read error...
define('MSG_FILTER_NOT_OK',57);     // Filter 'FILTER' failed...
define('MSG_FILTER_UNK',58);        // Unknown filter...
define('MSG_FILTER_CHDIR',59);      // Cannot chdir...
define('MSG_FILTER_NOTFOUND',60);   // Cannot execute...
define('MSG_FILTER_ERROR',61);      // Filter "$FILTER" failed...
define('MSG_SPARE',62);             // this value is now spare
define('MSG_TEMPLATE_ERRORS',63);   // Template "$NAME" caused the...
define('MSG_TEMPLATE_FAILED',64);   // Failed to process template "$NAME"...
define('MSG_MIME_PREAMBLE',65);     // (Your mail reader should not show this...
define('MSG_MIME_HTML',66);         // This message has been generated by FormMail...
define('MSG_FILE_OPEN_ERROR',67);   // Failed to open file "$NAME"...
define('MSG_ATTACH_DATA',68);       // Internal error: AttachFile requires...
define('MSG_PHP_HTML_TEMPLATES',69);    // HTMLTemplate option is only ...
define('MSG_PHP_FILE_UPLOADS',70);  // For security reasons, file upload...
define('MSG_FILE_UPLOAD',71);       // File upload attempt ignored...
define('MSG_FILE_UPLOAD_ATTACK',72);// Possible file upload attack...
define('MSG_PHP_PLAIN_TEMPLATES',73);// PlainTemplate option is only...
define('MSG_ATTACH_NAME',74);       // filter_options: Attach must contain a name...
define('MSG_PHP_BCC',75);           // Warning: BCC is probably not supported...
define('MSG_CSVCOLUMNS',76);        // The "csvcolumns" setting is not...
define('MSG_CSVFILE',77);           // The "csvfile" setting is not...
define('MSG_TARG_EMAIL_PAT_START',78);  // Warning: Your TARGET_EMAIL pattern...
define('MSG_TARG_EMAIL_PAT_END',79);    // Warning: Your TARGET_EMAIL pattern...
define('MSG_CONFIG_WARN',80);       // The following potential problems...
define('MSG_PHP_AUTORESP',81);      // Autorespond is only supported...
define('MSG_ALERT',82);             // This is a test alert message...
define('MSG_NO_DEF_ALERT',83);      // No DEF_ALERT value has been set....
define('MSG_TEST_SENT',84);         // Test message sent.  Check your email.....
define('MSG_TEST_FAILED',85);       // FAILED to send alert message...
define('MSG_NO_DATA_PAGE',86);      // This URL is a Form submission program...
define('MSG_REQD_ERROR',87);        // The form required some values that you...
define('MSG_COND_ERROR',88);        // Some of the values you provided...
define('MSG_CRM_FAILURE',89);       // The form submission did not succeed...
define('MSG_FOPTION_WARN',90);      // Warning: You've used SendMailFOption in...
define('MSG_NO_ACTIONS',91);        // The form has an internal error...
define('MSG_NO_RECIP',92);          // The form has an internal error...
define('MSG_INV_EMAIL',93);         // Invalid email addresses...
define('MSG_FAILED_SEND',94);       // Failed to send email...
define('MSG_ARESP_EMAIL',96);       // No "email" field was found. Autorespond...
define('MSG_ARESP_SUBJ',97);        // Your form submission...
define('MSG_LOG_NO_VERIMG',98);     // No VerifyImgString in session...
define('MSG_ARESP_NO_AUTH',99);     // Failed to obtain authorization...
define('MSG_LOG_NO_MATCH',100);     // User did not match image...
define('MSG_ARESP_NO_MATCH',101);   // Your entry did not match...
define('MSG_LOG_FAILED',102);       // Failed
define('MSG_ARESP_FAILED',103);     // Autoresponder failed
define('MSG_LOG_OK',104);           // OK
define('MSG_THANKS_PAGE',105);      // Thanks!  We've received your....
define('MSG_LOAD_MODULE',106);      // Cannot load module....
define('MSG_LOAD_FMCOMPUTE',107);   // Cannot load FMCompute....
define('MSG_REGISTER_MODULE',108);  // Cannot register module....
define('MSG_COMP_PARSE',109);       // These parse errors occurred....
define('MSG_COMP_REG_DATA',110);    // Failed to register data field....
define('MSG_COMP_ALERT',111);       // The following alert messages....
define('MSG_COMP_DEBUG',112);       // The following debug messages...
define('MSG_COMP_EXEC',113);        // The following errors occurred....
define('MSG_REG_FMCOMPUTE',114);    // Cannot register function...
define('MSG_USER_ERRORS',115);      // A number of errors occurred...
define('MSG_CALL_PARAM_COUNT',116); // Invalid parameter count...
define('MSG_CALL_UNK_FUNC',117);    // Unknown function...
define('MSG_SAVE_FILE',118);        // Failed to save file....
define('MSG_CHMOD',119);            // Failed to chmod file....
define('MSG_VERIFY_MISSING',120);   // Image verification string missing...
define('MSG_VERIFY_MATCH',121);     // Your entry did not match...
define('MSG_FILE_NAMES_INVALID',122);// Some file_names specifications...
define('MSG_FILE_NAMES_NOT_FILE',123);// Your file_names specification...
define('MSG_TEMPL_ALERT',124);       // The following alert messages....
define('MSG_TEMPL_DEBUG',125);       // The following debug messages...
define('MSG_TEMPL_PROC',126);        // The following errors occurred....
define('MSG_SAVE_FILE_EXISTS',127);  // Cannot save file....
define('MSG_EMPTY_ADDRESSES',128);   // $COUNT empty addresses
define('MSG_CALL_INVALID_PARAM',129); // Invalid parameter....
define('MSG_INI_PARSE_WARN',130);   // Warning: your INI
define('MSG_INI_PARSE_ERROR',131);  // The FormMail INI...
define('MSG_RECAPTCHA_MATCH',132);     // reCaptcha verification failed...

define('MSG_AND',133);              // "$ITEM1" and "$ITEM2"
define('MSG_NEXT_PLUS_GOOD',134);   // The form specifies both next_form and....
define('MSG_MULTIFORM',135);        // You must set either MULTIFORMDIR or MULTIFORMURL...
define('MSG_MULTIFORM_FAILED',136); // Failed to process multi-page form template "$NAME"...
define('MSG_NEED_THIS_FORM',137);   // Multi-page forms require "this_form" field...
define('MSG_NO_PHP_SELF',138);      // PHP on the server is not providing "PHP_SELF"
define('MSG_RETURN_URL_INVALID',139); // Return "$URL" is not valid...
define('MSG_GO_BACK',140);          // Cannot 'go back' if not a multi-page form...
define('MSG_OPEN_URL',141);         // Cannot open URL...
define('MSG_CANNOT_RETURN',142);    // Cannot return to page....
define('MSG_ATTACK_DETECTED',143);  // Server attack detected....
define('MSG_ATTACK_PAGE',144);      // Your form submission....
define('MSG_ATTACK_MIME_INFO',145); // The field "$FLD" contained...
define('MSG_ATTACK_DUP_INFO',146);  // The fields "$FLD1" and...
define('MSG_ATTACK_SPEC_INFO',147); // Special field "$FLD"...
define('MSG_NEED_SCRATCH_PAD',148); // You need to set SCRATCH_PAD...
define('MSG_MULTI_UPLOAD',149);     // File upload processing failed during multi-page form processing.
define('MSG_OPEN_SCRATCH_PAD',150); // Cannot open directory...
define('MSG_NO_NEXT_NUM_FILE',151); // You cannot use the %nextnum% feature...
define('MSG_NEXT_NUM_FILE',152);    // Cannot process next number...
define('MSG_ATTACK_MANYURL_INFO',153); // Field "$FLD"...
define('MSG_ATTACK_MANYFIELDS_INFO',154); // $NUM fields have URLs....
define('MSG_REV_CAP',155);           // ATTACK_DETECTION_REVERSE_CAPTCHA setting....
define('MSG_ATTACK_REV_CAP_INFO',156); // The field "$FLD" contained...
define('MSG_ATTACK_JUNK_INFO',157); // The field "$FLD" contained...
define('MSG_ARESP_EMPTY',158);      // The autoresponse...
define('MSG_LOG_RECAPTCHA',159);     // reCaptcha process failed...

define('MSG_URL_PARSE',160);        // URL parse failed
define('MSG_URL_SCHEME',161);       // Unsupported URL scheme...
define('MSG_SOCKET',162);           // Socket error ...
define('MSG_GETURL_OPEN',163);      // Open URL failed: ...
define('MSG_RESOLVE',164);          // Cannot resolve...

define('MSG_FORM_OK',170);          // Form Submission Succeeded
define('MSG_FORM_ERROR',171);       // Form Submission Error
define('MSG_GET_DISALLOWED',172);   // GET method has...
    // The following are PHP's file upload error messages
define('MSG_FILE_UPLOAD_ERR_UNK',180);  // Unknown error code.
define('MSG_FILE_UPLOAD_ERR1',181);     // The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini.
define('MSG_FILE_UPLOAD_ERR2',182);     // The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the html form.
define('MSG_FILE_UPLOAD_ERR3',183);     // The uploaded file was only partially uploaded.
define('MSG_FILE_UPLOAD_ERR4',184);     // No file was uploaded.
define('MSG_FILE_UPLOAD_ERR6',186);     // Missing a temporary folder.
define('MSG_FILE_UPLOAD_ERR7',187);     // Failed to write file to disk.
define('MSG_FILE_UPLOAD_ERR8',188);     // File upload stopped by extension.
define('MSG_FILE_UPLOAD_SIZE',189);     // Uploaded file "$NAME" is too big...
                                        // (not a PHP error code - internal maximum file size error)

    // following are for derive_fields functions
define('MSG_DER_FUNC_ERROR',200);       // derive_fields: invalid function....
define('MSG_DER_FUNC_SIZE_FMT',201);    // function 'size' requires....
define('MSG_DER_FUNC_IF_FMT',202);      // function 'if' requires....
define('MSG_DER_FUNC_NEXTNUM_FMT',203); // function 'nextnum' requires....
define('MSG_DER_FUNC_EXT_FMT',204);     // function 'ext' requires....
define('MSG_DER_FUNC1_FMT',205);        // function 'FUNC' requires....

define('MSG_USER_ATTACK_JUNK',220);     // The following input ...
define('MSG_USER_ATTACK_REV_CAP',221);  // Your input ...
define('MSG_USER_ATTACK_DUP',222);      // You have ...
define('MSG_USER_ATTACK_MANY_URLS',223);// Your input ...
define('MSG_USER_ATTACK_MANY_URL_FIELDS',224);// Your input ...

// <A NAME="MessageNumbers"> Jump to: <A HREF="#BuiltinMessages">

    // Return true if using the built-in language
function IsBuiltInLanguage()
    global  $sLangID;

    return (strpos($sLangID,"builtin") !== false);

$sSavePath = "";
$bPathSaved = false;
    // Set include path to include the given directory.
function AddIncludePath($s_dir = ".")
    global  $sSavePath,$bPathSaved;

    $s_path = ini_get('include_path');
    $i_path_len = strlen($s_path);
    $s_sep = IsServerWindows() ? ";" : ":";     // get path separator
        // look for it in the include_path
    $b_found = false;
    $i_pos = 0;
    $i_len = strlen($s_dir);
    while (!$b_found && ($i_pos = strpos($s_path,$s_dir,$i_pos)) !== false)
        if ($i_pos == 0)
            if ($i_len == $i_path_len)
                $b_found = true;        // the path only has $s_dir
            elseif ($s_path[$i_len] == $s_sep)
                $b_found = true;
        elseif ($s_path[$i_pos-1] == $s_sep &&
                    ($i_pos + $i_len == $i_path_len ||
                    $s_path[$i_pos + $i_len] == $s_sep))
                $b_found = true;
        if (!$b_found)
    if (!$b_found)
            // allow multiple calls, but only store the original path once
        if (!$bPathSaved)
            $sSavePath = $s_path;
        if (empty($s_path))
            $s_path = $s_dir;
                // prepend the directory
            $s_path = $s_dir.$s_sep.$s_path;
        $bPathSaved = true;

    // Reset the include path after a call to AddIncludePath.
function ResetIncludePath()
    global  $sSavePath,$bPathSaved;

    if ($bPathSaved)
        $bPathSaved = false;

    // Load a language file
function LoadLanguageFile()
    global  $aMessages,$sLangID,$sHTMLCharSet;

    if (!@include(""))
    if (isset($sHTMLCharSet) && $sHTMLCharSet !== "")
        header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=$sHTMLCharSet");

    // Load the messages array from the default language, and then
    // override with an optional language file.
    // Note: all messages get the MNUM parameter sent which they can use.
    // If they don't use it, the message number is appended.
function LoadBuiltinLanguage()
    global  $aMessages,$sLangID;

    $sLangID = "English (builtin)";
        // MSG_SCRIPT_VERSION is shown if the PHP version is too old to run
        // FormMail
        // Parameters:
        //  $PHPREQ     is the minimum required PHP version
        //  $PHPVERS    is  the version the server currently has installed.
    $aMessages[MSG_SCRIPT_VERSION] = 'This script requires at least PHP version '.
                                     '$PHPREQ.  You have PHP version $PHPVERS.';

        // MSG_END_VERS_CHK is sent at the end of an Alert message when
        // FormMail detects that there's a newer version available
        // Parameters: none
    $aMessages[MSG_END_VERS_CHK] =  '***************************************************\n'.
                                    'If you are happy with your current version and want\n'.
                                    'to stop these reminders, edit formmail.php and\n'.
                                    'set CHECK_FOR_NEW_VERSION to false.\n'.

        // MSG_VERS_CHK is sent in an Alert message when
        // FormMail detects that there's a newer version available
        // Parameters:
        //  $TECTITE    the website to go to
        //  $FM_VERS    the current FormMail version
        //  $NEWVERS    the new FormMail version that's available
    $aMessages[MSG_VERS_CHK] =  'A later version of FormMail is available from $TECTITE.\n'.
                                'You are currently using version $FM_VERS.\n'.
                                'The new version available is $NEWVERS.\n';

        // MSG_CHK_FILE_ERROR is sent in an Alert message when
        // FormMail cannot create a file to record the time of version check.
        // Parameters:
        //  $FILE   the file name that could not be created
        //  $ERROR  the actual error message
    $aMessages[MSG_CHK_FILE_ERROR] = 'Unable to create check file "$FILE": $ERROR';

        // MSG_UNK_VALUE_SPEC is sent in an Alert message when
        // a form uses an unknown value specification in derive_fields.
        // Parameters:
        //  $SPEC   the unknown value specification
        //  $MSG    additional message
    $aMessages[MSG_UNK_VALUE_SPEC] = 'derive_fields: unknown value specification '.

        // MSG_INV_VALUE_SPEC is sent in an Alert message when
        // a form uses a value specification in derive_fields that's
        // formatted incorrectly (missing terminating '%')
        // Parameters:
        //  $SPEC   the invalid value specification
    $aMessages[MSG_INV_VALUE_SPEC] = 'derive_fields: invalid value specification '.
                                     '"$SPEC" (possibly missing a "%")';

        // MSG_DERIVED_INVALID is sent in an Alert message when
        // a form's derive_fields setting has errors
        // Parameters: none
        // A list of errors is appended on separate lines
    $aMessages[MSG_DERIVED_INVALID] = 'Some derive_fields specifications are invalid $MNUM:\n';

        // MSG_INT_FORM_ERROR is sent in an Alert message and displayed
        // to the form user
        // Parameters: none
    $aMessages[MSG_INT_FORM_ERROR] = 'Internal form error';

        // MSG_OPTIONS_INVALID is sent in an Alert message when
        // a form's options settings are invalid.  This applies to
        // mail_options, filter_options, crm_options, and autorespond
        // Parameters:
        //  $OPT    the name of the options field
        // A list of errors is appended on separate lines
    $aMessages[MSG_OPTIONS_INVALID] = 'Some $OPT settings are undefined $MNUM:\n';

        // MSG_PLSWAIT_REDIR is shown to the user for a redirect
        // with JavaScript
        // Parameters: none
    $aMessages[MSG_PLSWAIT_REDIR] = 'Please wait while you are redirected...';

        // MSG_IFNOT_REDIR is shown to the user for a redirect
        // with JavaScript
        // Parameters:
        //  $URL    the URL to redirect to
    $aMessages[MSG_IFNOT_REDIR] = 'If you are not automatically redirected, '.
                                  'please <a href="$URL">click here</a>.';

        // MSG_PEAR_OBJ is shown to the user if the PEAR Mail object
        // cannot be created
        // Parameters: none
    $aMessages[MSG_PEAR_OBJ] = 'Failed to create PEAR Mail object';

        // MSG_PEAR_ERROR is sent in an Alert message if the PEAR Mail processing
        // reports an error
        // Parameters:
        //  $MSG    the error message from PEAR
    $aMessages[MSG_PEAR_ERROR] = 'PEAR Mail error: $MSG';

        // MSG_NO_FOPT_ADDR is sent in an Alert message SendMailFOption is
        // specified in the form and no email address has been provided
        // Parameters: none
    $aMessages[MSG_NO_FOPT_ADDR] = 'You have specified "SendMailFOption" in your '.
                                   'form, but there is no email address to use';

        // MSG_MORE_INFO is sent in an Alert message on a line by itself, just
        // before extra information about the FormMail processing that may have
        // led to the alert message
        // Parameters: none
    $aMessages[MSG_MORE_INFO] = 'More information:';

        // MSG_INFO_STOPPED is sent in an Alert message to say that extra
        // alert information has been suppressed because of potential security
        // problems with showing it.
        // Parameters: none
    $aMessages[MSG_INFO_STOPPED] = '(Extra alert information suppressed for '.
                                   'security purposes. $MNUM)';

        // MSG_FM_ALERT is sent as the subject line of an Alert message
        // Parameters: none
    $aMessages[MSG_FM_ALERT] = 'FormMail alert';

        // MSG_FM_ERROR is sent as the subject line of an Alert message
        // Parameters: none
    $aMessages[MSG_FM_ERROR] = 'FormMail script error';

        // MSG_FM_ERROR_LINE is sent in an Alert message on a
        // separate line to introduce the actual error message
        // Parameters: none
    $aMessages[MSG_FM_ERROR_LINE] = 'The following error occurred in FormMail $MNUM:';

        // MSG_USERDATA_STOPPED is sent in an Alert message to say that the
        // user's data has been suppressed because of potential security
        // problems with showing it.
        // Parameters: none
    $aMessages[MSG_USERDATA_STOPPED] = '(User data suppressed for security '.
                                       'purposes. $MNUM)';

        // MSG_FILTERED is sent in an Alert message to show what filter
        // has been used on the message
        // Parameters:
        //  $FILTER     the name of the filter
    $aMessages[MSG_FILTERED] = 'This alert has been filtered through "$FILTER" '.
                               'for security purposes.';

        // MSG_TEMPLATES is sent in an Alert message when a form tries
        // to use a template, but templates have not been configured in
        // formmail.php
        // Parameters: none
    $aMessages[MSG_TEMPLATES] = 'You must set either TEMPLATEDIR or TEMPLATEURL '.
                                'in formmail.php before you can specify '.
                                'templates in your forms.';

        // MSG_OPEN_TEMPLATE is sent in an Alert message when FormMail cannot
        // open a template file
        // Parameters:
        //  $NAME   the name of the template file
        //  $ERROR  information about the error
    $aMessages[MSG_OPEN_TEMPLATE] = 'Failed to open template "$NAME" $MNUM: $ERROR';

        // MSG_ERROR_PROC is shown to the user as part of an error
        // page.  This message introduces the error.
        // Parameters: none
    $aMessages[MSG_ERROR_PROC] = 'An error occurred while processing the '.
                                 'form $MNUM.\n\n';

        // MSG_ALERT_DONE is shown to the user as part of an error
        // page if an Alert message has been sent to the website owner.
        // Parameters:
        //  SERVER      the name of the server (website)
    $aMessages[MSG_ALERT_DONE] = 'The staff at $SERVER have been alerted to the error $MNUM.\n';

        // MSG_PLS_CONTACT is shown to the user as part of an error
        // page if an Alert message could *not* be sent to the website owner.
        // Parameters:
        //  SERVER      the name of the server (website)
    $aMessages[MSG_PLS_CONTACT] = 'Please contact us ($SERVER) directly since this form '.
                                  'is not working $MNUM.\n';

        // MSG_APOLOGY is shown to the user as part of an error
        // page as an apology for a problem with the form.
        // Parameters:
        //  SERVER      the name of the server (website)
    $aMessages[MSG_APOLOGY] = '$SERVER apologizes for any inconvenience this error '.
                              'may have caused.';

        // MSG_ABOUT_FORMMAIL is shown to the user at the foot of pages
        // generated by FormMail (e.g. the default "Thanks" page and default
        // error page).
        // Parameters:
        //  $FM_VERS    the FormMail version number
        //  $TECTITE
    $aMessages[MSG_ABOUT_FORMMAIL] = 'Your form submission was processed by '.
                                     '<a href="http://$TECTITE/">FormMail</a> '.
                                     '($FM_VERS), a PHP script available from '.
                                     '<a href="http://$TECTITE/">$TECTITE</a>.';

        // MSG_PREG_FAILED is sent in an Alert message if the TectiteCRM
        // system failed to return the expected result.
        // Parameters: none
    $aMessages[MSG_PREG_FAILED] = 'preg_match_all failed in FindCRMFields';

        // MSG_URL_INVALID is sent in an Alert message if the specified
        // URL for TectiteCRM is not valid according to the TARGET_URLS
        // configuration setting
        // Parameters:
        //  $URL        the invalid URL
    $aMessages[MSG_URL_INVALID] = 'The URL "$URL" to access the Customer '.
                                  'Relationship Management System is not valid '.
                                  '(see TARGET_URLS in formmail.php)';

        // MSG_URL_OPEN is sent in an Alert message if the specified
        // URL for TectiteCRM cannot be opened
        // Parameters:
        //  $URL    the invalid URL
        //  $ERROR  information about the error
    $aMessages[MSG_URL_OPEN] = 'Failed to open Customer Relationship '.
                               'Management System URL "$URL" $MNUM: $ERROR';

        // MSG_CRM_FAILED is sent in an Alert message if the TectiteCRM
        // system doesn't return an OK message
        // Parameters:
        //  $URL    the invalid URL
        //  $MSG    more information
    $aMessages[MSG_CRM_FAILED] = 'Failure report from Customer Relationship '.
                                 'Management System (url="$URL") $MNUM: $MSG';

        // MSG_CRM_FORM_ERROR is shown to the user if the information
        // passed to TectiteCRM was not accepted
        // Parameters: none
    $aMessages[MSG_CRM_FORM_ERROR] = 'Your form submission was not accepted';

        // MSG_AND is shown to the user; it shows two items separated
        // by "and"
        // Parameters:
        //  $ITEM1      the first item
        //  $ITEM2      the second item
    $aMessages[MSG_AND] = '"$ITEM1" and "$ITEM2"';

        // MSG_OR is shown to the user; it shows two items separated
        // by "or"
        // Parameters:
        //  $ITEM1      the first item
        //  $ITEM2      the second item
    $aMessages[MSG_OR] = '"$ITEM1" or "$ITEM2"';

        // MSG_NOT_BOTH is shown to the user; it shows two items that must
        // be specified together
        // Parameters:
        //  $ITEM1      the first item
        //  $ITEM2      the second item
    $aMessages[MSG_NOT_BOTH] = 'not both "$ITEM1" and "$ITEM2"';

        // MSG_XOR is shown to the user; it shows two items that must
        // not be specified together
        // Parameters:
        //  $ITEM1      the first item
        //  $ITEM2      the second item
    $aMessages[MSG_XOR] = '"$ITEM1" or "$ITEM2" (but not both)';

        // MSG_IS_SAME_AS is shown to the user; it shows two items that must
        // not be the same value
        // Parameters:
        //  $ITEM1      the first item
        //  $ITEM2      the second item
    $aMessages[MSG_IS_SAME_AS] = '"$ITEM1" is the same as "$ITEM2"';

        // MSG_IS_NOT_SAME_AS is shown to the user; it shows two items that must
        // be the same value
        // Parameters:
        //  $ITEM1      the first item
        //  $ITEM2      the second item
    $aMessages[MSG_IS_NOT_SAME_AS] = '"$ITEM1" is not the same as "$ITEM2"';

        // MSG_REQD_OPER is sent in an Alert message when an unknown
        // operator has been used in a "required" specification
        // Parameters:
        //  $OPER       the unknown operator
    $aMessages[MSG_REQD_OPER] = 'Operator "$OPER" is not valid for "required"';

        // MSG_PAT_FAILED is sent in an Alert message when a "conditions" pattern
        // match has not matched anything (this isn't necessarily an error)
        // Parameters:
        //  $OPER       the "conditions" operator
        //  $PAT        the "conditions" pattern
        //  $VALUE      the value that was searched
    $aMessages[MSG_PAT_FAILED] = 'Pattern operator "$OPER" failed: pattern '.
                                 '"$PAT", value searched was "$VALUE".';

        // MSG_COND_OPER is sent in an Alert message when a "conditions"
        // operator is not value
        // Parameters:
        //  $OPER       the "conditions" operator
    $aMessages[MSG_COND_OPER] = 'Operator "$OPER" is not valid for "conditions"';

        // MSG_INV_COND is sent in an Alert message when a "conditions"
        // field is not valid
        // Parameters:
        //  FLD     the field name
    $aMessages[MSG_INV_COND] = 'Invalid "conditions" field "$FLD" - not a string or array.';

        // MSG_COND_CHARS is sent in an Alert message when a "conditions"
        // field is missing the mandatory first 2 characters (the separators)
        // Parameters:
        //  FLD     the field name
        //  COND    the conditions field value
    $aMessages[MSG_COND_CHARS] = 'The conditions field "$FLD" is not valid. '.
                                 'You must provide the two separator '.
                                 'characters at the beginning. You had "$COND".';

        // MSG_COND_INVALID is sent in an Alert message when a "conditions"
        // field has the wrong format
        // Parameters:
        //  FLD     the field name
        //  COND    the conditions field value
        //  SEP     the internal separator character for the field.
    $aMessages[MSG_COND_INVALID] = 'The conditions field "$FLD" is not valid. '.
                                   'There must be at least 5 components '.
                                   'separated by "$SEP". Your value was "$COND".';

        // MSG_COND_TEST_LONG is sent in an Alert message when a "conditions"
        // TEST value has too many components
        // Parameters:
        //  FLD     the field name
        //  COND    the conditions field value
        //  SEP     the list separator character for the field.
    $aMessages[MSG_COND_TEST_LONG] = 'Field "$FLD" has too many components for '.
                                     'a "TEST" command: "$COND".\nAre you missing '.
                                     'a "$SEP"?';

        // MSG_COND_IF_SHORT is sent in an Alert message when a "conditions"
        // IF value has too few components
        // Parameters:
        //  FLD     the field name
        //  COND    the conditions field value
        //  SEP     the internal separator character for the field.
    $aMessages[MSG_COND_IF_SHORT] = 'Field "$FLD" has too few components for '.
                                    'an "IF" command: "$COND".\nThere must be '.
                                    'at least 6 components separated by "$SEP"';

        // MSG_COND_IF_LONG is sent in an Alert message when a "conditions"
        // IF value has too many components
        // Parameters:
        //  FLD     the field name
        //  COND    the conditions field value
        //  SEP     the list separator character for the field.
    $aMessages[MSG_COND_IF_LONG] = 'Field "$FLD" has too many components for '.
                                   'an "IF" command: "$COND".\nAre you missing '.
                                   'a "$SEP"?';

        // MSG_COND_UNK is sent in an Alert message when a "conditions"
        // value has an unknown command
        // Parameters:
        //  FLD     the field name
        //  COND    the conditions field value
        //  CMD     the unknown command
    $aMessages[MSG_COND_UNK] = 'Field "$FLD" has an unknown command word '.
                               '"$CMD": "$COND".';

        // MSG_MISSING is sent in an Alert message when
        // a socket filter is incorrectly defined
        // Parameters:
        //  ITEM    the missing item
    $aMessages[MSG_MISSING] = 'Missing "$ITEM"';

        // MSG_NEED_ARRAY is sent in an Alert message when
        // a socket filter is incorrectly defined
        // Parameters:
        //  ITEM    the item that should be an array
    $aMessages[MSG_NEED_ARRAY] = '"$ITEM" must be an array';

        // MSG_SUBM_FAILED is shown to the user when an internal error
        // as occurred and that error is not to be shown
        // Parameters: none
    $aMessages[MSG_SUBM_FAILED] = 'Your form submission has failed due to '.
                                  'an error on our server.';

        // MSG_FILTER_WRONG is sent in an Alert message when
        // a socket filter is incorrectly defined
        // Parameters:
        //  FILTER  the filter name
        //  ERRORS  a string containing a list of errors
    $aMessages[MSG_FILTER_WRONG] = 'Filter "$FILTER" is not properly defined: '.

        // MSG_FILTER_CONNECT is sent in an Alert message when FormMail
        // cannot connect to a socket filter
        // Parameters:
        //  FILTER  the filter name
        //  SITE    the site
        //  ERRNUM  socket error number
        //  ERRSTR  socket error message
    $aMessages[MSG_FILTER_CONNECT] = 'Could not connect to site "$SITE" '.
                                     'for filter "$FILTER" ($ERRNUM): $ERRSTR';

        // MSG_FILTER_PARAM is sent in an Alert message when a socket
        // filter has an invalid parameter specification
        // Parameters:
        //  FILTER  the filter name
        //  NUM     parameter number
        //  NAME    parameter name
    $aMessages[MSG_FILTER_PARAM] = 'Filter "$FILTER" has invalid parameter '.
                                   '#$NUM: no "$NAME"';

        // MSG_FILTER_OPEN_FILE is sent in an Alert message when a socket
        // filter cannot open the required file
        // Parameters:
        //  FILTER  the filter name
        //  FILE    the file that could not be opened
        //  ERROR   the error message
    $aMessages[MSG_FILTER_OPEN_FILE] = 'Filter "$FILTER" cannot open file '.
                                       '"$FILE": $ERROR';

        // MSG_FILTER_FILE_ERROR is sent in an Alert message when a socket
        // filter gets an error message during reading a file
        // Parameters:
        //  FILTER  the filter name
        //  FILE    the file that could not be opened
        //  ERROR   the error message
        //  NLINES  the number of lines that were read successfully
    $aMessages[MSG_FILTER_FILE_ERROR] = 'Filter "$FILTER": read error on file '.
                                        '"$FILE" after $NLINES lines: $ERROR';

        // MSG_FILTER_READ_ERROR is sent in an Alert message when a socket
        // filter gets an error during reading from the socket
        // Parameters:
        //  FILTER  the filter name
        //  ERROR   the error message
    $aMessages[MSG_FILTER_READ_ERROR] = 'Filter "$FILTER" failed: read error: '.

        // MSG_FILTER_NOT_OK is sent in an Alert message when a socket
        // filter fails to return the agreed __OK__ indicator
        // Parameters:
        //  FILTER  the filter name
        //  DATA    the data returned from the filter
    $aMessages[MSG_FILTER_NOT_OK] = 'Filter "$FILTER" failed (missing '.
                                    '__OK__ line): $DATA';

        // MSG_FILTER_UNK is sent in an Alert message
        // when an unknown filter is specified by a form
        // Parameters:
        //  FILTER  the filter name
    $aMessages[MSG_FILTER_UNK] = 'Unknown filter "$FILTER"';

        // MSG_FILTER_CHDIR is sent in an Alert message
        // when FormMail cannot change to the filter's directory
        // Parameters:
        //  FILTER  the filter name
        //  DIR     the directory name
        //  ERROR   an error message from the system
    $aMessages[MSG_FILTER_CHDIR] = 'Cannot chdir to "$DIR" to run filter '.
                                   '"$FILTER": $ERROR';

        // MSG_FILTER_NOTFOUND is sent in an Alert message
        // when FormMail cannot execute the filter
        // Parameters:
        //  FILTER  the filter name
        //  CMD     the command line being executed
        //  ERROR   an error message from the system
    $aMessages[MSG_FILTER_NOTFOUND] = 'Cannot execute filter "$FILTER" with '.
                                      'command "$CMD": $ERROR';

        // MSG_FILTER_ERROR is sent in an Alert message
        // when a filter returns a non-zero status
        // Parameters:
        //  FILTER  the filter name
        //  ERROR   an error message from the system
        //  STATUS  the status return from the command
    $aMessages[MSG_FILTER_ERROR] = 'Filter "$FILTER" failed (status $STATUS): '.

        // MSG_SPARE is a spare message
    $aMessages[MSG_SPARE] = '';

        // MSG_TEMPLATE_ERRORS is sent as part of an Alert message
        // when a template has generated some errors.  The message
        // should end with a new line and the actual errors are
        // output after it.
        // Parameters:
        //  NAME    the template name
    $aMessages[MSG_TEMPLATE_ERRORS] = 'Template "$NAME" caused the '.
                                      'following errors $MNUM:\n';

        // MSG_TEMPLATE_FAILED is sent in an Alert message
        // when processing a template has failed.
        // Parameters:
        //  NAME    the template name
    $aMessages[MSG_TEMPLATE_FAILED] = 'Failed to process template "$NAME"';

        // MSG_MIME_PREAMBLE is sent in the preamble of MIME emails
        // Parameters: none
    $aMessages[MSG_MIME_PREAMBLE] = '(Your mail reader should not show this '.
                                    'text.\nIf it does you may need to '.
                                    'upgrade to more modern software.)';

        // MSG_MIME_HTML is sent in the preamble of HTML emails
        // Parameters:
        //  NAME    the template name
    $aMessages[MSG_MIME_HTML] = 'This message has been generated by FormMail '.
                                'using an HTML template\ncalled "$NAME". The '.
                                'raw text of the form results\nhas been '.
                                'included below, but your mail reader should '.
                                'display the HTML\nversion only (unless it\'s '.
                                'not capable of doing so).';

        // MSG_FILE_OPEN_ERROR is sent in an Alert message when FormMail
        // cannot open a file
        // Parameters:
        //  NAME    the file name
        //  TYPE    the type of file
        //  ERROR   the system error message
    $aMessages[MSG_FILE_OPEN_ERROR] = 'Failed to open $TYPE file "$NAME": $ERROR';

        // MSG_ATTACH_DATA is sent in an Alert message when the file
        // attachment through 'data' has gone wrong.
        // Parameters: none
    $aMessages[MSG_ATTACH_DATA] = 'Internal error: AttachFile requires '.
                                  '"tmp_name" or "data"';

        // MSG_PHP_HTML_TEMPLATES is sent in an Alert message when an
        // HTML template is used but the PHP version is too old.
        // Parameters:
        //  $PHPVERS    the current PHP version
    $aMessages[MSG_PHP_HTML_TEMPLATES] = 'HTMLTemplate option is only supported '.
                                     'with PHP version 4.0.5 or above.  Your '.
                                     'server is running version $PHPVERS.';

        // MSG_PHP_FILE_UPLOADS is sent in an Alert message when
        // file upload is used but the PHP version is too old.
        // Parameters:
        //  $PHPVERS    the current PHP version
    $aMessages[MSG_PHP_FILE_UPLOADS] = 'For security reasons, file upload is only '.
                                   'allowed with PHP version 4.0.3 or above. '.
                                   'Your server is running version $PHPVERS.';

        // MSG_FILE_UPLOAD is sent in an Alert message when
        // file upload is attempted but FormMail is not configured to allow
        // it
        // Parameters: none
    $aMessages[MSG_FILE_UPLOAD] = 'File upload attempt ignored';

        // MSG_FILE_UPLOAD_ATTACK is sent in an Alert message when
        // possible file upload attack is detected
        // Parameters:
        //  NAME    file name
        //  TEMP    temporary file name
        //  FLD     name of the file upload field
    $aMessages[MSG_FILE_UPLOAD_ATTACK] = 'Possible file upload attack '.
                                         'detected: field="$FLD", name="$NAME" '.
                                         'temp name="$TEMP"';

        // MSG_PHP_PLAIN_TEMPLATES is sent in an Alert message when a
        // Plain template is used but the PHP version is too old.
        // Parameters:
        //  $PHPVERS    the current PHP version
    $aMessages[MSG_PHP_PLAIN_TEMPLATES] = 'PlainTemplate option is only supported '.
                                     'with PHP version 4.0.5 or above.  Your '.
                                     'server is running version $PHPVERS.';

        // MSG_ATTACH_NAME is sent in an Alert message when a
        // the form uses the Attach feature without specifying a file name
        // Parameters: none
    $aMessages[MSG_ATTACH_NAME] = 'filter_options: Attach must contain a name '.
                                  '(e.g. Attach=data.txt)';

        // MSG_PHP_BCC is sent in an Alert message when a
        // the form uses the BCC feature and the PHP version may not support it
        // Parameters:
        //  $PHPVERS    the current PHP version
    $aMessages[MSG_PHP_BCC] = 'Warning: BCC is probably not supported on your '.
                              'PHP version ($PHPVERS)';

        // MSG_CSVCOLUMNS is sent in an Alert message when a csvcolumns field
        // is not correct
        // Parameters:
        //  $VALUE  the csvcolumns field value
    $aMessages[MSG_CSVCOLUMNS] = 'The "csvcolumns" setting is not '.
                                 'valid: "$VALUE"';

        // MSG_CSVFILE is sent in an Alert message when a csvfile field
        // is not correct
        // Parameters:
        //  $VALUE  the csvfile field value
    $aMessages[MSG_CSVFILE] = 'The "csvfile" setting is not valid: "$VALUE"';

        // MSG_TARG_EMAIL_PAT_START is sent in an Alert message when a
        // $TARGET_EMAIL pattern is insecure because of a missing '^'
        // at the beginning
        // Parameters:
        //  $PAT    the pattern
    $aMessages[MSG_TARG_EMAIL_PAT_START] = 'Warning: Your TARGET_EMAIL pattern '.
                                           '"$PAT" is missing a ^ at the '.

        // MSG_TARG_EMAIL_PAT_END is sent in an Alert message when a
        // $TARGET_EMAIL pattern is insecure because of a missing '$'
        // at the end
        // Parameters:
        //  $PAT    the pattern
    $aMessages[MSG_TARG_EMAIL_PAT_END] = 'Warning: Your TARGET_EMAIL pattern '.
                                         '"$PAT" is missing a $ at the end.';

        // MSG_CONFIG_WARN is sent in an Alert message when the FormMail
        // configuration may have some problems.  The messages are
        // passed on separate lines, so the line terminations below
        // are important.
        // Parameters:
        //  $MESGS  lines of messages
    $aMessages[MSG_CONFIG_WARN] = 'The following potential problems were found '.
                                  'in your configuration:\n$MESGS\n\n'.
                                  'These are not necessarily errors, but you '.
                                  'should review the documentation\n'.
                                  'inside formmail.php.  If you are sure your '.
                                  'configuration is correct\n'.
                                  'you can disable the above messages by '.
                                  'changing the CONFIG_CHECK settings.';

        // MSG_PHP_AUTORESP is sent in an Alert message when the PHP version
        // does not support autoresponding
        // Parameters:
        //  $PHPVERS    current PHP version
    $aMessages[MSG_PHP_AUTORESP] = 'Autorespond is only supported with PHP '.
                                   'version 4.0.5 or above.  Your server is '.
                                   'running version $PHPVERS.';

        // MSG_ALERT is the test alert message (formmail.php?testalert=1)
        // Parameters:
        //  $LANG               the language ID
        //  $PHPVERS            PHP version
        //  $FM_VERS            FormMail version
        //  $SERVER             server type
        //  $DOCUMENT_ROOT      PHP's DOCUMENT_ROOT value
    $aMessages[MSG_ALERT] = 'This is a test alert message $MNUM\n'.
                            'Loaded language is $LANG\n'.
                            'PHP version is $PHPVERS\n'.
                            'FormMail version is $FM_VERS\n'.
                            'Server type: $SERVER\n'.
                            'DOCUMENT_ROOT: $DOCUMENT_ROOT\n'.
                            'SCRIPT_FILENAME: $SCRIPT_FILENAME\n'.
                            'PATH_TRANSLATED: $PATH_TRANSLATED\n'.
                            'REAL_DOCUMENT_ROOT: $REAL_DOCUMENT_ROOT';

        // MSG_NO_DEF_ALERT is displayed if you use the testalert feature
        // and no DEF_ALERT setting has been provided.
        // Parameters: none
    $aMessages[MSG_NO_DEF_ALERT] = 'No DEF_ALERT value has been set.';

        // MSG_TEST_SENT is displayed if when use the testalert feature
        // Parameters: none
    $aMessages[MSG_TEST_SENT] = 'Test message sent.  Check your email.';

        // MSG_TEST_FAILED is displayed if when use the testalert feature
        // and the mail sending fails.
        // Parameters: none
    $aMessages[MSG_TEST_FAILED] = 'FAILED to send alert message.  Check your '.
                                  'server error logs.';

        // MSG_NO_DATA_PAGE is the page that's displayed if the user
        // just opens the URL to FormMail directly.
        // Parameters: none
    $aMessages[MSG_NO_DATA_PAGE] =  'This URL is a Form submission program.\n'.
                                    'It appears the form is not working '.
                                    'correctly as there was no data found.\n'.
                                    'You\'re not supposed to browse to this '.
                                    'URL; it should be accessed from a form.';

        // MSG_REQD_ERROR is displayed to the user as a default error
        // message when they haven't supplied some required fields
        // Parameters: none
    $aMessages[MSG_REQD_ERROR] = 'The form required some values that you '.
                                 'did not seem to provide.';

        // MSG_COND_ERROR is displayed to the user as a default error
        // message when some form conditions have failed
        // Parameters: none
    $aMessages[MSG_COND_ERROR] = 'Some of the values you provided are not valid.';

        // MSG_CRM_FAILURE is displayed to the user when submission
        // to the CRM has failed.
        // Parameters:
        //      $URL    the URL that was used
        //      $DATA   data returned from the CRM
    $aMessages[MSG_CRM_FAILURE] = 'The form submission did not succeed due to '.
                                  'a CRM failure. URL was \'$URL\'. '.
                                  'Returned CRM data:\n$DATA';

        // MSG_FOPTION_WARN is sent in an Alert message when the form
        // uses the superseded SendMailFOption feature
        // Parameters:
        //  $LINE   line number for SENDMAIL_F_OPTION
    $aMessages[MSG_FOPTION_WARN] = 'Warning: You\'ve used SendMailFOption in '.
                                   '"mail_options" in your form. This has been '.
                                   'superseded with a configuration setting '.
                                   'inside formmail.php.  Please update your '.
                                   'formmail.php configuration (look for '.
                                   'SENDMAIL_F_OPTION on line $LINE) and set '.
                                   'it to "true", then remove SendMailFOption '.
                                   'from your form(s).';

        // MSG_NO_ACTIONS is sent in an Alert message when there is no
        // action to perform or email address to send to
        // Parameters: none
    $aMessages[MSG_NO_ACTIONS] = 'The form has an internal error - no actions '.
                                 'or recipients were specified.';

        // MSG_NO_RECIP is sent in an Alert message when there are no
        // valid recipients to send to
        // Parameters: none
    $aMessages[MSG_NO_RECIP] = 'The form has an internal error - no valid '.
                               'recipients were specified.';

        // MSG_INV_EMAIL is sent in an Alert message when there are errors
        // in the email addresses specified in the form
        // Parameters:
        //  $ERRORS     list of errors
    $aMessages[MSG_INV_EMAIL] = 'Invalid email addresses were specified '.
                                'in the form $MNUM:\n$ERRORS';

        // MSG_FAILED_SEND is sent in an Alert message when the mail sending fails.
        // Parameters: none
    $aMessages[MSG_FAILED_SEND] = 'Failed to send email';

        // MSG_ARESP_EMAIL is sent in an Alert message when
        // no email address has been specified for an autoreponse
        // Parameters: none
    $aMessages[MSG_ARESP_EMAIL] = 'No "email" field was found. Autorespond '.
                                  'requires the submitter\'s email address.';

        // MSG_ARESP_SUBJ is the default subject for the auto response email
        // Parameters: none
    $aMessages[MSG_ARESP_SUBJ] = 'Your form submission';

        // MSG_LOG_NO_VERIMG is written to the auto respond log file
        // if no VerifyImgString session variable was found
        // Parameters: none
    $aMessages[MSG_LOG_NO_VERIMG] = 'No VerifyImgString or turing_string in session, '.
                                    'no reverse CAPTCHA, no reCaptcha';

        // MSG_ARESP_NO_AUTH is shown to the user
        // if no VerifyImgString session variable was found
        // Parameters: none
    $aMessages[MSG_ARESP_NO_AUTH] = 'Failed to obtain authorization to send '.
                                    'you email. This is probably a fault on '.
                                    'the server.';

        // MSG_LOG_NO_MATCH is written to the auto respond log file
        // if the user's entry did not match the image verification
        // Parameters: none
    $aMessages[MSG_LOG_NO_MATCH] = 'User did not match image';

        // MSG_LOG_RECAPTCHA is written to the auto respond log file
        // if the reCaptcha process fails
        // Parameters:
        //  ERR the reCaptcha error code
    $aMessages[MSG_LOG_RECAPTCHA] = 'reCaptcha process failed ($ERR)';

        // MSG_ARESP_NO_MATCH is shown to the user
        // if the user's entry did not match the image verification
        // Parameters: none
    $aMessages[MSG_ARESP_NO_MATCH] = 'Your entry did not match the image';

        // MSG_LOG_FAILED is written to the auto respond log file
        // if the autoresponding failed
        // Parameters: none
    $aMessages[MSG_LOG_FAILED] = 'Failed';

        // MSG_ARESP_FAILED is sent in an Alert message
        // if the autoresponding failed
        // Parameters: none
    $aMessages[MSG_ARESP_FAILED] = 'Autoresponder failed';

        // MSG_LOG_OK is written to the auto respond log file
        // if the autoresponding succeeded
        // Parameters: none
    $aMessages[MSG_LOG_OK] = 'OK';

        // MSG_THANKS_PAGE is the default page that's displayed if the
        // submission is successful
        // Parameters: none
    $aMessages[MSG_THANKS_PAGE] = 'Thanks!  We\'ve received your information '.
                                  'and, if it\'s appropriate, we\'ll be in '.
                                  'contact with you soon.';

        // MSG_LOAD_MODULE is sent in an alert message if a module
        // could not be loaded.
        // Parameters:
        //  $FILE    the file name
        //  $ERROR   the error message
    $aMessages[MSG_LOAD_MODULE] = 'Cannot load module from file \'$FILE\': $ERROR';

        // MSG_LOAD_FMCOMPUTE is sent in an alert message if the form
        // specifies at least one "fmcompute" field and the FMCompute
        // module cannot be loaded.
        // Parameters:
        //  $FILE    the file name
        //  $ERROR   the error message
    $aMessages[MSG_LOAD_FMCOMPUTE] = 'Cannot load FMCompute module from file '.
                                        '\'$FILE\': $ERROR';

        // MSG_REGISTER_MODULE is sent in an alert message if a module
        // could not register with FMCompute
        // Parameters:
        //  $NAME    the name of the module
        //  $ERROR   the error message
    $aMessages[MSG_REGISTER_MODULE] = 'Cannot register module $NAME with '.
                                        'FMCompute: $ERROR';

        // MSG_COMP_PARSE is sent in an alert message if a parse error
        // occurs in an fmcompute field
        // Parameters:
        //  $CODE    the code with an error
        //  $ERRORS  the error messages
    $aMessages[MSG_COMP_PARSE] = 'These parse errors occurred in the following '.

        // MSG_COMP_REG_DATA is sent in an alert message if FormMail cannot
        // register a data field with the FMCompute module
        // Parameters:
        //  $NAME    the field name
        //  $ERROR  the error message
    $aMessages[MSG_COMP_REG_DATA] = 'Failed to register data field \'$NAME\': '.

        // MSG_COMP_ALERT is sent in an alert message if the FMCompute
        // module has generated some alert messages.
        // Parameters:
        //  $ALERTS  the alerts
    $aMessages[MSG_COMP_ALERT] = 'The following alert messages were reported '.
                                'from the FMCompute module: $ALERTS';

        // MSG_COMP_DEBUG is sent in an alert message if the FMCompute
        // module has generated some debug messages.
        // Parameters:
        //  $DEBUG  the alerts
    $aMessages[MSG_COMP_DEBUG] = 'The following debug messages were reported '.
                                'from the FMCompute module: $DEBUG';

        // MSG_COMP_EXEC is sent in an alert message if the FMCompute
        // module has generated some error messages during execution
        // Parameters:
        //  $ERRORS  the errors
    $aMessages[MSG_COMP_EXEC] = 'The following error messages were reported '.
                                'from the FMCompute module: $ERRORS';

        // MSG_TEMPL_ALERT is sent in an alert message if Advanced Template
        // Processing has generated some alert messages.
        // Parameters:
        //  $ALERTS  the alerts
    $aMessages[MSG_TEMPL_ALERT] = 'The following alert messages were reported '.
                                'from the Advanced Template Processor: $ALERTS';

        // MSG_TEMPL_DEBUG is sent in an alert message if Advanced Template
        // Processing has generated some debug messages.
        // Parameters:
        //  $DEBUG  the alerts
    $aMessages[MSG_TEMPL_DEBUG] = 'The following debug messages were reported '.
                                'from the Advanced Template Processor: $DEBUG';

        // MSG_TEMPL_PROC is sent in an alert message if Advanced Template Processing
        // has generated some error messages during processing
        // Parameters:
        //  $ERRORS  the errors
    $aMessages[MSG_TEMPL_PROC] = 'The following error messages were reported '.
                                'from the Advanced Template Processor: $ERRORS';

        // MSG_REG_FMCOMPUTE is sent in an Alert message when FormMail
        // cannot register an external function with FMCompute.
        // Parameters:
        //  FUNC    the function that could not be registered
        //  ERROR   the error message
    $aMessages[MSG_REG_FMCOMPUTE] = 'Cannot register function "$FUNC" with '.
                                    'FMCompute: $ERROR';

        // MSG_USER_ERRORS is shown as part of a user error when an FMCompute
        // has called the "UserError" function one or more times.
        // Parameters:
        //  NONE
    $aMessages[MSG_USER_ERRORS] = 'One or more errors occurred in your form submission';

        // MSG_CALL_PARAM_COUNT is sent in an alert when a call to a FormMail
        // function from FMCompute has the wrong number of parameters
        // Parameters:
        //  FUNC    the function name
        //  COUNT   the actual number of parameters passed
    $aMessages[MSG_CALL_PARAM_COUNT] = 'FMCompute called FormMail function '.
                                       '\'$FUNC\' with wrong number of '.
                                       'parameters: $COUNT';

        // MSG_CALL_UNK_FUNC is sent in an alert when FMCompute calls an
        // unknown FormMail function
        // Parameters:
        //  FUNC    the function name
    $aMessages[MSG_CALL_UNK_FUNC] = 'FMCompute called unknown FormMail function '.

        // MSG_SAVE_FILE is sent in an alert when saving a file to
        // the server has failed
        // Parameters:
        //  FILE    the source file name (usually a temporary file name)
        //  DEST    the destination file name
        //  ERR     the error message
    $aMessages[MSG_SAVE_FILE] = 'Failed to save file \'$FILE\' to \'$DEST\': $ERR';

        // MSG_SAVE_FILE_EXISTS is sent as part of an alert when saving a file to
        // the repository ($FILE_REPOSITORY) has failed because the file
        // already exists and FILE_OVERWRITE is set to false.
        // Parameters:
        //  FILE    the destination file name
    $aMessages[MSG_SAVE_FILE_EXISTS] = 'Cannot save file to repository as this would '.
                                        'overwrite \'$FILE\' and you have '.
                                        'set FILE_OVERWRITE to false.';

        // MSG_EMPTY_ADDRESSES is sent as part of an alert when a number of empty
        // email addresses have been specified in recipients, cc, or bcc
        // *and* there are no valid addresses provided
        // in the list
        // Parameters:
        //  COUNT    the number of empty addresses
    $aMessages[MSG_EMPTY_ADDRESSES] = '$COUNT empty addresses';

        // MSG_CALL_INVALID_PARAM is sent in an alert when a call to a FormMail
        // function from FMCompute has an invalid parameter
        // Parameters:
        //  FUNC    the function name
        //  PARAM   the parameter number
        //  CORRECT information about correct values
    $aMessages[MSG_CALL_INVALID_PARAM] = 'FMCompute called FormMail function '.
                                       '\'$FUNC\' with an invalid parameter '.
                                       'number $PARAM. Correct values are: $CORRECT';

        // MSG_INI_PARSE_WARN is sent in an alert when the INI file
        // may have a syntax error and cannot be parsed.
        // Parameters:
        //  FILE    the file name
    $aMessages[MSG_INI_PARSE_WARN] = 'Warning: your INI file \'$FILE\' appears '.
                                        'to be empty.  This may indicate a syntax error.';

        // MSG_INI_PARSE_ERROR is shown as an error message when the INI file
        // has a syntax error and cannot be parsed.
        // Parameters:
        //  FILE    the file name
    $aMessages[MSG_INI_PARSE_ERROR] = 'The FormMail INI file \'$FILE\' has a syntax error';

        // MSG_CHMOD is sent in an alert when changing the protection
        // mode of a file to has failed
        // Parameters:
        //  FILE    the file name
        //  MODE    the mode
        //  ERR     the error message
    $aMessages[MSG_CHMOD] = 'Failed to change protection mode of file \'$FILE\' '.
                            'to $MODE: $ERR';

        // MSG_VERIFY_MISSING is shown to the user image verification string
        // was not found
        // Parameters: none
    $aMessages[MSG_VERIFY_MISSING] = 'Image verification string missing. This'.
                                     ' is probably a fault on the server.';

        // MSG_VERIFY_MATCH is shown to the user
        // if the user's entry did not match the image verification for the
        // imgverify option
        // Parameters: none
    $aMessages[MSG_VERIFY_MATCH] = 'Your entry did not match the image';

        // MSG_RECAPTCHA_MATCH is shown to the user
        // if using the reCaptcha system and there was an error
        // Parameters:
        //  ERR the error code from the reCaptcha API
    $aMessages[MSG_RECAPTCHA_MATCH] = 'reCaptcha verification failed ($ERR)';

        // MSG_FILE_NAMES_INVALID is sent in an Alert message when
        // a form's file_names setting has errors
        // Parameters: none
        // A list of errors is appended on separate lines
    $aMessages[MSG_FILE_NAMES_INVALID] = 'Some file_names specifications are invalid $MNUM:\n';

        // MSG_FILE_NAMES_NOT_FILE is sent in an Alert message when
        // a form's file_names setting refers to a file field that doesn't
        // exist
        // Parameters:
        //      NAME    the name of the file field that doesn't exist
    $aMessages[MSG_FILE_NAMES_NOT_FILE] = 'Your file_names specification has '.
                                          'an error. \'$NAME\' is not the name '.
                                          'of a file upload field\n';

        // MSG_NEXT_PLUS_GOOD is sent in an alert message if the form is
        // ambiguous and specifies both "next_form" and "good_url" or
        // "good_template"
        // Parameters:
        //  $WHICH  the "good_" field that was specified
    $aMessages[MSG_NEXT_PLUS_GOOD] = 'The form has specified both "next_form" '.
                                    'and "$WHICH" fields - the action to '.
                                    'to perform is ambiguous';

        // MSG_MULTIFORM is sent in an Alert message when a form tries
        // to use a multi-form template, but templates have not been configured in
        // formmail.php
        // Parameters: none
    $aMessages[MSG_MULTIFORM] = 'You must set either MULTIFORMDIR or MULTIFORMURL '.
                                'in formmail.php before you can use '.
                                'multi-page forms.';

        // MSG_MULTIFORM_FAILED is sent in an Alert message
        // when processing a multi-page form template has failed.
        // Parameters:
        //  NAME    the template name
    $aMessages[MSG_MULTIFORM_FAILED] = 'Failed to process multi-page form template "$NAME"';

        // MSG_NEED_THIS_FORM is sent in an Alert message
        // when a multi-page form does not specify the "this_form" field.
        // Parameters:
        //  none
    $aMessages[MSG_NEED_THIS_FORM] = 'Multi-page forms require "this_form" field';

        // MSG_NO_PHP_SELF is sent in an Alert message
        // when FormMail requires the "PHP_SELF" server variable and PHP is not
        // providing it.
        // Parameters:
        //  none
    $aMessages[MSG_NO_PHP_SELF] = 'PHP on the server is not providing "PHP_SELF"';

        // MSG_RETURN_URL_INVALID is sent in an Alert message
        // when "this_form" is not a valid return URL.  This occurs for
        // multi-page forms.
        // Parameters:
        //  URL     the invalid URL
    $aMessages[MSG_RETURN_URL_INVALID] = 'Return URL "$URL" is not valid';

        // MSG_GO_BACK is sent in an Alert message
        // when "multi_go_back" has been submitted but this isn't part of a
        // multi-page form.
        // Parameters:
        //  none
    $aMessages[MSG_GO_BACK] = 'Cannot "go back" if not in a multi-page form '.
                              'sequence or at the first page of the form '.

        // MSG_OPEN_URL is sent in an Alert message when a URL cannot
        // be opened.
        // Parameters:
        //  URL     the invalid URL
        //  ERROR   error message
    $aMessages[MSG_OPEN_URL] = 'Cannot open URL "$URL": $ERROR';

        // MSG_CANNOT_RETURN is sent in an Alert message when an invalid return
        // request is made in a multi-page form sequence.
        // Parameters:
        //  TO          the requested page index
        //  TOPINDEX    the top page index
    $aMessages[MSG_CANNOT_RETURN] = 'Cannot return to page $TO.  The top page '.
                                    'index is $TOPINDEX';

        // MSG_ATTACK_DETECTED is sent in an Alert message when an attack on
        // the server has been detected
        // Parameters:
        //  ATTACK      name or description of the attack
        //  INFO        more information about the attack
    $aMessages[MSG_ATTACK_DETECTED] = 'Server attack "$ATTACK" detected. '.
                                      'Your server is safe as FormMail is '.
                                      'invulnerable to this attack.  You can '.
                                      'disable these messages by setting '.
                                      'ALERT_ON_ATTACK_DETECTION to false '.
                                      'in FormMail\'s configuration section.'.
                                      '\nMore information:\n$INFO';

        // MSG_ATTACK_PAGE is the contents of the browser page displayed to the
        // user when an attack is detected
        // Parameters:
        //  SERVER      the name of the server (website)
        //  USERINFO    details of the error
    $aMessages[MSG_ATTACK_PAGE] = 'Your form submission has been rejected '.
                                  'as it appears to be an abuse of our server ('.
                                  '$SERVER).<br />'.
                                  'Our supplier of forms processing software has '.
                                  'provided <a href="" '.
                                  ' target="_blank">more information about this error</a>.<br /><br />'.

        // MSG_ATTACK_MIME_INFO is the contents of the INFO parameter
        // to the MSG_ATTACK_DETECTED message for the MIME attack
        // Parameters:
        //  FLD     name of the field
        //  CONTENT the invalid content found in the field
    $aMessages[MSG_ATTACK_MIME_INFO] = 'The field "$FLD" contained invalid '.
                                       'content "$CONTENT"';

        // MSG_ATTACK_DUP_INFO is the contents of the INFO parameter
        // to the MSG_ATTACK_DETECTED message for the Duplicate Data attack
        // Parameters:
        //  FLD1     name of the first field
        //  FLD2     name of the second field
    $aMessages[MSG_ATTACK_DUP_INFO] = 'The fields "$FLD1" and "$FLD2" contained '.
                                      'duplicate data';

        // MSG_ATTACK_SPEC_INFO is the contents of the INFO parameter
        // to the MSG_ATTACK_DETECTED message for the Special Field attack
        // Parameters:
        //  FLD     name of the special field
    $aMessages[MSG_ATTACK_SPEC_INFO] = 'Special field "$FLD" contained an email address';

        // MSG_ATTACK_MANYURL_INFO is the contents of the INFO parameter
        // to the MSG_ATTACK_DETECTED message for the Many URLs attack
        // Parameters:
        //  FLD     name of the field
        //  NUM     number of URLs detected
    $aMessages[MSG_ATTACK_MANYURL_INFO] = 'Field "$FLD" contained $NUM URLs';

        // MSG_ATTACK_MANYFIELDS_INFO is the contents of the INFO parameter
        // to the MSG_ATTACK_DETECTED message for the Many Fields with URLs
        // attack
        // Parameters:
        //  NUM     number of fields detected with URLs
        //  FLDS    list of fields with URLs in them
    $aMessages[MSG_ATTACK_MANYFIELDS_INFO] = '$NUM fields contained URLs: $FLDS';

        // MSG_REV_CAP is an error regarding the setting of ATTACK_DETECTION_REVERSE_CAPTCHA
        // Parameters: none
    $aMessages[MSG_REV_CAP] = 'ATTACK_DETECTION_REVERSE_CAPTCHA is not set correctly, '.
                                'and will be ignored. Please refer to the documentation '.
                                'to make the correct setting.';

        // MSG_ATTACK_REV_CAP_INFO is the contents of the INFO parameter
        // to the MSG_ATTACK_DETECTED message for the Reverse Captcha attack
        // detection
        // Parameters:
        //  FLD     name of the field
        //  CONTENT the invalid content found in the field
    $aMessages[MSG_ATTACK_REV_CAP_INFO] = 'The field "$FLD" contained unexpected '.
                                       'content "$CONTENT".';

        // MSG_ATTACK_JUNK_INFO is the contents of the INFO parameter
        // to the MSG_ATTACK_DETECTED message for the JUNK attack
        // Parameters:
        //  FLD     name of the field
        //  JUNK    the junk that was found
    $aMessages[MSG_ATTACK_JUNK_INFO] = 'The field "$FLD" contained junk '.
                                       'data "$JUNK"';

        // MSG_ARESP_EMPTY is an alert message sent when
        // an autoresponse template or file is empty
        // Parameters:
        //  TYPE    the type of autoreponse requested
    $aMessages[MSG_ARESP_EMPTY] = 'The autoresponse is empty.  The form '.
                                    'requested $TYPE';

        // MSG_NEED_SCRATCH_PAD is an alert message when processing requires
        // SCRATCH_PAD configuration for file upload processing.  This occurs
        // when you upload files in pages of a multi page form sequence.
        // Parameters:
        //  none
    $aMessages[MSG_NEED_SCRATCH_PAD] = 'You need to set SCRATCH_PAD in the '.
                                        'configuration section to process '.
                                        'uploaded files.';

        // MSG_OPEN_SCRATCH_PAD is an alert message when the SCRATCH_PAD
        // directory cannot be opened for cleanup.
        // Parameters:
        //  DIR     name of the directory
        //  ERR     more error information
    $aMessages[MSG_OPEN_SCRATCH_PAD] = 'Cannot open SCRATCH_PAD directory '.
                                        '"$DIR".  Open failed: $ERR';

        // MSG_NO_NEXT_NUM_FILE is an alert message when a form tries to
        // use the %nextnum% derivation feature but you haven't
        // setup FormMail's configuration correctly.
        // Parameters:
        //  none
    $aMessages[MSG_NO_NEXT_NUM_FILE] = 'You cannot use the %nextnum% feature: '.
                                        'you have not configured NEXT_NUM_FILE';

        // MSG_NEXT_NUM_FILE is an alert message when a form tries to
        // use the %nextnum% derivation feature but the next number file cannot
        // be processed.
        // Parameters:
        //  FILE    name of the file
        //  ACT     action
        //  ERR     more error information
    $aMessages[MSG_NEXT_NUM_FILE] = 'Cannot $ACT next number file '.
                                            '\'$FILE\': $ERR';

        // MSG_MULTI_UPLOAD is an alert message when processing of uploaded
        // fails during a multi-page form sequence
        // Parameters:
        //  none
    $aMessages[MSG_MULTI_UPLOAD] = 'File upload processing failed during '.
                                    'multi-page form processing.';

        // MSG_URL_PARSE is an error message when a URL to be opened
        // cannot be parsed
        // Parameters:
        //  none
    $aMessages[MSG_URL_PARSE] = 'Failed to parse URL';

        // MSG_URL_SCHEME is an error message when a URL to be opened
        // has an unsupported "scheme" value
        // Parameters:
        //  SCHEME     the scheme that was seen
    $aMessages[MSG_URL_SCHEME] = 'Unsupported URL scheme "$SCHEME"';

        // MSG_SOCKET is an error message when opening a socket for a URL
        // fails
        // Parameters:
        //  ERRNO     the error code
        //  ERRSTR    the error string
        //  PHPERR    the value of $php_errormsg
    $aMessages[MSG_SOCKET] = 'Socket error $ERRNO: $ERRSTR: $PHPERR';

        // MSG_GETURL_OPEN is an error message when the web server reports
        // a failure on opening a URL
        // Parameters:
        //  STATUS     the HTTP status value (number + string)
    $aMessages[MSG_GETURL_OPEN] = 'Open URL failed: $STATUS';

        // MSG_RESOLVE is an error message when a host name cannot be
        // resolved to an IP address
        // Parameters:
        //  NAME    the host name that could not be resolved
    $aMessages[MSG_RESOLVE] = 'Cannot resolve host name "$NAME"';

        // MSG_FORM_OK is the page title for the default
        // "thank you" page
        // Parameters:
        //  none
    $aMessages[MSG_FORM_OK] = 'Form Submission Succeeded';

        // MSG_FORM_ERROR is the page title for default
        // error pages
        // Parameters:
        //  none
    $aMessages[MSG_FORM_ERROR] = 'Form Submission Error';

        // MSG_GET_DISALLOWED is the message shown when GET method is used
        // but has been disabled.
        // Parameters:
        //  none
    $aMessages[MSG_GET_DISALLOWED] = 'GET method has been disabled.  Forms must use '.
                                        'the POST method. Alternatively, reconfigure '.
                                        'FormMail to allow the GET method.';

        // MSG_FILE_UPLOAD_ERRn are the error messages corresponding to the
        // PHP file upload error code n.
        // Parameters:
        //  none
    $aMessages[MSG_FILE_UPLOAD_ERR1] = 'The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini.';
    $aMessages[MSG_FILE_UPLOAD_ERR2] = 'The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the html form.';
    $aMessages[MSG_FILE_UPLOAD_ERR3] = 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded.';
    $aMessages[MSG_FILE_UPLOAD_ERR4] = 'No file was uploaded.';
    $aMessages[MSG_FILE_UPLOAD_ERR6] = 'Missing a temporary folder.';
    $aMessages[MSG_FILE_UPLOAD_ERR7] = 'Failed to write file to disk.';
    $aMessages[MSG_FILE_UPLOAD_ERR8] = 'File upload stopped by extension.';

        // MSG_FILE_UPLOAD_ERR_UNK is displayed when an unknown error code
        // is provided by PHP for a file upload
        // Parameters:
        //  ERRNO   the error code
    $aMessages[MSG_FILE_UPLOAD_ERR_UNK] = 'Unknown file upload error code $ERRNO';

        // MSG_FILE_UPLOAD_SIZE is displayed when an uploaded file exceeds
        // the configured maximum size
        // Parameters:
        //  NAME   the uploaded file's name
        //  SIZE   the size of the uploaded file
        //  MAX    the maximum size that was exceeded
    $aMessages[MSG_FILE_UPLOAD_SIZE] = 'Uploaded file "$NAME" is too big ('.
                                        '$SIZE bytes). The maximum permitted '.
                                        'size is $MAX kilobytes.';

        // MSG_DER_FUNC_ERROR is sent in an Alert message when
        // a form uses a derive_fields function that's
        // formatted incorrectly
        // Parameters:
        //  $SPEC   the invalid value specification
        //  $MSG    a message describing the error or providing an example
    $aMessages[MSG_DER_FUNC_ERROR] = 'derive_fields: invalid function specification '.
                                     '"$SPEC": $MSG';

        // MSG_DER_FUNC_SIZE_FMT describes the right syntax for the "size" function
        // Parameters:
        //  none
    $aMessages[MSG_DER_FUNC_SIZE_FMT] = '"size" function requires this format: '.

        // MSG_DER_FUNC_IF_FMT describes the right syntax for the "if" function
        // Parameters:
        //  none
    $aMessages[MSG_DER_FUNC_IF_FMT] = '"if" function requires this format: '.

        // MSG_DER_FUNC_NEXTNUM_FMT describes the right syntax for the "nextnum" function
        // Parameters:
        //  none
    $aMessages[MSG_DER_FUNC_NEXTNUM_FMT] = '"nextnum" function requires this format: '.
                                    'nextnum(pad) or nextnum(pad;base).  pad and base '.
                                    'must be numbers. base must be 2 to 36 inclusive';

        // MSG_DER_FUNC_EXT_FMT describes the right syntax for the "ext" function
        // Parameters:
        //  none
    $aMessages[MSG_DER_FUNC_EXT_FMT] = '"ext" function requires this format: '.

        // MSG_DER_FUNC1_FMT describes the right syntax for a function
        // requiring one parameter
        // Parameters:
        //  FUNC    name of the function
    $aMessages[MSG_DER_FUNC1_FMT] = '"$FUNC" function requires this format: '.

        // MSG_USER_ATTACK_JUNK is a message shown to the user when a junk
        // attack has been detected
        // Parameters:
        //  INPUT   the data the user input
    $aMessages[MSG_USER_ATTACK_JUNK] = 'The following input looks like a junk attack '.
                                        'on our server.  Please avoid scientific '.
                                        'or technical terms with long sequences '.
                                        'of consonants or vowels: $INPUT';

        // MSG_USER_ATTACK_REV_CAP is a message shown to the user when a reverse
        // captcha attack has been detected
        // Parameters:
        //  none
    $aMessages[MSG_USER_ATTACK_REV_CAP] = 'Your input looks like an automated spambot '.
                                        'attacking our server.  Some automatic form '.
                                        'fillers can trigger this detection. Try '.
                                        'filling in our form manually. If you use the '.
                                        'back button to go back, make sure you '.
                                        'refresh the page before trying again.';

        // MSG_USER_ATTACK_DUP is a message shown to the user when a duplicate
        // data attack has been detected
        // Parameters:
        //  none
    $aMessages[MSG_USER_ATTACK_DUP] = 'You have input the same information in '.
                                        'several fields in the form. Please '.
                                        're-submit the form without duplication';

        // MSG_USER_ATTACK_MANY_URLS is a message shown to the user when a many urls
        // attack has been detected
        // Parameters:
        //  none
    $aMessages[MSG_USER_ATTACK_MANY_URLS] = 'Your input includes a number of URLs. '.
                                            'This server has been configured to reject '.
                                            'form submissions with too many URLs. '.
                                            'Please re-submit the form without URLs or '.
                                            'with fewer URLs.';

        // MSG_USER_ATTACK_MANY_URL_FIELDS is a message shown to the user when a many urls
        // attack has been detected
        // Parameters:
        //  none

}  // <A NAME="BuiltinMessages"> Jump to: <A HREF="#MessageNumbers">

    // If the form submission was using the GET method, switch to the
    // GET vars instead of the POST vars
if (isset($aServerVars["REQUEST_METHOD"]) && $aServerVars["REQUEST_METHOD"] === "GET")
    $bIsGetMethod = true;
        if ($bUseOldVars)
            $aFormVars = &$HTTP_GET_VARS;
            $aFormVars = &$_GET;
    elseif (($bUseOldVars && count($HTTP_GET_VARS) > 0) || (!$bUseOldVars && count($_GET) > 0))
        $bHasGetData = true;

    // Load the default language, and then override with an optional language file.
function LoadLanguage()

    // To return the value of a string or empty string if not set.
function CheckString($ss)
    return (isset($ss) ? $ss : "");

$aGetMessageSubstituteErrors = array();
$aGetMessageSubstituteFound = array();
$bGetMessageSubstituteNoErrors = false;

    // Worker function for GetMessage's preg_replace_callback calls.
    // Returns the value of the matched variable name.
    // Variables are searched for in the global $aGetMessageValues.
    // If no such variable exists, an empty string is returned and the
    // global variable $aGetMessageSubstituteErrors lists the missing names.
function GetMessageSubstituteParam($a_matches)
    global  $aGetMessageValues,$aGetMessageSubstituteErrors;
    global  $aGetMessageSubstituteFound,$bGetMessageSubstituteNoErrors;

    $s_name = $a_matches[1];
    $aGetMessageSubstituteFound[] = $s_name;
    $s_value = "";
    if (isset($aGetMessageValues[$s_name]))
        $s_value = $aGetMessageValues[$s_name];
    elseif ($bGetMessageSubstituteNoErrors)
        $s_value = '$'.$s_name;
        $aGetMessageSubstituteErrors[] = $s_name;
    return ($s_value);

    // Returns message text from a message number, with optional parameters.
function GetMessage($i_msg_num,$a_params = array(),
                        $b_show_mnum = true,$b_no_errors = false)
    global  $aMessages,$sLangID,$bShowMesgNumbers;

    if (!isset($aMessages[$i_msg_num]))
        SendAlert("Unknown Message Number $i_msg_num was used",false,true);
        $s_text = "<UNKNOWN MESSAGE NUMBER>";
        $s_text = $aMessages[$i_msg_num];
    $s_mno = $bShowMesgNumbers ? "[M$i_msg_num]" : "";

    $s_orig_text = $s_text;
        // substitute parameters; only works with PHP version 4.0.5 or later
    if (strpos($s_text,'$') !== false)
        global  $aGetMessageValues,$aGetMessageSubstituteErrors;
        global  $aGetMessageSubstituteFound,$bGetMessageSubstituteNoErrors;

        $aGetMessageSubstituteErrors = array();
        $aGetMessageSubstituteFound = array();
        $aGetMessageValues = HTMLEntitiesArray($a_params,true);
        $bGetMessageSubstituteNoErrors = $b_no_errors;
        $aGetMessageValues["MNUM"] = $s_mno;    // add the message number
            // search for words in this form:
            //      $word
            // where word begins with an alphabetic character and
            // consists of alphanumeric and underscore
        $s_text = preg_replace_callback('/\$([a-z][a-z0-9_]*)/i',
        if (count($aGetMessageSubstituteErrors) > 0)
            SendAlert("Message Number $i_msg_num ('$s_orig_text') in language $sLangID ".
                        "specified the following unsupported parameters: ".
        if (!in_array("MNUM",$aGetMessageSubstituteFound))
                // append the message number
            $s_text .= $b_show_mnum ? " $s_mno" : "";
            // append the message number
        $s_text .= $b_show_mnum ? " $s_mno" : "";
        // replace '\n' sequences with new lines
    return (str_replace('\n',"\n",$s_text));

    // Check for old version of PHP - die if too old.
function IsOldVersion(&$a_this_version)
    $a_modern = array(4,1,0);   // versions prior to this are "old" - "4.1.0"
    $s_req_string = "4.0.5";    // version 4.0.5 of PHP is required from
                                // FormMail 5.00 onward (because we use
                                // preg_replace_callback for all messages to
                                // support languages other than English)
    $a_too_old = explode(".",$s_req_string);

    $i_cannot_use = ($a_too_old[0] * 10000) +
                    ($a_too_old[1] * 100) +

    $s_vers_string = phpversion();
    $a_this_version = explode(".",$s_vers_string);
    $i_this_num = ($a_this_version[0] * 10000) +
                    ($a_this_version[1] * 100) +

    if ($i_this_num <= $i_cannot_use)
    $i_modern_num = ($a_modern[0] * 10000) +
                    ($a_modern[1] * 100) +
    return ($i_this_num < $i_modern_num);

    // Check if the server is Windows
function IsServerWindows()
    static  $bGotAnswer = false;
    static  $bAnswer;

    if (!$bGotAnswer)
        if ((isset($_ENV["OS"]) && stristr($_ENV["OS"],"windows") !== false) ||
            (isset($_SERVER["PATH"]) && stristr($_SERVER["PATH"],"winnt") !== false) ||
            (isset($_SERVER["PATH"]) && stristr($_SERVER["PATH"],"windows") !== false) ||
            (isset($_SERVER["SystemRoot"]) && stristr($_SERVER["SystemRoot"],"winnt") !== false) ||
            (isset($_ENV["SystemRoot"]) && stristr($_ENV["SystemRoot"],"winnt") !== false) ||
            (isset($_SERVER["SystemRoot"]) && stristr($_SERVER["SystemRoot"],"windows") !== false) ||
            (isset($_ENV["SystemRoot"]) && stristr($_ENV["SystemRoot"],"windows") !== false) ||
            (isset($_SERVER["Path"]) && stristr($_SERVER["Path"],"windows") !== false))
            $bAnswer = true;
            $bAnswer = false;
        $bGotAnswer = true;
    return ($bAnswer);

    // To return a temporary file name from $SCRATCH_PAD
function GetScratchPadFile($s_prefix)
    global  $SCRATCH_PAD;

    switch (substr($SCRATCH_PAD,-1))
    case '/':
    case '\\':
        $s_dir = substr($SCRATCH_PAD,0,-1);
        $s_dir = $SCRATCH_PAD;
        // Ideally, we could use tempnam. But,
        // tempnam is system dependent and might not use the
        // SCRATCH_PAD directory even if we tell it to.
        // So, we'll force the file into SCRATCH_PAD.
        // Note that we do *not* create the file, even though tempnam
        // does create it in PHP version 4.0.3 and above. (The reason is
        // we can't guarantee a non-race condition anyway.)
        $i_rand = mt_rand(0,16777215);  // 16777215 is FFFFFF in hex
        $s_name = $SCRATCH_PAD."/".$s_prefix.sprintf("%06X",$i_rand);
    while (file_exists($s_name));
    return ($s_name);

    // To return a temporary file name.
function GetTempName($s_prefix)
    global  $SCRATCH_PAD;

    if (isset($SCRATCH_PAD) && !empty($SCRATCH_PAD))
        $s_name = GetScratchPadFile($s_prefix);
        $s_name = tempnam("/tmp",$s_prefix);
    return ($s_name);

    // To find a directory on the server for temporary files.
function GetTempDir()
    $s_name = GetTempName("fm");
    if (file_exists($s_name))
    $s_dir = dirname($s_name);
    return ($s_dir);

    // Returns true if the PHP version is at or later than the string specified
    // (can't use "version_compare" before 4.1.0).
function IsPHPAtLeast($s_vers)
    global  $aPHPVERSION;

    $a_test_version = explode(".",$s_vers);
    if (count($a_test_version) < 3)
        return (false);
    return ($aPHPVERSION[0] > $a_test_version[0] ||
            ($aPHPVERSION[0] == $a_test_version[0] &&
                ($aPHPVERSION[1] > $a_test_version[1] ||
                    $aPHPVERSION[1] == $a_test_version[1] &&
                        $aPHPVERSION[2] >= $a_test_version[2])));

define('DEBUG',false);      // for production
//define('DEBUG',true);         // for development and debugging
define('RFCLINELEN',76);      // recommend maximum line length from RFC 2822

    // The user agent string to use when opening URLs
$sUserAgent = "FormMail/$FM_VERS (from";

if (DEBUG)
    error_reporting(E_ALL);     // trap everything!
    if (IsPHPAtLeast("5.0.0"))
    $iOldLevel = error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_WARNING);
        // report everyting except warnings and notices
    error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_WARNING ^ E_NOTICE);

function SetRealDocumentRoot()
    global  $aServerVars,$REAL_DOCUMENT_ROOT;

    if (isset($aServerVars['SCRIPT_FILENAME']))
    elseif (isset($aServerVars['PATH_TRANSLATED']))
        $REAL_DOCUMENT_ROOT = "";
        // look for 'www' or 'public_html' and strip back to that if found,
        // otherwise just get the directory name
    if (($i_pos = strpos($REAL_DOCUMENT_ROOT,"/www/")) !== false)
        $REAL_DOCUMENT_ROOT = substr($REAL_DOCUMENT_ROOT,0,$i_pos+4);
    elseif (($i_pos = strpos($REAL_DOCUMENT_ROOT,"/public_html/")) !== false)
        $REAL_DOCUMENT_ROOT = substr($REAL_DOCUMENT_ROOT,0,$i_pos+12);
    elseif (!empty($REAL_DOCUMENT_ROOT))
    elseif (isset($aServerVars['DOCUMENT_ROOT']) &&
        $REAL_DOCUMENT_ROOT = $aServerVars['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];

    // Hook system: before initialization (but after configuration)
if ($HOOK_DIR !== "")
    if (!@include("$HOOK_DIR/"))

if (!empty($SESSION_NAME))

    // Session data access
function    GetSession($s_name)
    global  $bUseOldVars,$HTTP_SESSION_VARS;

    if ($bUseOldVars)
        return (isset($HTTP_SESSION_VARS) ? $HTTP_SESSION_VARS[$s_name] : null);
        return (isset($_SESSION) ? $_SESSION[$s_name] : null);

    // Session data isset
function    IsSetSession($s_name)
    global  $bUseOldVars,$HTTP_SESSION_VARS;

    if ($bUseOldVars)
        return (isset($HTTP_SESSION_VARS) && isset($HTTP_SESSION_VARS[$s_name]));
        return (isset($_SESSION) && isset($_SESSION[$s_name]));

    // Session data setting
function    SetSession($s_name,$m_value)
    global  $bUseOldVars,$HTTP_SESSION_VARS;

    if ($bUseOldVars)
        $HTTP_SESSION_VARS[$s_name] = $m_value;
        $_SESSION[$s_name] = $m_value;

    // Session data un-setting
function    UnsetSession($s_name)
    global  $bUseOldVars,$HTTP_SESSION_VARS;

    if ($bUseOldVars)
        $HTTP_SESSION_VARS[$s_name] = null;
        $_SESSION[$s_name] = null;

function ZapSession()
    global  $aSessionVarNames;

        if (session_id() != '')
        foreach ($aSessionVarNames as $s_var_name)

$bReverseCaptchaCompleted = false;      // records whether ATTACK_DETECTION_REVERSE_CAPTCHA has been completed successfully

    // This array lists the private variables used by FormMail.
    // We use the names here to cleanup the session when FormMail has
    // finished its processing.
$aSessionVarNames = array("FormError","FormErrorInfo","FormErrorCode",

UnsetSession("FormError");                  // start with no error
UnsetSession("FormErrorInfo");              // start with no error
UnsetSession("FormErrorCode");              // start with no error
UnsetSession("FormErrorItems");             // start with no error
UnsetSession("FormData");                   // start with no data
UnsetSession("FormIsUserError");            // start with no data
UnsetSession("FormAlerted");                // start with no data

// Note that HTTP_REFERER is easily spoofed, so there's no point in
// using it for security.

    // SPECIAL_FIELDS is the list of fields that formmail.php looks for to
    // control its operation
        "email",        // email address of the person who filled in the form
        "realname",     // the real name of the person who filled in the form
        "recipients",   // comma-separated list of email addresses to which we'll send the results
        "cc",           // comma-separated list of email addresses to which we'll CC the results
        "bcc",          // comma-separated list of email addresses to which we'll BCC the results
        "replyto",      // comma-separated list of email addresses to whom replies should be sent
        "required",     // comma-separated list of fields that must be found in the input
        "conditions",   // complex condition tests
        "fmcompute",    // computations
        "fmmodules",    // list of modules required
        "fmmode",       // mode of operation
        "mail_options", // comma-separated list of options
        "good_url",     // URL to go to on success
        "good_template",// template file to display on success
        "bad_url",      // URL to go to on error
        "bad_template", // template file to display on error
        "template_list_sep", // separator when expanding lists in templates
        "this_form",    // the URL of the form (can be used by bad_url)
        "subject",      // subject for the email
        "env_report",   // comma-separated list of environment variables to report
        "filter",       // a supported filter to use
        "filter_options",// options for using the filter
        "filter_fields",// list of fields to filter (default is to filter all fields)
        "filter_files", // list of file fields to filter (default is to filter no file fields)
        "logfile",      // log file to write to
        "csvfile",      // file to write CSV records to
        "csvcolumns",   // columns to save in the csvfile
        "crm_url",      // URL for sending data to the CRM; note that the
                        // value must have a valid prefix specified in TARGET_URLS
        "crm_spec",     // CRM specification (field mapping)
        "crm_options",  // comma-separated list of options to control CRM processing
        "derive_fields", // a list of fields to derive from other fields
        "file_names",   // specifies names for files being uploaded
        "autorespond",  // specification for auto-responding
        "arverify",     // verification field to allow auto-responding
        "imgverify",    // verification field to allow submission
        "multi_start",  // set this field on the first page of a multi-page form sequence
        "multi_keep",   // set this field on the pages of a multi-page form sequence
                        // to the list of fields that should be kept when moving
                        // forward after going backwards
        "next_form",    // next form name or empty for last form
        "multi_go_back",// this field should be set when the user clicks the
                        // back button or link in a multi-page form sequence
        "alert_to",    // email address to send alerts (errors) to
            // fields for reCaptcha implementation
        "recaptcha_response_field",    // verification field to allow submission
        "recaptcha_challenge_field",   // challenge field

    // $SPECIAL_MULTI is the list of fields from $SPECIAL_FIELDS that can
    // have multiple values, for example:
    //      name="conditions1"
    //      name="conditions2"

    // $SPECIAL_ARRAYS is the list of fields from $SPECIAL_FIELDS that can
    // be submitted as arrays of values, for example:
    //      <select name="recipients[]">
    //      <option value="sales">Sales</option>
    //      <option value="service">Service</option>
    //      </select>

    // $SPECIAL_NOSTRIP is the list of fields from $SPECIAL_FIELDS that
    // should not be stripped (other than for magic_quotes_gpc reasons).

    // VALID_MAIL_OPTIONS lists the valid mail_options words

    // VALID_CRM_OPTIONS lists the valid crm_options words

    // VALID_AR_OPTIONS lists the valid autorespond words

    // VALID_FILTER_OPTIONS lists the valid filter_options words

    // SPECIAL_VALUES is set to the value of the fields we've found
    //  usage: $SPECIAL_VALUES["email"] is the value of the email field
$SPECIAL_VALUES = array();
    // Array of mail options; set by the function 'ProcessMailOptions'
$MAIL_OPTS = array();
    // Array of crm options; set by the function 'ProcessCRMOptions'
$CRM_OPTS = array();
    // Array of autorespond options; set by the function 'ProcessAROptions'
$AR_OPTS = array();
    // Array of filter options; set by the function 'ProcessFilterOptions'
$FILTER_OPTS = array();

    // initialise $SPECIAL_VALUES so that we don't fail on using unset values
foreach ($SPECIAL_FIELDS as $sFieldName)
    $SPECIAL_VALUES[$sFieldName] = "";

    // Defaults for some special fields....
$SPECIAL_VALUES['template_list_sep'] = ",";

    // FORMATTED_INPUT contains the input variables formatted nicely
    // This is used for error reporting and debugging only.

    // $FILTER_ATTRIBS_LOOKUP is the parsed $FILTER_ATTRIBS array

    // $EMAIL_ADDRS is the array of email addresses from the $FORM_INI_FILE
$EMAIL_ADDRS = array();

$reCaptchaProcessor = null;

     * Class:       reCaptchaWrapper
     * Description:     
     *  Wraps processing of reCaptcha.
    class   reCaptchaWrapper
        var     $_sPrivate;     // the private key
        var     $_bDone;        // true when done
        var     $_Resp;         // the response from reCaptcha

         * Method:      reCaptchaWrapper ctor
         * Parameters:  $s_priv     the private key
         * Returns:     n/a
         * Description: 
         *  Initializes the wrapper ready to process reCaptcha.
        function    reCaptchaWrapper($s_priv)
            $this->_sPrivate = $s_priv;
            $this->_bDone = false;

         * Method:      reCaptchaWrapper::Check
         * Parameters:  $s_response the reCaptcha respone value
         *              $a_values   field values
         *              $s_error    returns the reCaptcha error code
         * Returns:     bool        true on success, otherwise false
         * Description: 
         *  Performs the reCaptcha check and caches the result so it's
         *  only done once.
        function    Check($s_response,$a_values,&$s_error)
            if (!$this->_bDone)
                $this->_Resp = recaptcha_check_answer($this->_sPrivate,
            $this->_bDone = true;
            $s_error = "";
            if (!$this->_Resp->is_valid)
                $s_error = $this->_Resp->error;
            return ($this->_Resp->is_valid);

    $reCaptchaProcessor = new reCaptchaWrapper($RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY);

 * Class:       EmailChecker
 * Description:     
 *  Contains a list of valid email addresses and email address patterns.
 *  Provides methods for checking the validity of an email address.
class   EmailChecker
    var     $_aAddresses;       // valid email addresses (as keys)
    var     $_aTargetPatterns;  // valid email address patterns

     * Method:      EmailChecker ctor
     * Parameters:  $a_patterns     an array of email address patterns
     * Returns:     n/a
     * Description: 
     *  Constructs the object.
    function    EmailChecker($a_patterns = array())
        $this->_aAddresses = array();
        $this->_aTargetPatterns = $a_patterns;

     * Method:      EmailChecker::AddAddress
     * Parameters:  $s_addr     an email address
     * Returns:     void
     * Description: 
     *  Adds an email address to the list of valid email addresses.
    function    AddAddress($s_addr)
        $this->_aAddresses[$s_addr] = true;

     * Method:      EmailChecker::AddAddresses
     * Parameters:  $s_list     a list ofemail addresses
     * Returns:     void
     * Description: 
     *  Adds a comma-separated list of email addresses to the list of valid email addresses.
    function    AddAddresses($s_list)
        $a_addrs = TrimArray(explode(",",$s_list));
        foreach ($a_addrs as $s_addr)

     * Method:      EmailChecker::CheckAddress
     * Parameters:  $s_email    an email address
     * Returns:     bool        true if the address is valid, otherwise false
     * Description: 
     *  Checks an email address for validity.
    function    CheckAddress($s_email)
        $b_is_valid = false;
        if (isset($this->_aAddresses[$s_email]))
            $b_is_valid = true;
            for ($ii = 0 ; $ii < count($this->_aTargetPatterns) ; $ii++)
                    // prepend / with \
                $s_pat = "/".str_replace('/','\\/',$this->_aTargetPatterns[$ii])."/i";
                if (preg_match($s_pat,$s_email))
                    $b_is_valid = true;
        return ($b_is_valid);

    // Create the object for checking emails
$ValidEmails = new EmailChecker($TARGET_EMAIL);

 * Class:       FieldManager
 * Description:     
 *  Encapsulates storage and lookup of field data.
 *  NOTE: this is initial code implemented in version 8.27 and is not complete.
 *  It's part of our transition to a more complete Object Oriented code base
 *  which is targeted for version 9.00.
class   FieldManager
    var     $_aFields;      // list of fields keyed by field name
    var     $_aFileFields;  // list of file fields keyed by field name (not currently used)
    var     $_sArraySep;        // last array separator specified
    var     $_sArraySepValue;   // array separator to use (after substitutions)
    var     $_nUnique;      // counter for unique string generation

     * Method:      FieldManager ctor
     * Parameters:  $a_fields       list of fields
     *              $a_file_fields  list of file fields
     * Returns:     n/a
     * Description: 
     *  Constructs the object.
    function    FieldManager($a_fields = array(),$a_file_fields = array())
        $this->_sArraySepValue = $this->_sArraySep = "";
        $this->_aFields = $this->_aFileFields = array();
        $this->_nUnique = 0;

     * Method:      FieldManager::Init
     * Parameters:  $a_fields       list of fields
     *              $a_file_fields  list of file fields
     * Returns:     void
     * Description: 
     *  Initializes the object with the field data.
    function    Init($a_fields,$a_file_fields)
        $this->_aFields = $a_fields;
        $this->_aFileFields = $a_file_fields;

     * Method:      FieldManager::GetFieldValue
     * Parameters:  $s_fld          name of the field
     *              $s_array_sep    string to use to separate array values
     * Returns:     string          the field's value
     * Description: 
     *      Return a field value.  Empty string is returned if the field is
     *      not found. File fields return the original name of the uploaded file.
    function GetFieldValue($s_fld,$s_array_sep = ";")
        if (!isset($this->_aFields[$s_fld]))
            if (($s_name = GetFileName($s_fld)) === false)
                $s_name = "";
            $s_value = $s_name;
        if (is_array($this->_aFields[$s_fld]))
            $s_value = implode($this->_GetArraySep($s_array_sep),$this->_aFields[$s_fld]);
            $s_value = (string) $this->_aFields[$s_fld];
        return ($s_value);

     * Method:      FieldManager::GetSafeFieldValue
     * Parameters:  $s_fld          name of the field
     *              $b_text_subs    perform text substitutions
     *              $s_array_sep    string to use to separate array values
     * Returns:     string          the field's value
     * Description: 
     *      Return a field value.  Empty string is returned if the field is
     *      not found. File fields return the original name of the uploaded file.
     *      The returned value is HTML-safe.
     *      b_text_subs performs text substitutions on the field value
     *      that are not affected by HTML-safety replacement.  This means
     *      $TEXT_SUBS can be used to force allowance of particular HTML
     *      tags.  Note that b_text_subs is not yet implemented for array field
     *      values.
    function GetSafeFieldValue($s_fld,$b_text_subs = false,$s_array_sep = ";")
            // for array values, insert the array separator after making
            // the individual values HTML-safe
            // The equivalent logic up to and including version 8.24 used
            // htmlspecialchars not htmlentities.
            // The use of htmlentities broke UTF-8 template processing,
            // and this was reported in version 8.28.
            // By specifying the character set, we trigger the use of htmlspecialchars
            // so the logic is equivalent to the old logic.
        if (isset($this->_aFields[$s_fld]) && is_array($this->_aFields[$s_fld]))
            $s_value = implode($this->_GetArraySep($s_array_sep),
            if (!isset($this->_aFields[$s_fld]))
                if (($s_name = GetFileName($s_fld)) === false)
                    $s_name = "";
                $s_value = $s_name;
                $s_value = (string) $this->_aFields[$s_fld];
            if ($b_text_subs)
                list($s_value,$a_subs_data) = $this->_PrepareTextSubstitute($s_value);
            $s_value = FixedHTMLEntities($s_value,GetMailOption("CharSet"));
            if ($b_text_subs)
                $s_value = $this->_CompleteTextSubstitute($s_value,$a_subs_data);
        return ($s_value);

     * Method:      FieldManager::_PrepareTextSubstitute
     * Parameters:  $s_value    the value to perform substitutions on
     * Returns:     array       [0]=>the processed value, [1]=>array of substitution data
     * Description:
     *  Prepares a value for text substitution using $TEXT_SUBS.
     *  Requires PHP 4.3.0 or later.
    function _PrepareTextSubstitute($s_value)
        global $TEXT_SUBS;

        $a_subs_data = array();
        if (!IsPHPAtLeast("4.3.0"))
            SendAlert("The text substitution feature requires PHP version 4.3.0 or later");
            for ($ii = 0; $ii < count($TEXT_SUBS); $ii++)
                $a_match_data = array();
                if (($n_matches = preg_match_all($TEXT_SUBS[$ii]["srch"],
                                    PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) !== false && $n_matches > 0)
                    $a_match_data["srch"] = $TEXT_SUBS[$ii]["srch"];
                    $a_match_data["repl"] = $TEXT_SUBS[$ii]["repl"];
                    $s_value = $this->_HTMLSafeSubstitute($s_value,$a_matches,$a_match_data);
                $a_subs_data[$ii] = $a_match_data;
        return (array($s_value,$a_subs_data));

     * Method:      FieldManager::_CompleteTextSubstitute
     * Parameters:  $s_value    the value to perform substitutions on
     *              $a_subs_data data that describes the substitutions to perform
     * Returns:     string      the new value
     * Description:
     *  Completes text substitution started by _PrepareTextSubstitute.
    function _CompleteTextSubstitute($s_value,$a_subs_data)
            // because later substitutions can capture earlier ones,
            // we have to process them all in reverse order
        for ($ii = count($a_subs_data) ; --$ii >= 0 ; )
            $a_subs_list = $a_subs_data[$ii];
            for ($jj = count($a_subs_list) ; --$jj >= 0 ; )
                $s_code = $a_subs_list[$jj]["code"];
                $s_subs = $a_subs_list[$jj]["subs"];
                $s_value = str_replace($s_code,$s_subs,$s_value);
        return ($s_value);

     * Method:      FieldManager::_MakeUniqueString
     * Parameters:  $s_base a base of the unique string
     * Returns:     string  a unique string
     * Description:
     *  Generates a unique string from a base string
    function _MakeUniqueString($s_base)
        $n_uniq = $this->_nUnique++;
        return ($s_base."_".str_pad("$n_uniq",5,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT));

     * Method:      FieldManager::_HTMLSafeSubstitute
     * Parameters:  $s_value    the string to substitute 
     *              $a_matches  list of matches and offsets from preg_match_all
     *              $a_match_data   contains some data, and returns replacement data
     *                          for the temporary substitution
     * Returns:     string      the temporarily substituted string
     * Description:
     *  Performs a temporary substitution on a string of the given matches with
     *  the given replacement specification. This makes the replacement using
     *  a special indicator string that can be substituted for the real value
     *  later.  This allows non-replaced parts of the string to be processed
     *  and made safe for HTML entities, without affecting our actual replacements.
    function _HTMLSafeSubstitute($s_value,$a_matches,&$a_match_data)
        $a_matches = $a_matches[0]; // we're only interested in the full pattern matches
        $s_srch = $a_match_data["srch"];
        $s_repl = $a_match_data["repl"];

            // to preserve offsets, we must process the string in reverse order
            // of the matches; since we don't assume the array is ordered
            // by ascending offset, we'll sort it now
        usort($a_matches,create_function('$a,$b','return $b[1] - $a[1];'));
        $a_match_data = array();
        for ($ii = 0; $ii < count($a_matches); $ii++)
            $s_match = $a_matches[$ii][0];
            $i_offset = $a_matches[$ii][1];
            $i_len = strlen($s_match);

            $s_subs = preg_replace($s_srch,$s_repl,$s_match);
                // the code string must e HTML safe so it doesn't get altered
                // before we can replace it; we use ! at the edges so that
                // other patterns can successfully match word boundaries
                // An improvement would be to determine the type of characters
                // at the edges of the matched string, then choose the substitution
                // edges accordingly.
            $s_code = "!".$this->_MakeUniqueString("SUBS")."!";
            $a_match_data[$ii] = array("subs"=>$s_subs,"code"=>$s_code);

            $s_value = substr($s_value,0,$i_offset).$s_code.
                substr($s_value,$i_offset + $i_len);
        return ($s_value);

     * Method:      FieldManager::IsFieldSet
     * Parameters:  $s_fld      name of the field
     * Returns:     bool        true if the field has a value
     * Description: 
     *  Test if a field is set in the $_aFields array or in the uploaded
     *  files.
    /*static*/ function    IsFieldSet($s_fld)
        global  $aFileVars;     // temporary code until this class is complete

        if (isset($this->_aFields[$s_fld]))
            return (true);
        if (FILEUPLOADS)
            if (isset($aFileVars[$s_fld]))
                return (true);
            if (IsSetSession("FormSavedFiles"))
                $a_saved_files = GetSession("FormSavedFiles");
                if (isset($a_saved_files[$s_fld]))
                    return (true);
        return (false);

     * Method:      FieldManager::TestFieldEmpty
     * Parameters:  $s_fld      name of the field
     *              $s_mesg     returns an error message, where possible
     * Returns:     bool        true if the field is empty
     * Description: 
     *  Tests a field against the $_aFields array for emptyness.
     *  If the var isn't found there, then the POSTed files array is checked.
     *  Returns true if the field is empty (a specific error may
     *  be returned in the $s_mesg parameter).
    /*static*/ function TestFieldEmpty($s_fld,&$s_mesg)
        global  $aFileVars;         // temporary until code completed

        $s_mesg = "";
        $b_empty = TRUE;
        if (!isset($this->_aFields[$s_fld]))
                // Each file var is an array with these elements:
                //      "name" => The original name of the file on the client machine.
                //      "type" => The mime type of the file, if the browser provided this information.
                //      "tmp_name" => The temporary filename of the file in which the uploaded file was stored on the server.
                //      "error" => The error code associated with this file upload.
                //                  NOTE: "error" was added in PHP 4.2.0
                //      "size" => The size, in bytes, of the uploaded file.
                // Error codes (the constants are only available from PHP 4.3.0 so
                // we have to use the raw numbers):
                //  UPLOAD_ERR_OK
                //      Value: 0; There is no error, the file uploaded with success.
                //  UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE
                //      Value: 1; The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini.
                //  UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE
                //      Value: 2; The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the html form.
                //  UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL
                //      Value: 3; The uploaded file was only partially uploaded.
                //  UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE
                //      Value: 4; No file was uploaded.
            if (FILEUPLOADS)
                if (IsSetSession("FormSavedFiles"))
                    $a_saved_files = GetSession("FormSavedFiles");
                    if (isset($a_saved_files[$s_fld]))
                        $a_upload = $a_saved_files[$s_fld];
                    elseif (isset($aFileVars[$s_fld]))
                        $a_upload = $aFileVars[$s_fld];
                elseif (isset($aFileVars[$s_fld]))
                    $a_upload = $aFileVars[$s_fld];
            if (isset($a_upload))
                if (isset($a_upload["tmp_name"]) && !empty($a_upload["tmp_name"]) &&
                    isset($a_upload["name"]) && !empty($a_upload["name"]))
                    if (IsUploadedFile($a_upload))
                        $b_empty = false;
                if ($b_empty && isset($a_upload["error"]))
                    switch ($a_upload["error"])
                    case 1:
                        $s_mesg = GetMessage(MSG_FILE_UPLOAD_ERR1);
                    case 2:
                        $s_mesg = GetMessage(MSG_FILE_UPLOAD_ERR2);
                    case 3:
                        $s_mesg = GetMessage(MSG_FILE_UPLOAD_ERR3);
                    case 4:
                        $s_mesg = GetMessage(MSG_FILE_UPLOAD_ERR4);
                    case 6:
                        $s_mesg = GetMessage(MSG_FILE_UPLOAD_ERR6);
                    case 7:
                        $s_mesg = GetMessage(MSG_FILE_UPLOAD_ERR7);
                    case 8:
                        $s_mesg = GetMessage(MSG_FILE_UPLOAD_ERR8);
                        $s_mesg = GetMessage(MSG_FILE_UPLOAD_ERR_UNK,
            $b_empty = FieldManager::IsEmpty($this->_aFields[$s_fld]);
        return ($b_empty);

     * Method:      FieldManager::IsEmpty
     * Parameters:  $s_value    the value to test
     * Returns:     bool        true if the value is "empty"
     * Description: 
     *  Same as "empty" but checks for true emptiness if ZERO_IS_EMPTY is
     *  set to false.
    /*static*/ function IsEmpty($s_value)
        if (ZERO_IS_EMPTY || is_array($s_value))
            return (empty($s_value));
            return ($s_value === "");

     * Method:      FieldManager::Substitute
     * Parameters:  $s_str      a string on which to perform substitutions
     * Returns:     string      the string, substituted
     * Description: 
     *  Makes substitutions on strings as specified in the configuration setting
     *  $TEXT_SUBS.
    /*static*/ function    Substitute($s_str)
        global  $TEXT_SUBS;

        $a_srch = $a_repl = array();
        foreach ($TEXT_SUBS as $a_sub)
            if (isset($a_sub["srch"]) &&
                isset($a_sub["repl"]) &&
                $a_sub["srch"] !== "")
                $a_srch[] = $a_sub["srch"];
                $a_repl[] = $a_sub["repl"];
        return (preg_replace($a_srch,$a_repl,$s_str));

     * Method:      FieldManager::_GetArraySep 
     * Parameters:  $s_sep      the string specified for array separations
     * Returns:     string      the string to use for array separations
     * Description: 
     *  Computes the array separation string.  $s_sep is subject to
     *  subsititions specified in $TEXT_SUBS, and then returned.
    function    _GetArraySep($s_sep)
            // check for cached (previously calculated) value
        if ($s_sep !== $this->_sArraySep)
            $this->_sArraySep = $s_sep;
            $this->_sArraySepValue = FieldManager::Substitute($this->_sArraySep);
        return ($this->_sArraySepValue);

    // Peform general line folding.
    // This function can be used for RFC 2822 line folding, as well
    // Quoted Printable soft line breaks (RFC 2045).
    // $s_before lists the characters before which we should fold the line.
    // $s_after lists the characters after which we should fold the line.
    // $s_fold is the string to insert to fold the line.
function    LineFolding($s_str,$i_max_line,$s_before,$s_after,$s_fold)
    $i_str_len = strlen($s_str);
    $ii = $i_start = 0;
    $i_line_len = 0;
    while ($ii < $i_str_len)
        if ($i_line_len == $i_max_line)
                // fold this line:
                // search backwards for a character at which we can
                // fold the line
            $b_done = false;
            for ($jj = $ii ; !$b_done && $jj > $i_start ; $jj--)
                $b_found = false;
                if (strpos($s_before,$s_str[$jj]) !== false)
                        // fold before this character
                    $b_found = true;
                elseif (strpos($s_after,$s_str[$jj]) !== false)
                        // fold after this character
                    $b_found = true;
                if ($b_found)
                    $s_str = substr($s_str,0,$jj).$s_fold.substr($s_str,$jj);
                    $i_fold_len = strlen($s_fold);
                    $i_str_len += $i_fold_len;        // the additional chars we inserted
                    $i_start = $jj + $i_fold_len; // start of the next line
                    $b_done = true;
                // if we cannot fold and shorten the line, 
                // ignore this and try for the next line
            if ($b_done)
                $ii = $i_start;
                $i_start = $ii;
            $i_line_len = 0;
        elseif (substr($s_str,$ii,2) == "\r\n")
                // end of line found - reset counters
            $i_line_len = 0;
            $ii += 2;
            $i_start = $ii;
    return ($s_str);

    // Quoted Printable Encoding with soft line breaks.
    // Process a string to fit the requirements of RFC2045 section 6.7. Note that
    // this works, but replaces more characters than the minimum set.
    // Prior to version 8.34, for readability the spaces were not encoded, which was
    // WRONG (see  Spaces must
    // be encoded.
    // Adapted from:
    // Note that we *must* split long lines because a QP string might not
    // contain any Folding White Space (FWS). In this case, it would
    // not be possible to fold the line according to RFC 2822.
    // Therefore, we need to use Soft Line Breaks as defined by the
    // Quoted Printable definition in RFC 2045.
    // Set $i_max_line to -ve to skip the line folding.
function    QPEncode($s_str,$i_max_line)
        // According to RFC2045 section 6.7 point (4), we need to keep any
        // actual \r\n breaks encoded in the QP.  The original code replaced
        // them with CRLF pairs.
    $s_str = str_replace('%','=',rawurlencode($s_str));
    if ($i_max_line < 0)
        return ($s_str);
        $s_before = "=";       // characters before which we can fold the line
        return (LineFolding($s_str,$i_max_line,$s_before,"","=\r\n"));

    // Peform header line folding according to RFC 2822.
    // $s_before lists the characters before which we should fold the line.
    // $s_after lists the characters after which we should fold the line.
    // Characters left out of folding:
    //      [] are part of no-fold-literal
    //      () are part of comments, and should work, but don't
function    HeaderFolding($s_str,$i_max_line = RFCLINELEN,$s_before = "<",$s_after = ">;, ")
    return (LineFolding($s_str,$i_max_line,$s_before,$s_after,"\r\n "));

    // Access the website to get the current version.
function CheckVersion()
    global  $FM_VERS;

    $http_get = new HTTPGet("");
    $php_errormsg = "";     // clear this out in case we get an error that doesn't set it
    if (($a_lines = $http_get->Read()) !== false)
            // version file looks like this:
            //      Version=versionumber
            //      Message=a message to send in the alert
        $s_version = "";
        $s_message = "";
        $s_line = "";
        $b_in_mesg = false;
        foreach ($a_lines as $s_line)
            if ($b_in_mesg)
                $s_message .= $s_line;
                $s_prefix = substr($s_line,0,8);
                if ($s_prefix == "Message=")
                    $s_message .= substr($s_line,8);
                    $b_in_mesg = true;
                elseif ($s_prefix == "Version=")
                    $s_version = substr($s_line,8);
        $s_version = str_replace("\r","",$s_version);
        $s_version = str_replace("\n","",$s_version);
        $s_stop_mesg = GetMessage(MSG_END_VERS_CHK);
        FMDebug("CheckVersion: vers=$s_version");
        if ((float) $s_version > (float) $FM_VERS)

    // Check for new FormMail version
function Check4Update($s_chk_file,$s_id = "")
    global  $lNow,$php_errormsg;

@   $l_last_chk = filemtime($s_chk_file);
    if ($l_last_chk === false || $lNow - $l_last_chk >= (CHECK_DAYS*24*60*60))
            // update the check file's time stamp
    @   $fp = fopen($s_chk_file,"w");
        if ($fp !== false)
            fwrite($fp,"FormMail version check ".
                (empty($s_id) ? "" : "for identifier '$s_id' ").
                "at ".date("H:i:s d-M-Y",$lNow)."\n");

    // Perform various processing at the end of the script's execution.
function OnExit()


        // Check the website for a new version, but only
        // do this check once every CHECK_DAYS days (or on server reboot).
        global  $SERVER;

        if (isset($TARGET_EMAIL[0]))
                // use the first few characters of the MD5 of first email
                // address pattern from $TARGET_EMAIL to get a unique file
                // for the server
            $s_id = "";
            if (isset($SERVER) && !empty($SERVER))
                $s_id = $SERVER;
            $s_dir = GetTempDir();
            $s_md5 = md5($TARGET_EMAIL[0]);
            $s_uniq = substr($s_md5,0,6);
            $s_chk_file = "fm"."$s_uniq".".txt";


    // Return the array with each string processed by htmlentities
function HTMLEntitiesArray($a_array,$b_equals_processing = false,$s_charset = NULL)
    foreach ($a_array as $m_key=>$s_str)
            // only encode the value after the '='
        if ($b_equals_processing && ($i_pos = strpos($s_str,'=')) !== false)
            $a_array[$m_key] = substr($s_str,0,$i_pos+1).
            $a_array[$m_key] = FixedHTMLEntities($s_str,$s_charset);
    return ($a_array);

    // Unfortunately, htmlentities (in some versions of PHP) gets
    // some characters wrong and converts them even when the
    // charset is provided.
    // This function overcomes this problem.
function    FixedHTMLEntities($s_str,$s_charset = NULL)
    global  $sHTMLCharSet;

    if (isset($s_charset) && $s_charset != "")
        return (htmlspecialchars($s_str,ENT_COMPAT,$s_charset));
    if (isset($sHTMLCharSet) && $sHTMLCharSet != "")
        return (htmlspecialchars($s_str,ENT_COMPAT,$sHTMLCharSet));
    return (htmlentities($s_str));

    // Return the array with each string urlencode'd.
function URLEncodeArray($a_array)
    foreach ($a_array as $m_key=>$s_str)
            // only encode the value after the '='
        if (($i_pos = strpos($s_str,'=')) !== false)
            $a_array[$m_key] = substr($s_str,0,$i_pos+1).
            $a_array[$m_key] = urlencode($s_str);
    return ($a_array);

    // Performs charset encoding for header line text.
    // This operates according to RFC 2047, but without
    // imposing the 75 character limit on an encoding.
    // I haven't implemented that because of all the dramas
    // with *trying* to obey the header line length rules that
    // don't seem to work with PHP, the MTA, and email clients.
function    EncodeHeaderText($s_text,$i_max_line = -1)
    global  $sHTMLCharSet;

        // RFCLINELEN is the RFC recommended maximum line length, but we don't know
        // what the front part of the line will be at this point.
        // So, we'll be conservative and reduce it.
    if ($i_max_line == 0)
        $i_max_line = RFCLINELEN - 15;
    $s_charset = "";
    if (isset($sHTMLCharSet) && $sHTMLCharSet != "")
        $s_charset = $sHTMLCharSet;
    else if (IsMailOptionSet("CharSet"))
        $s_charset = GetMailOption("CharSet");
    if ($s_charset != "")
            // this is the for base64 encoding.
            // quoted printable is a better choice for human readability
        //return ("=?".$s_charset."?B?".base64_encode($s_text)."?=");
        $s_prefix = "=?".$s_charset."?Q?";
        $s_suffix = "?=";
            // pick a line length that allows a line split with the prefix or suffix added
            // to be within the RFC maximum recommended line length
        return ($s_prefix.QPEncode($s_text,$i_max_line-strlen($s_prefix)).$s_suffix);
        return ($s_text);

    // Add a parameter or list of parameters to a URL.
function AddURLParams($s_url,$m_params,$b_encode = true)
    if (!empty($m_params))
        if (!is_array($m_params))
            $m_params = array($m_params);
        $s_anchor = "";
        if (($i_pos = strpos($s_url,'#')) !== false)
                // extract the anchor
            $s_anchor = substr($s_url,$i_pos);
            $s_url = substr($s_url,0,$i_pos);
        if (strpos($s_url,'?') === false)
            $s_url .= '?';
            $s_url .= '&';
        $s_url .= implode('&',($b_encode) ? URLEncodeArray($m_params) : $m_params);
        if ($s_anchor !== "")
            $s_url .= "$s_anchor";
    return ($s_url);

    // Recursively trim an array of strings (non string values are converted
    // to a string first).
function TrimArray($a_list)
    foreach ($a_list as $m_key=>$m_item)
        if (is_array($m_item))
            $a_list[$m_key] = TrimArray($m_item);
        elseif (is_scalar($m_item))
            $a_list[$m_key] = trim("$m_item");
            $a_list[$m_key] = "";
    return ($a_list);

    // Parse a derivation specification and return an array of
    // field names and operators.
function ParseDerivation($a_form_data,$s_fld_spec,$s_name,&$a_errors)
    $a_deriv = array();
    while (($i_len = strlen($s_fld_spec)) > 0)
            // we support the following operators:
            //      +   concatenate with a single space between, but skip the space
            //          if the next field is empty
            //      *   concatenate with a single space between
            //      .   concatenate with no space between
        $i_span = strcspn($s_fld_spec,'+*.');
        if ($i_span == 0)
            $a_errors[] = $s_name;
            return (false);
        $a_deriv[] = trim(substr($s_fld_spec,0,$i_span));
        if ($i_span < $i_len)
            $a_deriv[] = substr($s_fld_spec,$i_span,1);
            $s_fld_spec = substr($s_fld_spec,$i_span+1);
            $s_fld_spec = "";
    return ($a_deriv);

    // Test if a character is an alphabetic.
function IsAlpha($ch)
    return (strpos("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",strtolower($ch)) !== false);

    // Test if a character is a digit.
function IsNumeric($ch)
    return (strpos("0123456789",$ch) !== false);

    // Test if a character is an alphanumeric
function IsAlnum($ch)
    return (IsAlpha($ch) || IsNumeric($ch));

    // Return an array of tokens extracted from the given string.
    // A token is:
    //  - a word (begins with alpha or _, and is followed by any number
    //    of alphanumerics or _ chars)
    //  - a number (any number of consecutive digits with up to one period)
    //  - a string enclosed in specified quotes (this can be disabled)
    //  - any punctuation character
    // Anything not matching the above is silently ignored!
function GetTokens($s_str,$s_quotes = "'\"")
    $b_allow_strings = ($s_quotes !== "") ? true : false;
    $ii = 0;
    $i_len = strlen($s_str);
    $a_toks = array();

    while ($ii < $i_len)
        switch ($ch = $s_str[$ii])
        case " ":
        case "\t":
        case "\n":
        case "\r":
            // start of a token
        $i_start = $ii;
        if ($ch == "_" || IsAlpha($ch))
                // a word
            $i_count = 1;
            while (++$ii < $i_len &&
                   ($s_str[$ii] == "_" || IsAlnum($s_str[$ii])))
            $a_toks[] = substr($s_str,$i_start,$i_count);
        elseif (($ch == "." && $ii < ($i_len-1) && IsNumeric($s_str[$ii+1]))||
                // a number
            $b_had_dot = ($ch == ".");
            $i_count = 1;
            while (++$ii < $i_len)
                if (IsNumeric($s_str[$ii]))
                elseif ($s_str[$ii] == "." && !$b_had_dot)
                    $b_had_dot = true;
            $a_toks[] = substr($s_str,$i_start,$i_count);
        elseif ($b_allow_strings && strpos($s_quotes,$ch) !== false)
            $c_quote = $ch;
                // a quoted string
            while (++$ii < $i_len)
                if ($s_str[$ii] == $c_quote)
                    ++$ii;  // include the terminating quote
            $a_toks[] = substr($s_str,$i_start,$ii-$i_start);
            $s_punct = "~!@#$%^&*()-+={}[]|:;<>,.?/`\\";
            if (!$b_allow_strings)
                $s_punct .= "'\"";
            if (strpos($s_punct,$ch) !== false)
                $a_toks[] = $ch;
    return ($a_toks);

    // Return the value from a derive_fields specification.
    // Specifications are in this format:
    //      %info%
    // where info is a predefined word or a literal in quotes
    // (e.g. 'the time is ')
function ValueSpec($s_spec,$a_form_data,&$a_errors)
    global  $lNow;

    $s_value = "";
    switch (trim($s_spec))
    case 'date':        // "standard" date format: DD-MMM-YYYY
        $s_value = date('d-M-Y',$lNow);
    case 'time':        // "standard" time format: HH:MM:SS
        $s_value = date('H:i:s',$lNow);
    case 'ampm':        // am or pm
        $s_value = date('a',$lNow);
    case 'AMPM':        // AM or PM
        $s_value = date('A',$lNow);
    case 'dom0':        // day of month with possible leading zero
        $s_value = date('d',$lNow);
    case 'dom':         // day of month with no leading zero
        $s_value = date('j',$lNow);
    case 'day':         // day name (abbreviated)
        $s_value = date('D',$lNow);
    case 'dayname':     // day name (full)
        $s_value = date('l',$lNow);
    case 'daysuffix':   // day number suffix for English (st for 1st, nd for 2nd, etc.)
        $s_value = date('S',$lNow);
    case 'moy0':        // month of year with possible leading zero
        $s_value = date('m',$lNow);
    case 'moy':         // month of year with no leading zero
        $s_value = date('n',$lNow);
    case 'month':       // month name (abbreviated)
        $s_value = date('M',$lNow);
    case 'monthname':   // month name (full)
        $s_value = date('F',$lNow);
    case 'year':        // year (two digits)
        $s_value = date('y',$lNow);
    case 'fullyear':    // year (full)
        $s_value = date('Y',$lNow);
    case 'rfcdate':     // date formatted according to RFC 822
        $s_value = date('r',$lNow);
    case 'tzname':      // timezone name
        $s_value = date('T',$lNow);
    case 'tz':          // timezone difference from Greenwich +NNNN or -NNNN
        $s_value = date('O',$lNow);
    case 'hour120':     // hour of day (01-12) with possible leading zero
        $s_value = date('h',$lNow);
    case 'hour240':     // hour of day (00-23) with possible leading zero
        $s_value = date('H',$lNow);
    case 'hour12':      // hour of day (1-12) with no leading zero
        $s_value = date('g',$lNow);
    case 'hour24':      // hour of day (0-23) with no leading zero
        $s_value = date('G',$lNow);
    case 'min':         // minute of hour (00-59)
        $s_value = date('i',$lNow);
    case 'sec':         // seconds of minute (00-59)
        $s_value = date('s',$lNow);
        if ($s_spec[0] == "'")
                // to get a quote, use 3 quotes:
                //      '''
            if ($s_spec == "'''")
                $s_value = "'";
            elseif (substr($s_spec,-1,1) == "'")
                $s_value = substr($s_spec,1,-1);
                    // missing final quote is OK
                $s_value = substr($s_spec,1);
        elseif (strspn($s_spec,"0123456789ABCDEF") == 2)
                // insert the ASCII character corresponding to
                // the hexadecimal value
            $i_val = intval(substr($s_spec,0,2),16);
            $s_value = chr($i_val);
                // look for supported functions, start by getting all
                // the tokens
            $a_toks = GetTokens($s_spec);
            if (count($a_toks) > 0)
                switch ($a_toks[0])
                case "if":
                        // "if" function: test first field
                        //       if not empty, then use second field
                        //       else, use third field
                        // Example: if(fld1 ; fld2 ; fld3)
                        // tokens are:
                        //      1               (
                        //      2               the field name to test (first)
                        //      3               ;
                        //      4               the "then" spec (can be missing)
                        //      5               ;
                        //      6               the "else" spec (can be missing)
                        //      7               )
                    if (($n_tok = count($a_toks)) < 6 ||
                            $a_toks[1] != "(" ||
                            $a_toks[3] != ";" ||
                            $a_toks[$n_tok-1] != ")")
                        $b_ok = true;
                        $s_fld_name = $a_toks[2];
                        $s_then_spec = $s_else_spec = "";
                        for ($ii = 4 ; $ii < $n_tok && $a_toks[$ii] != ';' ; $ii++)
                            $s_then_spec .= $a_toks[$ii];
                        if ($ii == $n_tok)
                            $b_ok = false;
                                // Concatenate tokens until the ')'.
                                // This provides the "else" spec.
                            for ( ; ++$ii < $n_tok && $a_toks[$ii] != ')' ; )
                                $s_else_spec .= $a_toks[$ii];
                            if ($ii == $n_tok)
                                $b_ok = false;
                        if ($b_ok)
                            if (!TestFieldEmpty($s_fld_name,$a_form_data,$s_mesg))
                                $s_fld_spec = $s_then_spec;
                                $s_fld_spec = $s_else_spec;
                            $s_value = GetDerivedValue($a_form_data,$s_fld_spec,$a_errors);
                case "size":
                        // "size" function: return size of uploaded file
                        // Example: size(fieldname)
                        // tokens are:
                        //      1               (
                        //      2               the field name for the file upload
                        //      3               )
                    if (count($a_toks) != 4 ||
                            $a_toks[1] != "(" ||
                            $a_toks[3] != ")")
                    elseif (($i_size = GetFileSize($a_toks[2])) !== false)
                        $s_value = "$i_size";
                case "ext":
                        // "ext" function: return filename extension of uploaded file
                        // Example: ext(fieldname)
                        // tokens are:
                        //      1               (
                        //      2               the field name for the file upload
                        //      3               )
                    if (count($a_toks) != 4 ||
                            $a_toks[1] != "(" ||
                            $a_toks[3] != ")")
                    elseif (($s_name = GetFileName($a_toks[2])) !== false)
                        if (($i_pos = strrpos($s_name,".")) !== false)
                            $s_value = substr($s_name,$i_pos+1);
                case "ucase":
                case "lcase":
                        // "ucase" and "lcase" functions: return field
                        // converted to upper or lower case
                        // Example: lcase(fieldname)
                        // tokens are:
                        //      1               (
                        //      2               the field name to convert
                        //      3               )
                    if (count($a_toks) != 4 ||
                            $a_toks[1] != "(" ||
                            $a_toks[3] != ")")
                    elseif ($a_toks[0] == "ucase")
                        $s_value = strtoupper(GetFieldValue($a_toks[2],$a_form_data));
                        $s_value = strtolower(GetFieldValue($a_toks[2],$a_form_data));
                case "ltrim":
                case "rtrim":
                case "trim":
                        // trim functions: return field with whitespace removed
                        // from left (ltrim), right (rtrim), or both (trim)
                        // ends.
                        // Example: ltrim(fieldname)
                        // tokens are:
                        //      1               (
                        //      2               the field name to trim
                        //      3               )
                    if (count($a_toks) != 4 ||
                            $a_toks[1] != "(" ||
                            $a_toks[3] != ")")
                        $s_value = $a_toks[0](GetFieldValue($a_toks[2],$a_form_data));
                case "ltrim0":
                        // ltrim0 function: return field with blanks and
                        // leading 0's removed from the left.
                        // Example: ltrim0(fieldname)
                        // tokens are:
                        //      1               (
                        //      2               the field name to trim
                        //      3               )
                    if (count($a_toks) != 4 ||
                            $a_toks[1] != "(" ||
                            $a_toks[3] != ")")
                        $s_value = GetFieldValue($a_toks[2],$a_form_data);
                        $s_value = ltrim($s_value);     // trim blanks on left
                        $i_len = strspn($s_value,"0");
                            // if the whole string is zeroes, make sure we leave
                            // one of them!
                        if ($i_len == strlen($s_value))
                            if (--$i_len < 0)
                                $i_len = 0;
                        $s_value = substr($s_value,$i_len);
                case "nextnum":
                        // "nextnum" function: return a unique number (next number)
                        // Usage: nextnum[(pad[,base])]
                        // Examples:
                        //      %nextnum%
                        //      %nextnum(8)%
                        //      %nextnum(5;16)%
                        // You can provide a padding amount. In this case, the
                        // number is padded on the left with zeroes to the number
                        // of digits specified.
                        // You can also provide a base for your numbers.  Valid
                        // values for base are 2 to 36, inclusive.
                        // tokens are:
                        //      1               (
                        //      2               the padding amount
                        //      3               ;
                        //      4               the base
                        //      5               )
                    $i_pad = 0;     // no padding
                    $i_base = 10;   // base 10
                    if (($n_tok = count($a_toks)) > 1)
                        if (($n_tok != 4 && $n_tok != 6) ||
                            $a_toks[1] != "(" ||
                            $a_toks[$n_tok-1] != ")")
                                              "MSG"=>GetMessage(MSG_DER_FUNC_NEXTNUM_FMT)." (T1)")));
                        if ($n_tok == 6 && $a_toks[3] != ";")
                                              "MSG"=>GetMessage(MSG_DER_FUNC_NEXTNUM_FMT)." (T2)")));
                        if (!is_numeric($a_toks[2]) ||
                            ($n_tok == 6 && !is_numeric($a_toks[4])))
                                              "MSG"=>GetMessage(MSG_DER_FUNC_NEXTNUM_FMT)." (T3)")));
                        $i_pad = intval($a_toks[2]);
                        if ($n_tok == 6)
                            $i_base = intval($a_toks[4]);
                            if ($i_base < 2 || $i_base > 36)
                                                  "MSG"=>GetMessage(MSG_DER_FUNC_NEXTNUM_FMT)." (T4)")));
                                $i_base = 10;
                        $s_value = GetNextNum($i_pad,$i_base);
                        $s_value = GetNextNum($i_pad,$i_base);
    return ($s_value);

    // Return the next number or fail on error
function GetNextNum($i_pad,$i_base)
    global  $NEXT_NUM_FILE,$php_errormsg;

    if (!isset($NEXT_NUM_FILE) || $NEXT_NUM_FILE === "")
    if (($fp = @fopen($NEXT_NUM_FILE,"r+")) === false)
    if (!flock($fp,defined("LOCK_EX") ? LOCK_EX : 2))
        // read the first line only
    if (!feof($fp))
        if (($s_line = fread($fp,1024)) === false)
            $i_next = 1;
        elseif (($i_next = intval($s_line)) <= 0)
            $i_next = 1;
        $i_next = 1;
    if (rewind($fp) == 0)
    $s_ret = strval($i_next++);
    if (fputs($fp,"$i_next\r\n") <= 0)
    if ($i_base != 10)
        $s_ret = base_convert($s_ret,10,$i_base);
        $s_ret = strtoupper($s_ret);    // always upper case if alphas are used
    if ($i_pad != 0)
        $s_ret = str_pad($s_ret,$i_pad,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT);
    return ($s_ret);

    // Return the value of an object or array as a string.
function GetObjectAsString($m_value)
    $s_ret = ob_get_contents();
    return ($s_ret);

    // Return a Server or Environment variable value.  Returns false if
    // not found, otherwise a string value.
function GetEnvValue($s_name)
    global  $aServerVars,$aEnvVars;

    if (isset($aEnvVars[$s_name]))
        $m_value = $aEnvVars[$s_name];
    elseif (isset($aServerVars[$s_name]))
        $m_value = $aServerVars[$s_name];
        // some values might not be strings - so convert
    if (isset($m_value) && !is_scalar($m_value))
        $m_value = GetObjectAsString($m_value);
    return (isset($m_value) ? ((string) $m_value) : false);

    // Test if a field is set in the given vars array or in the uploaded
    // files.
function IsFieldSet($s_fld,$a_main_vars)
    global  $aFileVars;

    if (isset($a_main_vars[$s_fld]))
        return (true);
        if (isset($aFileVars[$s_fld]))
            return (true);
        if (IsSetSession("FormSavedFiles"))
            $a_saved_files = GetSession("FormSavedFiles");
            if (isset($a_saved_files[$s_fld]))
                return (true);
    return (false);

 * Function:    IsFileField
 * Parameters:  $s_fld  the field name
 * Returns:     bool    true if this is a file upload field
 * Description:     
 *  Checks if a field is a file upload field (regardless of whether
 *  file uploads are being allowed, or whether the actual upload
 *  is valid in any way).
function    IsFileField($s_fld)
    global  $aFileVars;
    return (isset($aFileVars[$s_fld]));

    // Delete the info for an uploaded file
function DeleteFileInfo($s_fld)
    global  $aFileVars;
    global  $aCleanedValues,$aRawDataValues,$aAllRawValues;

        if (IsSetSession("FormSavedFiles"))
            $a_saved_files = GetSession("FormSavedFiles");
        if (isset($aFileVars[$s_fld]))
            // zap any "name_of" field that has been created
        $s_name = "name_of_$s_fld";

    // Return the info for the uploaded file, or false on error.
function GetFileInfo($s_fld)
    global  $aFileVars;

            // Must look at new file uploads first.
        if (isset($aFileVars[$s_fld]) && !empty($aFileVars[$s_fld]))
            $a_upload = $aFileVars[$s_fld];
        elseif (IsSetSession("FormSavedFiles"))
            $a_saved_files = GetSession("FormSavedFiles");
            if (isset($a_saved_files[$s_fld]))
                $a_upload = $a_saved_files[$s_fld];
    if (isset($a_upload))
        if (isset($a_upload["tmp_name"]) && !empty($a_upload["tmp_name"]) &&
            isset($a_upload["name"]) && !empty($a_upload["name"]) &&
                return ($a_upload);
    return (false);

    // Return the original name of the uploaded file or false on error.
function GetFileName($s_fld)
    if (($a_upload = GetFileInfo($s_fld)) !== false)
        return ($a_upload["name"]);
    return (false);

    // Return the size of the uploaded file or false on error.
function GetFileSize($s_fld)
    if (($a_upload = GetFileInfo($s_fld)) !== false)
        return ($a_upload["size"]);
    return (false);

    // Return a field value.  Empty string is returned if the field is
    // not found. File fields return the original name of the uploaded file.
function GetFieldValue($s_fld,$a_main_vars,$s_array_sep = ";")
    if (!isset($a_main_vars[$s_fld]))
        if (($s_name = GetFileName($s_fld)) === false)
            $s_name = "";
        return ($s_name);
    if (is_array($a_main_vars[$s_fld]))
        return (implode($s_array_sep,$a_main_vars[$s_fld]));
        return ((string) $a_main_vars[$s_fld]);

    // Tests a field against an array of vars for emptyness.
    // If the var isn't found there, then the POSTed files array is checked.
    // Returns true if the field is empty (a specific error may
    // be returned in the $s_mesg parameter).
function TestFieldEmpty($s_fld,$a_main_vars,&$s_mesg)
    global  $aFileVars;

    $s_mesg = "";
    $b_empty = TRUE;
    if (!isset($a_main_vars[$s_fld]))
            // Each file var is an array with these elements:
            //      "name" => The original name of the file on the client machine.
            //      "type" => The mime type of the file, if the browser provided this information.
            //      "tmp_name" => The temporary filename of the file in which the uploaded file was stored on the server.
            //      "error" => The error code associated with this file upload.
            //                  NOTE: "error" was added in PHP 4.2.0
            //      "size" => The size, in bytes, of the uploaded file.
            // Error codes (the constants are only available from PHP 4.3.0 so
            // we have to use the raw numbers):
            //  UPLOAD_ERR_OK
            //      Value: 0; There is no error, the file uploaded with success.
            //  UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE
            //      Value: 1; The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini.
            //  UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE
            //      Value: 2; The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the html form.
            //  UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL
            //      Value: 3; The uploaded file was only partially uploaded.
            //  UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE
            //      Value: 4; No file was uploaded.
        if (FILEUPLOADS)
            if (IsSetSession("FormSavedFiles"))
                $a_saved_files = GetSession("FormSavedFiles");
                if (isset($a_saved_files[$s_fld]))
                    $a_upload = $a_saved_files[$s_fld];
                elseif (isset($aFileVars[$s_fld]))
                    $a_upload = $aFileVars[$s_fld];
            elseif (isset($aFileVars[$s_fld]))
                $a_upload = $aFileVars[$s_fld];
        if (isset($a_upload))
            if (isset($a_upload["tmp_name"]) && !empty($a_upload["tmp_name"]) &&
                isset($a_upload["name"]) && !empty($a_upload["name"]))
                if (IsUploadedFile($a_upload))
                    $b_empty = false;
            if ($b_empty && isset($a_upload["error"]))
                switch ($a_upload["error"])
                case 1:
                    $s_mesg = GetMessage(MSG_FILE_UPLOAD_ERR1);
                case 2:
                    $s_mesg = GetMessage(MSG_FILE_UPLOAD_ERR2);
                case 3:
                    $s_mesg = GetMessage(MSG_FILE_UPLOAD_ERR3);
                case 4:
                    $s_mesg = GetMessage(MSG_FILE_UPLOAD_ERR4);
                case 6:
                    $s_mesg = GetMessage(MSG_FILE_UPLOAD_ERR6);
                case 7:
                    $s_mesg = GetMessage(MSG_FILE_UPLOAD_ERR7);
                case 8:
                    $s_mesg = GetMessage(MSG_FILE_UPLOAD_ERR8);
                    $s_mesg = GetMessage(MSG_FILE_UPLOAD_ERR_UNK,
        $b_empty = FieldManager::IsEmpty($a_main_vars[$s_fld]);
    return ($b_empty);

    // Return a derived field value or value specification.
function GetDerivedValue($a_form_data,$s_word,&$a_errors)
    $s_value = "";
        // a field name or a value specification
        // value specifications have the following format:
        //      %spec%
    if (substr($s_word,0,1) == '%')
        if (substr($s_word,-1,1) != '%')
            $s_value = $s_word;
            $s_spec = substr($s_word,1,-1);
            $s_value = ValueSpec($s_spec,$a_form_data,$a_errors);
        $s_fld_name = $s_word;
            // try form data first, then the environment/server data
        if (IsFieldSet($s_fld_name,$a_form_data))
            $s_value = GetFieldValue($s_fld_name,$a_form_data);
        elseif (($s_value = GetEnvValue($s_fld_name)) === false)
            $s_value = "";
        $s_value = trim($s_value);
    return ($s_value);

    // Derive a value from the form data using the specification returned
    // from ParseDerivation.
function DeriveValue($a_form_data,$a_value_spec,$s_name,&$a_errors)
    $s_value = "";
    for ($ii = 0 ; $ii < count($a_value_spec) ; $ii++)
        switch ($a_value_spec[$ii])
        case '+':
                // concatenate with a single space between, but skip the space
                // if the next field is empty
            if ($ii < count($a_value_spec)-1)
                $s_temp = GetDerivedValue($a_form_data,$a_value_spec[$ii+1],$a_errors);
                if (!FieldManager::IsEmpty($s_temp))
                    $s_value .= ' ';
        case '.':
                // concatenate with no space between
        case '*':
                // concatenate with a single space between
            $s_value .= ' ';
                // a field name or a value specification
                // value specifications have the following format:
                //      %name%
            $s_value .= GetDerivedValue($a_form_data,$a_value_spec[$ii],$a_errors);
    return ($s_value);

    // Create derived fields specified by the "derive_fields" value.
function CreateDerived($a_form_data)
    if (isset($a_form_data["derive_fields"]))
        $a_errors = array();
            // get the list of derived field specifications
        $a_list = TrimArray(explode(",",$a_form_data["derive_fields"]));
        foreach ($a_list as $s_fld_spec)
            if ($s_fld_spec === "")
                    // silently ignore empty derivations
            if (($i_pos = strpos($s_fld_spec,"=")) === false)
                $a_errors[] = $s_fld_spec;
            $s_name = trim(substr($s_fld_spec,0,$i_pos));
            $s_fld_spec = substr($s_fld_spec,$i_pos+1);

            if (($a_value_spec = ParseDerivation($a_form_data,$s_fld_spec,
                                                $s_name,$a_errors)) === false)
            $a_form_data[$s_name] = DeriveValue($a_form_data,$a_value_spec,$s_name,$a_errors);
        if (count($a_errors) > 0)
    return ($a_form_data);

    // To process the name specification for files and update the
    // array of file variables accordingly.
function SetFileNames($s_name_spec,$a_order,$a_fields,$a_raw_fields,$a_all_raw_values,$a_file_vars)
    $a_errors = array();
        // get the list of file name derivations
    $a_list = TrimArray(explode(",",$s_name_spec));
    foreach ($a_list as $s_fld_spec)
        if ($s_fld_spec === "")
                // silently ignore empty file name derivations
        if (($i_pos = strpos($s_fld_spec,"=")) === false)
            $a_errors[] = $s_fld_spec;
        $s_name = trim(substr($s_fld_spec,0,$i_pos));
        $s_fld_spec = substr($s_fld_spec,$i_pos+1);

        if (($a_value_spec = ParseDerivation($a_raw_fields,$s_fld_spec,
                                            $s_name,$a_errors)) === false)
        if (isset($a_file_vars[$s_name]) && IsUploadedFile($a_file_vars[$s_name]))
                // we create our own special entry in the file variable's data
            $a_file_vars[$s_name]["new_name"] = DeriveValue($a_raw_fields,
                // we also create (derive) a new field called 'name_of_X'
                // where X is the file fields's name
            $a_all_raw_values["name_of_$s_name"] = $a_file_vars[$s_name]["new_name"];
        /* This is annoying if a file upload is optional.  Just ignore missing
            file upload fields.
    if (count($a_errors) > 0)
    return (array($a_order,$a_fields,$a_raw_fields,$a_all_raw_values,$a_file_vars));

    // Process a list of attributes or options.
    // Format for each attribute/option:
    //      name
    // or
    //      name=value
    // Values can be simple values or semicolon (;) separated lists:
    //          avalue
    //          value1;value2;value3;...
    // Returns attribute/options in the associative array $a_attribs.
    // Optionally, valid attributes can be provided in $a_valid_attribs
    // (if empty, all attributes found are considered valid).
    // Errors are returned in $a_errors.
function ProcessAttributeList($a_list,&$a_attribs,&$a_errors,
                        $a_valid_attribs = array())
    $b_got_valid_list = (count($a_valid_attribs) > 0);
    foreach ($a_list as $s_attrib)
            // if the name begins with '.' then silently ignore it;
            // this allows you to temporarily disable an option without
            // getting an alert message
        if (($i_pos = strpos($s_attrib,"=")) === false)
            $s_name = trim($s_attrib);
            if (empty($s_name) || $s_name[0] == '.')
                // option is a simple "present" value
            $a_attribs[$s_name] = true;
            $s_name = trim(substr($s_attrib,0,$i_pos));
            if (empty($s_name) || $s_name[0] == '.')
            $s_value_list = substr($s_attrib,$i_pos+1);
            if (($i_pos = strpos($s_value_list,";")) === false)
                    // single value
                $a_attribs[$s_name] = trim($s_value_list);
                    // list of values
                $a_attribs[$s_name] = TrimArray(explode(";",$s_value_list));
        if ($b_got_valid_list && !isset($a_valid_attribs[$s_name]))
            $a_errors[] = $s_name;

    // Process the options specified in the form.
    // Options can be specified in this format:
    //          option1,option2,option3,...
    // Each option can be a simple word or a word and value:
    //          name
    //          name=value
    // No name or value can contain a comma.
    // Values can be simple values or semicolon (;) separated lists:
    //          avalue
    //          value1;value2;value3;...
    // No value can contain a semicolon.
    // Be careful of values beginning and ending with whitespace characters;
    // they will be trimmed.
function ProcessOptions($s_name,$a_form_data,&$a_options,$a_valid_options)
    $a_errors = array();
    $a_options = array();
    if (isset($a_form_data[$s_name]))
            // get the options list and trim each one
        $a_list = TrimArray(explode(",",$a_form_data[$s_name]));
    if (count($a_errors) > 0)

    // Process the mail_options specified in the form.
function ProcessMailOptions($a_form_data)


    // Check if an option is set
function IsMailOptionSet($s_name)
    global  $MAIL_OPTS;

    return (isset($MAIL_OPTS[$s_name]));

    // Return an option's value or NULL if not set.
function GetMailOption($s_name)
    global  $MAIL_OPTS;

    return (isset($MAIL_OPTS[$s_name]) ? $MAIL_OPTS[$s_name] : NULL);

    // Process the crm_options specified in the form.
function ProcessCRMOptions($a_form_data)


    // Check if an option is set
function IsCRMOptionSet($s_name)
    global  $CRM_OPTS;

    return (isset($CRM_OPTS[$s_name]));

    // Return an option's value or NULL if not set.
function GetCRMOption($s_name)
    global  $CRM_OPTS;

    return (isset($CRM_OPTS[$s_name]) ? $CRM_OPTS[$s_name] : NULL);

    // Check if a field is in the mail exclusion list.
function IsMailExcluded($s_name)
    $a_list = GetMailOption("Exclude");
    if (!isset($a_list))
        return (false);
    if (is_array($a_list))
        return (in_array($s_name,$a_list));
        return ($s_name === $a_list);

    // Process the autorespond specified in the form.
function ProcessAROptions($a_form_data)


    // Check if an option is set
function IsAROptionSet($s_name)
    global  $AR_OPTS;

    return (isset($AR_OPTS[$s_name]));

    // Return an option's value or NULL if not set.
function GetAROption($s_name)
    global  $AR_OPTS;

    return (isset($AR_OPTS[$s_name]) ? $AR_OPTS[$s_name] : NULL);

    // Process the mail_options specified in the form.
function ProcessFilterOptions($a_form_data)


    // Check if an option is set
function IsFilterOptionSet($s_name)
    global  $FILTER_OPTS;

    return (isset($FILTER_OPTS[$s_name]));

    // Return an option's value or NULL if not set.
function GetFilterOption($s_name)
    global  $FILTER_OPTS;

    return (isset($FILTER_OPTS[$s_name]) ? $FILTER_OPTS[$s_name] : NULL);

    // Lookup a filter attribute for the given filter.
    // Return it's value or false if not set.
function GetFilterAttrib($s_filter,$s_attrib)

    if (!isset($FILTER_ATTRIBS[$s_filter]))
            // no attributes for the filter
        return (false);
    if (!isset($FILTER_ATTRIBS_LOOKUP[$s_filter]))
            // the attributes have not yet been parsed - create the lookup table
        $a_list = TrimArray(explode(",",$FILTER_ATTRIBS[$s_filter]));
        $FILTER_ATTRIBS_LOOKUP[$s_filter] = array();
        $a_errors = array();

        // perform the lookup and return the value
    if (!isset($FILTER_ATTRIBS_LOOKUP[$s_filter][$s_attrib]))
        return (false);
    return ($FILTER_ATTRIBS_LOOKUP[$s_filter][$s_attrib]);

    // Check the filter attributes for the given filter.
    // Return true if the given attribute is set otherwise false.
function IsFilterAttribSet($s_filter,$s_attrib)
    return (GetFilterAttrib($s_filter,$s_attrib));

    // Process the given .ini file.
function ProcessFormIniFile($s_file)
    global  $EMAIL_ADDRS,$ValidEmails;

    $a_sections = parse_ini_file($s_file,TRUE);
        // from PHP 5.2.7, parse_ini_file returns false on syntax problems
        // prior to that, an empty array.  So, on previous versions of PHP
        // we cannot detect an actual error (an empty array is perfectly valid).
    if ($a_sections === false)
    elseif (empty($a_sections))
    if (DB_SEE_INI)
            // just display the ini file
        $s_text = "<p><b>The following settings were found in the file '$s_file':</b></p>";
        foreach ($a_sections as $s_sect=>$a_settings)
            $s_text .= "<p>[$s_sect]\n";
            foreach ($a_settings as $s_name=>$s_value)
                $s_text .= "$s_name = \"$s_value\"\n";
            $s_text .= "</p>";
        CreatePage($s_text,"Debug Output - INI File Display");
        // Load the email_addresses section.
    if (isset($a_sections["email_addresses"]))
        $EMAIL_ADDRS = $a_sections["email_addresses"];
            // make these addresses valid
        foreach ($EMAIL_ADDRS as $s_list)
        // Process special fields
    if (isset($a_sections["special_fields"]))
        foreach ($a_sections["special_fields"] as $s_name=>$m_value)
            if (IsSpecialField($s_name))
                    // if this is the recipients, cc, or bcc field,
                    // make the addresses valid
                if ($s_name === "recipients" || $s_name === "cc" || $s_name === "bcc")
                        // coming from the INI file, the values can only be strings
                    if (is_string($m_value))
                // check for multiple valued special fields
            if (($a_multi_fld = IsSpecialMultiField($s_name)) !== false)

    // UnMangle an email address
function UnMangle($email)
    global  $EMAIL_ADDRS;

        // map from a name to the real email address
    if (isset($EMAIL_ADDRS[$email]))
        $email = $EMAIL_ADDRS[$email];
        // unmangle
    if (AT_MANGLE != "")
        $email = str_replace(AT_MANGLE,"@",$email);
    return ($email);

    // Check a list of email addresses (comma separated); returns a list
    // of valid email addresses (comma separated).
    // The list can be an array of comma separated lists.
    // The return value is true if there is at least one valid email address.
function CheckEmailAddress($m_addr,&$s_valid,&$s_invalid,$b_check = true)
    global  $ValidEmails;

    $s_invalid = $s_valid = "";
    if (is_array($m_addr))
        $a_list = array();
        foreach ($m_addr as $s_addr_list)
            $a_list = array_merge($a_list,TrimArray(explode(",",$s_addr_list)));
        $a_list = TrimArray(explode(",",$m_addr));
    $a_invalid = array();
    $n_empty = 0;
    for ($ii = 0 ; $ii < count($a_list) ; $ii++)
        if ($a_list[$ii] === "")
                // ignore, but count empty addresses
        $s_email = UnMangle($a_list[$ii]);
            // UnMangle works with INI files too, and a single
            // word can expand to a list of email addresses.
        $a_this_list = TrimArray(explode(",",$s_email));
        foreach ($a_this_list as $s_email)
            if ($s_email === "")
                    // ignore, but count empty addresses
            if ($b_check)
                $b_is_valid = $ValidEmails->CheckAddress($s_email);
                $b_is_valid = true;
            if ($b_is_valid)
                if (empty($s_valid))
                    $s_valid = $s_email;
                    $s_valid .= ",".$s_email;
                $a_invalid[] = $s_email;
        // just ignore empty recipients unless there are *no* valid recipients
    if (empty($s_valid) && $n_empty > 0)
        $a_invalid[] = GetMessage(MSG_EMPTY_ADDRESSES,array("COUNT"=>$n_empty));
    if (count($a_invalid) > 0)
        $s_invalid = implode(",",$a_invalid);
    return (!empty($s_valid));

    // Redirect to another URL
function Redirect($url,$title)
        // for browsers without cookies enabled, append the Session ID
    if (session_id() !== "")
        $url = AddURLParams($url,session_name()."=".urlencode(session_id()));
    elseif (defined("SID"))
        $url = AddURLParams($url,SID);

    //FMDebug("Before redirecting, FormData = ".(isset($_SESSION["FormData"]) ? var_export($_SESSION["FormData"],true) : "NULL"));

        // this is probably a good idea to ensure the session data
        // is written away
    if (function_exists('session_write_close'))

    header("Location: $url");
        // if the header doesn't work, try JavaScript.
        // if that doesn't work, provide a manual link
    $s_text = GetMessage(MSG_PLSWAIT_REDIR)."\n\n";
    $s_text .= "<script language=\"JavaScript\" type=\"text/javascript\">";
    $s_text .= "window.location.href = '$url';";
    $s_text .= "</script>";
    $s_text .= "\n\n".GetMessage(MSG_IFNOT_REDIR,array("URL"=>$url));

class   JSON
    function    _Format($m_val)
        if (is_bool($m_val))
            $s_value = ($m_val) ? "true" : "false";
        elseif (is_string($m_val))
            $s_value = '"'.addslashes($m_val).'"';
        elseif (is_numeric($m_val))
            $s_value = $m_val;
        elseif (is_array($m_val))
            $s_value = $this->_FormatArray($m_val);
            $s_value = "null";
        return ($s_value);
    function _FormatArray($a_array)
        if ($this->_IsNumericArray($a_array))
            $a_values = array();
            foreach ($a_array as $m_val)
                $a_values[] = $this->_Format($m_val);
            $s_value = "[".implode(",",$a_values)."]";
                // associative arrays are objects
            $s_value = $this->MakeObject($a_array);
        return ($s_value);
    // check if we have a numeric array or an associative array
    // numeric arrays may have holes; numeric array indexes must
    // be integers
    function _IsNumericArray($a_data)
        if (empty($a_data))
            return (true);      // empty array - treat as numeric
        // check all the keys for numeric
        $a_keys = array_keys($a_data);
        foreach ($a_keys as $m_index)
            if (!is_int($m_index))
                return (false);
        return (true);
    function    MakeObject($a_data)
        $a_members = array();
        foreach ($a_data as $s_key=>$m_val)
            $a_members[] = '"'.$s_key.'":'.$this->_Format($m_val);
        return ("{".implode(",",$a_members)."}");

function    CORS_Response()
    header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
    header('Access-Control-Max-Age: 36000');
    header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, OPTIONS');
    header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers: X-Requested-With');

function    JSON_Result($s_result,$a_data = array())
    global  $aGetVars;
    FMDebug("Sending JSON_Result: $s_result");
    $a_data["Result"] = $s_result;
    $json = new JSON();
    $s_ret = $json->MakeObject($a_data);
    // handle JSONP request
    if (isset($aGetVars['callback']) && $aGetVars['callback'] != '')
        header('Content-Type: text/javascript; charset=utf-8');
        $s_ret = $aGetVars['callback']."($s_ret);";
        FMDebug('JSONP request callback='.$aGetVars['callback']);
        header('Content-Encoding: utf-8');
        header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8');
    FMDebug("JSON_Result output: ".$s_ret);
    echo $s_ret;

    // JoinLines is just like "implode" except that it checks
    // the end of each array for the separator already being
    // there. This allows us to join a mixture of mail
    // header lines (already terminated) with body lines.
    // This logic works if HEAD_CRLF, for example, is the same
    // as BODY_LF (i.e. both "\r\n") or if BODY_LF is the
    // same as the last character in HEAD_CRLF (i.e.
    // HEAD_CRLF = "\r\n" and BODY_LF = "\n").
    // Other value combinations may break things.
function JoinLines($s_sep,$a_lines)
    $s_str = "";
    if (($i_sep_len = strlen($s_sep)) == 0)
            // no separator
        return (implode("",$a_lines));
    $n_lines = count($a_lines);
    for ($ii = 0 ; $ii < $n_lines ; $ii++)
        $s_line = $a_lines[$ii];
        if (substr($s_line,-$i_sep_len) == $s_sep)
            $s_str .= $s_line;
            $s_str .= $s_line;
                // don't append a separator to the last line
            if ($ii < $n_lines-1)
                $s_str .= $s_sep;
    return ($s_str);

    // Re-orders an array of email headers into the
    // order recommended by RFC822, section 4.1:
    //      It  is  recommended that,  if  present,
    //      headers be sent in the order "Return-
    //      Path", "Received", "Date",  "From",  "Subject",
    //      "Sender", "To", "cc", etc.
    // Note that RFC822 is obsoleted by RFC2822 and
    // the latter states that field order doesn't
    // matter (except for some tracing fields).
    // However, a FormMail user reported that Yahoo doesn't like
    // email where the CC header appears before the From
    // header. So, as always, we try to work with broken
    // servers too...
    // Returns an array indexed by the require numerical
    // order.  Each element is an array containing the
    // header value (name,value pair).
function OrderHeaders($a_headers)
        // we list the headers we're responsible for
        // in the order suggested
    $a_ordering = array("From","Subject","To","Cc","Bcc","Reply-To");
    $a_ordered_headers = array();
    foreach ($a_ordering as $s_name)
        if (isset($a_headers[$s_name]))
            $a_ordered_headers[] = array($s_name=>$a_headers[$s_name]);
        // now add in the remaining headers
    foreach ($a_headers as $s_name=>$s_value)
        $a_ordered_headers[] = array($s_name=>$a_headers[$s_name]);
    return ($a_ordered_headers);

    // Makes a mail header field body "safe".
    // This simply places a backslash in front of every double-quote.
    // There's probably more we could do if required, but this
    // attempts to provide the same protection that was in the first
    // version of FormMail.  In that version, every incoming
    // field had double-quotes replaced with single quotes.
    // That processing is no longer performed, and this
    // function is used to protect against potential attacks in
    // header fields - not by replacing double quotes with single quotes,
    // but by using the backslash "quoting" feature of RFC2822.
    // This code could be improved by parsing the header and rewriting
    // it to be valid, possibly removing junk.
    // That's a lot of code, though!
function    SafeHeader($s_str)
    return (str_replace('"','\\"',$s_str));

    // makes a string safe to put as words in a header
function    SafeHeaderWords($s_str)
        // We zap various characters and replace them with a question mark.
        // Also, we don't handle quoted strings, which are valid words.
    $s_specials = '()<>@,;:\\".[]';    // special characters defined by RFC822
    $s_str = preg_replace('/[[:cntrl:]]+/',"?",$s_str);    // zap all control chars
    $s_str = preg_replace("/[".preg_quote($s_specials,"/")."]/","?",$s_str);    // zap all specials
    return ($s_str);

    // makes a string safe to put as a quoted string in a header
function    SafeHeaderQString($s_str)
    return (str_replace('"','\\"',
                    str_replace("\r"," ",
                        str_replace("\r\n"," ",$s_str)))));

    // makes a string safe to put in a header comment
function    SafeHeaderComment($s_str)
    return (str_replace("(","\\(",
                        str_replace("\r"," ",
                            str_replace("\r\n"," ",$s_str))))));

    // makes a string safe to put in a header as an email address
function    SafeHeaderEmail($s_str)
        // An email address is made up of local and domain parts
        // each of these is made up of "words" separated by "."
        // each "word" can be a sequence of characters excluding
        // specials, space and control characters OR it can be
        // a quoted string.
        // The correct processing would be to completely
        // parse the address, strip junk, double-quote
        // words that need to be turned into quote strings,
        // and return a well-formed email address.
        // That's a lot of code!
        // So, instead, we opt for stripping out control characters.
    $s_str = preg_replace('/[[:cntrl:]]+/',"",$s_str);    // zap all control chars
    return ($s_str);

    // Expands an array of mail headers into mail header lines.
function ExpandMailHeaders($a_headers,$b_fold = false)
    $s_hdrs = "";
    $a_ordered_headers = OrderHeaders($a_headers);
    for ($ii = 0 ; $ii < count($a_ordered_headers) ; $ii++)
        foreach ($a_ordered_headers[$ii] as $s_name=>$s_value)
            if ($s_name != "")
                if ($s_hdrs != "")
                    $s_hdrs .= HEAD_CRLF;
                if ($b_fold)
                    $s_hdrs .= HeaderFolding($s_name.": ".$s_value);
                    $s_hdrs .= $s_name.": ".$s_value;
    //FMDebug("Headers are: $s_hdrs");
    return ($s_hdrs);

    // Expands an array of mail headers into an array containing header lines.
function ExpandMailHeadersArray($a_headers)
    $a_hdrs = array();
    $a_ordered_headers = OrderHeaders($a_headers);
    for ($ii = 0 ; $ii < count($a_ordered_headers) ; $ii++)
        foreach ($a_ordered_headers[$ii] as $s_name=>$s_value)
            if ($s_name != "")
                $a_hdrs[] = $s_name.": ".$s_value.HEAD_CRLF;
    return ($a_hdrs);

    // Low-level email send function; either calls PHP's mail function
    // or uses the PEAR Mail object.
    // NOTE: for some errors, there's no point trying to email
    // an alert message!  So, in these cases, we just display the error to
    // the user.
    // $s_options are ignored for PEAR sending.
function DoMail($s_to,$s_subject,$s_mesg,$a_headers,$s_options)

        // Encode the subject line.
        // Ideally, we want to encode the relevant parts of To, From, Cc,
        // Reply-To, and this is the right place to do it.
        // However, it's another 1000 lines of code!
        // So, we must compromise the code quality because of this cost.
        // We encode subject here, and we encode the From line where it's
        // created.  The rest remain for a future version where code size
        // can be controlled.
    $s_subject = EncodeHeaderText($s_subject);
    if (isset($PEAR_SMTP_HOST) && !empty($PEAR_SMTP_HOST))
            // Note that PEAR Mail seems to take responsibility for header line folding

        $a_params = array(  "host"=>$PEAR_SMTP_HOST,
        if (isset($PEAR_SMTP_USER) && !empty($PEAR_SMTP_USER))
            $a_params["auth"] = TRUE;
            $a_params["username"] = $PEAR_SMTP_USER;
            $a_params["password"] = $PEAR_SMTP_PWD;
        $mailer = Mail::factory("smtp",$a_params);
        if (!is_object($mailer))
        if (strtolower(get_class($mailer)) === 'pear_error')
        if (!isset($a_headers['To']) && !isset($a_headers['to']))
            $a_headers['To'] = SafeHeader($s_to);
        if (!isset($a_headers['Subject']) && !isset($a_headers['subject']))
            $a_headers['Subject'] = SafeHeader($s_subject);
        $res = $mailer->send($s_to,$a_headers,$s_mesg);
        if ($res === TRUE)
            return (TRUE);

        global  $aAlertInfo;

        $aAlertInfo[] = GetMessage(MSG_PEAR_ERROR,array("MSG"=>$res->getMessage()));
        return (FALSE);
        //$s_subject = HeaderFolding($s_subject,RFCLINELEN-10);   // "Subject: " is about 10 chars
            // Notes from Feb 2010....
            // PHP's mail function (tested in version 5.2.6) does folding of the
            // To line and the Subject line.
            // If we do it, then things break.
            // This area is quite confusing.  It's not clear whether the script
            // should be folding header lines or whether the MTA should do it.
            // We *do know* (as stated above) that folding To and Subject breaks things.
            // But folding other header lines properly, seems to be OK.
            // However, for years FormMail never did header line folding (except for the
            // soft line breaks inserted by the quoted_printable_encode function we had used),
            // and we didn't seem to get any reports of breakage (except for problems
            // with the quoted_printable_encode soft line breaks!).
            // So, even though we've implemented all the code for header line folding,
            // we'll not use it.
            // No header line folding will be performed in version 8.22 onwards.
        if ($s_options !== "")
            return (mail($s_to,$s_subject,$s_mesg,ExpandMailHeaders($a_headers),$s_options));
            return (mail($s_to,$s_subject,$s_mesg,ExpandMailHeaders($a_headers)));

    // Send an email
function SendCheckedMail($to,$subject,$mesg,$sender,$a_headers = array())
    global  $PEAR_SMTP_HOST;

    $b_f_option = false;
    $b_form_option = IsMailOptionSet("SendMailFOption");    // this is superseded, but still supported
    if (SENDMAIL_F_OPTION || $b_form_option)
        if (empty($sender))
                // SENDMAIL_F_OPTION with no sender is silently ignored
            if ($b_form_option)
                    // form has specified SendMailFOption, but there's no
                    // sender address
                static  $b_in_here = false;
                global  $SERVER;

                if (!$b_in_here)        // prevent infinite recursion
                    $b_in_here = true;
                    $b_in_here = false;
                    // if there's no from address, create a dummy one
                $sender = "dummy@".(isset($SERVER) ? $SERVER : "UnknownServer");
                $a_headers['From'] = $sender;
                $b_f_option = true;
            $b_f_option = true;
    if (INI_SET_FROM && !empty($sender))

    return (DoMail($to,$subject,$mesg,$a_headers,($b_f_option ? "-f$sender" : "")));

    // Send an alert email
function SendAlert($s_error,$b_filter = true,$b_non_error = false)
    global  $SPECIAL_VALUES,$FORMATTED_INPUT,$FROM_USER,$aServerVars,$aStrippedFormVars;
    global  $aAlertInfo,$aCleanedValues,$aFieldOrder,$sHTMLCharSet;

    $s_error = str_replace("\n",BODY_LF,$s_error);
    $b_got_filter = GetFilterSpec($s_filter_name,$a_filter_list);

        // if there is a filter specified and we're not sending the alert
        // through the filter, don't show the user's data.  This is
        // on the assumption that the filter is an encryption program; so,
        // we don't want to send the user's data in clear text inside the
        // alerts.
    $b_show_data = true;
    if ($b_got_filter && !$b_filter)
        $b_show_data = false;

    $s_form_subject = $s_alert_to = "";
    $b_check = true;
        // might be too early to have $SPECIAL_VALUES set, so
        // look in the form vars too
    if (isset($SPECIAL_VALUES["alert_to"]))
        $s_alert_to = trim($SPECIAL_VALUES["alert_to"]);
    if (empty($s_alert_to) && isset($aStrippedFormVars["alert_to"]))
        $s_alert_to = trim($aStrippedFormVars["alert_to"]);

    if (isset($SPECIAL_VALUES["subject"]))
        $s_form_subject = trim($SPECIAL_VALUES["subject"]);
    if (empty($s_form_subject) && isset($aStrippedFormVars["subject"]))
        $s_form_subject = trim($aStrippedFormVars["subject"]);

    if (empty($s_alert_to))
        $s_alert_to = DEF_ALERT;
        $b_check = false;
    if (!empty($s_alert_to))
        $s_from_addr = $s_from = "";
        $a_headers = array();
        if (isset($FROM_USER) && !empty($FROM_USER))
            if ($FROM_USER != "NONE")
                $a_headers['From'] = $FROM_USER;
                $s_from = "From: $FROM_USER";
                $s_from_addr = $FROM_USER;
            global  $SERVER;

            $s_from_addr = "FormMail@".$SERVER;
            $a_headers['From'] = $s_from_addr;
            $s_from = "From: $s_from_addr";
        $s_mesg = "To: ".UnMangle($s_alert_to).BODY_LF;
            // if a language pack has been included, a lot of error messages
            // may need the character set to be provided.
            // If that's available from the language pack, use it,
            // otherwise, if it's a mail_option, use it from there.
        $s_charset = "";
        if (isset($sHTMLCharSet) && $sHTMLCharSet !== "")
            $s_charset = $sHTMLCharSet;
        else if (IsMailOptionSet("CharSet"))
            $s_charset = GetMailOption("CharSet");

            // Alerts are plain text emails, so convert any HTML entities
            // back to their original characters.  Note, this will only work on PHP
            // version 4.3.0 and above.
        if (function_exists("html_entity_decode"))
            $s_error = @html_entity_decode($s_error,ENT_COMPAT,$s_charset);

        if ($s_charset !== "")
            $a_headers['Content-Type'] = SafeHeader("text/plain; charset=$s_charset");

        if (!empty($s_from))
            $s_mesg .= $s_from.BODY_LF;
        $s_mesg .= BODY_LF;
        if (count($aAlertInfo) > 0)
            if ($b_show_data)
                $s_error .= BODY_LF.GetMessage(MSG_MORE_INFO).BODY_LF;
                $s_error .= implode(BODY_LF,$aAlertInfo);
                $s_error .= BODY_LF.GetMessage(MSG_INFO_STOPPED).BODY_LF;
            // some fields aren't security issues - show those in the alert
        $a_safe_fields = array(
                    "email: ".$SPECIAL_VALUES["email"],
                    "realname: ".$SPECIAL_VALUES["realname"],
        $s_safe_data = implode(BODY_LF,$a_safe_fields);

        if ($b_non_error)
            $s_preamble = $s_error.BODY_LF.BODY_LF;
            $s_mesg .= $s_preamble;
            $s_subj = GetMessage(MSG_FM_ALERT);
            if (!empty($s_form_subject))
                $s_subj .= " ($s_form_subject)";
            $s_preamble = GetMessage(MSG_FM_ERROR_LINE).BODY_LF.
            $s_mesg .= $s_preamble;
            $s_subj = GetMessage(MSG_FM_ERROR);
            if (!empty($s_form_subject))
                $s_subj .= " ($s_form_subject)";
            $s_mesg .= $s_safe_data;
            $s_mesg .= BODY_LF.BODY_LF;
            if ($b_show_data)
                $s_mesg .= implode(BODY_LF,$FORMATTED_INPUT);
                $s_mesg .= GetMessage(MSG_USERDATA_STOPPED);
             * We only need to filter the form fields if the filter that
             * is specified is an encrypting filter.
        if ($b_filter && $b_got_filter &&
            $s_new_mesg = $s_preamble.$s_safe_data;
            $s_new_mesg .= BODY_LF.BODY_LF;

            if ($a_filter_list !== false)
                    // just filter the critical fields
                list($s_unfiltered,$s_filtered_results) =
                $s_new_mesg .= $s_unfiltered;
                    // filter everything
                $s_filtered_results = Filter($s_filter_name,$s_mesg);
            $s_new_mesg .= GetMessage(MSG_FILTERED,array("FILTER"=>$s_filter_name)).
            $s_mesg = $s_new_mesg;
        $s_mesg .= BODY_LF;

        if (isset($aServerVars['HTTP_REFERER']))
            $s_mesg .= "Referring page was ".$aServerVars['HTTP_REFERER'];
        elseif (isset($SPECIAL_VALUES['this_form']) && $SPECIAL_VALUES['this_form'] !== "")
            $s_mesg .= "Referring form was ".$SPECIAL_VALUES['this_form'];

        $s_mesg .= BODY_LF;

        if (isset($aServerVars['SERVER_NAME']))
            $s_mesg .= "SERVER_NAME was ".$aServerVars['SERVER_NAME'].BODY_LF;
        if (isset($aServerVars['REQUEST_URI']))
            $s_mesg .= "REQUEST_URI was ".$aServerVars['REQUEST_URI'].BODY_LF;

        $s_mesg .= BODY_LF;

        if (isset($aServerVars['REMOTE_ADDR']))
            $s_mesg .= "User IP address was ".$aServerVars['REMOTE_ADDR'].BODY_LF;
        if (isset($aServerVars['HTTP_USER_AGENT']))
            $s_mesg .= "User agent was ".$aServerVars['HTTP_USER_AGENT'].BODY_LF;

        if ($b_check)
            if (CheckEmailAddress($s_alert_to,$s_valid,$s_invalid))
                return (SendCheckedMail($s_valid,$s_subj,$s_mesg,$s_from_addr,$a_headers));
            return (SendCheckedMail($s_alert_to,$s_subj,$s_mesg,$s_from_addr,$a_headers));
    return (false);

    // Read the lines in a file and return an array.
    // Each line is stripped of line termination characters.
function ReadLines($fp)
    $a_lines = array();
    while (!feof($fp))
        $s_line = fgets($fp,4096);
            // strip carriage returns and line feeds
        $s_line = str_replace("\r","",$s_line);
        $s_line = str_replace("\n","",$s_line);
        $a_lines[] = $s_line;
    return ($a_lines);

    // Open a URL and return the data from it as a string or array of lines.
    // Returns false on failure ($s_error has the error string)
function GetURL($s_url,&$s_error,$b_ret_lines = false,$n_depth = 0)
    global  $php_errormsg,$aServerVars,$sUserAgent;

        // open the URL with the same session as we have
    if (session_id() !== "")
        $s_url = AddURLParams($s_url,session_name()."=".urlencode(session_id()));
    if (defined("SID"))
        $s_url = AddURLParams($s_url,SID);

    $http_get = new HTTPGet($s_url);

        // Determine authentication requirements
    if ($AUTHENTICATE !== "" || $AUTH_USER !== "" || $AUTH_PW !== "")
        if ($AUTHENTICATE === "")
        $a_parts = $http_get->GetURLSplit();
        if (isset($a_parts["user"]) || isset($a_parts["pass"]))
            $s_auth_user = isset($a_parts["user"]) ? $a_parts["user"] : "";
            $s_auth_pass = isset($a_parts["pass"]) ? $a_parts["pass"] : "";
            $s_auth_type = isset($aServerVars["PHP_AUTH_TYPE"]) ? $aServerVars["PHP_AUTH_TYPE"] : "";
            $s_auth_user = isset($aServerVars["PHP_AUTH_USER"]) ? $aServerVars["PHP_AUTH_USER"] : "";
            $s_auth_pass = isset($aServerVars["PHP_AUTH_PW"]) ? $aServerVars["PHP_AUTH_PW"] : "";
        if (!isset($s_auth_type) || $s_auth_type === "")
            $s_auth_type = "Basic";
        if ($s_auth_user !== "" || $s_auth_pass !== "")
        // set the user agent
        // resolve the name now so the DNS cache can be written to the session

        // Since we might be opening a URL within the same session, we can
        // get locks.  So, close the session for writing to prevent this.
    $b_closed = false;
    if (function_exists('session_write_close'))
        $b_closed = true;
        //ob_flush();             // this prevents automatic redirects if $TEMPLATEURL
                                  // is in use and JavaScript is switched off

    $m_buf = FALSE;

    //FMDebug("Begin read");
    if (($a_lines = $http_get->Read()) === FALSE)
            // get the error code and send the appropriate alert
        list($i_error,$i_sys_err,$s_sys_msg) = $http_get->GetError();
        switch ($i_error)
        case $http_get->nErrParse:
            $s_error = GetMessage(MSG_URL_PARSE);
        case $http_get->nErrScheme:
            $a_parts = $http_get->GetURLSplit();
            $s_error = GetMessage(MSG_URL_SCHEME,array("SCHEME"=>$a_parts["scheme"]));
            $s_error = GetMessage(MSG_SOCKET,
                                "PHPERR"=>isset($php_errormsg) ? $php_errormsg : ""));
            // check the HTTP response for actual status.  Anything outside
            // 200-299 is a failure, but we also handle redirects.
        list($i_http_code,$s_http_status) = $http_get->GetHTTPStatus();

        if ($i_http_code < 200 || $i_http_code > 299)
            switch ($i_http_code)
            case 300:       // multiple choices (we'll take the first)
            case 301:       // moved permanently
            case 302:       // found
            case 303:       // see other
            case 307:       // temporary redirect
                    // a "location" header must be present for us to continue
                    // In the case of infinite redirects, we need to stop.
                    // So, we limit to a maximum of 10 redirects.
                if ($n_depth < 10)
                    if (($s_location = $http_get->FindHeader("location")) !== false)
                        FMDebug("Redirect from '$s_url' to '$s_location'");
                        $m_buf = GetURL($s_location,$s_error,$b_ret_lines,$n_depth+1);
                        $b_closed = false;
                    FMDebug("Redirect FAILED - no location header");
                    FMDebug("Redirect FAILED depth=$n_depth");
                // FALL THRU
                $s_error = GetMessage(MSG_GETURL_OPEN,array("STATUS"=>$s_http_status));
        elseif ($b_ret_lines)
            $m_buf = $a_lines;
                // return lines as one big string buffer
            $m_buf = implode("",$a_lines);
        // re-open our session
    if ($b_closed)

    return ($m_buf);

// Write to the debug log if it exists and is writable.
function    FMDebug($s_mesg)
    static  $fDebug = NULL;

    if (!isset($fDebug))
        $fDebug = false;        // only initialize once
        $s_dir = GetTempDir();  // look for the debug log file in the temp directory
        $s_db_file = "$s_dir/fmdebug.log";
            // we only open an existing file - we don't create one
        if (file_exists($s_db_file))
            if (($fDebug = fopen($s_db_file,"a")) === false)
    if ($fDebug !== false)
        fwrite($fDebug,date('r').": ".$s_mesg."\n");

 * Class:       NetIO
 * Description:     
 *  A class to provide internet input/output capabilities.
 *  Use as a base class for more specific functions.
class   NetIO
    var     $_sHost;
    var     $_iPort;
    var     $_sPrefix;

    var     $_iConnTimeout;
    var     $_fSock;

    var     $_aIPs;

    var     $_iError = 0;
    var     $_iSysErr;
    var     $_sSysMesg;

    var     $nErrInit =     -1;      // not initialized
    var     $nErrRead =     -2;      // read error
    var     $nErrWrite =    -3;      // write error
    var     $nErrWriteShort = -4;    // failed to write all bytes

    var     $nErrSocket =   -100;    // error in socket open

    function    NetIO($s_host = NULL,$i_port = NULL,$s_prefix = "")
        if (isset($s_host))
            $this->_sHost = $s_host;
        if (isset($i_port))
            $this->_iPort = $i_port;
        $this->_sPrefix = $s_prefix;
        $this->_iConnTimeout = 30;
        $this->_iSysErr = 0;
        $this->_sSysMesg = "";

    function    _SetError($i_error,$i_sys_err = 0,$s_sys_mesg = "")
        $this->_iError = $i_error;
        $this->_iSysErr = $i_sys_err;
        $this->_sSysMesg = $s_sys_mesg;
        return (FALSE);

    function    IsError()
        return ($this->_iError != 0 ? TRUE : FALSE);

    function    ClearError()

    function    GetError()
        return (array($this->_iError,$this->_iSysErr,$this->_sSysMesg));

    function    SetHost($s_host)
        $this->_sHost = $s_host;

    function    SetPort($i_port)
        $this->_iPort = $i_port;

    function    SetConnectionTimeout($i_secs)
        $this->_iConnTimeout = $i_secs;

    function    SetPrefix($s_prefix)
        $this->_sPrefix = $s_prefix;

    function    GetHost()
        return (isset($this->_sHost) ? $this->_sHost : "");

    function    GetPort()
        return (isset($this->_iPort) ? $this->_iPort : 0);

    function    GetPrefix()
        return ($this->_sPrefix);

    function    GetConnectionTimeout()
        return ($this->_iConnTimeout);

    function    _CacheIt()
        FMDebug("Caching ".implode(",",$this->_aIPs));
        if (IsSetSession("FormNetIODNSCache"))
            $a_cache = GetSession("FormNetIODNSCache");
            $a_cache = array();
        $a_cache[$this->_sHost] = $this->_aIPs;

     * Some versions of PHP seem to have a major slowdown when resolving
     * names with gethostbyname (5 seconds with PHP 4.3.9).
     * So, in the case of multi-page forms using MULTIFORMURL, we get a big speed up
     * by caching the IP address of the server.
    function    _CheckCache()
        if (!IsSetSession("FormNetIODNSCache"))
            return (FALSE);
        $a_cache = GetSession("FormNetIODNSCache");
        if (!is_array($a_cache) || !isset($a_cache[$this->_sHost]) || !is_array($a_cache[$this->_sHost]))
            return (FALSE);
        $this->_aIPs = $a_cache[$this->_sHost];
        return (TRUE);

    function    Resolve()
        if (!isset($this->_sHost))
            return ($this->_SetError($this->nErrInit));
        if ($this->_CheckCache())
            return (TRUE);
        FMDebug("Start resolve of ".$this->_sHost);
            // if host is an actual IP address, then it is returned unchanged, which is good!
        if (($a_ip_list = gethostbynamel($this->_sHost)) === FALSE)
            FMDebug("Resolve failed");
            return ($this->_SetError($this->nErrInit,0,
        FMDebug("Done resolve: ".implode(",",$a_ip_list));
        $this->_aIPs = $a_ip_list;
        return (TRUE);

    function    _SSLOpen($s_ip,&$errno,&$errstr,$i_timeout)
        FMDebug("Using _SSLOpen (stream_socket_client), SNI, host=".$this->GetHost());
        $context = stream_context_create();
        $result = stream_context_set_option($context,'ssl','verify_host',true);
        $result = stream_context_set_option($context,'ssl','verify_peer',false);
        $result = stream_context_set_option($context,'ssl','allow_self_signed',true);
        $result = stream_context_set_option($context,'ssl','SNI_enabled',true);
        $result = stream_context_set_option($context,'ssl','SNI_server_name',$this->GetHost());
            // Note that even if SNI fails, the socket will still open, but the
            // web server should send a 400 error.
        return (stream_socket_client($this->GetPrefix().$s_ip.":".$this->GetPort(),

    function    Open()
        if (!isset($this->_sHost) || !isset($this->_iPort))
            return ($this->_SetError($this->nErrInit));
        if (!$this->Resolve())
            return (FALSE);
        FMDebug("Starting socket open");
        $f_sock = FALSE;
            // Now, run through the list of IPs until we find one that connects.
            // However, this can cause problems with SNI in SSL/TLS connections.
            // If there is only one IP address, use the host name.
            // Otherwise, if we can specify SNI and it's an SSL connection
            // use streams, otherwise try each IP individually.
        if (count($this->_aIPs) == 1)
            FMDebug("Trying host ".$this->_sHost.", timeout ".$this->GetConnectionTimeout());
            $f_sock = @fsockopen($this->GetPrefix().$this->_sHost,$this->GetPort(),
            foreach ($this->_aIPs as $s_ip)
                FMDebug("Trying IP $s_ip, timeout ".$this->GetConnectionTimeout());
                if (IsPHPAtLeast("5.3.2") && substr($this->GetPrefix(),0,3) == "ssl")
                    if (($f_sock = $this->_SSLOpen($s_ip,$errno,$errstr,
                                $this->GetConnectionTimeout())) !== FALSE)
                elseif (($f_sock = @fsockopen($this->GetPrefix().$s_ip,$this->GetPort(),
                                $errno,$errstr,$this->GetConnectionTimeout())) !== FALSE)
        if ($f_sock === FALSE)
            FMDebug("open failed: $errno $errstr");
            return ($this->_SetError($this->nErrSocket,$errno,$errstr));
        $this->_fSock = $f_sock;
        FMDebug("Done socket open");
        return (TRUE);

    function    Read()
        $a_lines = array();
        while (($s_line = fgets($this->_fSock)) !== FALSE)
            $a_lines[] = $s_line;
        FMDebug("Read ".count($a_lines)." lines");
        return ($a_lines);

    function    Write($s_str,$b_flush = TRUE)
        if (!isset($this->_fSock))
            return ($this->_SetError($this->nErrInit));
        if (($n_write = fwrite($this->_fSock,$s_str)) === FALSE)
            return ($this->_SetError($this->nErrWrite));
        if ($n_write != strlen($s_str))
            return ($this->_SetError($this->nErrWriteShort));
        if ($b_flush)
            if (fflush($this->_fSock) === FALSE)
                return ($this->_SetError($this->nErrWriteShort));
        return (TRUE);

    function    Close()
        if (isset($this->_fSock))

 * Class:       HTTPGet
 * Description:     
 *  A class that implements HTTP GET method.
class   HTTPGet extends NetIO
    var     $_sURL;
    var     $_aURLSplit;

    var     $_sRequest;
    var     $_aResponse;
    var     $_aRespHeaders;

    var     $_sAuthLine;
    var     $_sAuthType;
    var     $_sAuthUser;
    var     $_sAuthPass;

    var     $_sAgent;

    var     $nErrParse =    -1000;      // failed to parse URL
    var     $nErrScheme =   -1001;      // unsupported URL scheme

    function    HTTPGet($s_url = "")
        $this->_aURLSplit = array();
        if (($this->_sURL = $s_url) !== "")

    function    _SplitURL()
        FMDebug("URL: ".$this->_sURL);
        if (($this->_aURLSplit = parse_url($this->_sURL)) === FALSE)
            $this->_aURLSplit = array();
            return ($this->_SetError($this->nErrParse));
        return (TRUE);

    function    GetURLSplit()
        return ($this->_aURLSplit);

    function    SetURL($s_url)
        $this->_aURLSplit = array();
        $this->_sURL = $s_url;
        return ($this->_SplitURL());

    function    _Init()
        if (!isset($this->_aURLSplit["host"]))
            return ($this->_SetError($this->nErrInit));
        $i_port = 80;
        if (isset($this->_aURLSplit["scheme"]))
            switch (strtolower($this->_aURLSplit["scheme"]))
            case "http":
            case "https":
                $i_port = 443;
                return ($this->_SetError($this->nErrScheme));
        if (isset($this->_aURLSplit["port"]))
            $i_port = $this->_aURLSplit["port"];
        if ($i_port == 443)
                // we require ssl:// for port 443
        return (TRUE);

    function    _SendRequest()
        FMDebug("Path: ".$this->_aURLSplit["path"]);
        if (!isset($this->_aURLSplit["path"]) || $this->_aURLSplit["path"] === "")
            $s_path = "/";          // default path
            $s_path = $this->_aURLSplit["path"];
        if (isset($this->_aURLSplit["query"]))
                // add the query to the path
                // Note that parse_url decodes the query string (urldecode), so
                // we need to split it into its component parameters
                // are re-encode their values.  Calling urlencode($this->_aURLSplit["query"])
                // encodes the '=' between parameters and this breaks things.
            $a_params = explode('&',$this->_aURLSplit["query"]);
            foreach ($a_params as $i_idx=>$s_param)
                if (($i_pos = strpos($s_param,"=")) === false)
                    $a_params[$i_idx] = urlencode($s_param);
                    $a_params[$i_idx] = substr($s_param,0,$i_pos).'='.
            $s_path .= "?".implode('&',$a_params);
            // add the fragment to the path.
        if (isset($this->_aURLSplit["fragment"]))
            $s_path .= '#'.urlencode($this->_aURLSplit["fragment"]);
            // build the request
        $s_req = "GET $s_path HTTP/1.0\r\n";
                // Add authentication
        if (isset($this->_sAuthLine))
            $s_req .= "Authorization: $this->_sAuthLine\r\n";
        elseif (isset($this->_sAuthType))
            $s_req .= "Authorization: ".$this->_sAuthType." ".
            // Specify the host name
        $s_req .= "Host: ".$this->GetHost()."\r\n";
            // Specify the user agent
        if (isset($this->_sAgent))
            $s_req .= "User-Agent: ".$this->_sAgent."\r\n";
            // Accept any output
        $s_req .= "Accept: */*\r\n";
            // End of request headers
        $s_req .= "\r\n";
        $this->_sRequest = $s_req;
        return (parent::Write($s_req));

    function    _GetResponse()
        if (($a_lines = parent::Read()) === FALSE)
            return (FALSE);

        $this->_aRespHeaders = $this->_aResponse = array();
        $b_body = FALSE;
        for ($ii = 0 ; $ii < count($a_lines) ; $ii++)
            if ($b_body)
                //FMDebug("Body line: ".rtrim($a_lines[$ii]));
                $this->_aResponse[] = $a_lines[$ii];
            elseif ($a_lines[$ii] == "\r\n" || $a_lines[$ii] == "\n")
                $b_body = TRUE;
                //FMDebug("Header line: ".rtrim($a_lines[$ii]));
                $this->_aRespHeaders[] = $a_lines[$ii];
        return (TRUE);

    function    GetResponseHeaders()
        return ($this->_aRespHeaders);

    function    FindHeader($s_name)
        $s_name = strtolower($s_name);
        $i_len = strlen($s_name);
        for ($ii = 0 ; $ii < count($this->_aRespHeaders) ; $ii++)
            $s_line = $this->_aRespHeaders[$ii];
            if (($s_hdr = substr($s_line,0,$i_len)) !== false)
                $s_hdr = strtolower($s_hdr);
                if ($s_hdr === $s_name && substr($s_line,$i_len,1) === ":")
                    return (trim(substr($s_line,$i_len+1)));
        return (false);

    function    GetHTTPStatus()
        $i_http_code = 0;
        $s_status = "";
        for ($ii = 0 ; $ii < count($this->_aRespHeaders) ; $ii++)
            $s_line = $this->_aRespHeaders[$ii];
            if (substr($s_line,0,4) == "HTTP")
                $i_pos = strpos($s_line," ");
                $s_status = substr($s_line,$i_pos+1);
                $i_end_pos = strpos($s_status," ");
                if ($i_end_pos === false)
                    $i_end_pos = strlen($s_status);
                $i_http_code = (int) substr($s_status,0,$i_end_pos);
        return (array($i_http_code,$s_status));

    function    Resolve()
        if (!$this->_Init())
            return (FALSE);
        return (parent::Resolve());

    function    Read()
        if (!$this->_Init())
            return (FALSE);
        FMDebug("Init done");
        if (!$this->Open())
            return (FALSE);
        FMDebug("Open done");
        if (!$this->_SendRequest())
            return (FALSE);
        FMDebug("Send done");
        if (!$this->_GetResponse())
            return (FALSE);
        FMDebug("Get done");
        return ($this->_aResponse);

    function    SetAuthenticationLine($s_auth)
        $this->_sAuthLine = $s_auth;

    function    SetAuthentication($s_type,$s_user,$s_pass)
        $this->_sAuthType = $s_type;
        $this->_sAuthUser = $s_user;
        $this->_sAuthPass = $s_pass;

    function    SetAgent($s_agent)
        $this->_sAgent = $s_agent;

    // Load a template file into a string.
function LoadTemplate($s_name,$s_dir,$s_url,$b_ret_lines = false)
    global  $php_errormsg;

    $s_buf = "";
    $a_lines = array();
    if (!empty($s_dir))
        $s_name = "$s_dir/".basename($s_name);
@       $fp = fopen($s_name,"r");
        if ($fp === false)
            return (false);
        if ($b_ret_lines)
            $a_lines = ReadLines($fp);
                // load the whole template into a string
            $s_buf = fread($fp,filesize($s_name));
        if (substr($s_url,-1) == '/')
            $s_name = "$s_url".basename($s_name);
            $s_name = "$s_url/".basename($s_name);
        if (($m_data = GetURL($s_name,$s_error,$b_ret_lines)) === false)
            return (false);
        if ($b_ret_lines)
            $a_lines = $m_data;
                // strip line terminations from each line
            for ($ii = count($a_lines) ; --$ii >= 0 ; )
                $s_line = $a_lines[$ii];
                $s_line = str_replace("\r","",$s_line);
                $s_line = str_replace("\n","",$s_line);
                $a_lines[$ii] = $s_line;
            $s_buf = $m_data;

    return ($b_ret_lines ? $a_lines : $s_buf);

    // To show an error template.  The template must be HTML and, for security
    // reasons, must be a file on the server in the directory specified
    // $a_specs is an array of substitutions to perform, as follows:
    //      tag-name    replacement string
    // For example:
    //      "fmerror"=>"An error message"
function ShowErrorTemplate($s_name,$a_specs,$b_user_error)

    if (empty($TEMPLATEDIR) && empty($TEMPLATEURL))
        return (false);
    if (($s_buf = LoadTemplate($s_name,$TEMPLATEDIR,$TEMPLATEURL)) === false)
        return (false);

        // now look for the tags to replace
    foreach ($a_specs as $s_tag=>$s_value)
            // search for
            //      <tagname/>
            // or
            //      [tagname/]
            // with optional whitespace
        $s_buf = preg_replace('/[<\[]\s*'.preg_quote($s_tag,"/").'\s*\/\s*[>\]]/ims',
    if ($b_user_error)
            // strip any <fmusererror> and </fmusererror> tags
                // or [fmusererrors] and [/fmusererror] tags
            // You can show information that's specific to user
            // errors between these special tags.
        $s_buf = preg_replace('/[<\[]\s*\/?\s*fmusererror\s*[>\]]/ims','',$s_buf);
            // since this isn't a system error, strip anything between
            // <fmsyserror> and </fmsyserror>
            // or [fmsyserrors] and [/fmsyserror] tags
        $s_buf = preg_replace('/[<\[]\s*fmsyserror\s*[>\]].*[<\[]\s*\/\s*fmsyserror\s*[>\]]/ims','',$s_buf);
            // strip any <fmsyserror> and </fmsyserror> tags
            // or [fmsyserrors] and [/fmsyserror] tags
            // You can show information that's specific to system
            // errors between these special tags.
        $s_buf = preg_replace('/[<\[]\s*\/?\s*fmsyserror\s*[>\]]/ims','',$s_buf);
            // since this isn't a user error, strip anything between
            // <fmusererror> and </fmusererror>
            // or [fmusererrors] and [/fmusererror] tags
        $s_buf = preg_replace('/[<\[]\s*fmusererror\s*[>\]].*[<\[]\s*\/\s*fmusererror\s*[>\]]/ims','',$s_buf);
        // just output the page
    echo $s_buf;
    return (true);

    // To show an error to the user.
function ShowError($error_code,$error_mesg,$b_user_error,
                $b_alerted = false,$a_item_list = array(),$s_extra_info = "")
    global  $aServerVars,$aStrippedFormVars;

        // Testing with PHP 4.0.6 indicates that sessions don't always work.
        // So, we'll also add the error to the URL, unless
        // PUT_DATA_IN_URL is false.

    $bad_url = $SPECIAL_VALUES["bad_url"];
    $bad_template = $SPECIAL_VALUES["bad_template"];
    $this_form = $SPECIAL_VALUES["this_form"];
    if (IsAjax())
    elseif (!empty($bad_url))
        $a_params = array();
        if (PUT_DATA_IN_URL)
            $a_params[] = "this_form=".urlencode("$this_form");
            $a_params[] = "bad_template=".urlencode("$bad_template");
            $a_params[] = "error=".urlencode("$error_mesg");
            $a_params[] = "extra=".urlencode("$s_extra_info");
            $a_params[] = "errcode=".urlencode("$error_code");
            $a_params[] = "isusererror=".($b_user_error ? "1" : "0");
            $a_params[] = "alerted=".($b_alerted ? "1" : "0");
            $i_count = 1;
            foreach ($a_item_list as $s_item)
                $a_params[] = "erroritem$i_count=".urlencode("$s_item");
            $a_sess_data = GetSession("FormData");
            $a_sess_data["this_form"] = "$this_form";
            $a_sess_data["bad_template"] = "$bad_template";
                // tell the bad_url to look in the session only
            $a_params[] = "insession=1";
            // Add the posted data to the URL so that an intelligent
            // $bad_url can call the form again
        foreach ($aStrippedFormVars as $s_name=>$m_value)
                // skip special fields
            $b_special = false;
            if (in_array($s_name,$SPECIAL_FIELDS))
                $b_special = true;
                foreach ($SPECIAL_MULTI as $s_multi_fld)
                    $i_len = strlen($s_multi_fld);
                    if (substr($s_name,0,$i_len) == $s_multi_fld)
                        $i_index = (int) substr($s_name,$i_len);
                        if ($i_index > 0)
                            $b_special = true;
            if (!$b_special)
                if (PUT_DATA_IN_URL)
                    if (is_array($m_value))
                        foreach ($m_value as $s_value)
                            $a_params[] = "$s_name".'[]='.
                        $a_params[] = "$s_name=".urlencode(substr($m_value,0,MAXSTRING));
                    $a_sess_data = GetSession("FormData");
                    if (is_array($m_value))
                        $a_sess_data["$s_name"] = $m_value;
                        $a_sess_data["$s_name"] = substr($m_value,0,MAXSTRING);
            // Now add the authentication data, if any
        if ((isset($aServerVars["PHP_AUTH_USER"]) &&
                $aServerVars["PHP_AUTH_USER"] !== "") ||
            (isset($aServerVars["PHP_AUTH_PW"]) &&
                $aServerVars["PHP_AUTH_PW"] !== ""))
            if (PUT_DATA_IN_URL)
                if (isset($aServerVars["PHP_AUTH_USER"]))
                    $a_params[] = "PHP_AUTH_USER=".urlencode($aServerVars["PHP_AUTH_USER"]);

                if (isset($aServerVars["PHP_AUTH_PW"]))
                    $a_params[] = "PHP_AUTH_PW=".urlencode($aServerVars["PHP_AUTH_PW"]);

                if (isset($aServerVars["PHP_AUTH_TYPE"]))
                    $a_params[] = "PHP_AUTH_TYPE=".urlencode($aServerVars["PHP_AUTH_TYPE"]);
                $a_sess_data = GetSession("FormData");
                if (isset($aServerVars["PHP_AUTH_USER"]))
                    $a_sess_data["PHP_AUTH_USER"] = $aServerVars["PHP_AUTH_USER"];

                if (isset($aServerVars["PHP_AUTH_PW"]))
                    $a_sess_data["PHP_AUTH_PW"] = $aServerVars["PHP_AUTH_PW"];

                if (isset($aServerVars["PHP_AUTH_TYPE"]))
                    $a_sess_data["PHP_AUTH_TYPE"] = $aServerVars["PHP_AUTH_TYPE"];
        $bad_url = AddURLParams($bad_url,$a_params,false);
        if (!empty($bad_template))
            $a_specs = array("fmerror"=>htmlspecialchars("$error_mesg"),
            for ($i_count = 1 ; $i_count <= 20 ; $i_count++)
                $a_specs["fmerroritem$i_count"] = "";
            $i_count = 1;
            foreach ($a_item_list as $s_item)
                $a_specs["fmerroritem$i_count"] = htmlspecialchars($s_item);
            $s_list = "";
            foreach ($a_item_list as $s_item)
                $s_list .= "<li>".htmlspecialchars($s_item)."</li>";
            $a_specs["fmerroritemlist"] = $s_list;
            if (ShowErrorTemplate($bad_template,$a_specs,$b_user_error))
        $s_text = GetMessage(MSG_ERROR_PROC);
        if ($b_user_error)
            $s_text .= $error_mesg."\n".FixedHTMLEntities($s_extra_info);
            global  $SERVER;

            if ($b_alerted)
                $s_text .= GetMessage(MSG_ALERT_DONE,array("SERVER"=>$SERVER));
                $s_text .= GetMessage(MSG_PLS_CONTACT,array("SERVER"=>$SERVER));
            $s_text .= GetMessage(MSG_APOLOGY,array("SERVER"=>$SERVER));
            // the session data is not needed now

    // Report an error.  Same as Error, but implements
function ErrorWithIgnore($error_code,$error_mesg,$b_filter = true,$show = true,$int_mesg = "")
    if (function_exists('FMHookErrorWithIgnore'))

    $b_alerted = false;
        if (SendAlert("$error_code\n *****$int_mesg*****\nError=$error_mesg\n",$b_filter))
            $b_alerted = true;
    if ($show)
            // show something to the user

    // Report an error
function Error($error_code,$error_mesg,$b_filter = true,$show = true,$int_mesg = "")
    if (function_exists('FMHookError'))

    $b_alerted = false;
    if (SendAlert("$error_code\n *****$int_mesg*****\nError=$error_mesg\n",$b_filter))
        $b_alerted = true;
    if ($show)
            // show something to the user

    // Report a user error
function UserError($s_error_code,$s_error_mesg,
                    $s_extra_info = "",$a_item_list = array())
    if (function_exists('FMHookUserError'))
    $b_alerted = false;
        $b_alerted = true;

    // Create a simple page with the given text.
function CreatePage($text,$title = "",$b_show_about = true)
    global  $FM_VERS,$sHTMLCharSet;

    if (IsAjax())
        // CreatePage should not be called in Ajax mode.
        // If it is, it must be an error or debugging state.
        echo '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">'."\n";
        echo '<html xmlns="">'."\n";
        echo "<head>\n";
        if (isset($sHTMLCharSet) && $sHTMLCharSet !== "")
            echo "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=$sHTMLCharSet\" />\n";
        if ($title != "")
            echo "<title>".FixedHTMLEntities($title)."</title>\n";
        echo "</head>\n";
        echo "<body>\n";
        echo nl2br($text);
        echo "<p />";
        if ($b_show_about)
            echo "<p><small>\n";
            echo GetMessage(MSG_ABOUT_FORMMAIL,array("FM_VERS"=>$FM_VERS,
            echo "</small></p>\n";
        echo "</body>\n";
        echo "</html>\n";

    // Strip slashes if magic_quotes_gpc is set.
function StripGPC($s_value)
    if (get_magic_quotes_gpc() != 0)
        $s_value = stripslashes($s_value);
    return ($s_value);

    // return an array, stripped of slashes if magic_quotes_gpc is set
function StripGPCArray($a_values)
    if (get_magic_quotes_gpc() != 0)
        foreach ($a_values as $m_key=>$m_value)
            if (is_array($m_value))
                    // strip arrays recursively
                $a_values[$m_key] = StripGPCArray($m_value);
                    // convert scalar to string and strip
                $a_values[$m_key] = stripslashes("$m_value");
    return ($a_values);

    // Strip a value of unwanted characters, which might be hacks.
    // The stripping of \r and \n is a *critical* security feature.
function Strip($value)
        // When working with character sets such as UTF-8, stripping
        // control characters is a *really bad idea* and breaks things.
        // From version 8.22, FormMail only strips \r and \n as these
        // are really the only characters that can cause header hacks
        // to be inserted. (Strip means replace with a single space).
        // We also handle multiple spaces.
    $value = preg_replace('/[ \r\n]+/'," ",$value);    // zap all CRLF and multiple blanks
    return ($value);

    // Clean a value.  This means:
    //  1. convert to string
    //  2. truncate to maximum length
    //  3. strip the value of unwanted or dangerous characters (hacks)
    //  4. trim both ends of whitespace
    // Each element of an array is cleaned as above.  This process occurs
    // recursively, so arrays of arrays work OK too (though there's no
    // need for that in this program).
    // Non-scalar values are changed to the string "<X>" where X is the type.
    // In general, FormMail won't receive non-scalar non-array values, so this
    // is more a future-proofing measure.
function CleanValue($m_value)
    if (is_array($m_value))
        foreach ($m_value as $m_key=>$m_item)
            $m_value[$m_key] = CleanValue($m_item);
    elseif (!is_scalar($m_value))
        $m_value = "<".gettype($m_value).">";
            // convert to string and truncate
        $m_value = substr("$m_value",0,MAXSTRING);
            // strip unwanted chars and trim
        $m_value = trim(Strip($m_value));
    return ($m_value);

    // Clean a special value.  Special values listed in $SPECIAL_NOSTRIP
    // will not be cleaned.
function SpecialCleanValue($s_name,$m_value)
    global  $SPECIAL_NOSTRIP;

    if (!in_array($s_name,$SPECIAL_NOSTRIP))
        $m_value = CleanValue($m_value);
    return ($m_value);

    // Return the fields and their values in a string containing one
    // field per line.
function MakeFieldOutput($a_order,$a_fields,$s_line_feed = BODY_LF)
    $n_order = count($a_order);
    $s_output = "";
    for ($ii = 0 ; $ii < $n_order ; $ii++)
        $s_name = $a_order[$ii];
        if (isset($a_fields[$s_name]))
            $s_output .= "$s_name: ".$a_fields[$s_name].$s_line_feed;
    return ($s_output);

    // Check if a field name is special. Returns true if it is.
function IsSpecialField($s_name)
    global  $SPECIAL_FIELDS;

    return (in_array($s_name,$SPECIAL_FIELDS));

    // Set a special field value.
function SetSpecialField($s_name,$m_value)
    global  $SPECIAL_VALUES;

        // most special values cannot be arrays; ignore them if they are
    if (is_array($m_value))
        global  $SPECIAL_ARRAYS;

        if (!in_array($s_name,$SPECIAL_ARRAYS))
    $SPECIAL_VALUES[$s_name] = SpecialCleanValue($s_name,$m_value);

    // Check if a field name is a special "multi" field.
    // A multi field is the name plus a sequence number.  For example,
    //      conditions1
    //      conditions2
    // Returns a list (array) if it is, otherwise false if not.
    // The list contains:
    //      1. the name of the special multi field
    //      2. the index number for multi field
function IsSpecialMultiField($s_name)
    global  $SPECIAL_MULTI;

    foreach ($SPECIAL_MULTI as $s_multi_fld)
        $i_len = strlen($s_multi_fld);
            // look for nameN where N is a number starting from 1
        if (substr($s_name,0,$i_len) == $s_multi_fld)
            $i_index = (int) substr($s_name,$i_len);
            if ($i_index > 0)
                    // re-index to zero
                return (array($s_multi_fld,$i_index));
    return (false);

    // Set a multi field value.
function SetSpecialMultiField($s_name,$i_index,$m_value)
    global  $SPECIAL_VALUES;

        // these special fields cannot be arrays - ignore if it is
    if (!is_array($m_value))
        $SPECIAL_VALUES[$s_name][$i_index] = SpecialCleanValue($s_name,$m_value);

    // Check if a field is part of Reverse Captcha processing.
function    IsReverseCaptchaField($s_name)

    return (isset($ATTACK_DETECTION_REVERSE_CAPTCHA[$s_name]));

    // Process a field
function ProcessField($s_name,$raw_value,&$a_order,&$a_fields,&$a_raw_fields)
    global  $FORMATTED_INPUT;

        // fields go into an array of special values or an array of other values
        // or get completely ignored.
    $b_ignore = $b_special = false;
    if (IsSpecialField($s_name))
        $b_special = true;
        // check for multiple valued special fields
    if (($a_multi_fld = IsSpecialMultiField($s_name)) !== false)
        $b_special = true;
    if (!$b_special)
        if (IsReverseCaptchaField($s_name))
            $b_ignore = true;
    if (!$b_special && !$b_ignore)
            // return the raw value unchanged in the $a_raw_fields array
        $a_raw_fields[$s_name] = $raw_value;
            // handle checkboxes and multiple-selection lists
            // Thanks go to Theodore Boardman for the suggestion
            // and initial working code.
        if (is_array($raw_value))
            if (empty($raw_value))
                $s_cleaned_value = "";
                $a_cleaned_values = CleanValue($raw_value);
                    // the output is a comma separated list of values for the
                    // checkbox.  For example,
                    //          events: Diving,Cycling,Running
                    // Set the clean value to the list of cleaned checkbox
                    // values.
                    // First, remove any commas in the values themselves.
                $a_cleaned_values = str_replace(",","",$a_cleaned_values);
                $s_cleaned_value = implode(",",$a_cleaned_values);
                // NOTE: there is a minor bug here now that we support
                // $FORM_INI_FILE. The INI file is processed at the end
                // so if you set the mail_options below in the INI file they
                // won't get processed here.  This means you must set
                // the following mail_options in the HTML form for now.
                // (To be fixed at a later date.  RJR 17-Feb-06).

                // if the form specifies the "KeepLines" option,
                // don't strip new lines
            if (IsMailOptionSet("KeepLines") && strpos($raw_value,"\n") !== false)
                    // truncate first
                $s_truncated = substr("$raw_value",0,MAXSTRING);
                    // split into lines, clean each individual line,
                    // then put it back together again
                $a_lines = explode("\n",$s_truncated);
                $a_lines = CleanValue($a_lines);
                $s_cleaned_value = implode(BODY_LF,$a_lines);
                    // and, for this special case, prepend a new line
                    // so that the value is shown on a fresh line
                $s_cleaned_value = BODY_LF.$s_cleaned_value;
                $s_cleaned_value = CleanValue($raw_value);
            // if the form specifies the "NoEmpty" option, skip
            // empty values.
        if (!IsMailOptionSet("NoEmpty") || !FieldManager::IsEmpty($s_cleaned_value))
            if (!IsMailExcluded($s_name))
                    // by default, we maintain the order as passed in
                    // the HTTP request
                $a_order[] = $s_name;
                $a_fields[$s_name] = $s_cleaned_value;

            // add to the $FORMATTED_INPUT array for debugging and
            // error reporting
        array_push($FORMATTED_INPUT,"$s_name: '$s_cleaned_value'");

    // Parse the input variables and return:
    //  1. an array that specifies the required field order in the output
    //  2. an array containing the non-special cleaned field values indexed
    //     by field name.
    //  3. an array containing the non-special raw field values indexed by
    //     field name.
function ParseInput($a_vars)
    $a_order = array();
    $a_fields = array();
    $a_raw_fields = array();
        // scan the array of values passed in (name-value pairs) and
        // produce slightly formatted (not HTML) textual output
        // and extract any special values found.
    foreach ($a_vars as $s_name=>$raw_value)

    return (array($a_order,$a_fields,$a_raw_fields));

    // Get the URL for sending to the CRM.
function GetCRMURL($spec,$vars,$url)
    $bad = false;
    $list = TrimArray(explode(",",$spec));
    $map = array();
    for ($ii = 0 ; $ii < count($list) ; $ii++)
        $name = $list[$ii];
        if ($name)
                // the specification must be in this format:
                //      form-field-name:CRM-field-name
            if (($i_crm_name_pos = strpos($name,":")) > 0)
                $s_crm_name = substr($name,$i_crm_name_pos + 1);
                $name = substr($name,0,$i_crm_name_pos);
                if (isset($vars[$name]))
                    $map[] = $s_crm_name."=".urlencode($vars[$name]);
                    $map[] = "Orig_".$s_crm_name."=".urlencode($name);
                    // not the right format, so just include as a parameter
                    // check for name=value format to choose encoding
                $a_values = explode("=",$name);
                if (count($a_values) > 1)
                    $map[] = urlencode($a_values[0])."=".urlencode($a_values[1]);
                    $map[] = urlencode($a_values[0]);
    if (count($map) == 0)
        return ("");
    return (AddURLParams($url,$map,false));

    // strip the HTML from a string or array of strings
function StripHTML($m_value,$s_line_feed = "\n")
    if (is_array($m_value))
        foreach ($m_value as $m_key=>$s_str)
            $m_value[$m_key] = StripHTML($s_str);
        return ($m_value);
    $s_str = $m_value;
        // strip HTML comments (s option means include new lines in matches)
    $s_str = preg_replace('/<!--([^-]*([^-]|-([^-]|-[^>])))*-->/s','',$s_str);
        // strip any scripts (i option means case-insensitive)
    $s_str = preg_replace('/<script[^>]*?>.*?<\/script[^>]*?>/si','',$s_str);
        // replace paragraphs with new lines (line feeds)
    $s_str = preg_replace('/<p[^>]*?>/i',$s_line_feed,$s_str);
        // replace breaks with new lines (line feeds)
    $s_str = preg_replace('/<br[[:space:]]*\/?[[:space:]]*>/i',$s_line_feed,$s_str);
        // overcome this bug:
    $s_str = preg_replace('/<![^>]*>/s','',$s_str);
        // get rid of all HTML tags
    $s_str = strip_tags($s_str);
    return ($s_str);

    // Check for valid URL in TARGET_URLS
function CheckValidURL($s_url)
    global  $TARGET_URLS;

    foreach ($TARGET_URLS as $s_prefix)
        if (!empty($s_prefix) &&
                strtolower(substr($s_url,0,strlen($s_prefix))) ==
            return (true);
    return (false);

    // Scan the given data for fields returned from the CRM.
    // A field has this following format:
    //      __FIELDNAME__=value
    // terminated by a line feed.
function FindCRMFields($s_data)
    $a_ret = array();
    if (preg_match_all('/^__([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*)__=(.*)$/m',$s_data,$a_matches) === false)
        $n_matches = count($a_matches[0]);
    //  SendAlert("$n_matches on '$s_data'");
        for ($ii = 0 ; $ii < $n_matches ; $ii++)
            if (isset($a_matches[1][$ii]) && isset($a_matches[2][$ii]))
                $a_ret[$a_matches[1][$ii]] = $a_matches[2][$ii];
    return ($a_ret);

    // open the given URL to send data to it, we expect the response
    // to contain at least '__OK__=' followed by true or false
function SendToCRM($s_url,&$a_data)
    global  $php_errormsg;

    if (!CheckValidURL($s_url))
        return (false);
@   $fp = fopen($s_url,"r");        // RJR: TO DO: re-implement using NetIO
    if ($fp === false)
        return (false);
    $s_mesg = "";
    while (!feof($fp))
        $s_line = fgets($fp,4096);
        $s_mesg .= $s_line;
    $s_mesg = StripHTML($s_mesg);
    $s_result = preg_match('/__OK__=(.*)/',$s_mesg,$a_matches);
    if (count($a_matches) < 2 || $a_matches[1] === "")
            // no agreed __OK__ value returned - assume system error
        return (false);
        // look for fields to return
    $a_data = FindCRMFields($s_mesg);
        // check for success or user error
    switch (strtolower($a_matches[1]))
    case "true":
    case "false":
            // check for user error
        if (isset($a_data["USERERRORCODE"]))
            $s_error_code = "crm_error";
            $s_error_mesg = GetMessage(MSG_CRM_FORM_ERROR);
            $s_error_code .= $a_data["USERERRORCODE"];
            if (isset($a_data["USERERRORMESG"]))
                $s_error_mesg = $a_data["USERERRORMESG"];
                // no return
        return (false);
    return (true);

    // Split into field name and friendly name; returns an array with
    // two elements.
    // Format is:
    //      fieldname:Nice printable name for displaying
function GetFriendlyName($s_name)
    if (($i_pos = strpos($s_name,':')) === false)
        return (array(trim($s_name),trim($s_name)));
    return (array(trim(substr($s_name,0,$i_pos)),trim(substr($s_name,$i_pos+1))));

define("REQUIREDOPS","|^!=");       // operand characters for advanced required processing

    // Perform a field comparison test.
function FieldTest($s_oper,$s_fld1,$s_fld2,$a_vars,&$s_error_mesg,
                        $s_friendly1 = "",$s_friendly2 = "")
    $b_ok = true;
        // perform the test
    switch ($s_oper)
    case '&':       // both fields must be present
        if (!TestFieldEmpty($s_fld1,$a_vars,$s_empty1) &&
            ;       // OK
                // failed
            $s_error_mesg = GetMessage(MSG_AND,array("ITEM1"=>$s_friendly1,
            $b_ok = false;
    case '|':       // either field or both must be present
        if (!TestFieldEmpty($s_fld1,$a_vars,$s_empty1) ||
            ;       // OK
                // failed
            $s_error_mesg = GetMessage(MSG_OR,array("ITEM1"=>$s_friendly1,
            $b_ok = false;
    case '^':       // either field but not both must be present
        $b_got1 = !TestFieldEmpty($s_fld1,$a_vars,$s_empty1);
        $b_got2 = !TestFieldEmpty($s_fld2,$a_vars,$s_empty2);
        if ($b_got1 || $b_got2)
            if ($b_got1 && $b_got2)
                    // failed
                $s_error_mesg = GetMessage(MSG_NOT_BOTH,
                $b_ok = false;
                // failed
            $s_error_mesg = GetMessage(MSG_XOR,
            $b_ok = false;
    case '!=':
    case '=':
        $b_got1 = !TestFieldEmpty($s_fld1,$a_vars,$s_empty1);
        $b_got2 = !TestFieldEmpty($s_fld2,$a_vars,$s_empty2);
        if ($b_got1 && $b_got2)
            $b_match = (GetFieldValue($s_fld1,$a_vars) ==
        elseif (!$b_got1 && !$b_got2)
                // haven't got either value - they match
            $b_match = true;
                // got one value, but not the other - they don't match
            $b_match = false;
        if ($s_oper != '=')
                // != operator
            $b_match = !$b_match;
            $s_desc = GetMessage(MSG_IS_SAME_AS,
            $s_desc = GetMessage(MSG_IS_NOT_SAME_AS,
        if (!$b_match)
                // failed
            $s_error_mesg = $s_desc;
            $b_ok = false;
    return ($b_ok);

    // Process advanced "required" conditionals
function AdvancedRequired($s_cond,$i_span,$a_vars,&$s_missing,&$a_missing_list)
    $b_ok = true;
        // get first field name
    list($s_fld1,$s_friendly1) = GetFriendlyName(substr($s_cond,0,$i_span));
        // get the operator
    $s_rem = substr($s_cond,$i_span);
    $i_span = strspn($s_rem,REQUIREDOPS);
    $s_oper = substr($s_rem,0,$i_span);
    switch ($s_oper)
    case '|':
    case '^':
    case '=':
    case '!=':
            // second component is a field name
        list($s_fld2,$s_friendly2) = GetFriendlyName(substr($s_rem,$i_span));
        if (!FieldTest($s_oper,$s_fld1,$s_fld2,$a_vars,$s_error_mesg,
                // failed
            $s_missing .= "$s_error_mesg\n";
            $a_missing_list[$s_fld1] = "$s_error_mesg";
            $b_ok = false;
    return ($b_ok);

    // Check the input for required values.  The list of required fields
    // is a comma-separated list of field names or conditionals
function CheckRequired($s_reqd,$a_vars,&$s_missing,&$a_missing_list)
    global  $reCaptchaProcessor;

    $b_bad = false;
    $a_list = TrimArray(explode(",",$s_reqd));
    $s_missing = "";
    $a_missing_list = array();
    for ($ii = 0 ; $ii < count($a_list) ; $ii++)
        $s_cond = $a_list[$ii];
        $i_len = strlen($s_cond);
        if ($i_len <= 0)
        if (($i_span = strcspn($s_cond,REQUIREDOPS)) >= $i_len)
                // no advanced operator; just a field name
            list($s_fld,$s_friendly) = GetFriendlyName($s_cond);
            if (TestFieldEmpty($s_fld,$a_vars,$s_mesg))
                if ($s_mesg === "")
                    $s_mesg = "$s_friendly";
                    $s_mesg = "$s_friendly ($s_mesg)";
                $b_bad = true;
                $s_missing .= "$s_mesg\n";
                $a_missing_list[$s_fld] = "$s_mesg";
        elseif (!AdvancedRequired($s_cond,$i_span,$a_vars,
            $b_bad = true;


        // implement REQUIRE_CAPTCHA feature
    if ($REQUIRE_CAPTCHA !== "")
        if ($SPECIAL_VALUES["imgverify"] === "")
            $s_missing .= "$REQUIRE_CAPTCHA\n";
            $a_missing_list[] = "$REQUIRE_CAPTCHA";
            $b_bad = true;
    return (!$b_bad);

    // Run a condition test
function RunTest($s_test,$a_vars)
    global  $aAlertInfo;

    $s_op_chars = "&|^!=~#<>";      // these are the characters for the operators
    $i_len = strlen($s_test);
    $b_ok = true;
    if ($i_len <= 0)
            // empty test - true
    elseif ($s_test == "!")
            // test asserts false
        $b_ok = false;
    elseif (($i_span = strcspn($s_test,$s_op_chars)) >= $i_len)
            // no operator - just check field presence
        $b_ok = !TestFieldEmpty($s_test,$a_vars,$s_mesg);
            // get first field name
        $s_fld1 = trim(substr($s_test,0,$i_span));
            // get the operator
        $s_rem = substr($s_test,$i_span);
        $i_span = strspn($s_rem,$s_op_chars);
        $s_oper = substr($s_rem,0,$i_span);
        switch ($s_oper)
        case '&':
        case '|':
        case '^':
        case '=':
        case '!=':
                // get the second field name
            $s_fld2 = trim(substr($s_rem,$i_span));
            $b_ok = FieldTest($s_oper,$s_fld1,$s_fld2,$a_vars,$s_error_mesg);
        case '~':
        case '!~':
                // get the regular expression
            $s_pat = trim(substr($s_rem,$i_span));
            if (!TestFieldEmpty($s_fld1,$a_vars,$s_mesg))
                $s_value = GetFieldValue($s_fld1,$a_vars);
                $s_value = "";
            //echo "<p>Pattern: '".htmlspecialchars($s_pat)."': count=".preg_match($s_pat,$s_value)."<br /></p>";
                // match the regular expression
            if (preg_match($s_pat,$s_value) > 0)
                $b_ok = ($s_oper == '~');
                $b_ok = ($s_oper == '!~');
            if (!$b_ok)
                $aAlertInfo[] = GetMessage(MSG_PAT_FAILED,array("OPER"=>$s_oper,
        case '#=':
        case '#!=':
        case '#<':
        case '#>':
        case '#<=':
        case '#>=':
                // numeric tests
            $s_num = trim(substr($s_rem,$i_span));
                // if this is a file field, get the size of the file for
                // numeric tests
            if (($s_value = GetFileSize($s_fld1)) === false)
                $s_value = $a_vars[$s_fld1];
            if (strpos($s_num,'.') === false)
                    // treat as integer
                $m_num = (int) $s_num;
                $m_fld = (int) $s_value;
                    // treat as floating point
                $m_num = (float) $s_num;
                $m_fld = (float) $s_value;
            switch ($s_oper)
            case '#=':
                $b_ok = ($m_fld == $m_num);
            case '#!=':
                $b_ok = ($m_fld != $m_num);
            case '#<':
                $b_ok = ($m_fld < $m_num);
            case '#>':
                $b_ok = ($m_fld > $m_num);
            case '#<=':
                $b_ok = ($m_fld <= $m_num);
            case '#>=':
                $b_ok = ($m_fld >= $m_num);
    return ($b_ok);

    // Check the input for condition tests.
function CheckConditions($m_conditions,$a_vars,&$s_missing,&$a_missing_list,$m_id = false)
    if (is_array($m_conditions))
            // Sort the conditions by their numeric value.  This ensures
            // conditions are executed in the right order.
        foreach ($m_conditions as $m_key=>$s_cond)
            if (!CheckConditions($s_cond,$a_vars,$s_missing,$a_missing_list,$m_key))
                return (false);
        return (true);
    $s_fld_name = "conditions".($m_id === false ? "" : ($m_id+1));
    if (!is_string($m_conditions))
        return (true);  // pass invalid conditions
    if ($m_conditions == "")
        return (true);  // pass empty conditions
    $s_cond = $m_conditions;
        // extract the separator characters
    if (strlen($s_cond) < 2)
        return (true);  // pass invalid conditions
    $s_list_sep = $s_cond[0];
    $s_int_sep = $s_cond[1];
    $s_full_cond = $s_cond = substr($s_cond,2);
    $b_bad = false;
    $a_list = TrimArray(explode($s_list_sep,$s_cond));
    $s_missing = "";
    $a_missing_list = array();
    for ($ii = 0 ; $ii < count($a_list) ; $ii++)
        $s_cond = $a_list[$ii];
        $i_len = strlen($s_cond);
        if ($i_len <= 0)
            // split the condition into its internal components
        $a_components = TrimArray(explode($s_int_sep,$s_cond));
        if (count($a_components) < 5)
                // the smallest condition has 5 components
            // first component is ignored (it's blank)
        $a_components = array_slice($a_components,1);
        switch ($a_components[0])
        case "TEST":
            if (count($a_components) > 5)
            if (!RunTest($a_components[1],$a_vars))
                $s_missing .= $a_components[2]."\n";
                $a_missing_list[] = $a_components[2];
                $b_bad = true;
        case "IF":
            if (count($a_components) < 6)
            if (count($a_components) > 7)
            if (RunTest($a_components[1],$a_vars))
                $b_test = RunTest($a_components[2],$a_vars);
                $b_test = RunTest($a_components[3],$a_vars);
            if (!$b_test)
                $s_missing .= $a_components[4]."\n";
                $a_missing_list[] = $a_components[4];
                $b_bad = true;
    return (!$b_bad);

    // Return a formatted list of the given environment variables.
function GetEnvVars($list,$s_line_feed)
    global  $VALID_ENV,$aServerVars;

    $output = "";
    for ($ii = 0 ; $ii < count($list) ; $ii++)
        $name = $list[$ii];
        if ($name && array_search($name,$VALID_ENV,true) !== false)
                // if the environment variable is empty or non-existent, try
                // looking for the value in the server vars.
            if (($s_value = getenv($name)) === "" || $s_value === false)
                if (isset($aServerVars[$name]))
                    $s_value = $aServerVars[$name];
                    $s_value = "";
            $output .= $name."=".$s_value.$s_line_feed;
    return ($output);

    // open a socket connection to a filter and post the data there
    // RJR: TO DO: re-implement using NetIO
function SocketFilter($filter,$a_filter_info,$m_data)
    static  $b_in_here = false;
    global  $php_errormsg;

        // prevent recursive errors
    if ($b_in_here)
        return ("<DATA DISCARDED>");
    $b_in_here = true;

    $a_errors = array();
    if (!isset($a_filter_info["site"]))
        $a_errors[] = GetMessage(MSG_MISSING,array("ITEM"=>"site"));
        $s_site = $a_filter_info["site"];

    if (!isset($a_filter_info["port"]))
        $a_errors[] = GetMessage(MSG_MISSING,array("ITEM"=>"port"));
        $i_port = (int) $a_filter_info["port"];

    if (!isset($a_filter_info["path"]))
        $a_errors[] = GetMessage(MSG_MISSING,array("ITEM"=>"path"));
        $s_path = $a_filter_info["path"];

    if (!isset($a_filter_info["params"]))
        $a_params = array();
    elseif (!is_array($a_filter_info["params"]))
        $a_errors[] = GetMessage(MSG_NEED_ARRAY,array("ITEM"=>"params"));
        $a_params = $a_filter_info["params"];

    if (!empty($a_errors))
                            "ERRORS"=>implode(', ',$a_errors))),false,false);

        // ready to build the socket - we need a longer time limit for the
        // script if we're doing this; we allow 30 seconds for the connection
        // (should be instantaneous, especially if it's the same domain)
@   $f_sock = fsockopen($s_site,$i_port,$i_errno,$s_errstr,30);
    if ($f_sock === false)
                            "ERRSTR"=>"$s_errstr (".CheckString($php_errormsg).")")),
        // build the data to send
    $m_request_data = array();
    $i_count = 0;
    foreach ($a_params as $m_var)
            // if the parameter spec is an array, process it specially;
            // it must have "name" and "file" elements
        if (is_array($m_var))
            if (!isset($m_var["name"]))
            $s_name = $m_var["name"];
            if (!isset($m_var["file"]))
                // open the file and read its contents
@           $fp = fopen($m_var["file"],"r");
            if ($fp === false)
            $s_data = "";
            $n_lines = 0;
            while (!feof($fp))
                if (($s_line = fgets($fp,2048)) === false)
                    if (feof($fp))
                $s_data .= $s_line;

            $m_request_data[] = "$s_name=".urlencode($s_data);
            $m_request_data[] = (string) $m_var;
        // add the data
    if (is_array($m_data))
        $m_request_data[] = "data=".urlencode(implode(BODY_LF,$m_data));
        $m_request_data[] = "data=".urlencode($m_data);
    $s_request = implode("&",$m_request_data);

    if (($i_pos = strpos($s_site,"://")) !== false)
        $s_site_name = substr($s_site,$i_pos+3);
        $s_site_name = $s_site;

    fputs($f_sock,"POST $s_path HTTP/1.0\r\n");
    fputs($f_sock,"Host: $s_site_name\r\n");
    fputs($f_sock,"Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n");
    fputs($f_sock,"Content-Length: ".strlen($s_request)."\r\n");

        // now read the response
    $m_hdr = "";
    $m_data = "";
    $b_in_hdr = true;
    $b_ok = false;
    while (!feof($f_sock))
        if (($s_line = fgets($f_sock,2048)) === false)
            if (feof($f_sock))
            // look for an "__OK__" line
        if (trim($s_line) == "__OK__")
            $b_ok = true;
        elseif ($b_in_hdr)
                // blank line signals end of header
            if (trim($s_line) == "")
                $b_in_hdr = false;
                $m_hdr .= $s_line;
            $m_data .= $s_line;
        // if not OK, then report error
    if (!$b_ok)
    $b_in_here = false;
    return ($m_data);

    // run data through a supported filter
function Filter($filter,$m_data)
    global  $php_errormsg;
    static  $b_in_here = false;

        // prevent recursive errors
    if ($b_in_here)
        return ("<DATA DISCARDED>");
    $b_in_here = true;

        // Any errors sent in an alert are flagged to not run through the
        // filter - this also means the user's data won't be included in the
        // alert.
        // The reason for this is that the Filter is typically an encryption
        // program. If the filter fails, then sending the user's data in
        // clear text in an alert breaks the security of having encryption
        // in the first place!

        // find the filter
    if (!isset($FILTERS[$filter]) || $FILTERS[$filter] == "")
            // check for SOCKET_FILTERS
        if (!isset($SOCKET_FILTERS[$filter]) || $SOCKET_FILTERS[$filter] == "")
        $m_data = SocketFilter($filter,$SOCKET_FILTERS[$filter],$m_data);
    elseif ($FILTERS[$filter] == "null")
            // do nothing - just return the original data unchanged
    elseif ($FILTERS[$filter] == "csv")
        $m_data = BuiltinFilterCSV();
        $cmd = $FILTERS[$filter];
            // get the program name - assumed to be the first blank-separated word
        $a_words = preg_split('/\s+/',$cmd);
        $prog = $a_words[0];

        $s_cwd = getcwd();
            // change to the directory that contains the filter program
        $dirname = dirname($prog);
        if ($dirname != "" && $dirname != "." && !chdir($dirname))

            // the output of the filter goes to a temporary file; this works
            // OK on Windows too, even with the Unix shell syntax.
        $temp_file = GetTempName("FMF");
        $temp_error_file = GetTempName("FME");
        $cmd = "$cmd >$temp_file 2>$temp_error_file";
            // start the filter
        $pipe = popen($cmd,"w");
        if ($pipe === false)
            $s_sv_err = CheckString($php_errormsg);
            $err = join('',file($temp_error_file));
            // write the data to the filter
        if (is_array($m_data))
        if (($i_st = pclose($pipe)) != 0)
            $s_sv_err = CheckString($php_errormsg);
            $err = join('',file($temp_error_file));
            // read in the filter's output and return as the data to be sent
        $m_data = join('',file($temp_file));

            // return to previous directory
    $b_in_here = false;
    return ($m_data);

 * Function:    FilterFiles
 * Parameters:  $a_files    list of file uploads to filter
 * Returns:     void
 * Description:     
 *  Run the given files through any filter for which they are specified.
function    FilterFiles(&$a_files)
    global  $SPECIAL_VALUES;

    FMDebug("FilterFiles ".count($a_files));
    if (!GetFilterSpec($s_filter,$a_filter_list,true) || $a_filter_list === false)
            // no filter or file fields to filter
    if (($s_mime = GetFilterAttrib($s_filter,"MIME")) === false)
        $s_mime = "";
        // now, for each file, check if it is specified in the filter list
    foreach ($a_files as $s_fld=>$a_upload)
        FMDebug("Checking $s_fld");
        if (!IsUploadedFile($a_upload))
            FMDebug("Not uploaded");
                // failed security check
        if (!in_array($s_fld,$a_filter_list,true))
            FMDebug("Not to be filtered");
        /*** not sure what to do with this....
        if (isset($a_upload["error"]))
                // there was an upload error
            // this file upload has been specified for filtering
        $s_file_name = $a_upload["tmp_name"];
            // check if the file has been saved elsewhere
        if (isset($a_upload["saved_as"]) && !empty($a_upload["saved_as"]))
            $s_file_name = $a_upload["saved_as"];
        FMDebug("File name is $s_file_name");
            // read in the file
        if (($s_data = ReadInFile($s_file_name,"upload")) === false)
            Error("filter_files",GetMessage(MSG_FILE_UPLOAD_ERR_UNK,array("ERRNO"=>"reading $s_fld")),false,false);
            // filter and write it back out to the same file
        $s_data = Filter($s_filter,$s_data);
        if (!WriteOutFile($s_file_name,$s_data,"upload"))
            Error("filter_files",GetMessage(MSG_FILE_UPLOAD_ERR_UNK,array("ERRNO"=>"writing $s_fld")),false,false);
            // update size and MIME type for this upload
        $a_upload["size"] = strlen($s_data);
        if ($s_mime !== "")
            $a_upload["type"] = $s_mime;
        $a_files[$s_fld] = $a_upload;

 * Function:    ReadInFile
 * Parameters:  $s_file_name    the name of the file
 *              $s_file_error_type type of file for any error message
 *              $b_text         if true, read file as text
 * Returns:     mixed           the entire contents of the file
 *                              as a string, or false on error
 * Description:     
 *  Reads the contents of a file into a string.
function    ReadInFile($s_file_name,$s_file_error_type,$b_text = false)
    global  $php_errormsg;

    if (($fp = @fopen($s_file_name,"r".($b_text ? "t" : "b"))) === false)
                                            "TYPE"=>"read ".$s_file_error_type,
        return (false);
    $s_data = "";
    while (!feof($fp))
        $s_data .= fread($fp,8192);
    return ($s_data);

 * Function:    WriteOutFile
 * Parameters:  $s_file_name    the name of the file
 *              $s_data         the data to write
 *              $s_file_error_type type of file for any error message
 *              $b_text         if true, read file as text
 * Returns:     bool            true on success, otherwise false
 * Description:     
 *  Writes the contents of a file from a string.
function    WriteOutFile($s_file_name,$s_data,$s_file_error_type,$b_text = false)
    global  $php_errormsg;

    if (($fp = @fopen($s_file_name,"w".($b_text ? "t" : "b"))) === false)
                                            "TYPE"=>"write ".$s_file_error_type,
        return (false);
    if (fwrite($fp,$s_data) < strlen($s_data))
        return (false);
    return (true);

 * Class:       CSVFormat
 * Description:     
 *  Manages formatting of CSV content.
class   CSVFormat
    var         $_cSep;         /* field separator character */
    var         $_cQuote;       /* field quote character */
    var         $_cIntSep;      /* internal separator character (for lists) */
    var         $_sEscPolicy;   /* escape processing policy */
    var         $_sCleanFunc;   /* cleaning function for fields */

     * Method:      CSVFormat ctor
     * Parameters:  $c_sep          the field separator
     *              $c_quote        the quote character to use
     *              $c_int_sep      the internal field separator to use
     *              $s_esc_policy   escape processing policy to use
     *              $s_clean_func   a cleaning function
     * Returns:     n/a
     * Description: 
     *  Constructs the object.
    function    CSVFormat($c_sep = ',',$c_quote = '"',$c_int_sep = ';',
                            $s_esc_policy = "backslash",$s_clean_func = NULL)

     * Method:      SetEscPolicy
     * Parameters:  $s_esc_policy   a string specifying the escape processing
     *                              policy to use
     * Returns:     void
     * Description: 
     *  Set the escape processing policy.
    function    SetEscPolicy($s_esc_policy)
        switch ($s_esc_policy)
        default:        /* should generate a warning */
        case "backslash":
                $this->_sEscPolicy = "b";
        case "double":
                $this->_sEscPolicy = "d";
        case "strip":
                $this->_sEscPolicy = "s";
        case "conv":
                $this->_sEscPolicy = "c";

     * Method:      SetSep
     * Parameters:  $c_sep      the separator character to use
     * Returns:     void
     * Description: 
     *  Set the separator character for between fields.
    function    SetSep($c_sep)
        $this->_cSep = $c_sep;

     * Method:      SetQuote
     * Parameters:  $c_quote      the quote character to use
     * Returns:     void
     * Description: 
     *  Set the quote character for quoting fields.
    function    SetQuote($c_quote)
        $this->_cQuote = $c_quote;

     * Method:      SetIntSep
     * Parameters:  $c_int_sep      the internal separator character to use
     * Returns:     void
     * Description: 
     *  Set the internal separator character for inside fields.
    function    SetIntSep($c_int_sep)
        $this->_cIntSep = $c_int_sep;

     * Method:      SetCleanFunc
     * Parameters:  $s_clean_func   the name of a cleaning function (can be NULL)
     * Returns:     void
     * Description: 
     *  Set the cleaning function for fields.
    function    SetCleanFunc($s_clean_func)
        $this->_sCleanFunc = $s_clean_func;

     * Method:      _Escape
     * Parameters:  $m_value    the field value; string or array of strings 
     * Returns:     mixed       the field value escaped according to the
     *                          escape processing policy
     * Description: 
     *  Escapes a field value according to the configured requirements.
    function    _Escape($m_value)
        switch ($this->_sEscPolicy)
        default:            /* should generate an error */
        case "b":
                     * 'backslash' escape policy: replace \ with \\ and
                     * " with \"
                $m_value = str_replace("\\","\\\\",$m_value);
                $m_value = str_replace($this->_cQuote,"\\".$this->_cQuote,
        case "d":
                     * 'double' escape policy: replace " with ""
                     * This is suitable for Microsoft apps such as Excel
                     * and Access. It also meets the specification of
                     * RFC4180, though this RFC only specified double
                     * quotes whereas we handle any quote character.
                $m_value = str_replace($this->_cQuote,
        case "s":
                     * 'strip' escape policy: strip quotes
                $m_value = str_replace($this->_cQuote,"",$m_value);
        case "c":
                     * 'conv' escape policy: convert quotes to the other quotes
                switch ($this->_cQuote)
                case '"':
                         * convert double quotes in the data to single quotes
                    $m_value = str_replace("\"","'",$m_value);
                case '\'':
                         * convert single quotes in the data to double quotes
                    $m_value = str_replace("'","\"",$m_value);
                         * otherwise, leave the data unchanged
        return ($m_value);

     * Method:      _Format
     * Parameters:  $s_value    the string value to format
     *              $s_format   a format specification
     *                          a list of characters:
     *                              c   CleanValue
     *                              s   force to be a string
     *                              r   remove carriage returns
     * Returns:     string      the formatted value
     * Description: 
     *  Formats a value.
    function    _Format($s_value,$s_format = "")
        $s_value = $this->_Escape($s_value);
        $s_prefix = "";
             * now implement any special formatting to overcome
             * problems with importing
        $i_len = strlen($s_format);
        for ($ii = 0 ; $ii < $i_len ; $ii++)
            switch ($s_format[$ii])
            case "c":
                     * implement "c" formatting - CleanValue
                $s_value = CleanValue($s_value);
            case "r":
                     * implement "r" formatting - remove
                     * carriage returns.  Useful for Microsoft Excel
                $s_value = str_replace("\r","",$s_value);
            case "s":
                     * implement "s" formatting - force
                     * a value to be a string (by making it a string
                     * formula).  Useful for Microsoft Excel and OpenOffice
                     * spreadsheet, which don't understand numeric phone
                     * numbers, for example.
                if (strlen($s_value) > 0)
                    $s_prefix = "=";

        return ($s_prefix.$this->_cQuote.$s_value.$this->_cQuote);

     * Method:      _GetColumn
     * Parameters:  $s_col_spec a column specification
     * Returns:     array       the column name and the format specifier, if
     *                          any
     * Description: 
     *  Returns the column name and any format specifier.
    function    _GetColumn($s_col_spec)
        $s_format = "";
        if (($i_pos = strpos($s_col_spec,":")) !== false)
            $s_col_name = trim(substr($s_col_spec,0,$i_pos));
            $s_format = trim(substr($s_col_spec,$i_pos+1));
            $s_col_name = $s_col_spec;
        return (array($s_col_name,$s_format));

     * Method:      MakeCSVRecord
     * Parameters:  $a_column_list  a list of column names (field names) to
     *                              include; can include format specifiers
     *              $a_vars         raw data array indexed by column name
     *                              (field name).
     *                              A data value can be a string or an array
     *                              of strings.
     * Returns:     string          the comma-separated value    
     * Description: 
     *  Creates a single CSV record for a list of columns.
    function    MakeCSVRecord($a_column_list,$a_vars)
        $s_rec = "";
        $n_columns = count($a_column_list);
        for ($ii = 0 ; $ii < $n_columns ; $ii++)
            list($s_col_name,$s_format) = $this->_GetColumn($a_column_list[$ii]);
                 * if a column is specified it must be included, even if there
                 * is no data for it.
            $s_value = GetFieldValue($s_col_name,$a_vars,$this->_cIntSep);
            if (isset($this->_sCleanFunc))
                $s_func = $this->_sCleanFunc;
                $s_value = $s_func($s_value);

            $s_value = $this->_Format($s_value,$s_format);
            if ($ii > 0)
                     * prepend the separator from the second field onwards
                $s_rec .= $this->_cSep;
            $s_rec .= $s_value;
        return ($s_rec);

     * Method:      MakeHeading
     * Parameters:  $a_column_list  a list of column names (field names) to
     *                              include
     * Returns:     string          the comma-separated heading record    
     * Description: 
     *  Creates a heading record for the CSV data.
    function    MakeHeading($a_column_list)
        $s_rec = "";
        $n_columns = count($a_column_list);
        for ($ii = 0 ; $ii < $n_columns ; $ii++)
            list($s_col_name,$s_format) = $this->_GetColumn($a_column_list[$ii]);
            $s_value = $this->_Format($s_col_name);
            if ($ii > 0)
                     * prepend the separator from the second field onwards
                $s_rec .= $this->_cSep;
            $s_rec .= $s_value;
        return ($s_rec);

     * Built-in filter.  Generates CSV (comma separated values) content from
     * the submitted fields. The special field "filter_fields" determines
     * which fields to include in the CSV content.
     * The following options are support in "filter_options":
     *      CSVHeading  if set, includes a heading line first with the field names
     *      CSVSep      specifies a separator character instead of comma
     *      CSVIntSep   specifies an internal separator character for lists
     *      CSVQuote    specifies the character to use to quote each column; default
     *                  is double quotes
     *      CSVEscPolicy controls the way quotes are escaped in the data.  Supported
     *                  values are: backslash (the default),double,strip
     *      CSVRaw      if set, then the fields are recorded as raw values and
     *                  are *not* cleaned according to FormMail's normal field
     *                  cleaning process.
     * If the "filter_fields" field does not exist, then the "csvcolumns" field is
     * used instead.  If neither exist, then all fields are included along with
     * a Heading line.
function BuiltinFilterCSV()
    global  $aAllRawValues,$aRawDataValues,$SPECIAL_VALUES,$CSVLINE;

    $b_heading = false;
    $a_column_list = array();
    $s_cols = $SPECIAL_VALUES["filter_fields"];
    if (!isset($s_cols) || empty($s_cols) || !is_string($s_cols))
        $s_cols = $SPECIAL_VALUES["csvcolumns"];
        if (!isset($s_cols) || empty($s_cols) || !is_string($s_cols))
                 * neither filter_fields nor csvcolumns defined - get all
                 * columns
            $s_cols = "";
                 * special case - include these two special fields
            $a_column_list = array("email","realname");
                 * now include all the data fields
            $a_column_list = array_merge($a_column_list,
            $b_heading = true;
    if (empty($a_column_list))
        $a_column_list = TrimArray(explode(",",$s_cols));

    $csv_format = new CSVFormat();

         * get the various options and set them
    $m_temp = GetFilterOption("CSVQuote");
    if (isset($m_temp))
    $m_temp = GetFilterOption("CSVSep");
    if (isset($m_temp))
    $m_temp = GetFilterOption("CSVIntSep");
    if (isset($m_temp))
    $m_temp = GetFilterOption("CSVEscPolicy");
    if (isset($m_temp))
    $m_temp = GetFilterOption("CSVHeading");
    if (isset($m_temp))
        $b_heading = true;

         * clean fields unless CSVRaw is specified
    $m_temp = GetFilterOption("CSVRaw");
    if (!isset($m_temp))
                                    'return CleanValue($m_value);'));

    $s_csv = $csv_format->MakeCSVRecord($a_column_list,$aAllRawValues);

    if ($b_heading)
        $s_head = $csv_format->MakeHeading($a_column_list);
             * return the heading and the record with $CSVLINE as record separator
        return ($s_head.$CSVLINE.$s_csv.$CSVLINE);
             * return this record with $CSVLINE appended
        return ($s_csv.$CSVLINE);

$aSubstituteErrors = array();
$SubstituteFields = NULL;
$sSubstituteMissing = NULL;

    // Run htmlspecialchars on every value in an array.
function ArrayHTMLSpecialChars($a_list)
    $a_new = array();
    foreach ($a_list as $m_key=>$m_value)
        if (is_array($m_value))
            $a_new[$m_key] = ArrayHTMLSpecialChars($m_value);
            $a_new[$m_key] = htmlspecialchars($m_value);
    return ($a_new);

    // Truncate a value based on the specified maximums.
function Truncate($s_value,$n_max_chars,$n_max_lines)
    if ($n_max_lines > 0)
        $a_lines = explode("\n",$s_value);
        if (count($a_lines) > $n_max_lines)
            $a_lines = array_slice($a_lines,0,$n_max_lines);
            $s_value = implode("\n",$a_lines);
            $s_value .= "...";
    if ($n_max_chars > 0)
        $a_lines = explode("\n",$s_value);
        for ($ii = 0 ; $ii < count($a_lines) ; $ii++)
            $n_len = strlen($a_lines[$ii]);
            $s_eol = "";
            if (substr($a_lines[$ii],-1) == "\n")
                $s_eol = "\n";
            if ($n_len > $n_max_chars)
                $a_lines[$ii] = substr($a_lines[$ii],0,$n_max_chars)."...".$s_eol;
        $s_value = implode("\n",$a_lines);
    return ($s_value);

    // Worker function for SubstituteValue and SubstituteValueForPage.
    // Returns the value of the matched variable name.
    // Variables are searched for in the global $SubstituteFields.
    // If no such variable exists, an error is reported or the given
    // replacement string is used.
    // Errors are stored in the global $aSubstituteErrors.
function SubstituteValueWorker($a_matches,$s_repl,$b_html = true)
    global  $aSubstituteErrors,$SubstituteFields,$SPECIAL_VALUES;

    $b_insert_br = true;       // option to put "<br />" tags before newlines in HTML templates
    $n_max_chars = 0;
    $n_max_lines = 0;
    $s_list_sep = $SPECIAL_VALUES['template_list_sep'];
    $b_text_subs = false;

    $s_name = $a_matches[0];
    assert(strlen($s_name) > 1 && $s_name[0] == '$');
    $s_name = substr($s_name,1);
    if (($i_len = strlen($s_name)) > 0 && $s_name[0] == '{')
        assert($s_name[$i_len-1] == '}');
        $s_name = substr($s_name,1,-1);
            // grab any processing options
        $a_args = explode(":",$s_name);
        $s_name = $a_args[0];
        if (($n_args = count($a_args)) > 1)
            for ($ii = 1 ; $ii < $n_args ; $ii++)
                    // some options are followed by =X
                    // where X is a value
                $s_param = "";
                if (($i_pos = strpos($a_args[$ii],'=')) !== false)
                    $s_param = substr($a_args[$ii],$i_pos+1);
                    $s_opt = substr($a_args[$ii],0,$i_pos);
                    $s_opt = $a_args[$ii];
                switch ($s_opt)
                case "nobr":
                    $b_insert_br = false;
                case "chars":
                    if ($s_param !== "")
                        $n_max_chars = (int) $s_param;
                case "lines":
                    if ($s_param !== "")
                        $n_max_lines = (int) $s_param;
                case "sep":
                    if ($s_param !== "")
                        $s_list_sep = $s_param;
                case "subs":
                    $b_text_subs = true;
    $s_value = "";
    if ($SubstituteFields->IsFieldSet($s_name) &&
        if ($b_html)
                    // Up to and including version 8.24, the code used
                    // htmlspecialchars.  Version 8.28 caused UTF-8 template
                    // processing to break, because it started using htmlentities
                    // without specifying the charset.
            $s_value = $SubstituteFields->GetSafeFieldValue($s_name,$b_text_subs,$s_list_sep);
            $s_value = $SubstituteFields->GetFieldValue($s_name,$s_list_sep);
        $s_value = Truncate($s_value,$n_max_chars,$n_max_lines);
        if ($b_html && $b_insert_br)
                // Insert HTML line breaks before newlines.
            $s_value = nl2br($s_value);
    elseif (isset($SPECIAL_VALUES[$s_name]))
        $s_value = $b_html ?
                        htmlspecialchars((string) $SPECIAL_VALUES[$s_name]) :
                        (string) $SPECIAL_VALUES[$s_name];
        $s_value = Truncate($s_value,$n_max_chars,$n_max_lines);
    elseif (isset($s_repl))
            // If a replacement value has been specified use it, and
            // don't call htmlspecialchars.  This allows the use
            // of HTML tags in a replacement string.
        $s_value = $s_repl;
        $s_value = "";
    return ($s_value);

    // Callback function for preg_replace_callback.  Returns the value
    // of the matched variable name.
    // Variables are searched for in the global $SubstituteFields.
    // If no such variable exists, an error is reported or an special
    // replacement string is used.
    // Errors are stored in the global $aSubstituteErrors.
function SubstituteValue($a_matches)
    global  $sSubstituteMissing;

    return (SubstituteValueWorker($a_matches,$sSubstituteMissing));

    // Callback function for preg_replace_callback.  Returns the value
    // of the matched variable name.
    // Variables are searched for in the global $SubstituteFields.
    // If no such variable exists, an error is reported or an special
    // replacement string is used.
    // Errors are stored in the global $aSubstituteErrors.
function SubstituteValuePlain($a_matches)
    global  $sSubstituteMissing;

    return (SubstituteValueWorker($a_matches,$sSubstituteMissing,false));

    // Callback function for preg_replace_callback.  Returns the value
    // of the matched variable name.
    // Variables are searched for in the global $SubstituteFields.
    // If no such variable exists, the empty string is substituted.
    // Errors are stored in the global $aSubstituteErrors.
function SubstituteValueForPage($a_matches)
    return (SubstituteValueWorker($a_matches,""));

    // Callback function for preg_replace_callback.  Returns
    // exactly what was matched.
function SubstituteValueDummy($a_matches)
    return ($a_matches[0]);

    // Process the given HTML template and fill the fields.
function DoProcessTemplate($s_dir,$s_url,$s_template,&$a_lines,
    global  $aSubstituteErrors,$SubstituteFields,$sSubstituteMissing;

    if (($a_template_lines = LoadTemplate($s_template,$s_dir,
                                            $s_url,true)) === false)
        return (false);
    FMDebug("Template '$s_template' contains ".count($a_template_lines)." lines");

    $b_ok = true;
        // initialize the errors list
    $aSubstituteErrors = array();
        // initialize the values
    $SubstituteFields = new FieldManager($a_values,array());
    $sSubstituteMissing = $s_missing;

    foreach ($a_template_lines as $s_line)
            // search for words in these forms:
            //      $word
            //      ${word:options}
            // where word begins with an alphabetic character and
            // consists of alphanumeric and underscore
        $a_lines[] = preg_replace_callback('/\$[a-z][a-z0-9_]*|\$\{[a-z][a-z0-9_]*(:[^\}]*)*\}/i',

    FMDebug("DoProcessTemplate error count=".count($aSubstituteErrors));
    if (count($aSubstituteErrors) != 0)
        $b_ok = false;
    global  $FMCTemplProc;

        // note that it's possible for an old version of FormMail Computation
        // module to get loaded which doesn't provide FMCTemplProc
    if ($b_ok && ADVANCED_TEMPLATES && isset($FMCTemplProc))
        $s_buf = implode("\n",$a_lines);
             * Look for a string that means we can skip advanced template
             * processing on this template.  The string is "FormMail-Basic-Template".
        if (strpos($s_buf,"FormMail-Basic-Template") === FALSE)
            $a_mesgs = array();
            /*foreach ($a_lines as $i_lno=>$s_line)
                if (strpos($s_line,"\n") !== false)
                    SendAlert("Line $i_lno has a newline");*/
            if (($m_result = $FMCTemplProc->Process($s_buf,$a_mesgs)) === false)
                $s_msgs = "\n";
                foreach ($a_mesgs as $a_msg)
                    $s_msgs .= "Line ".$a_msg["LINE"];
                    $s_msgs .= ", position ".$a_msg["CHAR"].": ";
                    $s_msgs .= $a_msg["MSG"]."\n";
                $b_ok = false;
                /*foreach ($m_result as $i_lno=>$s_line)
                    if (($nn = substr_count($s_line,"\n")) > 1)
                        SendAlert("Result line $i_lno has $nn newlines");*/
                    // strip the new lines
                $a_lines = explode("\n",implode("",$m_result));
            $a_alerts = $FMCTemplProc->GetAlerts();
            if (count($a_alerts) > 0)
            $a_debug = $FMCTemplProc->GetDebug();
            if (count($a_debug) > 0)

    return ($b_ok);

    // Process the given HTML template and fill the fields.
function ProcessTemplate($s_template,&$a_lines,$a_values,$s_missing = NULL,
                            $s_subs_func = 'SubstituteValue')

    if (empty($TEMPLATEDIR) && empty($TEMPLATEURL))
        return (false);
    return (DoProcessTemplate($TEMPLATEDIR,$TEMPLATEURL,$s_template,$a_lines,

    // Output the given HTML template after filling in the fields.
function OutputTemplate($s_template,$a_values)
    $a_lines = array();
    if (!ProcessTemplate($s_template,$a_lines,$a_values,"",'SubstituteValueForPage'))
        for ($ii = 0 ; $ii < count($a_lines) ; $ii++)
            echo $a_lines[$ii]."\n";

    // This function handles input type fields.
function RemoveFieldValue($s_name,$s_buf)
        // we search for:
        //  <input ... name="thename" ... >
        // and change it to:
        //  <!-- disabled by FormMail: input ... name="thename" ... -->

        // handle name attribute first
    $s_pat  = '/<(\s*input[^>]*name="';
    $s_pat .= preg_quote($s_name,"/");
    $s_pat .= '"[^>]*)>';
    $s_pat .= '/ims';
    $s_buf = preg_replace($s_pat,'<!-- disabled by FormMail: $1 -->',$s_buf);

    return ($s_buf);

    // Quote special characters in a replacement expression
    // for preg_replace.
function RegReplaceQuote($s_value)
    return (str_replace('$','\\$',str_replace('\\','\\\\',$s_value)));

    // This function handles input type "text" and "password"
function FixInputText($s_name,$s_value,$s_buf)
        // we search for:
        //  <input type="text" name="thename"...
        // and change it to:
        //  <input type="text" name="thename" value="thevalue" ...
        // Note that the value attribute must appear *after* the
        // type and name attributes.

        // first strip any current value attribute for the field

        // (?:) is a grouping subpattern that does no capturing

        // handle type attribute first
    $s_pat  = '/(<\s*input[^>]*type="(?:text|password)"[^>]*name="';
    $s_pat .= preg_quote($s_name,"/");
    $s_pat .= '"[^>]*)(value="[^"]*")([^>]*?)(\s*\/\s*)?>';
    $s_pat .= '/ims';
    $s_buf = preg_replace($s_pat,'$1$3$4>',$s_buf);

        // handle name attribute first
    $s_pat  = '/(<\s*input[^>]*name="';
    $s_pat .= preg_quote($s_name,"/");
    $s_pat .= '"[^>]*type="(?:text|password)"[^>]*)(value="[^"]*")([^>]*?)(\s*\/\s*)?>';
    $s_pat .= '/ims';
    $s_buf = preg_replace($s_pat,'$1$3$4>',$s_buf);

        // now add in the new value
    $s_repl  = '$1 value="'.htmlspecialchars(RegReplaceQuote($s_value)).'" $2>';

        // handle type attribute first
    $s_pat  = '/(<\s*input[^>]*type="(?:text|password)"[^>]*name="';
    $s_pat .= preg_quote($s_name,"/");
    $s_pat .= '"[^>]*?)(\s*\/\s*)?>';
    $s_pat .= '/ims';
    $s_buf = preg_replace($s_pat,$s_repl,$s_buf);

        // handle name attribute first
    $s_pat  = '/(<\s*input[^>]*name="';
    $s_pat .= preg_quote($s_name,"/");
    $s_pat .= '"[^>]*type="(?:text|password)"[^>]*?)(\s*\/\s*)?>';
    $s_pat .= '/ims';
    $s_buf = preg_replace($s_pat,$s_repl,$s_buf);

    return ($s_buf);

    // This function handles textareas.
function FixTextArea($s_name,$s_value,$s_buf)
        // we search for:
        //  <textarea name="thename"...>value</textarea>
        // and change it to:
        //  <textarea name="thename"...>new value</textarea>

    $s_pat  = '/(<\s*textarea[^>]*name="';
    $s_pat .= preg_quote($s_name,"/");
    $s_pat .= '"[^>]*)>.*?<\s*\/\s*textarea\s*>';
    $s_pat .= '/ims';
        // we exclude the closing '>' from the match above so that
        // we can put it below.  We need to do this so that the replacement
        // string is not faulty if the value begins with a digit:
        //      $19 Some Street
    $s_repl = '$1>'.htmlspecialchars(RegReplaceQuote($s_value)).'</textarea>';
    $s_buf = preg_replace($s_pat,$s_repl,$s_buf);

    return ($s_buf);

    // This function handles radio buttons and non-array checkboxes.
function FixButton($s_name,$s_value,$s_buf)
        // we search for:
        //  <input type="radio" name="thename" value="thevalue" ...
        // and change it to:
        //  <input type="radio" name="thename" value="thevalue" checked="checked"
        // Note that the value attribute must appear *after* the
        // type and name attributes.

        // first strip any current checked attributes

        // (?:) is a grouping subpattern that does no capturing

        // handle type attribute first
        // match: input tag with type 'radio' or 'checkbox' with attribute
        // 'checked' or 'checked="checked"'
        //              <A NAME="PatternInfo">
        //      [^>]*?[^"\w] matches up to a word boundary starting with
        //      'checked' but not '"checked'
        //      (="checked"|(?=[^"\w]))? this matches:
        //              nothing
        //              ="checked"
        //              any character except a word character or " (without
        //              consuming it)
    $s_pat  = '/(<\s*input[^>]*type="(?:radio|checkbox)"[^>]*name="';
    $s_pat .= preg_quote($s_name,"/");
    $s_pat .= '"[^>]*?[^"\w])checked(="checked"|(?=[^"\w]))?([^>]*?)(\s*\/\s*)?>';
    $s_pat .= '/ims';
    $s_buf = preg_replace($s_pat,'$1$3$4>',$s_buf);

        // handle name attribute first
    $s_pat  = '/(<\s*input[^>]*name="';
    $s_pat .= preg_quote($s_name,"/");
    $s_pat .= '"[^>]*type="(?:radio|checkbox)"[^>]*?[^"\w])checked(="checked"|(?=[^"\w]))?([^>]*?)(\s*\/\s*)?>';
    $s_pat .= '/ims';
    $s_buf = preg_replace($s_pat,'$1$3$4>',$s_buf);

        // handle type attribute first
    $s_pat  = '/(<\s*input[^>]*type="(?:radio|checkbox)"[^>]*name="';
    $s_pat .= preg_quote($s_name,"/");
    $s_pat .= '"[^>]*value="';
    $s_pat .= preg_quote($s_value,"/");
    $s_pat .= '")([^>]*?)(\s*\/\s*)?>';
    $s_pat .= '/ims';
    $s_buf = preg_replace($s_pat,'$1$2 checked="checked" $3>',$s_buf);

        // handle name attribute first
    $s_pat  = '/(<\s*input[^>]*name="';
    $s_pat .= preg_quote($s_name,"/");
    $s_pat .= '"[^>]*type="(?:radio|checkbox)"[^>]*value="';
    $s_pat .= preg_quote($s_value,"/");
    $s_pat .= '")([^>]*?)(\s*\/\s*)?>';
    $s_pat .= '/ims';
    $s_buf = preg_replace($s_pat,'$1$2 checked="checked" $3>',$s_buf);

    return ($s_buf);

    // This function handles checkboxes as an array of values.
function FixCheckboxes($s_name,$a_values,$s_buf)
    //global $aDebug;

        // we search for:
        //  <input type="checkbox" name="thename" value="thevalue" ...
        // and change it to:
        //  <input type="checkbox" name="thename" value="thevalue" checked
        // Note that the value attribute must appear *after* the
        // type and name attributes.

        // first strip any current checked attributes
    //$aDebug[] = "FixCheckboxes: Name='$s_name'";

        // handle type attribute first
        // see <A HREF="fmbadhandler.php#PatternInfo">
    $s_pat  = '/(<\s*input[^>]*type="checkbox"[^>]*name="';
    $s_pat .= preg_quote($s_name,"/");
    $s_pat .= '\[]"[^>]*?[^"\w])checked(="checked"|(?=[^"\w]))?([^>]*?)(\s*\/\s*)?>';
    $s_pat .= '/ims';
    $s_buf = preg_replace($s_pat,'$1$3$4>',$s_buf);

        // handle name attribute first
    $s_pat  = '/(<\s*input[^>]*name="';
    $s_pat .= preg_quote($s_name,"/");
    $s_pat .= '\[]"[^>]*type="checkbox"[^>]*?[^"\w])checked(="checked"|(?=[^"\w]))?([^>]*?)(\s*\/\s*)?>';
    $s_pat .= '/ims';
    $s_buf = preg_replace($s_pat,'$1$3$4>',$s_buf);

    foreach ($a_values as $s_value)
            // handle type attribute first
        $s_pat  = '/(<\s*input[^>]*type="checkbox"[^>]*name="';
        $s_pat .= preg_quote($s_name,"/");
        $s_pat .= '\[\]"[^>]*value="';
        $s_pat .= preg_quote($s_value,"/");
        $s_pat .= '")([^>]*?)(\s*\/\s*)?>';
        $s_pat .= '/ims';
        $s_buf = preg_replace($s_pat,'$1$2 checked="checked"$3>',$s_buf);
        //$aDebug[] = "Name='$s_name', pat='$s_pat'";

            // handle name attribute first
        $s_pat  = '/(<\s*input[^>]*name="';
        $s_pat .= preg_quote($s_name,"/");
        $s_pat .= '\[\]"[^>]*type="checkbox"[^>]*value="';
        $s_pat .= preg_quote($s_value,"/");
        $s_pat .= '")([^>]*?)(\s*\/\s*)?>';
        $s_pat .= '/ims';
        $s_buf = preg_replace($s_pat,'$1$2 checked="checked">',$s_buf);
    return ($s_buf);

    // This function handles selects.
function FixSelect($s_name,$s_value,$s_buf)
        // we search for:
        //  <select name="thename"...>
        //  <option value="thevalue">...</option>
        //  </select>

    $s_pat  = '/(<\s*select[^>]*name="';
    $s_pat .= preg_quote($s_name,"/");
    $s_pat .= '".*?<\s*option[^>]*value="';
    $s_pat .= preg_quote($s_value,"/");
    $s_pat .= '"[^>]*)>';
    $s_pat .= '/ims';
    $s_repl = '$1 selected="selected">';
//  echo "<p>pat: ".htmlspecialchars($s_pat);
    $s_buf = preg_replace($s_pat,$s_repl,$s_buf);

    return ($s_buf);

    // This function handles multiple selects.
function FixMultiSelect($s_name,$a_values,$s_buf)
        // we search for:
        //  <select name="thename"...>
        //  <option value="thevalue">...</option>
        //  </select>

    foreach ($a_values as $s_value)
        $s_pat  = '/(<\s*select[^>]*name="';
        $s_pat .= preg_quote($s_name,"/");
        $s_pat .= '\[\]".*?<\s*option[^>]*value="';
        $s_pat .= preg_quote($s_value,"/");
        $s_pat .= '"[^>]*)>';
        $s_pat .= '/ims';
        $s_repl = '$1 selected="selected">';
    //  echo "<p>pat: ".htmlspecialchars($s_pat);
        $s_buf = preg_replace($s_pat,$s_repl,$s_buf);
    return ($s_buf);

    // This function unchecks all checkboxes and select options.
function UnCheckStuff($s_buf)
    global  $php_errormsg;

        // we search for:
        //  <input type="checkbox" ... checked
        // and remove "checked" (checked="checked" is OK too)
        // Note that the check attribute must appear *after* the
        // type attribute.
        // see <A HREF="fmbadhandler.php#PatternInfo">

    $s_pat  = '/(<\s*input[^>]*type="checkbox"[^>]*?[^"\w])checked(="checked"|(?=[^"\w]))?([^>]*?)(\s*\/\s*)?>';
    $s_pat .= '/ims';
    $s_buf = preg_replace($s_pat,'$1$3$4>',$s_buf);

        // we search for:
        //  <option... selected
        // and remove "selected" (selected="selected" is OK too)
        // see <A HREF="fmbadhandler.php#PatternInfo">

    $s_pat  = '/(<\s*option[^>]*?[^"\w])selected(="selected"|(?=[^"\w]))?([^>]*)>';
    $s_pat .= '/ims';
    $s_buf = preg_replace($s_pat,'$1$3>',$s_buf);

    return ($s_buf);

    // Add the user agent to the url as a parameter called USER_AGENT.
    // This allows dynamic web sites to know what the user's browser is.
function AddUserAgent($s_url)
    global  $aServerVars,$aGetVars;

        // check if the USER_AGENT has been passed as a URL parameter,
        // if so, use it
    $s_agent = "";
    if (isset($aGetVars['USER_AGENT']) && $aGetVars['USER_AGENT'] !== "")
        $s_agent = $aGetVars['USER_AGENT'];
                // check for URL encoding, and if not, then encode it
        if (!IsURLEncoded($s_agent))
            $s_agent = urlencode($s_agent);
    elseif (isset($aServerVars['HTTP_USER_AGENT']))
        $s_agent = urlencode($aServerVars['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);

    if ($s_agent !== "")
        return (AddURLParams($s_url,"USER_AGENT=$s_agent",false));
        return ($s_url);

// Try to determine if the given string is already URL-encoded
function    IsURLEncoded($s_str)
        // the only non-alphanumeric characters we'd expect
        // to see are defined as safe or extra in RFC 1738:
        //  safe           = "$" | "-" | "_" | "." | "+"
        //  extra          = "!" | "*" | "'" | "(" | ")" | ","
        // plus the encoding character %
    if (preg_match('/[^a-z0-9$_.+!*\'(),%-]/i',$s_str,$a_matches))
        FMDebug("IsURLEncoded: '$s_str' matched '".$a_matches[0]."' and is therefore not URL-encoded");
        return (false);
    return (true);

    // Sets previous values in a form.
function SetPreviousValues($s_form_buf,$a_values,$a_strip = array())
        // Uncheck any checkboxes and select options
    $s_form_buf = UnCheckStuff($s_form_buf);
    foreach ($a_values as $s_name=>$m_value)
        if (is_array($m_value))
                // note that if no values are selected for a field,
                // then we will never get here for that field
            $s_form_buf = FixCheckboxes($s_name,$m_value,$s_form_buf);
            $s_form_buf = FixMultiSelect($s_name,$m_value,$s_form_buf);
                // Fix the field if it's an input type "text" or "password".
            $s_form_buf = FixInputText($s_name,$m_value,$s_form_buf);
                // Fix the field if it's radio button.
            $s_form_buf = FixButton($s_name,$m_value,$s_form_buf);
                // Fix the field if it's a "textarea".
            $s_form_buf = FixTextArea($s_name,$m_value,$s_form_buf);
                // Fix the field if it's a "select".
            $s_form_buf = FixSelect($s_name,$m_value,$s_form_buf);
        // Now strip particular field values.
    foreach ($a_strip as $s_name)
        $s_form_buf = RemoveFieldValue($s_name,$s_form_buf);
    return ($s_form_buf);

    // Open a URL, do value substitutions, and send to browser.
    // The a_strip array provides a list of fields (usually
    // hidden fields) to remove from the form (their values are
    // set to empty).
function ProcessReturnToForm($s_url,$a_values,$a_strip = array())
    global  $php_errormsg;

        // read the original form, and modify it to provide values
        // for the fields
    if (!CheckValidURL($s_url))

    $s_form_url = AddUserAgent($s_url);
    $s_error = "";
    $s_form_buf = GetURL($s_form_url,$s_error);
    if ($s_form_buf === false)
                                      "ERROR"=>$s_error.": ".(isset($php_errormsg) ?
                                            $php_errormsg : ""))),false,false);

        // Next, we replace or set actual field values.
    echo SetPreviousValues($s_form_buf,$a_values,$a_strip);

    // To return the URL for returning to a particular multi-page form URL.
function GetReturnLink($s_this_script,$i_form_index)
    if (!CheckValidURL($s_this_script))

    $a_params = array();
    $a_params[] = "return=$i_form_index";
    if (isset($aServerVars["QUERY_STRING"]))
        $a_params[] = $aServerVars["QUERY_STRING"];
    $a_params[] = session_name()."=".session_id();
    return (AddURLParams($s_this_script,$a_params));

    // Process a multi-page form template.
function ProcessMultiFormTemplate($s_template,$a_values,&$a_lines)

    if (empty($MULTIFORMDIR) && empty($MULTIFORMURL))
        return (false);
        // create the "this_form_url" field

    $i_index = GetSession("FormIndex");
    $a_list = GetSession("FormList");
    $a_values["this_form_url"] = $a_list[$i_index]["URL"];
        // get the persistent file fields
    $a_values = GetSavedFileNames($a_values);
    //$a_values["prev_form"] = GetReturnLink($SPECIAL_VALUES["this_form"]);
    return (DoProcessTemplate($MULTIFORMDIR,$MULTIFORMURL,$s_template,$a_lines,

    // Output the multi-form template after filling in the fields.
function OutputMultiFormTemplate($s_template,$a_values)
    $a_lines = array();
    if (!ProcessMultiFormTemplate($s_template,$a_values,$a_lines))
        $n_lines = count($a_lines);
        $s_buf = "";
        for ($ii = 0 ; $ii < $n_lines ; $ii++)
            $s_buf .= $a_lines[$ii]."\n";
            unset($a_lines[$ii]);       // free memory (hopefully)
        unset($a_lines);       // free memory (hopefully)

        if (IsSetSession("FormKeep"))
                // put in any values that are being forward-remembered
            echo SetPreviousValues($s_buf,GetSession("FormKeep"));
            echo $s_buf;

    // Insert a preamble into a MIME message.
function MimePreamble(&$a_lines,$a_mesg = array())
    $a_preamble = explode("\n",GetMessage(MSG_MIME_PREAMBLE));
    foreach ($a_preamble as $s_line)
        $a_lines[] = $s_line.HEAD_CRLF;

    $a_lines[] = HEAD_CRLF;     // blank line
    $b_need_blank = false;
    foreach ($a_mesg as $s_line)
        $a_lines[] = $s_line.HEAD_CRLF;
        if (!empty($s_line))
            $b_need_blank = true;
    if ($b_need_blank)
        $a_lines[] = HEAD_CRLF;     // blank line

    // Create the HTML mail
function HTMLMail(&$a_lines,&$a_headers,$s_body,$s_template,$s_missing,$s_filter,
    $s_charset = GetMailOption("CharSet");
    if (!isset($s_charset))
        $s_charset = "ISO-8859-1";
    if ($b_no_plain)
        $b_multi = false;
            // don't provide a plain text version - just the HTML
        $a_headers['Content-Type'] = SafeHeader("text/html; charset=$s_charset");
        $b_multi = true;
        $a_headers['Content-Type'] = "multipart/alternative; boundary=\"$s_boundary\"";

        $a_pre_lines = explode("\n",GetMessage(MSG_MIME_HTML,


            // first part - the text version only
        $a_lines[] = "--$s_boundary".HEAD_CRLF;
        $a_lines[] = "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=$s_charset".HEAD_CRLF;
        $a_lines[] = HEAD_CRLF;     // blank line
            // treat the body like one line, even though it isn't
        $a_lines[] = $s_body;
        $a_lines[] = HEAD_CRLF;     // blank line
            // second part - the HTML version
        $a_lines[] = "--$s_boundary".HEAD_CRLF;
        $a_lines[] = "Content-Type: text/html; charset=$s_charset".HEAD_CRLF;
        $a_lines[] = HEAD_CRLF;     // blank line

    $a_html_lines = array();
    if (!$b_process_template)
        if (!ProcessTemplate($s_template,$a_html_lines,$a_raw_fields,NULL,'SubstituteValueDummy'))
            return (false);
    elseif (!ProcessTemplate($s_template,$a_html_lines,$a_raw_fields,$s_missing))
        return (false);

    if (!empty($s_filter))
            // treat the data like one line, even though it isn't
        $a_lines[] = Filter($s_filter,$a_html_lines);
        foreach ($a_html_lines as $s_line)
            $a_lines[] = $s_line;

    if ($b_multi)
            // end
        $a_lines[] = "--$s_boundary--".HEAD_CRLF;
        $a_lines[] = HEAD_CRLF;     // blank line
    return (true);

    // Add the contents of a file in base64 encoding.
function AddFile(&$a_lines,$s_file_name,$i_file_size,$b_remove = true)
    global  $php_errormsg;

@   $fp = fopen($s_file_name,"rb");
    if ($fp === false)
        return (false);
        // PHP under IIS has problems with the filesize function when
        // the file is on another drive.  So, we replaced a call
        // to filesize with the $i_file_size parameter (this occurred
        // in version 3.01).
    $s_contents = fread($fp,$i_file_size);
        // treat as a single line, even though it isn't
    $a_lines[] = chunk_split(base64_encode($s_contents));
    if ($b_remove)
    return (true);

    // Add the contents of a string in base64 encoding.
function AddData(&$a_lines,$s_data)
        // treat as a single line, even though it isn't
    $a_lines[] = chunk_split(base64_encode($s_data));
    return (true);
    // Check if a file is a valid uploaded file.
function IsUploadedFile($a_file_spec)
        // $a_file_spec["moved"] is our own internal flag to say we've
        // saved the file
    if (isset($a_file_spec["moved"]) && $a_file_spec["moved"])
        return (true);
    return (is_uploaded_file($a_file_spec["tmp_name"]));

    // Save an uploaded file to the repository directory.
function SaveFileInRepository(&$a_file_spec)
    global  $php_errormsg,$FILE_REPOSITORY;

        // if a replacement name has been specified, use that, otherwise
        // use the original name
    if (isset($a_file_spec["new_name"]))
        $s_file_name = basename($a_file_spec["new_name"]);
        $s_file_name = basename($a_file_spec["name"]);
    $s_dest = $FILE_REPOSITORY."/".$s_file_name;

    $b_ok = true;
    $s_error = "";

    if (isset($a_file_spec["saved_as"]) && !empty($a_file_spec["saved_as"]))
        FMDebug("SaveFileInRepository: saved_as");
        $s_srce = $a_file_spec["saved_as"];
        $s_srce = $a_file_spec["tmp_name"];

    FMDebug("SaveFileInRepository: $s_srce");
        if (@file_exists($s_dest))
            $b_ok = false;
            $s_error = GetMessage(MSG_SAVE_FILE_EXISTS,array("FILE"=>$s_dest));
    if (MAX_FILE_UPLOAD_SIZE != 0 &&
        $a_file_spec["size"] > MAX_FILE_UPLOAD_SIZE*1024)
            // this exits
    if ($b_ok)
        if (isset($a_file_spec["saved_as"]) && !empty($a_file_spec["saved_as"]))
            if (!copy($s_srce,$s_dest) || !@unlink($s_srce))
                $b_ok = false;
            if (!move_uploaded_file($s_srce,$s_dest))
                $b_ok = false;
        if ($b_ok)
                // Flag to say it's been put in the repository.
            $a_file_spec["in_repository"] = true;
                // Its new location
            $a_file_spec["saved_as"] = $s_dest;
                // Now that the file has been saved, "is_uploaded_file"
                // will return false.  So, we create a flag to say it was
                // valid.
            $a_file_spec["moved"] = true;
            $s_error = $php_errormsg;
    if (!$b_ok)
        return (false);
        // ignore chmod fails (other than reporting them)
    if (FILE_MODE != 0 && !chmod($s_dest,FILE_MODE))
    return (true);

    // Save all uploaded files to the repository directory.
function SaveAllFilesToRepository()
    global  $aFileVars,$FILE_REPOSITORY;

            // nothing to do
        return (true);

    foreach ($aFileVars as $m_file_key=>$a_upload)
            // One customer reported:
            //  Possible file upload attack detected: name='' temp name='none'
            // on PHP 4.1.2 on RAQ4.
            // So, we now also test for "name".
        if (!isset($a_upload["tmp_name"]) || empty($a_upload["tmp_name"]) ||
            !isset($a_upload["name"]) || empty($a_upload["name"]))
        if (isset($a_upload["in_repository"]) && $a_upload["in_repository"])
                // already saved
        if (!IsUploadedFile($a_upload))
        if (!SaveFileInRepository($aFileVars[$m_file_key]))
            return (false);
            // Now the file has been saved in the repository, make
            // the field persistent through all further processing
            // (e.g. all movements in a multi-page form)
        if (IsSetSession("FormSavedFiles"))
            $a_saved_files = GetSession("FormSavedFiles");
            $a_saved_files = array();
        $a_saved_files["repository_".$m_file_key] = $aFileVars[$m_file_key];
    return (true);

    // Delete an uploaded file from the repository directory.
    // For security reasons, only the field name can be used.  This
    // uniquely identifies an uploaded file by this form process.
function DeleteFileFromRepository($s_fld)
    global  $aFileVars,$FILE_REPOSITORY;

            // nothing to do
        return (false);

    if (($a_upload = GetFileInfo($s_fld)) === false)
        return (false);

    if (isset($a_upload["in_repository"]) && $a_upload["in_repository"])
        if (isset($a_upload["saved_as"]) && !empty($a_upload["saved_as"]))
    return (true);

    // Save an uploaded file for later processing.
function SaveUploadedFile(&$a_file_spec,$s_prefix)
    global  $php_errormsg;

    $s_dest = GetScratchPadFile($s_prefix);
    if (!move_uploaded_file($a_file_spec["tmp_name"],$s_dest))
        return (false);
    $a_file_spec["saved_as"] = $s_dest;
    $a_file_spec["moved"] = true;
    return (true);

    // Remove old files from the scratchpad directory.
function CleanScratchPad($s_prefix = "")
    global  $php_errormsg,$SCRATCH_PAD;

    if (!isset($SCRATCH_PAD) || empty($SCRATCH_PAD))
            // no scratchpad to cleanup!
    if ($CLEANUP_TIME <= 0)
            // cleanup disabled
        // compute chance of cleanup
    if ($CLEANUP_CHANCE < 100)
        $i_rand = mt_rand(1,100);
        if ($i_rand > $CLEANUP_CHANCE)
    if (($f_dir = @opendir($SCRATCH_PAD)) === false)
    $i_len = strlen($s_prefix);
    while (($s_file = readdir($f_dir)) !== false)
        $s_path = $SCRATCH_PAD."/".$s_file;
        if (is_file($s_path) && ($i_len == 0 || substr($s_file,0,$i_len) == $s_prefix))
            if (($a_stat = @stat($s_path)) !== false)
                if (isset($a_stat['mtime']))
                    $l_time = $a_stat['mtime'];
                    $l_time = $a_stat[9];
                if (($lNow - $l_time) / 60 >= $CLEANUP_TIME)

    // Save all uploaded files for later processing.
function SaveAllUploadedFiles(&$a_file_vars)
    global  $php_errormsg,$SCRATCH_PAD;

    $s_prefix = "UPLD";
    if (!isset($SCRATCH_PAD) || empty($SCRATCH_PAD))
        return (false);

        // remove old uploaded files that have not been moved out.

    foreach (array_keys($a_file_vars) as $m_file_key)
        $a_upload = &$a_file_vars[$m_file_key];
            // One customer reported:
            //  Possible file upload attack detected: name='' temp name='none'
            // on PHP 4.1.2 on RAQ4.
            // So, we now also test for "name".
        if (!isset($a_upload["tmp_name"]) || empty($a_upload["tmp_name"]) ||
            !isset($a_upload["name"]) || empty($a_upload["name"]))
            // ensure we don't move the file more than once
        if (!isset($a_upload["saved_as"]) || empty($a_upload["saved_as"]))
            if (!IsUploadedFile($a_upload))
            elseif (!SaveUploadedFile($a_upload,$s_prefix))
                return (false);
    return (true);

    // Attach a file to the body of a MIME formatted email.  $a_lines is the
    // current body, and is modified to include the file.
    // $a_file_spec must have the following values (just like an uploaded
    // file specification):
    //      name        the name of the file
    //      type        the mime type
    //      tmp_name    the name of the temporary file
    //      size        the size of the temporary file
    // Alternatively, you supply the following instead of tmp_name and size:
    //      data        the data to attach
function AttachFile(&$a_lines,$s_att_boundary,$a_file_spec,$s_charset,$b_remove = true)
    $a_lines[] = "--$s_att_boundary".HEAD_CRLF;
        // if a replacement name has been specified, use that, otherwise
        // use the original name
    if (isset($a_file_spec["new_name"]))
        $s_file_name = $a_file_spec["new_name"];
        $s_file_name = $a_file_spec["name"];
    $s_file_name = str_replace('"','',$s_file_name);
    $s_mime_type = $a_file_spec["type"];
            // The following says that the data is encoded in
            // base64 and is an attachment and that once decoded the
            // character set of the decoded data is $s_charset.
            // (See RFC 1521 Section 5.)
    $a_lines[] = "Content-Type: $s_mime_type; name=\"$s_file_name\"; charset=$s_charset".HEAD_CRLF;
    $a_lines[] = "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64".HEAD_CRLF;
    $a_lines[] = "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$s_file_name\"".HEAD_CRLF;
    $a_lines[] = HEAD_CRLF;         // blank line
    if (isset($a_file_spec["tmp_name"]) && isset($a_file_spec["size"]))
        $s_srce = $a_file_spec["tmp_name"];
            // check if the file has been saved elsewhere
        if (isset($a_file_spec["saved_as"]) && !empty($a_file_spec["saved_as"]))
            $s_srce = $a_file_spec["saved_as"];
        FMDebug("AttachFile: $s_srce");
        return (AddFile($a_lines,$s_srce,$a_file_spec["size"],$b_remove));
    if (!isset($a_file_spec["data"]))
        return (false);
    return (AddData($a_lines,$a_file_spec["data"]));

    // Reformat the email to be in MIME format.
    // Process file attachments and and fill out any
    // specified HTML template.
function MakeMimeMail(&$s_body,&$a_headers,$a_raw_fields,$s_template = "",
                    $s_missing = NULL,$b_no_plain = false,
                    $s_filter = "",$a_file_vars = array(),
                    $a_attach_spec = array(),$b_process_template = true)
    global  $FM_VERS,$aPHPVERSION;

    $s_charset = GetMailOption("CharSet");
    if (!isset($s_charset))
        $s_charset = "ISO-8859-1";
    $b_att = $b_html = false;
    $b_got_filter = (isset($s_filter) && !empty($s_filter));
    if (isset($s_template) && !empty($s_template))
            // need PHP 4.0.5 for the preg_replace_callback function
        if (!IsPHPAtLeast("4.0.5"))
            return (false);
        $b_html = true;
    if (count($a_file_vars) > 0)
        if (!IsPHPAtLeast("4.0.3"))
            return (false);
        if (!FILEUPLOADS)
            // if storing files in the server repository, don't attach
            // unless the mail_options insist
        elseif ($FILE_REPOSITORY === "" || IsMailOptionSet("AlwaysEmailFiles"))
            foreach ($a_file_vars as $a_upload)
                    // One customer reported:
                    //  Possible file upload attack detected: name='' temp name='none'
                    // on PHP 4.1.2 on RAQ4.
                    // So, we now also test for "name".
                if (isset($a_upload["tmp_name"]) && !empty($a_upload["tmp_name"]) &&
                    isset($a_upload["name"]) && !empty($a_upload["name"]))
                    $b_att = true;
        // check for an internally-generated attachment
    if (isset($a_attach_spec["Data"]))
        $b_att = true;

    $s_uniq = md5($s_body);
    $s_body_boundary = "BODY$s_uniq";
    $s_att_boundary = "PART$s_uniq";
    $a_headers['MIME-Version'] = "1.0 (produced by FormMail $FM_VERS from";

        // if the filter strips formatting, then we'll only have plain text
        // to send, even after the template has been used
    if ($b_got_filter && IsFilterAttribSet($s_filter,"Strips"))
            // no HTML if the filter strips the formatting
        $b_html = false;
    $a_new = array();
    if ($b_att)
        $a_headers['Content-Type'] = "multipart/mixed; boundary=\"$s_att_boundary\"";

            // add the body of the email
        $a_new[] = "--$s_att_boundary".HEAD_CRLF;
        if ($b_html)
            $a_lines = $a_local_headers = array();
            if (!HTMLMail($a_lines,$a_local_headers,$s_body,$s_template,
                            $s_missing,($b_got_filter) ? $s_filter : "",
                return (false);
            $a_new = array_merge($a_new,ExpandMailHeadersArray($a_local_headers));
            $a_new[] = HEAD_CRLF;       // blank line after header
            $a_new = array_merge($a_new,$a_lines);
            $a_new[] = "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=$s_charset".HEAD_CRLF;
            $a_new[] = HEAD_CRLF;       // blank line
                // treat the body like one line, even though it isn't
            $a_new[] = $s_body;
            // now add the attachments or save to the $FILE_REPOSITORY
        if (FILEUPLOADS && ($FILE_REPOSITORY === "" || IsMailOptionSet("AlwaysEmailFiles")))
            foreach ($a_file_vars as $m_file_key=>$a_upload)
                    // One customer reported:
                    //  Possible file upload attack detected: name='' temp name='none'
                    // on PHP 4.1.2 on RAQ4.
                    // So, we now also test for "name".
                if (!isset($a_upload["tmp_name"]) || empty($a_upload["tmp_name"]) ||
                    !isset($a_upload["name"]) || empty($a_upload["name"]))
                if (!IsUploadedFile($a_upload))
                if (MAX_FILE_UPLOAD_SIZE != 0 &&
                    $a_upload["size"] > MAX_FILE_UPLOAD_SIZE*1024)
                if (!AttachFile($a_new,$s_att_boundary,$a_upload,$s_charset,
                            ($FILE_REPOSITORY === "") ? true : false))
                    return (false);
        if (isset($a_attach_spec["Data"]))
                // build a specification similar to a file upload
            $a_file_spec["name"] = isset($a_attach_spec["Name"]) ?
                                        $a_attach_spec["Name"] :
            $a_file_spec["type"] = isset($a_attach_spec["MIME"]) ?
                                        $a_attach_spec["MIME"] :
            $a_file_spec["data"] = $a_attach_spec["Data"];
            if (!AttachFile($a_new,$s_att_boundary,$a_file_spec,
                                isset($a_attach_spec["CharSet"]) ?
                                $a_attach_spec["CharSet"] :
                return (false);
        $a_new[] = "--$s_att_boundary--".HEAD_CRLF;     // the end
        $a_new[] = HEAD_CRLF;           // blank line
    elseif ($b_html)
        if (!HTMLMail($a_new,$a_headers,$s_body,$s_template,
                            $s_missing,($b_got_filter) ? $s_filter : "",
            return (false);
        $a_headers['Content-Type'] = SafeHeader("text/plain; charset=$s_charset");
            // treat the body like one line, even though it isn't
        $a_new[] = $s_body;

    $s_body = JoinLines(BODY_LF,$a_new);
    return (true);

    // to make a From line for the email
function MakeFromLine($s_email,$s_name)
    $s_style = GetMailOption("FromLineStyle");
    $s_line = "";
    if (!isset($s_style))
        $s_style = "";
        // the following From line styles are in accordance with RFC 822
    switch ($s_style)
    case "":
    case "default":
    case "AddrSpecName":
                // this is the original From line style that FormMail produced
                // e.g.
                // (Jack Smith)
                // this is an addr-spec with a trailing comment with the name
        if (!empty($s_email))
            $s_line .= SafeHeaderEmail($s_email)." ";
        if (!empty($s_name))
            $s_line .= "(".SafeHeaderComment(EncodeHeaderText($s_name)).")";
    case "NameAddrSpec":
                // email address as an addr-spec preceded by a comment with the name
                // e.g.
                //      (Jack Smith)
        if (!empty($s_name))
            $s_line .= "(".SafeHeaderComment(EncodeHeaderText($s_name)).") ";
        if (!empty($s_email))
            $s_line .= SafeHeaderEmail($s_email);
    case "RouteAddr":
                // just the email address as a route-addr
                // e.g.
                //      <>
        if (!empty($s_email))
            $s_line .= "<".SafeHeaderEmail($s_email).">";
    case "QuotedNameRouteAddr":
                // email address as a route-addr preceded
                // by the name of the user as a quoted string
                // e.g.
                //      "Jack Smith" <>
        if (!empty($s_name))
            $s_line .= '"'.SafeHeaderQString(EncodeHeaderText($s_name)).'" ';
        if (!empty($s_email))
            $s_line .= "<".SafeHeaderEmail($s_email).">";
    case "NameRouteAddr":
                // email address as a route-addr preceded
                // by the name of the user as words
                // e.g.
                //      Jack Smith <>
        if (!empty($s_name))
            $s_line .= SafeHeaderWords(EncodeHeaderText($s_name)).' ';
        if (!empty($s_email))
            $s_line .= "<".SafeHeaderEmail($s_email).">";
    return ($s_line);

    // Return two sets of plain text output: the filtered fields and the
    // non-filtered fields.
function GetFilteredOutput($a_fld_order,$a_clean_fields,$s_filter,$a_filter_list)
        // find the non-filtered fields and make unfiltered text from them
    $a_unfiltered_list = array();
    $n_flds = count($a_fld_order);
    for ($ii = 0 ; $ii < $n_flds ; $ii++)
        if (!in_array($a_fld_order[$ii],$a_filter_list))
            $a_unfiltered_list[] = $a_fld_order[$ii];
    $s_unfiltered_results = MakeFieldOutput($a_unfiltered_list,$a_clean_fields);
        // filter the specified fields only
    $s_filtered_results = MakeFieldOutput($a_filter_list,$a_clean_fields);
    $s_filtered_results = Filter($s_filter,$s_filtered_results);
    return (array($s_unfiltered_results,$s_filtered_results));

    // Make a plain text email body
function MakePlainEmail($a_fld_order,$a_clean_fields,

    $s_unfiltered_results = $s_filtered_results = "";
    $b_got_filter = (isset($s_filter) && !empty($s_filter));
    if ($b_got_filter)
        if (isset($a_filter_list) && count($a_filter_list) > 0)
            $b_limited_filter = true;
            $b_limited_filter = false;
    $b_used_template = false;
    if (IsMailOptionSet("PlainTemplate"))
            // need PHP 4.0.5 for the preg_replace_callback function
        if (!IsPHPAtLeast("4.0.5"))
            $s_template = GetMailOption("PlainTemplate");
            if (ProcessTemplate($s_template,$a_lines,$a_raw_fields,
                $b_used_template = true;
                $s_unfiltered_results = implode(BODY_LF,$a_lines);
                if ($b_got_filter)
                        // with a limited filter, the template goes unfiltered
                        // and the named fields get filtered
                    if ($b_limited_filter)
                        list($s_discard,$s_filtered_results) =
                        $s_filtered_results = Filter($s_filter,$s_unfiltered_results);
                        $s_unfiltered_results = "";
    if (!$b_used_template)
        $res_hdr = "";

        if (IsMailOptionSet("DupHeader"))
                // write some standard mail headers
            $res_hdr = "To: $s_to".BODY_LF;
            if (!empty($s_cc))
                $res_hdr .= "Cc: $s_cc".BODY_LF;
            if (!empty($SPECIAL_VALUES["email"]))
                $res_hdr .= "From: ".MakeFromLine($SPECIAL_VALUES["email"],
            $res_hdr .= BODY_LF;
            if (IsMailOptionSet("StartLine"))
                $res_hdr .= "--START--".BODY_LF;        // signals the beginning of the text to filter

            // put the realname and the email address at the top of the results
            // (if not excluded)
        if (!IsMailExcluded("realname"))
            $a_clean_fields["realname"] = $SPECIAL_VALUES["realname"];
        if (!IsMailExcluded("email"))
            $a_clean_fields["email"] = $SPECIAL_VALUES["email"];
        if ($b_got_filter)
            if ($b_limited_filter)
                list($s_unfiltered_results,$s_filtered_results) =
                    // make text output and filter it (filter all fields)
                $s_filtered_results = MakeFieldOutput($a_fld_order,$a_clean_fields);
                $s_filtered_results = Filter($s_filter,$s_filtered_results);
//SendAlert("There are ".count($a_fld_order)." fields in the order array");
//SendAlert("Here is the clean fields array:\r\n".var_export($a_clean_fields,true));
            $s_unfiltered_results = MakeFieldOutput($a_fld_order,$a_clean_fields);
        $s_unfiltered_results = $res_hdr.$s_unfiltered_results;
    $s_results = $s_unfiltered_results;
    if ($b_got_filter && !empty($s_filtered_results))
        if (!empty($s_results))
            $s_results .= BODY_LF;
        $s_results .= $s_filtered_results;
        // append the environment variables report
    if (isset($SPECIAL_VALUES["env_report"]) && !empty($SPECIAL_VALUES["env_report"]))
        $s_results .= BODY_LF."==================================".BODY_LF;
        $s_results .= BODY_LF.GetEnvVars(TrimArray(explode(",",$SPECIAL_VALUES["env_report"])),BODY_LF);
    return (array($s_results,$s_unfiltered_results,$s_filtered_results));

    // Return the list of fields to be filtered, FALSE if no list provided.
function GetFilterList($b_file_fields)
    global  $SPECIAL_VALUES;

        // no filter means no list of fields
    if (!empty($SPECIAL_VALUES["filter"]))
        if ($b_file_fields)
            if (isset($SPECIAL_VALUES["filter_files"]) && !empty($SPECIAL_VALUES["filter_files"]))
                return (TrimArray(explode(",",$SPECIAL_VALUES["filter_files"])));
            if (isset($SPECIAL_VALUES["filter_fields"]) && !empty($SPECIAL_VALUES["filter_fields"]))
                return (TrimArray(explode(",",$SPECIAL_VALUES["filter_fields"])));
    return (false);

 * Function:    GetFilterSpec
 * Parameters:  $s_filter       returns the filter name
 *              $m_filter_list  returns the list of fields to filter (an array)
 *                              or is set to false if there is no filter list
 *              $b_file_fields  if true, return file fields, otherwise return non-file fields
 * Returns:     bool            true if filtering a list of fields of the specified type
 * Description:     
 *  Checks whether the form has specified to filter a list of 
 *  fields of the specified type (file fields or non-file fields).
function    GetFilterSpec(&$s_filter,&$m_filter_list,$b_file_fields = false)
    global  $SPECIAL_VALUES;

    if (isset($SPECIAL_VALUES["filter"]) && !empty($SPECIAL_VALUES["filter"]))
        $s_filter = $SPECIAL_VALUES["filter"];
        $m_filter_list = GetFilterList($b_file_fields);
        return (true);
    return (false);

    // send the given results to the given email addresses
function SendResults($a_fld_order,$a_clean_fields,$s_to,$s_cc,$s_bcc,$a_raw_fields)

        // check for a filter and how to use it
    $b_filter_attach = false;
    $a_attach_spec = array();
    $s_filter = "";
    $a_filter_list = array();
    if ($b_got_filter = GetFilterSpec($s_filter,$a_filter_list))
        if ($a_filter_list === false)
                // not a limited filter, so filter all fields
            $b_limited_filter = false;
            $a_filter_list = array();
            $b_limited_filter = true;
        FMDebug("SendResults: got filter '$s_filter', limited=$b_limited_filter");
        $s_filter_attach_name = GetFilterOption("Attach");
        if (isset($s_filter_attach_name))
             if (!is_string($s_filter_attach_name) || empty($s_filter_attach_name))
                $b_filter_attach = true;
                $a_attach_spec = array("Name"=>$s_filter_attach_name);
                if (($s_mime = GetFilterAttrib($s_filter,"MIME")) !== false)
                    $a_attach_spec["MIME"] = $s_mime;
                    // Regarding the character set...
                    // A filter will not generally change the character set
                    // of the message, however, if it does, then we
                    // provide that information to the MIME encoder.
                    // Remember: this character set specification refers
                    // to the data *after* the effect of the filter
                    // has been reversed (e.g. an encrypted message
                    // in UTF-8 is in UTF-8 when it is decrypted).
                if (($s_cset = GetFilterAttrib($s_filter,"CharSet")) !== false)
                    $a_attach_spec["CharSet"] = $s_cset;

        // check the need for MIME formatted mail
    $b_mime_mail = (IsMailOptionSet("HTMLTemplate") || count($aFileVars) > 0 ||

        // create the email header lines - CC, BCC, From, and Reply-To
    $a_headers = array();
    if (!empty($s_cc))
        $a_headers['Cc'] = SafeHeader($s_cc);
    if (!empty($SPECIAL_VALUES["replyto"]))
            // expand replyto list
        if (!empty($s_list))
            $a_headers['Reply-To'] = SafeHeader($s_list);
        // note that BCC is documented to not work prior to PHP 4.3
    if (!empty($s_bcc))
        global  $aPHPVERSION;

        if ($aPHPVERSION[0] < 4 || ($aPHPVERSION[0] == 4 && $aPHPVERSION[1] < 3))
        $a_headers['Bcc'] = SafeHeader($s_bcc);
        // create the From address
        // Some servers won't let you set the email address to the
        // submitter of the form.  Therefore, use FromAddr if it's been
        // specified to set the sender and the "From" address.
    $s_sender = GetMailOption("FromAddr");
    if (!isset($s_sender))
        $s_sender = "";
        if (!empty($SPECIAL_VALUES["email"]))
            $a_headers['From'] = MakeFromLine($SPECIAL_VALUES["email"],
    elseif ($s_sender !== "")
        $s_sender = $a_headers['From'] = SafeHeader(UnMangle($s_sender));

         * Override sender if $FIXED_SENDER is set.
    if ($FIXED_SENDER !== "")
        $s_sender = $FIXED_SENDER;

    if ($s_sender === "")
            $s_sender = $SPECIAL_VALUES["email"];

        // special case: if there is only one non-special string value, then
        // format it as an email (unless an option says not to)
    $a_keys = array_keys($a_raw_fields);
    if (count($a_keys) == 1 && is_string($a_raw_fields[$a_keys[0]]) &&
        !IsMailOptionSet("AlwaysList") && !IsMailOptionSet("DupHeader"))
        if (IsMailExcluded($a_keys[0]))
            SendAlert("Exclusion of single field '".$a_keys[0]."' ignored");
        $s_value = $a_raw_fields[$a_keys[0]];
            // replace carriage return/linefeeds with <br>
        $s_value = str_replace("\r\n",'<br />',$s_value);
            // replace lone linefeeds with <br>
        $s_value = str_replace("\n",'<br />',$s_value);
            // remove lone carriage returns
        $s_value = str_replace("\r","",$s_value);
            // replace all control chars with <br />
        $s_value = preg_replace('/[[:cntrl:]]+/','<br />',$s_value);
            // strip HTML (note that all the <br> above will now be
            // replaced with BODY_LF)
        $s_value = StripHTML($s_value,BODY_LF);

        if ($b_mime_mail)
            if ($b_got_filter)
                    // filter the whole value (ignore filter_fields for this
                    // special case) if a filter has been specified
                $s_results = Filter($s_filter,$s_value);
                if ($b_filter_attach)
                    $a_attach_spec["Data"] = $s_results;
                        // KeepInLine keeps the filtered version inline as well
                        // as an attachment
                    if (!IsFilterOptionSet("KeepInLine"))
                        $s_results = "";
                    $s_filter = ""; // no more filtering
                $s_results = $s_value;

                // send this single value off to get formatted in a MIME
                // email
            if (!MakeMimeMail($s_results,$a_headers,$a_raw_fields,
                return (false);
        elseif ($b_got_filter)
                // filter the whole value (ignore filter_fields for this special case)
                // if a filter has been specified
            $s_results = Filter($s_filter,$s_value);
            $s_results = $s_value;
            if (IsMailOptionSet("CharSet"))
                    // sending plain text email, and the CharSet has been
                    // specified; include a header
                $a_headers['Content-Type'] = "text/plain; charset=".SafeHeader(GetMailOption("CharSet"));
        if ($b_mime_mail)
                // get the plain text version of the email then send it
                // to get MIME formatted
            list($s_results,$s_unfiltered_results,$s_filtered_results) =
            if ($b_filter_attach)
                    // attached the filtered results
                $a_attach_spec["Data"] = $s_filtered_results;
                    // KeepInLine keeps the filtered version inline as well
                    // as an attachment
                if (!IsFilterOptionSet("KeepInLine"))
                        // put the unfiltered results in the body of the message
                    $s_results = $s_unfiltered_results;
                $s_filter = ""; // no more filtering
            if (!MakeMimeMail($s_results,$a_headers,$a_raw_fields,
                return (false);
            list($s_results,$s_unfiltered_results,$s_filtered_results) =
            if (!$b_got_filter && IsMailOptionSet("CharSet"))
                    // sending plain text email, and the CharSet has been
                    // specified; include a header
                $a_headers['Content-Type'] = "text/plain; charset=".SafeHeader(GetMailOption("CharSet"));

        // now save uploaded files to the repository
        if (!SaveAllFilesToRepository())
            return (false);

        // send the mail - assumes the email addresses have already been checked
    return (SendCheckedMail($s_to,$SPECIAL_VALUES["subject"],$s_results,

    // append an entry to a log file
function WriteLog($log_file)
    global  $SPECIAL_VALUES,$php_errormsg;

@   $log_fp = fopen($log_file,"a");
    if ($log_fp === false)
    $date = gmdate("H:i:s d-M-y T");
    $entry = $date.":".$SPECIAL_VALUES["email"].",".

    // write the data to a comma-separated-values file
function WriteCSVFile($s_csv_file,$a_vars)

        // create an array of column values in the order specified
        // in $SPECIAL_VALUES["csvcolumns"]
    $a_column_list = $SPECIAL_VALUES["csvcolumns"];
    if (!isset($a_column_list) || empty($a_column_list) || !is_string($a_column_list))
    if (!isset($s_csv_file) || empty($s_csv_file) || !is_string($s_csv_file))

@   $fp = fopen($s_csv_file,"a".$CSVOPEN);
    if ($fp === false)

        // convert the column list to an array, trim the names too
    $a_column_list = TrimArray(explode(",",$a_column_list));
    $n_columns = count($a_column_list);

        // if the file is currently empty, put the column names in the first line
    $b_heading = false;
    if (filesize($s_csv_file) == 0)
        $b_heading = true;

    $csv_format = new CSVFormat();
        // now configure the CSVFormat object
        // according to FormMail's configuration settings
                                    'return CleanValue($m_value);'));

    $s_csv = $csv_format->MakeCSVRecord($a_column_list,$a_vars);

    if ($b_heading)

//  CreatePage($debug);
//  exit;

function CheckConfig()

    $a_mesgs = array();
    if (in_array("TARGET_EMAIL",$CONFIG_CHECK))
            // $TARGET_EMAIL values should begin with ^ and end with $
        for ($ii = 0 ; $ii < count($TARGET_EMAIL) ; $ii++)
            $s_pattern = $TARGET_EMAIL[$ii];
            if (substr($s_pattern,0,1) != '^')
                $a_mesgs[] = GetMessage(MSG_TARG_EMAIL_PAT_START,
            if (substr($s_pattern,-1) != '$')
                $a_mesgs[] = GetMessage(MSG_TARG_EMAIL_PAT_END,
    if (count($a_mesgs) > 0)

    // append an entry to the Auto Responder log file
function WriteARLog($s_to,$s_subj,$s_info)
    global  $LOGDIR,$AUTORESPONDLOG,$aServerVars,$php_errormsg;

    if (!isset($LOGDIR) || !isset($AUTORESPONDLOG) ||
            empty($LOGDIR) || empty($AUTORESPONDLOG))

    $log_file = $LOGDIR."/".$AUTORESPONDLOG;
@   $log_fp = fopen($log_file,"a");
    if ($log_fp === false)
    $a_entry = array();
    $a_entry[] = gmdate("H:i:s d-M-y T");       // date/time in GMT
    $a_entry[] = $aServerVars['REMOTE_ADDR'];   // remote IP address
    $a_entry[] = $s_to;                         // target email address
    $a_entry[] = $s_subj;                       // subject line
    $a_entry[] = $s_info;                       // information

    $s_log_entry = implode(",",$a_entry)."\n";

 * The main logic starts here....

    // First, a special case; if formmail.php is called like this:
    //  http://.../formmail.php?testalert=1
    // it sends a test message to the default alert address with some
    // information about your PHP version and the DOCUMENT_ROOT.
if (isset($aGetVars["testalert"]) && $aGetVars["testalert"] == 1)
    function ShowServerVar($s_name)
        global  $aServerVars;

        return (isset($aServerVars[$s_name]) ? $aServerVars[$s_name] : "-not set-");
    $sAlert = GetMessage(MSG_ALERT,
                      "SERVER"=>(IsServerWindows() ? "Windows" : "non-Windows"),

    if (DEF_ALERT == "")
        echo "<p>".GetMessage(MSG_NO_DEF_ALERT)."</p>";
    elseif (SendAlert($sAlert,false,true))
        echo "<p>".GetMessage(MSG_TEST_SENT)."</p>";
        echo "<p>".GetMessage(MSG_TEST_FAILED)."</p>";

if (isset($aGetVars["testlang"]) && $aGetVars["testlang"] == 1)
    if (!IsPHPAtLeast("4.1.0"))
        <p>testlang feature only works with PHP version 4.1.0 or later</p>
        function ShowMessages()
            global  $aMessages,$sLangID,$bShowMesgNumbers,$aGetVars,$sHTMLCharSet;

                // force message numbers on unless "mnums=no"
            if (isset($aGetVars["mnums"]) && $aGetVars["mnums"] == "no")
                $bShowMesgNumbers = false;
                $bShowMesgNumbers = true;


            $s_def_lang = $sLangID;
            $a_def_mesgs = $aMessages;


            $s_active_lang = $sLangID;
            $a_active_mesgs = $aMessages;

            $a_list = get_defined_constants();

            echo "<html>\n";
            echo "<head>\n";
            if (isset($sHTMLCharSet) && $sHTMLCharSet !== "")
                echo "<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Content-Type\" CONTENT=\"text/html; charset=$sHTMLCharSet\">\n";
            echo "</head>\n";
            echo "<body>\n";

            echo "<table border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"10\" width=\"95%\">\n";
            echo "<tr>\n";
            echo "<th>\n";
            echo "Message Number";
            echo "</th>\n";
            echo "<th>\n";
            echo "$s_def_lang";
            echo "</th>\n";
            echo "<th>\n";
            echo "$s_active_lang";
            echo "</th>\n";
            echo "</tr>\n";
            foreach ($a_list as $s_name=>$i_value)
                if (substr($s_name,0,4) == "MSG_")
                        // some PHP constants begin with MSG_, so we try to skip them too
                    switch ($s_name)
                    case "MSG_IPC_NOWAIT":
                    case "MSG_EAGAIN":
                    case "MSG_ENOMSG":
                    case "MSG_NOERROR":
                    case "MSG_EXCEPT":
                    case "MSG_OOB":
                    case "MSG_PEEK":
                    case "MSG_DONTROUTE":
                    case "MSG_EOR":
                        continue 2;
                    if ($i_value >= 256)
                    echo "<tr>\n";
                    echo "<td valign=\"top\">\n";
                    echo "$s_name ($i_value)";
                    echo "</td>\n";
                    echo "<td valign=\"top\">\n";
                    $aMessages = $a_def_mesgs;
                    $s_def_msg = GetMessage((int) $i_value,array(),true,true);
                    echo nl2br(htmlentities($s_def_msg));       // English - don't need FixedHTMLEntities
                    echo "</td>\n";
                    echo "<td valign=\"top\">\n";
                    $aMessages = $a_active_mesgs;
                    $s_act_msg = GetMessage((int) $i_value,array(),true,true);
                    if ($s_def_msg == $s_act_msg)
                        echo "<i>identical</i>\n";
                        echo nl2br(FixedHTMLEntities($s_act_msg));
                    echo "</td>\n";
                    echo "</tr>\n";
            echo "</table>\n";

            echo "</body>\n";
            echo "</html>\n";

    // For saved files, add in the "new_name" values to the given
    // array.
function    GetSavedFileNames($a_values)
    if (IsSetSession("FormSavedFiles"))
        $a_saved_files = GetSession("FormSavedFiles");
        foreach ($a_saved_files as $s_fld=>$a_upload)
            if (isset($a_upload["name"]))
                $a_values[$s_fld] = $a_upload["name"];
            if (isset($a_upload["new_name"]))
                $a_values["name_of_$s_fld"] = $a_upload["new_name"];
    return ($a_values);

    // Scan the Multi form sequence values and build up the values that
    // were submitted to the given form index.
function GetMultiValues($a_form_list,$i_form_index,$a_order = array(),
                                            $a_clean = array(),
                                            $a_raw_data = array(),
                                            $a_all_data = array(),
                                            $a_file_data = array())
    $a_ret_clean = $a_ret_raw = $a_ret_all = $a_ret_files = array();
    for ($ii = 0 ; $ii < $i_form_index ; $ii++)
            // only add a field to the order if it's not already there
        $a_form_order = $a_form_list[$ii]["ORDER"];
        $n_order = count($a_form_order);
        for ($jj = 0 ; $jj < $n_order ; $jj++)
            if (array_search($a_form_order[$jj],$a_order) === false)
                $a_order[] = $a_form_order[$jj];
        $a_ret_clean = array_merge($a_ret_clean,$a_form_list[$ii]["CLEAN"]);
        $a_ret_raw = array_merge($a_ret_raw,$a_form_list[$ii]["RAWDATA"]);
        $a_ret_all = array_merge($a_ret_all,$a_form_list[$ii]["ALLDATA"]);
        $a_ret_files = array_merge($a_ret_files,$a_form_list[$ii]["FILES"]);
        // later values must take precedence to earlier values,
        // so merge in the passed-in data last
    $a_ret_clean = array_merge($a_ret_clean,$a_clean);
    $a_ret_raw = array_merge($a_ret_raw,$a_raw_data);
    $a_ret_all = array_merge($a_ret_all,$a_all_data);
    $a_ret_files = array_merge($a_ret_files,$a_file_data);
    return (array($a_order,$a_ret_clean,$a_ret_raw,$a_ret_all,$a_ret_files));

$bMultiForm = false;

    // Multi-page form sequencing is complicated....
    // Requirements:
    //      1. The first page in a multi-page form sequence must provide:
    //          - multi_start field set to 1
    //          - this_form field (it's own URL)
    //          - next_form field (multi-page form template name)
    //      2. Subsequent pages must provide either:
    //          next_form (the next template name in the sequence)
    //         OR
    //          good_url or good_template or neither; this terminates
    //          the multi-page processing and provides the final URL.
    // Logic:
    //      1. We create session variables to contain information about
    //         the sequence.
    //      2. On the first submission from the starting form, we record
    //         its "this_form" URL and the data submitted.
    //         We also create a URL (to FormMail) that will allow return
    //         to the *next* form in the sequence.
    //      3. On submission from other forms in the sequence, we record
    //         the data that was submitted so we can return to that
    //         form with the user's data re-filled into the form.
    //         We also create a URL (to FormMail) that will allow return
    //         to the *next* form in the sequence.
    //      4. A return URL contains "return=index" where index is the
    //         form sequence index number.  This is a URL to FormMail.
    //         FormMail gets the template name or URL (URL only for the
    //         starting form) and outputs the requested HTML form.  It also
    //         truncates the session data for forms after the returned-to
    //         one.

    // Return to a previous form in a sequence.
function MultiFormReturn($i_return_to)
    global  $iFormIndex;
    global  $SessionAccessor;

    if (!IsSetSession("FormList") ||
           !IsSetSession("FormIndex") ||
            $i_return_to < 0 ||
            $i_return_to > GetSession("FormIndex"))
                                        IsSetSession("FormIndex") ?
                                        GetSession("FormIndex") :
    $a_list = GetSession("FormList");
    assert($i_return_to < count($a_list));
    $a_form_def = $a_list[$i_return_to];
    SetSession("FormList",$a_list = array_slice($a_list,0,$i_return_to+1));
    SetSession("FormIndex",$iFormIndex = $i_return_to);
    if (isset($a_form_def["FORM"]))
            // get the values that were originally submitted to this form
        list(,,$a_values,,) = GetMultiValues($a_list,$i_return_to);
            // get the session values
        $a_lines = array();
            // process the page as a template
        if (ProcessMultiFormTemplate($a_form_def["FORM"],$a_values,$a_lines))
            $n_lines = count($a_lines);
            $s_buf = "";
            for ($ii = 0 ; $ii < $n_lines ; $ii++)
                $s_buf .= $a_lines[$ii]."\n";
                unset($a_lines[$ii]);       // free memory (hopefully)
            unset($a_lines);       // free memory (hopefully)
                // put in the values that the user previously submitted
                // to this form
            echo SetPreviousValues($s_buf,$a_form_def["RAWDATA"]);
            // we probably should include 
            //  $SessionAccessor->CopyIn(...,true);
            // at some stage in the future to get the session values....need to think about this
            // and run some case studies.
    //echo "Returned to $i_return_to";

    // Store any data just submitted and specified as "multi_keep".
function MultiKeep()
    global  $SPECIAL_VALUES,$aRawDataValues;

    if (isset($SPECIAL_VALUES["multi_keep"]) &&
        $a_list = TrimArray(explode(",",$SPECIAL_VALUES["multi_keep"]));
        if (IsSetSession("FormKeep"))
            $a_keep = GetSession("FormKeep");
            $a_keep = array();
            // For each data field specified in "multi_keep" store its
            // value in the FormKeep session variable.
            // If a field is specified and does not exist in the
            // recent submission, its value is discarded.
        foreach ($a_list as $s_fld_name)
            if (!empty($s_fld_name))
                if (isset($aRawDataValues[$s_fld_name]))
                    $a_keep[$s_fld_name] = $aRawDataValues[$s_fld_name];

    // Perform Logic for Multi-Page form sequences
function MultiFormLogic()
    global  $bMultiForm,$SPECIAL_VALUES,$aServerVars,$aFileVars;
    global  $sFormMailScript,$bGotGoBack,$bGotNextForm,$iFormIndex;
    global  $aFieldOrder,$aCleanedValues,$aRawDataValues,$aAllRawValues;

    if ($SPECIAL_VALUES["multi_start"] == 1)
        if (empty($SPECIAL_VALUES["this_form"]))

        $bMultiForm = true;
            // Start of multi-page form sequence
        $a_list = array();
        $a_list[0] = array("URL"=>$SPECIAL_VALUES["this_form"],
        $iFormIndex = 0;   // zero is the first form, which was just submitted
            // this is a fresh session, so remove any remembered values
    elseif (IsSetSession("FormList"))
        $bMultiForm = true;

    if ($bMultiForm)
        if (isset($aServerVars["PHP_SELF"]) &&
            !empty($aServerVars["PHP_SELF"]) &&
            isset($aServerVars["SERVER_NAME"]) &&
            if (isset($aServerVars["SERVER_PORT"]) &&
                $aServerVars["SERVER_PORT"] != 80)
                if ($aServerVars["SERVER_PORT"] == 443)     // SSL port
                        // just use https prefix
                    $sFormMailScript = "https://".$aServerVars["SERVER_NAME"].
                        // use http with port number
                    $sFormMailScript = "http://".$aServerVars["SERVER_NAME"].
                $sFormMailScript = "http://".$aServerVars["SERVER_NAME"].
            $iFormIndex = GetSession("FormIndex");

        // If we're going forward in a multi-page form sequence,
        // compute a URL to return to the form we're about to display.
    if ($bMultiForm && !$bGotGoBack)
            // record the data that was just submitted by the previous form
        $iFormIndex = GetSession("FormIndex");
        $a_list = GetSession("FormList");
        $a_list[$iFormIndex]["ORDER"] = $aFieldOrder;
        $a_list[$iFormIndex]["CLEAN"] = $aCleanedValues;
        $a_list[$iFormIndex]["RAWDATA"] = $aRawDataValues;
        $a_list[$iFormIndex]["ALLDATA"] = $aAllRawValues;
        if (count($aFileVars) > 0 && !FILEUPLOADS)
        elseif (count($aFileVars) > 0 && !SaveAllUploadedFiles($aFileVars))
        $a_list[$iFormIndex]["FILES"] = $aFileVars;
        $s_url = GetReturnLink($sFormMailScript,$iFormIndex);
        $a_list[$iFormIndex] = array("URL"=>$s_url,

    // Check for the MIME Attack
function DetectMimeAttack($a_fields,&$s_attack,&$s_info,&$s_user_info)
        // if any of the recipient fields contain "MIME-Version" or
        // "Content-Type" then this is the MIME attack
        // Now also checks the subject field.
    $a_rec_flds = array("recipients","cc","bcc","replyto","subject");
    foreach ($a_rec_flds as $s_fld)
        if (isset($a_fields[$s_fld]))
                // some of the fields can be arrays
            if (is_array($a_fields[$s_fld]))
                $s_data = implode(",",$a_fields[$s_fld]);
                $s_data = $a_fields[$s_fld];
            $s_data = strtolower($s_data);
            if (($i_mime = strpos($s_data,"mime-version")) !== false ||
                ($i_cont = strpos($s_data,"content-type")) !== false)
                $s_attack = "MIME";
                $s_info = GetMessage(MSG_ATTACK_MIME_INFO,
                                  "CONTENT"=>($i_mime !== false) ?
                                                "mime-version" :
                return (true);
    return (false);

    // Strip common language sequences from the data
    // that might otherwise look like a junk attack.
    // We replace them with a space so that the stripping
    // cannot create more junk accidentally.
function    AttackDetectionStripLang($s_data)

    foreach ($ATTACK_DETECTION_JUNK_LANG_STRIP as $s_seq)
        $s_data = str_replace($s_seq," ",$s_data);
    return ($s_data);

    // Find strings of $n_consec characters from the alphabet of $s_alpha
    // in $s_data.  Return the count of instances found.
function    AttackDetectionFindJunk($s_data,$s_alpha,$n_consec,&$a_matches)
    $s_pat = "/[".preg_quote($s_alpha,"/")."]{"."$n_consec,$n_consec"."}/";
    if (($n_count = preg_match_all($s_pat,$s_data,$a_matches)) === false)
        $n_count = 0;
        $a_matches = array();
        $a_matches = $a_matches[0];
    return ($n_count);

    // Check for the Junk Attack
function DetectJunkAttack($a_fields,&$s_attack,&$s_info,&$s_user_info)

        // If any field contains junk data, trigger detection.
    $n_count = 0;
    $a_matches = array();
    $a_user_matches = array();
    foreach ($a_fields as $s_fld=>$m_value)
        if (IsSpecialField($s_fld) || IsSpecialMultiField($s_fld))
                // Skip special fields because they don't contain
                // normal user input.
                // But, some special fields do contain normal user
                // input, so we don't skip them.
            $b_skip = true;
            switch ($s_fld)
            case "realname":
            case "subject":
                    $b_skip = false;
            if ($b_skip)
                // Ignore fields that are specified to contain
                // technical information.
        if (in_array($s_fld,$ATTACK_DETECTION_JUNK_IGNORE_FIELDS,true))
        if (isset($m_value) && !FieldManager::IsEmpty($m_value))
            if (!is_array($m_value))
                $m_value = array($m_value);
            foreach ($m_value as $s_data)
                $s_orig_data = $s_data = strtolower($s_data);
                    // Strip out sequences that might be common to
                    // the user's language.
                    // For example, in English, there are a lot of common
                    // words that can easily be protected from our
                    // tests. For example, "thousandths" has 5 consecutive consonants
                    // but is a reasonable word.
                    // Similarly, "queue" has 4 consecutive vowels.
                $s_data = AttackDetectionStripLang($s_data);
                    // Look for strings of too many vowels or too many consonants.
                    // For safety, we must detect more than one instance, because there
                    // are a lot of normal words that may be caught by this test.
                    // The number of instances is controlled by configuration.
                $n_match = AttackDetectionFindJunk($s_data,ATTACK_DETECTION_JUNK_CONSONANTS,
                if ($n_match > 0)
                    $a_user_matches[] = $s_orig_data;
                $n_count += $n_match;
                $n_match = AttackDetectionFindJunk($s_data,ATTACK_DETECTION_JUNK_VOWELS,
                if ($n_match > 0)
                    $a_user_matches[] = $s_orig_data;
                $n_count += $n_match;
                if ($n_count >= ATTACK_DETECTION_JUNK_TRIGGER)
                    $a_matches = array_merge($a_matches,$a_match_cons,$a_match_vow);
                    $s_user_info = GetMessage(MSG_USER_ATTACK_JUNK,
                                        array("INPUT"=>implode(", ",$a_user_matches)),false);
                    $s_attack = "JUNK";
                    $s_info = GetMessage(MSG_ATTACK_JUNK_INFO,
                                      "JUNK"=>implode(" ",$a_matches)),false);
                    return (true);
    return (false);

    // Check for the duplicate data attack
function DetectDupAttack($a_fields,&$s_attack,&$s_info,&$s_user_info)
        // if any of the configured fields contain duplicate data,
        // then this lame attack has been detected

    $a_data_map = array();
    foreach ($ATTACK_DETECTION_DUPS as $s_fld)
        if (isset($a_fields[$s_fld]) &&
            is_scalar($a_fields[$s_fld]) &&    // can only work with string data
            $s_data = (string) $a_fields[$s_fld];
            if (isset($a_data_map[$s_data]))
                    // duplicate found!
                $s_attack = "Duplicate Fields";
                $s_info = GetMessage(MSG_ATTACK_DUP_INFO,
                $s_user_info = GetMessage(MSG_USER_ATTACK_DUP,array(),false);
                return (true);
            $a_data_map[$s_data] = $s_fld;
    return (false);

    // Check for the email addresses in specials attack
function DetectSpecialsAttack($a_fields,&$s_attack,&$s_info,&$s_user_info)

        // look for email addresses in whole fields
        if (isset($a_fields[$s_fld]) &&
            is_scalar($a_fields[$s_fld]) &&    // can only work with string data
            $s_data = $a_fields[$s_fld];
            if (preg_match("/^\b[-a-z0-9._%]+@[-.%_a-z0-9]+\.[a-z]{2,9}\b$/i",
                            $s_data) === 1)
                    // email address found in wrong field
                $s_attack = "Special Fields Only";
                $s_info = GetMessage(MSG_ATTACK_SPEC_INFO,
                return (true);
        // look for email addresses in any part of fields
        if (isset($a_fields[$s_fld]) &&
            is_scalar($a_fields[$s_fld]) &&    // can only work with string data
            $s_data = $a_fields[$s_fld];
            if (preg_match("/\b[-a-z0-9._%]+@[-.%_a-z0-9]+\.[a-z]{2,9}\b/i",
                            $s_data) > 0)
                    // email address found in wrong field
                $s_attack = "Special Fields Any";
                $s_info = GetMessage(MSG_ATTACK_SPEC_INFO,
                return (true);
    return (false);

    // Check for "many URLs in a field" and "many fields with URLs" attacks
function DetectManyURLsAttack($a_fields,&$s_attack,&$s_info,&$s_user_info)

    $a_fld_names = array();
        // actual URL link patterns
    $s_srch = '((\bhttps{0,1}:\/\/|<\s*a\s+href=["'."'".']{0,1})[-a-z0-9.]+\b)';

        // now add configurable patterns
            // escape / characters and build up a string
            // of alternate patterns
        foreach ($ATTACK_DETECTION_URL_PATTERNS as $s_pat)
            if ($s_pat == "")
            $s_srch .= "|".str_replace('/','\/',$s_pat);

    foreach ($a_fields as $s_fld=>$s_data)
        if (IsSpecialField($s_fld) || IsSpecialMultiField($s_fld))
                // skip special fields because some are supposed to
                // have URLs in them
        if (isset($s_data) &&
            is_scalar($s_data) &&    // can only work with string data
            $n_match = preg_match_all("/$s_srch/msi",$s_data,$a_matches);
            if (!is_int($n_match))
                $n_match = 0;
             * debugging code....
             if ($n_match > 0)
                echo "Pattern is '".htmlentities($s_srch)."' with '".
                    htmlentities($s_data)."' field '$s_fld', matched=$n_match<br />";
            if (ATTACK_DETECTION_MANY_URLS > 0)
                if ($n_match >= ATTACK_DETECTION_MANY_URLS)
                    $s_attack = "Many URLS in a field";
                    $s_info = GetMessage(MSG_ATTACK_MANYURL_INFO,
                    $s_user_info = GetMessage(MSG_USER_ATTACK_MANY_URLS,array(),false);
                    return (true);
            if ($n_match > 0)
                $a_fld_names[] = $s_fld;
        if (count($a_fld_names) >= ATTACK_DETECTION_MANY_URL_FIELDS)
            $s_attack = "Many fields with URLs";
            $s_info = GetMessage(MSG_ATTACK_MANYFIELDS_INFO,
            $s_user_info = GetMessage(MSG_USER_ATTACK_MANY_URL_FIELDS,array(),false);
            return (true);
    return (false);

function    IsAjax()
    global  $SPECIAL_VALUES,$aFormVars,$aGetVars;

    // this may be called too early to have SPECIAL_VALUES loaded,
    // so we check the submitted form vars too.
    if ($SPECIAL_VALUES["fmmode"] == "ajax")
        return (true);
    if (isset($aFormVars["fmmode"]))
        return ($aFormVars["fmmode"] == "ajax");
    if (isset($aGetVars["fmmode"]))
        return ($aGetVars["fmmode"] == "ajax");
    return (false);

    // Detect annoying attacks and prevent them from sending spurious
    // alert messages.
function DetectAttacks($a_fields)

    $s_info = $s_attack = "";
    $b_attacked = false;
    $s_user_info = "";
        if (DetectMimeAttack($a_fields,$s_attack,$s_info,$s_user_info))
            $b_attacked = true;
    if (!$b_attacked && !empty($ATTACK_DETECTION_DUPS))
        if (DetectDupAttack($a_fields,$s_attack,$s_info,$s_user_info))
            $b_attacked = true;
    if (!$b_attacked && ATTACK_DETECTION_SPECIALS)
        if (DetectSpecialsAttack($a_fields,$s_attack,$s_info,$s_user_info))
            $b_attacked = true;
    if (!$b_attacked && (ATTACK_DETECTION_MANY_URLS ||
        if (DetectManyURLsAttack($a_fields,$s_attack,$s_info,$s_user_info))
            $b_attacked = true;
        if (DetectJunkAttack($a_fields,$s_attack,$s_info,$s_user_info))
            $b_attacked = true;

    if (!$b_attacked && !empty($ATTACK_DETECTION_REVERSE_CAPTCHA))
            if (DetectRevCaptchaAttack($ATTACK_DETECTION_REVERSE_CAPTCHA,$a_fields,$s_attack,$s_info,$s_user_info))
                $b_attacked = true;

    if ($b_attacked)
        if (function_exists('FMHookAttacked'))
            FMHookAttacked('');     /* in the future, pass the type of attack */
        if (!IsAjax() && ATTACK_DETECTION_URL !== "")
            global  $SERVER;


    // Implement reverse captcha.  At least two fields must be provided.
    // At least one of the fields should have a non-empty value.
function    DetectRevCaptchaAttack($a_revcap_spec,$a_form_data,&$s_attack,&$s_info,&$s_user_info)
    global      $bReverseCaptchaCompleted;

    if (count($a_revcap_spec) < 2)
        return (false);
        // check the reverse captcha fields
    $n_empty = $n_non_empty = 0;
    $b_attacked = false;
    $s_info = "";
    foreach ($a_revcap_spec as $s_fld_name=>$s_value)
        if ($s_value === "")
            if (isset($a_form_data[$s_fld_name]) &&
                    $a_form_data[$s_fld_name] !== "")
                $b_attacked = true;
                $s_info .= "\n".GetMessage(MSG_ATTACK_REV_CAP_INFO,
            if (!isset($a_form_data[$s_fld_name]) ||
                    $a_form_data[$s_fld_name] !== $s_value)
                $b_attacked = true;
                $s_info .= "\n".GetMessage(MSG_ATTACK_REV_CAP_INFO,
                                        isset($a_form_data[$s_fld_name]) ?
                                            $a_form_data[$s_fld_name] :
        // check that the rev captcha specification is correct:
        //      at least two fields, at least one empty
        //      and at least one non-empty
    if ($n_empty + $n_non_empty < 2 ||
        $n_empty == 0 || $n_non_empty == 0)
        return (false);
    if ($b_attacked)
        $s_attack = "Reverse Captcha";
        $s_user_info = GetMessage(MSG_USER_ATTACK_REV_CAP,array(),false);
    $bReverseCaptchaCompleted = !$b_attacked;
    //FMDebug("RevCaptcha done: ".($bReverseCaptchaCompleted ? "success" : "failure"));
    return ($b_attacked);

    // Check whether a form submission is allowed based on any Captcha provided
function    CheckCaptchaSubmit()
    global  $SPECIAL_VALUES,$reCaptchaProcessor;

    if ($SPECIAL_VALUES["imgverify"] !== "")
            // implement reCaptcha
        if (isset($reCaptchaProcessor))
            if (!$reCaptchaProcessor->Check($SPECIAL_VALUES["imgverify"],$SPECIAL_VALUES,$s_error))
            // implement other CAPTCHA
                // VerifyImgString is from Tectite's simple verifyimg.php CAPTCHA
                // turing_string is from Captcha Creator
            if (!IsSetSession("VerifyImgString") &&
                // the user's entry must match the value in the session; allow
                // spaces in the user's input
            if (IsSetSession("VerifyImgString"))
                if (strtoupper(str_replace(" ","",$SPECIAL_VALUES["imgverify"])) !==
                if (strtoupper(str_replace(" ","",$SPECIAL_VALUES["imgverify"])) !==
                                "imgverify='".$SPECIAL_VALUES["imgverify"]."' ".

 * Class:       AutoResponder
 * Description:     
 *  Implements the auto responding feature of FormMail.
 *  The object must only be created after special fields have been
 *  processed.
class   AutoResponder
    var     $_bRequested;       // true if requested by the form
    var     $_sTo;              // to-address for auto response
    var     $_sSubject;         // subject for auto response

    var     $_iNone = 0;        // must be zero - initializes iType and iCaptchaType

    var     $_iCaptchaType;     // type of CAPTCHA that's been successfully processed
    var     $_bCaptchaOK;       // true if CAPTCHA processing is OK, otherwise false

        // values of _iCaptchaType
    var     $_iFull = 1;        // full captcha
    var     $_iRev = 2;         // reverse captcha

    var     $_iType;            // type of autoresponse (template or plain)

        // values of _iType
    var     $_iSendTemplate = 1;    // send a template
    var     $_iSendPlain = 2;       // send a plain file

     * Method:      AutoResponder ctor
     * Parameters:  void
     * Returns:     n/a 
     * Description: 
     *  Constructs the object.
    function    AutoResponder()
        global  $SPECIAL_VALUES;

        $this->_bCaptchaOK = $this->_bRequested = false;
        $this->_sTo = "";
        $this->_sSubject = "";
        $this->_iType = $this->_iNone;
        $this->_iCaptchaType = $this->_iNone;

            // An autoreponse is sometimes optional in the sense the user
            // can choose whether they want it.
            // It can also be mandatory, and enforced by the form owner.
            // Here are the rules:
            //  1.  If there is no return email address (email field), no autoresponse.
            //      In this case, if autoresponse has been requested by the form, send
            //      an alert message to the form owner, but otherwise ignore the problem
            //      (it's optional).
            //  2.  If no autoresponse has been requested by the form, skip.
            //  3.  If HTMLTemplate or PlainTemplate is set:
            //      3a. If full CAPTCHA has been performed, send autoresponse.
            //      3b  If no full CAPTCHA has been performed, no autoresponse.
            //  4.  If HTMLTemplate and PlainTemplate are *not* set and either
            //      PlainFile or HTMLFile is set:
            //      4a. If full CAPTCHA has been performed, send autoresponse.
            //      4b. If Reverse CAPTCHA has been performed, send autoresponse.
            //      4c. Otherwise, no autoresponse.
            //  5.  If full CAPTCHA is attempted but fails (e.g. wrong input), display
            //      error.
            // The form owner can enforce autoresponse by making "email" required,
            // and making "arverify" or "recaptcha_response_field" required (for templates)
            // or by ensuring Reverse CAPTCHA is performed (for PlainFile or HTMLFile).
        if (IsAROptionSet('HTMLTemplate') ||
            $this->_iType = $this->_iSendTemplate;
        if (IsAROptionSet('PlainFile') ||
            $this->_iType = $this->_iSendPlain;
        if ($this->_iType)
                // the form has requested autoresponse....
                // we need an email address to send to
            if (!isset($SPECIAL_VALUES["email"]) || empty($SPECIAL_VALUES["email"]))
                $this->_bRequested = true;
                $this->_sTo = $SPECIAL_VALUES["email"];
                if (IsAROptionSet('Subject'))
                    $this->_sSubject = GetAROption('Subject');
                    $this->_sSubject = GetMessage(MSG_ARESP_SUBJ,array(),false);

     * Method:      AutoResponder::IsRequested
     * Parameters:  void
     * Returns:     bool    true if autoresponding has been requested
     * Description: 
     *  Determines if autoresponding has been requested by the HTML.  
    function    IsRequested()
        return ($this->_bRequested);

     * Method:      AutoResponder::Process
     * Parameters:  $b_check_only   if true, perform checks but do not send
     * Returns:     void
     * Description: 
     *  Processes the autorespond.
    function    Process($b_check_only = false)
        global  $SPECIAL_VALUES;

        FMDebug("AutoResponder::Process: check=".($b_check_only ? "Y" : "N"));
        if ($this->IsRequested())
            FMDebug("AutoResponder::Process: requested");
                // verify CAPTCHA or that Reverse CAPTCHA has been completed
                // (unless we've already done that)
            if (!$b_check_only && $this->_bCaptchaOK)
                FMDebug("AutoResponder::Process: proceeding, type=".$this->_iType);
                    // for a template, full CAPTCHA must have been processed
                if ($this->_iType == $this->_iSendTemplate)
                    if ($this->_iCaptchaType == $this->_iFull)
                    // for a plain file, reverse CAPTCHA is sufficient, any CAPTCHA is OK
                elseif ($this->_iType == $this->_iSendPlain)
                    if ($this->_iCaptchaType)

     * Method:      AutoResponder::_CheckCaptcha
     * Parameters:  void
     * Returns:     void 
     * Description: 
     *  Checks the type of CAPTCHA that has been processed.
     *  This method should only be called if autoresponse has been requested
     *  by the form (i.e. IsRequested returns true).
    function    _CheckCaptcha()
        global  $SPECIAL_VALUES,$bReverseCaptchaCompleted,$ATTACK_DETECTION_REVERSE_CAPTCHA;
        global  $reCaptchaProcessor;

            // only check for CAPTCHA once
        if (!$this->_iCaptchaType)
                // check for full CAPTCHA attempt
                // first, check for reCaptcha
            if (isset($reCaptchaProcessor) && $SPECIAL_VALUES["arverify"] !== "")
                $this->_iCaptchaType = $this->_iFull;
                if ($reCaptchaProcessor->Check($SPECIAL_VALUES["arverify"],$SPECIAL_VALUES,$s_error))
                    $this->_bCaptchaOK = true;
                    $this->_bCaptchaOK = false;
                        // report the error
                // now check for our verifyimg or Captcha Creator
            elseif ($SPECIAL_VALUES["arverify"] !== "")
                    // allow spaces in the user's input, except for reCaptcha
                $s_arverify = str_replace(" ","",$SPECIAL_VALUES["arverify"]);
                $this->_iCaptchaType = $this->_iFull;
                    // full CAPTCHA has been attempted
                    // VerifyImgString is from Tectite's simple verifyimg.php CAPTCHA.
                    // turing_string is from Captcha Creator
                if (IsSetSession("VerifyImgString") || IsSetSession("turing_string"))
                    $b_match = false;
                        // the user's entry must match the value in the session
                    if (IsSetSession("VerifyImgString"))
                        if (strtoupper($s_arverify) === strtoupper(GetSession("VerifyImgString")))
                            $b_match = true;
                        if (strtoupper($s_arverify) === strtoupper(GetSession("turing_string")))
                            $b_match = true;
                    if ($b_match)
                        $this->_bCaptchaOK = true;
                        // ...and it has failed because there's no session data
                    // Reverse CAPTCHA has been configured
                $this->_iCaptchaType = $this->_iRev;
                $this->_bCaptchaOK = $bReverseCaptchaCompleted;

     * Method:      AutoResponder::_Send
     * Parameters:  $b_use_template  if true, allow template, otherwise file
     * Returns:     void
     * Description: 
     *  Sends an autoreponse using a template.
    function    _Send($b_use_template)
        global  $SPECIAL_VALUES,$HOOK_DIR;
            // declare some global vars for the hook system calls below
        global  $aFieldOrder,$aCleanedValues,$aRawDataValues,$aAllRawValues,$aFileVars;

        FMDebug("Sending auto response: ".($b_use_template ? "template" : "plain"));

            // Hook system: before sending auto response
        if ($HOOK_DIR !== "")
            if (!@include("$HOOK_DIR/"))
        if (!$this->_SendEmail($this->_sTo,$this->_sSubject,$aRawDataValues,$b_use_template))
                // Hook system: after sending auto response
            if ($HOOK_DIR !== "")
                if (!@include("$HOOK_DIR/"))

     * Method:      AutoResponder::_SendEmail
     * Parameters:  $s_to       the email address to send to
     *              $s_subj     the subject line
     *              $a_values   field values to access
     *              $b_use_template if true, use a template, otherwise plain file
     * Returns:     bool        true on success, otherwise false
     * Description: 
     *  Sends an autoresponse email to the user.
    function _SendEmail($s_to,$s_subj,$a_values,$b_use_template)

            // need PHP 4.0.5 for the preg_replace_callback function
        if (!IsPHPAtLeast("4.0.5"))
            return (false);

        $a_headers = array();
        $s_mail_text = "";
        $s_from_addr = GetAROption("FromAddr");

        if (!isset($s_from_addr))
            $s_from_addr = "";
            if (isset($FROM_USER) && !empty($FROM_USER))
                if ($FROM_USER != "NONE")
                    $s_from_addr = $FROM_USER;
                global  $SERVER;

                $s_from_addr = "FormMail@".$SERVER;
            $s_from_addr = UnMangle($s_from_addr);

        if (!empty($s_from_addr))
            $a_headers['From'] = SafeHeader($s_from_addr);

        $s_type = "";
        if ($b_use_template)
            if (IsAROptionSet('PlainTemplate'))
                $s_type .= "PlainTemplate ";
                $s_template = GetAROption("PlainTemplate");
                if (!ProcessTemplate($s_template,$a_lines,$a_values,
                    return (false);
                FMDebug("AutoRespond: PlainTemplate ".count($a_lines)." lines");
                $s_mail_text = implode(BODY_LF,$a_lines);
            if (IsAROptionSet("HTMLTemplate"))
                $s_type .= "HTMLTemplate ";
                if (!MakeMimeMail($s_mail_text,$a_headers,$a_values,
                    return (false);
                FMDebug("AutoRespond: HTMLTemplate ".strlen($s_mail_text)." bytes");
            global  $TEMPLATEURL,$TEMPLATEDIR;

            if (IsAROptionSet('PlainFile'))
                $s_type .= "PlainFile ";
                    // load the plain text file from the templates area
                if (empty($TEMPLATEDIR) && empty($TEMPLATEURL))
                    return (false);
                $s_file = GetAROption("PlainFile");
                if (($a_lines = LoadTemplate($s_file,$TEMPLATEDIR,$TEMPLATEURL,true)) === false)
                    return (false);
                $s_mail_text = implode(BODY_LF,$a_lines);
                FMDebug("AutoRespond: PlainFile ".count($a_lines)." lines");
            if (IsAROptionSet("HTMLFile"))
                $s_type .= "HTMLFile ";
                if (!MakeMimeMail($s_mail_text,$a_headers,$a_values,
                    return (false);
                FMDebug("AutoRespond: HTMLTemplate ".strlen($s_mail_text)." bytes");
        if (strlen($s_mail_text) == 0)
        FMDebug("AutoRespond: message is ".strlen($s_mail_text)." bytes");
        return (SendCheckedMail($s_to,$s_subj,$s_mail_text,$s_from_addr,$a_headers));

 * Class:       SessionAccess
 * Description:     
 *  Implements access to the general PHP session.
 *  This provides a secure way of copy data to and from the
 *  user's PHP session.
class   SessionAccess
    var     $_aAccessList;

     * Method:      SessionAccess ctor
     * Parameters:  $a_access_list      list of variables that can be accessed
     * Returns:     n/a
     * Description: 
     *  Constructs the object.
    function    SessionAccess($a_access_list)
        $this->_aAccessList = $a_access_list;

     * Method:      SessionAccess::CopyIn
     * Parameters:  $a_vars     reference to an array of values (keyed on name)
     *              $b_overwrite_empty  if true, the session value will overwrite
     *                          an empty array variable
     * Returns:     int         number of values copied
     * Description: 
     *  Copies in the list of variables from the session to the given array.
    function    CopyIn(&$a_vars,$b_overwrite_empty)
        //$s_db = "Session CopyIn:\n";
        $n_copied = 0;
        foreach ($this->_aAccessList as $s_var_name)
            if (IsSetSession($s_var_name))
                if (!isset($a_vars[$s_var_name]) ||
                        ($b_overwrite_empty &&
                    $a_vars[$s_var_name] = GetSession($s_var_name);
                    //$s_db .= "$s_var_name='".$a_vars[$s_var_name]."'\n";
        return ($n_copied);

     * Method:      SessionAccess::CopyOut
     * Parameters:  $a_vars     reference to an array of values (keyed on name)
     *              $a_fields   an array of fields to copy
     * Returns:     int         number of values copied
     * Description: 
     *  Copies the variables from the given array into the session.
     *  The list of fields to copy is specified in _aAccessList.
     *  If $a_fields is provided, it contains a list of fields to copy, which
     *  limits the fields selected from _aAccessList, otherwise all fields
     *  listed in _aAccessList are copied.
    function    CopyOut(&$a_vars,$a_fields = array())
        //$s_db = "Session CopyOut:\n";

        $n_copied = 0;
        foreach ($this->_aAccessList as $s_var_name)
            if (isset($a_vars[$s_var_name]))
                if (empty($a_fields) || in_array($s_var_name,$a_fields))
                    //$s_db .= "$s_var_name='".GetSession($s_var_name)."'\n";
        return ($n_copied);

$SessionAccessor = new SessionAccess($SESSION_ACCESS);

$bAdvTemplates = false;
        (!empty($TEMPLATEDIR) || !empty($TEMPLATEURL) ||
        !empty($MULTIFORMDIR) || !empty($MULTIFORMURL)))
    $bAdvTemplates = true;

if (isset($aGetVars["return"]) && is_numeric($aGetVars["return"]))
        // if advanced templates are in use, we will need them for
        // performing a multi-page form return
    if ($bAdvTemplates)
        $FMCTEMPLATE_PROC = true;
        if (!include_once("$MODULEDIR/$FMCOMPUTE"))

    // Hook system: after initialization
if ($HOOK_DIR !== "")
    if (!@include("$HOOK_DIR/"))

    // check configuration values for potential security problems

    // otherwise, do the real processing of FormMail
$aStrippedFormVars = $aAllRawValues = StripGPCArray($aFormVars);


    // Copy in configured session variables, overwriting any
    // fields that are empty.

    // process the options

    // create any derived fields
    // NOTE: it's important that derivation occurs before cleaned values
    // are created.  If derivation occurred after cleaning or it created
    // fields that were assumed to be clean, then an attack could create
    // forged email headers using derive_fields.  The code is safe with
    // the logic sequence below.
$aAllRawValues = CreateDerived($aAllRawValues);

list($aFieldOrder,$aCleanedValues,$aRawDataValues) = ParseInput($aAllRawValues);


    // if we're processing multi-forms, then merge in the raw data from previous
    // forms unless this is the first page of the form sequence
if (IsSetSession("FormList") && $SPECIAL_VALUES["multi_start"] != 1)
            $aRawDataValues,$aAllRawValues,$aFileVars) = GetMultiValues(

if ($SPECIAL_VALUES["file_names"] !== "")
    list($aFieldOrder,$aCleanedValues,$aRawDataValues,$aAllRawValues,$aFileVars) =

    // Hook system: after loading and processing data
if ($HOOK_DIR !== "")
    if (!@include("$HOOK_DIR/"))

if ($FORM_INI_FILE !== "")
        // Hook system: after processing INI file
    if ($HOOK_DIR !== "")
        if (!@include("$HOOK_DIR/"))

$bDoneSomething = false;
    echo "<pre>";
    echo "</pre>";
    CreatePage(implode("\n",$FORMATTED_INPUT),"Debug Output - Fields Submitted");

if (!empty($SPECIAL_VALUES["fmcompute"]) || $bAdvTemplates)
    $FM_UserErrors = array();
        // Generalized interface between FMCompute and FormMail functions
    function FM_CallFunction($s_func,$a_params,&$m_return,
        switch ($s_func)
        case "FMFatalError":
            if (count($a_params) < 3)

        case "FMFatalUserError":
            if (count($a_params) < 1)

        case "FMUserError":
            if (count($a_params) < 1)
                global  $FM_UserErrors;

                $FM_UserErrors[] = $a_params[0];

        case "FMSaveAllFilesToRepository":
            if (count($a_params) != 0)
                $m_return = SaveAllFilesToRepository();

        case "FMDeleteFileFromRepository":
            if (count($a_params) != 1)
                $m_return = DeleteFileFromRepository($a_params[0]);

        case "FMNextNum":
            if (count($a_params) != 2)
                $i_pad = $a_params[0];
                $i_base = $a_params[1];
                if ($i_base < 2 || $i_base > 36)
                $m_return = GetNextNum($i_pad,$i_base);

            $s_mesg = GetMessage(MSG_CALL_UNK_FUNC,array("FUNC"=>$s_func));
            return (false);
        return (true);

        // register useful FormMail functions with FMCompute module
    function RegisterFormMailFunctions(&$fmc)
            // Allows the user to call "Error" from within a computation
        if (($s_msg = $fmc->RegisterExternalFunction("PHP","void",
                            "FM_CallFunction")) !== true)
            // Allows the user to call "UserError" from within a computation
        if (($s_msg = $fmc->RegisterExternalFunction("PHP","void",
                            "FM_CallFunction")) !== true)

            // Allows the user to record an error to be displayed
            // from within a computation.
        if (($s_msg = $fmc->RegisterExternalFunction("PHP","void",
                            "FM_CallFunction")) !== true)

            // Saves files to the repository.
        if (($s_msg = $fmc->RegisterExternalFunction("PHP","bool",
                            "FM_CallFunction")) !== true)

            // Delete a file from the repository.
        if (($s_msg = $fmc->RegisterExternalFunction("PHP","bool",
                            "FM_CallFunction")) !== true)

            // Generate a Next Number
        if (($s_msg = $fmc->RegisterExternalFunction("PHP","string",
                            "FM_CallFunction")) !== true)


        // load the fmcompute module
    if (!empty($SPECIAL_VALUES["fmcompute"]))
        $FMCOMPUTE_CLASS = true;
        $FMCOMPUTE_NODEBUG = true;
    if ($bAdvTemplates)
        $FMCTEMPLATE_PROC = true;
    if (!include_once("$MODULEDIR/$FMCOMPUTE"))
    if (!empty($SPECIAL_VALUES["fmcompute"]))

            // if GeoIP support is specified, load that module now
        if (!empty($GEOIP_LIC))
            $FMMODULE_LOAD = true;      // signal module load
            if (!include_once("$MODULEDIR/$FMGEOIP"))
                // load the license and register the module
            $GeoIP = new FMGeoIP($GEOIP_LIC);
            if (!$GeoIP->RegisterModule($FMCalc))

if (isset($SPECIAL_VALUES["multi_go_back"]) && !empty($SPECIAL_VALUES["multi_go_back"]))
    if (!IsSetSession("FormList") || GetSession("FormIndex") == 0)
    MultiKeep();        // store any "multi_keep" data just submitted
        // save back to the session any variables that have been specified in
        // multi_keep
    if (isset($SPECIAL_VALUES["multi_keep"]) && !empty($SPECIAL_VALUES["multi_keep"]))
//    echo "Form index = ".GetSession("FormIndex");

    // This is the check for spiders; I can't imagine a spider will
    // ever use the POST method.
if ($bIsGetMethod && count($aFormVars) == 0)
    if (!$ALLOW_GET_METHOD && $bHasGetData)

    // Hook system: before performing required and conditions etc.
if ($HOOK_DIR !== "")
    if (!@include("$HOOK_DIR/"))

    // check for required fields
if (!CheckRequired($SPECIAL_VALUES["required"],$aAllRawValues,$sMissing,$aMissingList))

    // check complex conditions
if (!CheckConditions($SPECIAL_VALUES["conditions"],$aAllRawValues,$sMissing,$aMissingList))

    // check CAPTCHA

    // Hook system: after performing required and conditions etc.
if ($HOOK_DIR !== "")
    if (!@include("$HOOK_DIR/"))

if (!empty($SPECIAL_VALUES["fmmodules"]))
    $aModuleList = TrimArray(explode(",",$SPECIAL_VALUES["fmmodules"]));
    $FMMODULE_LOAD = true;      // signal module load
    foreach ($aModuleList as $sModule)
        if (!include_once("$MODULEDIR/$sModule"))

if (!empty($SPECIAL_VALUES["fmcompute"]))
        // Callback function for preg_replace_callback to add line
        // numbers on each match
    function AddLineNumbersCallback($a_matches)
        global  $iAddLineNumbersCounter;

        return (sprintf("%d:",++$iAddLineNumbersCounter).$a_matches[0]);
        // Add line numbers to some code
    function AddLineNumbers($s_code)
        global  $iAddLineNumbersCounter;

        $iAddLineNumbersCounter = 0;
        return (preg_replace_callback('/^/m','AddLineNumbersCallback',$s_code));

        // Load some more code into FMCalc
    function Load($s_code)
        global  $FMCalc;

        $a_mesgs = array();
       // echo "Loading '$s_code'";
        if ($FMCalc->Parse($s_code,$a_mesgs) === false)
            $s_msgs = "";
            foreach ($a_mesgs as $a_msg)
                $s_msgs .= "Line ".$a_msg["LINE"];
                $s_msgs .= ", position ".$a_msg["CHAR"].": ";
                $s_msgs .= $a_msg["MSG"]."\n";

        // Send any alerts found in FMCalc
    function SendComputeAlerts()
        global  $FMCalc;

        $a_alerts = $FMCalc->GetAlerts();
        if (count($a_alerts) > 0)
        $a_debug = $FMCalc->GetDebug();
        if (count($a_debug) > 0)
        // Perform the computations in FMCalc
    function Compute(&$a_field_order,&$a_cleaned_values,&$a_raw_data_values,
        global  $FMCalc,$FM_UserErrors;

        $a_mesgs = array();
        $FM_UserErrors = array();
        if (($a_flds = $FMCalc->Execute($a_mesgs)) !== false)
            foreach ($a_flds as $s_name=>$s_value)
                $a_values[$s_name] = $s_value;
            if (count($FM_UserErrors) > 0)

        // Register all fields; a future improvement should use a call-back
        // function so as not to copy all the data into the FMCompute object
    function RegisterData($a_form_data,$a_file_vars)
        global  $FMCalc;

        foreach ($a_form_data as $s_name=>$s_value)
            if (isset($s_name) && isset($s_value))
                if (($s_msg = $FMCalc->RegisterExternalData("PHP","string",
                                                $s_name,"c",$s_value)) !== true)

        foreach ($a_file_vars as $s_fld_name=>$a_file_spec)
            if (IsUploadedFile($a_file_spec))
                if (isset($a_file_spec["new_name"]))
                        // we ignore errors here, because name_of_ field often already
                        // exists from the above loop
                $s_value = $a_file_spec["name"];
                $s_value = "";
            if (($s_msg = $FMCalc->RegisterExternalData("PHP","string",
                                            $s_fld_name,"c",$s_value)) !== true)

     * Function:    MergeFileArrays
     * Parameters:  $a_new_files    the list of files just submitted by the form
     *              $a_saved_files  the list of files that have been previously saved (can be NULL)
     * Returns:     array           a merged array
     * Description:     
     *  Intelligently merges two arrays of file definitions.
     *  If a file has been newly uploaded, its definition takes precedence.
    function    MergeFileArrays($a_new_files,$a_saved_files)
        if (isset($a_saved_files))
            foreach ($a_saved_files as $s_key=>$a_def)
                if (isset($a_new_files[$s_key]))
                    if (!IsUploadedFile($a_new_files[$s_key]))
                        $a_new_files[$s_key] = $a_def;
                    $a_new_files[$s_key] = $a_def;
        return ($a_new_files);
    RegisterData($aAllRawValues,MergeFileArrays($aFileVars,IsSetSession("FormSavedFiles") ?
                            GetSession("FormSavedFiles") : array()));
        // parse all fmcompute fields
    if (is_array($SPECIAL_VALUES["fmcompute"]))
        $nCompute = count($SPECIAL_VALUES["fmcompute"]);
        for ($iCompute = 0 ; $iCompute < $nCompute ; $iCompute++)

        // run computations
        // Hook system: after computations
    if ($HOOK_DIR !== "")
        if (!@include("$HOOK_DIR/"))

$bGotGoBack = $bGotNextForm = $bGotGoodTemplate = $bGotGoodUrl = false;
if (isset($SPECIAL_VALUES["good_url"]) &&
    $bGotGoodUrl = true;

if (isset($SPECIAL_VALUES["good_template"]) &&
    $bGotGoodTemplate = true;

if (isset($SPECIAL_VALUES["next_form"]) &&
    $bGotNextForm = true;

if (isset($SPECIAL_VALUES["multi_go_back"]) &&
    $bGotGoBack = true;

    // it's not valid to specify "next_form" as well as "good_url" or
    // "good_template"; this is because it's ambiguous - do we go to the
    // next form or the final 'thank you' page?
if ($bGotNextForm && ($bGotGoodTemplate || $bGotGoodUrl))
                                    ($bGotGoodUrl ? "good_url" :


    // Hook system: after multi-page form logic
if ($HOOK_DIR !== "")
    if (!@include("$HOOK_DIR/"))

    // write to the CSV database
if (!empty($CSVDIR) && isset($SPECIAL_VALUES["csvfile"]) &&
        // Hook system: before writing CSV file
    if ($HOOK_DIR !== "")
        if (!@include("$HOOK_DIR/"))
        // Hook system: after writing CSV file
    if ($HOOK_DIR !== "")
        if (!@include("$HOOK_DIR/"))
    $bDoneSomething = true;

    // write to the log file
if (!empty($LOGDIR) && isset($SPECIAL_VALUES["logfile"]) && !empty($SPECIAL_VALUES["logfile"]))
        // Hook system: before writing log file
    if ($HOOK_DIR !== "")
        if (!@include("$HOOK_DIR/"))
        // Hook system: after writing log file
    if ($HOOK_DIR !== "")
        if (!@include("$HOOK_DIR/"))
    $bDoneSomething = true;

    // send to the CRM
if (isset($SPECIAL_VALUES["crm_url"]) && isset($SPECIAL_VALUES["crm_spec"]) &&
    !empty($SPECIAL_VALUES["crm_url"]) && !empty($SPECIAL_VALUES["crm_spec"]))
    $sCRM = GetCRMURL($SPECIAL_VALUES["crm_spec"],$aAllRawValues,$SPECIAL_VALUES["crm_url"]);
    if (!empty($sCRM))
        $aCRMReturnData = array();
            // Hook system: before sending to CRM
        if ($HOOK_DIR !== "")
            if (!@include("$HOOK_DIR/"))
        if (!SendToCRM($sCRM,$aCRMReturnData))
                // CRM interface failed, check if the form wants an error
                // displayed
            if (IsCRMOptionSet("ErrorOnFail"))
                // append the returned data to the raw data values of the form
            $aRawDataValues = array_merge($aRawDataValues,$aCRMReturnData);
            // Hook system: after sending to CRM
        if ($HOOK_DIR !== "")
            if (!@include("$HOOK_DIR/"))
        $bDoneSomething = true;

    // Check obsolete SendMailFOption
if (IsMailOptionSet("SendMailFOption"))

$AutoResp = new AutoResponder();
    // check for autoresponse problems

    // send email
if (!isset($SPECIAL_VALUES["recipients"]) || empty($SPECIAL_VALUES["recipients"]))
        // No recipients - don't email anyone...
        // If nothing has been done above (CSV, logging, or CRM),
        // then report an error.
    if (!$bDoneSomething)
        if (!$bGotGoBack && !$bGotNextForm)
        // Hook system: before sending emails
    if ($HOOK_DIR !== "")
        if (!@include("$HOOK_DIR/"))
    $s_invalid = $s_invalid_cc = $s_invalid_bcc = "";
    if (!CheckEmailAddress($SPECIAL_VALUES["recipients"],$s_valid_recipients,$s_invalid))
        $s_valid_cc = $s_valid_bcc = "";

            // check CC and BCC addresses
        if (isset($SPECIAL_VALUES["cc"]) && !empty($SPECIAL_VALUES["cc"]))
        if (isset($SPECIAL_VALUES["bcc"]) && !empty($SPECIAL_VALUES["bcc"]))

            // send an alert for invalid addresses
        $s_error = "";
        if (!empty($s_invalid))
            $s_error .= "recipients: $s_invalid\r\n";
        if (!empty($s_invalid_cc))
            $s_error .= "cc: $s_invalid_cc\r\n";
        if (!empty($s_invalid_bcc))
            $s_error .= "bcc: $s_invalid_bcc\r\n";
        if (!empty($s_error))

            // send the actual results
        if (!SendResults($aFieldOrder,$aCleanedValues,$s_valid_recipients,$s_valid_cc,
            // Hook system: after sending emails
        if ($HOOK_DIR !== "")
            if (!@include("$HOOK_DIR/"))

    // Process autoresponse

    // multi-form processing
if ($bGotNextForm)
//    echo "Form index = ".GetSession("FormIndex");
        // Hook system: before finishing
    if ($HOOK_DIR !== "")
        if (!@include("$HOOK_DIR/"))
        // redirect to the good URL page, or create a default page;
        // we're no longer processing a multi-page form sequence
    if (!$bGotGoodUrl)
        if (IsAjax())
            if ($bGotGoodTemplate)
            // Hook system: after finishing (before session is cleared)
        if ($HOOK_DIR !== "")
            if (!@include("$HOOK_DIR/"))
            // everything's good, so we don't need the session any more
    elseif (IsAjax())

            // Note that a redirect terminates the script and prevents
            // the processing of  Also, the session
            // is left intact (which the good_url can use).


Aktives Mitglied

AW: Kontaktformular übernimmt weitere Labels nichts

Du könntest alle neu eingefügten Passagen auskommentieren und dann zeilenweise dazu geben, um den Fehler zu finden.
Ich sehe, dass Du für das Datum mehrfach den gleichen name verwendest, das ist nicht eindeutig.

AW: Kontaktformular übernimmt weitere Labels nichts

Du könntest alle neu eingefügten Passagen auskommentieren und dann zeilenweise dazu geben, um den Fehler zu finden.
Ich sehe, dass Du für das Datum mehrfach den gleichen name verwendest, das ist nicht eindeutig.


Habe ich auch schon versucht .. leider hab ich das Problem nicht beseitigen können..

Es werden zwar neue Felder angezeigt... die Checkbox wird aber nicht in der abgeschickten E-Mail angezeigt.

ich würde gerne meine checkboxen auch in der abgeschickten email angezeigt bekommen.

hoffe dass der pascal mir helfen kann oder jemand der sich genauso auskennt.

bitte um help
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Aktives Mitglied

AW: Kontaktformular übernimmt weitere Labels nichts

Bei date wird keine id in HTML5 benötigt und placeholder wird in lowercase geschrieben

<form action="formmail.php" method="post" id="reservationsformular" name="reservationsformular"> 
            <input type="hidden" name="env_report" value="REMOTE_HOST,REMOTE_ADDR,HTTP_USER_AGENT,AUTH_TYPE,REMOTE_USER">
      <input type="hidden" name="recipients" value="elvan.dogan1905(sdfakjaflajsfdl)">
          <input type="hidden" name="required" value="vorname:Ihr Vorname,">
      <input type="hidden" name="subject" value="Kontaktformular //">
      <input type="hidden" name="derive_fields" value="email=email,realname=vorname">
            <input type="hidden" name="good_url" value="danke.html">
            <label for="vorname">Isim:</label> <input type="text" name="vorname"  id="vorname" placeholder="Lütfen Isminizi giriniz" class="required"><br>
            <label for="nachname">Soyisim:</label> <input type="text" name="nachname" id="nachname" placeholder="Lütfen Soyisminizi giriniz" class="required"><br>
            <label for="tel_number">Telefon / Cep No:</label> <input type="number" name="tel_number" id="tel_number"  class="tel_number" placeholder="Lütfen Telefon Numaranizi giriniz"> <br>
            <label for="adress">Adres:</label> <input type="text" name="adres" id="adress" class="adress" placeholder="Lütfen Adresinizi giriniz"><br>
            <label for="email">E-Mail:</label> <input type="email" id="email" placeholder="Lütfen E-Mail Adresinizi giriniz" class="required email"><br>
            <label for="guests">Misafir Sayisi:</label> <input type="date" name="guests" id="guests" placeholder="Lütfen Misafir Sayisini giriniz"><br>
            <label for="date">Tarih:</label> 
            <input type="number" name"date" placeholder="date" class="guen"> 
            <input type="number" name"date" placeholder="Ay" class="ay"> 
            <input type="number" name"date" placeholder="Sene" class="sene">

<label for="sure">Süre:</label>

<select id="sure">

<option value="please_select" selected="selected">Lütfen Seciniz</option>
<option value="1week">1 Hafta</option>
<option value="2weeks">2 Hafta</option>
<option value="3weeks">3 Hafta</option>


            <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Rezervasyon Talebini Gönder" id="submit"><br>

AW: Kontaktformular übernimmt weitere Labels nichts

hi cythux,

ist es beim placeholder eigentlich nicht egal ob es uppercase oder lowercase geschrieben wird? es ist ja nur platzhalter.

die id hab ich beim date deshalb eingetragen weil ich beim label "for" eingebaut habe.
kann es das problem sein beim nicht mitschicken der weiteren labels und inputs... ?


Aktives Mitglied

AW: Kontaktformular übernimmt weitere Labels nichts

ich habe es mal lowercase und die id entfernt, da mir in Aptana dort eine warnung/fehler gemeldet wurde.
Die PHP habe ich mir jedoch nicht angeschaut, da die ziemlich lang war zum markieren.

Ob es das Problem jetzt war kann ich Dir so nicht sagen, da ich ja die formmailer.php nicht getestet habe
AW: Kontaktformular übernimmt weitere Labels nichts

ich habe es mal lowercase und die id entfernt, da mir in Aptana dort eine warnung/fehler gemeldet wurde.
Die PHP habe ich mir jedoch nicht angeschaut, da die ziemlich lang war zum markieren.

Ob es das Problem jetzt war kann ich Dir so nicht sagen, da ich ja die formmailer.php nicht getestet habe

werde es mir mal am abend genauer anschauen und die placeholder als lowercase eintippen und die id beim date löschen ... hoffe dass es so zumindest klappt... was ich nicht glaube..

danke trotzdem für deine hilfe und tipps.

Hoffe das mir bald jemand helfen kann wo das problem ist.
Bilder bitte hier hochladen und danach über das Bild-Icon (Direktlink vorher kopieren) platzieren.
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