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Metadaten/EXIF als Textebene in Fotos einfügen - als Aktion möglich?


Noch nicht viel geschrieben

Hallo Zusammen,

ich bin auf der Suche nach einer Möglichkeit in PS eine Art individuelles Wasserzeichen aus Kamera, Brennweite, Belichtungszeit, Blende, ISO etc. am besten per Aktion zu generieren und als eigene Textebene auf das Bild legen zu lassen. Ich habe bis jetzt außer Metadata CC Lite bzw. Metadata CC Pro keine Möglichkeit gefunden.

Sicherlich ist das doch allein auch mit PS machbar, ohne extra Plugins...

Kann jemand weiterhelfen?


Hallo ctl,
mit einer Aktion wird das vermutlich nicht gehen. Dazu braucht es dann schon Javascript um die Daten aus dem Bildformat zu lesen und als Text(ebene) über das Bild zu stellen. Die Idee so ein Javascript zu haben, gefällt mir. Wie eilig brauchst Du denn ne Lösung?
– j.
...ich habe es gar nicht eilig! Ich habe nur immer wieder mal Fotos, wo ich mir eine derartige Funktion wünsche diese Aufnahmedaten platzieren zu können. Als extra Ebene wäre halt toll, wegen der Gestaltungsmöglichkeit von Schriftart,-größe,-farbe etc. pp.

... eventuell hole ich mir mal Metadata CC Lite und schaue mal was das kann. Das funktioniert ja wohl auch als Aktion - nur eben leider nicht mit allen Aufnahmeparametern...
Hallo ctl,
mit einer Aktion wird das vermutlich nicht gehen. Dazu braucht es dann schon Javascript
Hier ist eine quick&dirty-Lösung, welche die Exif-Daten in eine Textdatei schreibt:
if(app.documents.length > 0)
{ try
//Get reference to current document
DocRef = activeDocument;

//Get path and filename
var Path = DocRef.path;
var FileName =;

//Create exif name
var DotPos = FileName.lastIndexOf('.');
if(DotPos != -1) { FileName = FileName.substring(0, DotPos); }
var ExifFile = FileName + 'exif.txt';
{ //Open file for output
ExifFile = new File(Path + ' ' + ExifFile);'w');

{ for(var i =0; i<20; i=i+1)
{ ExifFile.writeln(exif[0] + " = " + exif[1]);
catch(E) { alert('Couldn\'t write EXIF: ' + E); }
catch(E) { alert('Script error: ' + E); }
{ alert('Error: No document opened!');

Das Ergebnis sieht dann so aus und kann natürlich je nach Bedarf angepasst werden:
Bildbreite = 5324
Bildhöhe = 3549
EXIF tag 258 = 8 8 8
EXIF tag 262 = RGB
Marke = Canon
Modell = Canon EOS R6
Orientierung = Normal
EXIF tag 277 = 3
x-Auflösung = 240.0
y-Auflösung = 240.0
Auflösungseinheit = Zoll
Software = Adobe Photoshop 24.1 (Windows)
Datum/Uhrzeit = 2022:12:17 18:57:48
Belichtungszeit = 1/160 sec
Blendeneinstellung = f/22
Belichtungsprogramm = Manuell
ISO-Empfindlichkeit = 320
EXIF tag 34864 = 2
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
An den geposteten Code musst du wohl noch mal ran... ;)

Ganz so einfach ist das mit PS nicht zu realisieren, da nur durch ein Script zu bewerkstelligen und war hier vor ein paar Jahren schon mal ein umständliches Einstiegsprojekt eines Programmieranfängers...

Das fängt schon damit an, dass nicht alle Hersteller die selben Werte hinterlegen ... Sony z.B. trennt Hersteller und Model - Canon hingegen hinterlegt unter dem "Model"-Tag auch den Herstellernamen. Ähnlich verhält es sich auch bei Werten, wie Brennweite (die einen hinterlegen den realen Wert (z.B. 200mm), andere hingegen eher kryptisch (z.B. 2000/10) - mal mit Einheit, mal ohne. Selbst die in PS verwendete Sprache spielt unter umständen eine Rolle.

Ein nettes Beispiel von JJMack (), findest du hier (Code kopieren und als *.jsx-Datei im Scripts-Verzeichnis von PS speichern - Photoshop auf englische Sprache umstellen - Neustart von PS - Bild laden -> File > Scripts >... )...

// This script was hacked from one I downloaded from the web JJMack 2008

/*  Script to stamp copyright and camera data of shot   */

// This script is supplied as is. It is provided as freeware.
// The author accepts no liability for any problems arising from its use.

<about>$$$/JavaScripts/StampExif/About=JJMack's Stamp Exif.^r^rCopyright 2009 Mouseprints.^r^rScript utility for action.^rNOTE:Add Text Layer with Fomatted EXIF Data!</about>
<category>JJMack's Action Utility</category>

// enable double-clicking from Mac Finder or Windows Explorer
#target photoshop
// this command only works in Photoshop CS2 and higher

// bring application forward for double-click events

// ensure at least one document open
if (!documents.length) {
    alert('There are no documents open.', 'No Document');

// if at least one document exists, then proceed
else {

// main - main function
function main() {

    /* Null business owner */
    var Biz = "";
    var Owner = "";

    /* Variables You can hard code your business owner here */
    var Biz = "Mouseprints";
    var Owner = "John J McAssey";
        /*  sizeFactor influences text size 1 will use largest font 2 will half that font size    */
    var sizeFactor = 1;
        /* textX and TextY positions text placement 0 and 0 Top Left corner of image in pixels    */
    var textX = 0;                              
    var textY = 0;
    /* Internal Photoshop Text name                                */                          
        var fontName = "ArialMT";
    var fontName = "TimesNewRomanPSMT";
    var fontName = "Tahoma";
    /* Text Color                                        */
    textColor = new SolidColor;              = 255; = 255; = 255;
    /* END Variables You can hard code your business owner here */

        // remember users Ruler avd Type Units and set ours
    var strtRulerUnits = app.preferences.rulerUnits;
    var strtTypeUnits = app.preferences.typeUnits;
    app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS;
     app.preferences.typeUnits = TypeUnits.PIXELS;

    /* Trying to figure out font size for the number of lines to cover the document height        */
    /* and getting setting text area to cover the document was a trip. Adobe Postscript trip    */
    /* I believe that 72 or 72.27 Point/Pica Size Photoshop Preference maybe I should see if    */
    /* I could retrieve it. Anyway mine is set to 72 Setting the document resolution taking        */
    /* the document width and dividing by 72 would probably yield number of characters that        */
    /* would fit in the document width. Setting the documents resolution comes into play        */
    /* with Photoshop text support. Using the documents height and dividing the by the number    */
    /* of lines of text I needed I hoped would yield the font size I needed. However that        */
    /* did not work the text area was correct the number of text lines did not fit. I needed    */
    /* to use a smaller font.  When the document resolution is set to 72 DPI and I set a text    */
    /* layer font size to 72 and the text area the number of pixels I want and observing        */
    /* Photoshop's text options bar there I see a one 1 to one relationship. 72 px = 72 px.        */
    /* If I set the documents resolution lower and set a Photoshop text layer font size to        */
    /* 72 px I see Photoshop scale the number to a lower number of pixels in the option bar.    */
    /* Just what I needed. Setting the Documents resolution to 60 DPI let the number of line    */
    /* I needed fit on the document. However Photoshop also scaled the text area I set down        */
    /* in size and that number of lines did not fit within that area. I needed to scale the        */
    /* text area up. Scaling the Text area up using 72/resolution did the trick...             */
        var testres = 60;
    res = app.activeDocument.resolution;
    if(res!=testres){ app.activeDocument.resizeImage(app.activeDocument.width.value,app.activeDocument.height.value,testres); }

    /* Define var to be used to avoid undefined */
    var expTime = "";
    var expPgm = "";
    var expCmp = "";
    var mtrMode = "";
    var ev = "";
    var flshCode = "";
    var flshMode = "";
    var focLength = "";
    var Fstop = "";
    var ISO = "";
    var Model = "";
    var CameraModel = "";
    var Artist = "";
    var maxF = "";
    var wbMode = "";
    var phoTime = "";
    var picYr = "";
    var lens = "";
    var cpyrt = "";
    var remShutter = "";
    var remAperture = "";
    var remISO = "";
    var lat = "";
    var latRef = "";
    var lon = "";
    var lonRef = "";

    var docName =;
    /* END var to be used to avoid undefined */

    try {   // get active document
        var doc = app.activeDocument;
    catch (e){
        alert("No Document Open..." );

    var exifInfo = "";

try {
        // alert( "" + );
        var numExifItems =;
        // alert( "numExifItems=" + numExifItems );
                for (var i = 0; i <; i++){
             exifInfo = exifInfo +[i][0] + " = " +[i][1] + "\r";

/* ---------------------------------- Extracting Data I want to Stamp  formated ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            // alert ("Key=" + key + " Data=" + keyData );

            if (key == "Artist") {
                // alert ("Key=" + key + " Data=" + keyData );
                Artist =("By " + keyData + "  ");
             if (key == "Date Time Original") {
                // alert ("Key=" + key + " Data=" + keyData );
                var phoTime = keyData;
                var dateArray1 = phoTime.split(" ", 2);
                phoTime = dateArray1[0];
                phoHour = dateArray1[1];
                var dateArray2 = phoTime.split(":");
                var monthsArray = ["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"];
                phoTime = monthsArray[dateArray2[1]-1]+" " + dateArray2[2]+ ", " + dateArray2[0] +" @ " + phoHour;
                var picYr = dateArray2[0];
            if (key == "Model") {
                // alert ("Key=" + key + " Data=" + keyData );
                Model = (keyData + "  ");
            if (key == "Max Aperture Value") {
                // alert ("Key=" + key + " Data=" + keyData );
                maxF = ("maxF " + keyData + " ");
                maxF = ( keyData + " ");
            if (key == "Focal Length") {
                // alert ("Key=" + key + " Data=" + keyData );
                focLength = ("@ " +keyData + "  ");
            if (key == "Exposure Program") {
                // alert ("Key=" + key + " Data=" + keyData );
                expPgm = (keyData + "  ");
                if (expPgm == "Not defined") { expPgm = "Exposure Program Not Recorded  "; }
            if (key == "Exposure Bias Value") {
                // alert ("Key=" + key + " Data=" + keyData );
                expCmp = ("Bias " + keyData + "  ");
            if (key == "Metering Mode") {
                //alert ("Key=" + key + " Data=" + keyData );
                mtrMode = (keyData + " Metering  ");
            if (key == "White Balance") {
                // alert ("Key=" + key + " Data=" + keyData );
                wbMode = ("White Balance " + keyData + "  ");
            if (key == "ISO Speed Ratings") {
                // alert ("Key=" + key + " Data=" + keyData );
                ISO = ("ISO " + keyData + "  ");
                remISO = keyData;
            if (key == "Exposure Time") {
                // alert ("Key=" + key + " Data=" + keyData );
                expTime = ("Tv " + keyData + "  ");
                remShutter = keyData;
            if (key == "F-Stop") {
                //alert ("Key=" + key + " Data=" + keyData );
                Fstop = ("Av " + keyData + "  ");
                remAperture = keyData;
            if (key == "Flash") {
                // alert ("Key=" + key + " Data=" + keyData );
                var flshCode = keyData;
                var flshMode = "Flash Code=" + flshCode + "  ";
                if(flshCode==1){var flshMode = "Firing Flash   ";}
                if(flshCode==9){var flshMode = "Firing Flash   ";}
                if(flshCode==13){var flshMode = "Firing Flash   ";}
                if(flshCode==15){var flshMode = "Firing Flash   ";}
                if(flshCode==25){var flshMode = "Firing Flash   ";}
                if(flshCode==29){var flshMode = "Firing Flash   ";}
                if(flshCode==31){var flshMode = "Firing Flash   ";}
                if(flshCode==65){var flshMode = "Firing Flash   ";}
                if(flshCode==69){var flshMode = "Firing Flash   ";}
                if(flshCode==71){var flshMode = "Firing Flash   ";}
                if(flshCode==73){var flshMode = "Firing Flash   ";}
                if(flshCode==77){var flshMode = "Firing Flash   ";}
                if(flshCode==79){var flshMode = "Firing Flash   ";}
                if(flshCode==89){var flshMode = "Firing Flash   ";}
                if(flshCode==93){var flshMode = "Firing Flash   ";}
                if(flshCode==95){var flshMode = "Firing Flash   ";}
                if(flshCode==0){var flshMode = "without Flash   ";}
                if(flshCode==16){var flshMode = "without Flash   ";}
                if(flshCode==24){var flshMode = "without Flash   ";}
                if(flshCode==88){var flshMode = "without Flash   ";}
                if(flshCode==32){var flshMode = "No Flash   ";}

            if (key == "GPS Latitude") {
                //alert ("Key=" + key + " Data=" + keyData );
                lat= ("Lat: " + keyData.replace(/\.00/g,'') + " ");
            if (key == "GPS Latitude Ref") {
                //alert ("Key=" + key + " Data=" + keyData );
                latRef= (keyData + "  ");
            if (key == "GPS Longitude") {
                //alert ("Key=" + key + " Data=" + keyData );
                lon= ("Lon: " + keyData.replace(/\.00/g,'') + " ");
            if (key == "GPS Longitude Ref") {
                //alert ("Key=" + key + " Data=" + keyData );
                lonRef= (lon + keyData + "  ");

        /* Copyright Year(s) */
        var thisYr, toDay  
        var toDay = new Date();
        var thisYr = toDay.getYear() + 1900;
        if(picYr!="" && thisYr!=""){ var cpyrt =  picYr + "-" + thisYr + "  ";}
        if(picYr=="" && thisYr!=""){ var cpyrt =  thisYr + "  ";}
        if(picYr==thisYr){ var cpyrt =  thisYr + "  ";}
        /* For cameras that don't set Artist or set unknown in the Exif substitute Owner if set */
        if(Artist=="" && Owner!=""){var Artist = "By  " + Owner + "   ";}
        if(Artist=="By unknown  " && Owner!=""){var Artist = "By  " + Owner + "   ";}
        /*  Lens info  */
        xml = app.activeDocument.xmpMetadata.rawData;
        lensOffset = xml.indexOf("<aux:Lens>") + "<aux:Lens>".length;
        if(lensOffset > 0) {
            lens = xml.substr(lensOffset, xml.length - lensOffset);
            lens = lens.substr(0,lens.indexOf("</aux:Lens>"));
        /* Hack for my cameras with fixed lens */
        if(lens=="" && Model=="E990  "){var lens = "9-28mm";}
        if(lens=="" && Model=="E-20,E-20N,E-20P  "){var lens = "9-36mm";}
        if(lens=="" && Model=="E-10  "){var lens = "9-36mm";}
        if(lens=="" && Model=="E-10          "){
            var Model = "E-10  ";
            var lens = "9-36mm";
        if(lens=="" && Model=="Canon PowerShot SD700 IS  "){var lens = "5.8-23.2mm";}
        if(lens!=""){var lens = lens + "  ";}
        else {var lens = "Unknown Lens  ";}
        /* Hack for my ultra compact cameras program mode not recorded */
        if(Model=="Canon PowerShot SD700 IS  "){var expPgm = "Ultra Compact Camera  ";}

        //alert (remShutter + " " + remAperture + " " + remISO);
                ev = calcEV(remShutter, remAperture, remISO);

/* ---------------------------------- END Extracting Data I want to Stamp  formated -------------------------------------------------- */
    catch (e){
        alert("No EXIF data exists..." );

    if ( exifInfo == "" ) {
        alert( "No EXIF data exists..." );
    else {
        // alert( "exifInfo=" + exifInfo );

        text_layer = doc.artLayers.add();                        // Add a Layer = "EXIF Stamp";                            // Name Layer
        text_layer.kind = LayerKind.TEXT;                        // Make Layer a Text Layer
        text_layer.textItem.color = textColor;                        // set text layer color

/* Do not set TextType to Pargarph Text for StampEXIF so action can position text layer
         text_layer.textItem.kind = TextType.PARAGRAPHTEXT;                // Set text layers text type

        text_layer.textItem.font = fontName;                        // set text font
        text_layer.blendMode = BlendMode.NORMAL                        // blend mode
        text_layer.textItem.fauxBold = false;                        // Bold
        text_layer.textItem.fauxItalic = false;                        // Italic
        text_layer.textItem.underline = UnderlineType.UNDERLINEOFF;            // Underlibn
        text_layer.textItem.capitalization = TextCase.NORMAL;                // Case
        text_layer.textItem.antiAliasMethod = AntiAlias.SHARP;                // antiAlias

//        var fontSize = Math.round((doc.height- textY) / ((numExifItems +1) * sizeFactor)); // Calulate font size to use Item nomber + last \r
        /* Calulate font size to use for StampExit keep size same for landscape and portrait base on document size */
        if (doc.width >= doc.height) {var fontSize = Math.round(doc.height / (30 * sizeFactor));}
        else {var fontSize = Math.round(doc.width / (30 * sizeFactor));}
        if (fontSize<10){fontSize=10};                            // don't use Font size smaller then 10
        text_layer.textItem.size = fontSize;                        // set text font Size

//        text_layer.textItem.position = Array(textX, textY );                // set text layers position in and down
        text_layer.textItem.position = Array(textX, (textY + fontSize ));        // set text layers position in and down for Stamp add in fontsize

        textWidth = ((doc.width - textX) * 72/testres );                // Text width document width - offset
        textHeight = ((doc.height - textY) * 72/testres );                // Text height document height - offset
/* Do not set Text Area for StampEXIF so action can position text layer
        text_layer.textItem.width = textWidth;                        // set text area width
        text_layer.textItem.height = textHeight;                    // set text area height

        "res=" + res + " sizeFactor=" + sizeFactor + " numExifItems=" + numExifItems
        + "\r" + "fontsize=" + fontSize + " font=" +fontName
        + "\r" + "Image area width=" + doc.width + " height=" + doc.height
        + "\r"    + "text area width=" + textWidth + " height=" + textHeight
        + "\r"    + "Text Position top left=" + textX + "," + textY
        + " bottom right=" + (textX + textWidth )+ "," + (textY +  textHeight )

            text_layer.textItem.contents = exifInfo;
        catch (er) {
            alert("Error Setting Contents...");

/* -----------------------------------------  Data Stamp  format ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        if (!"") {var Notice =; }
        else { var Notice = "Copyright \u00A9 " + Biz  + " " + cpyrt; }
        if (lat!="" && lon!="") { gps = "\r" + lat +latRef + lon + lonRef;}
        else {gps = ""; }
        text_layer.textItem.contents =  "Picture  " + docName + "  " + Notice
        + "\r" + Artist + phoTime
        + "\r" + Model  + lens + maxF + focLength
        + "\r" + expPgm + expCmp + mtrMode + ev
        + "\r" + wbMode + ISO  + expTime + Fstop + flshMode + gps;

        if ( == "" ) {
   = "Picture  " + docName + "  Copyright \u00A9 " + Biz + " " + cpyrt
            + "\r" + Artist + phoTime
            + "\r" + Model  + lens + maxF + focLength
            + "\r" + expPgm + expCmp + mtrMode + ev
            + "\r" + wbMode + ISO  + expTime + Fstop + flshMode +gps;


    if(res != testres){ app.activeDocument.resizeImage(app.activeDocument.width.value,app.activeDocument.height.value,res); }

    app.preferences.rulerUnits = strtRulerUnits;
    app.preferences.typeUnits = strtTypeUnits;

// END - main function

// -----------------------------------------
// calcEV()
// -----------------------------------------
function calcEV(shutter, aperture, iso) {
    evString = new String("");
    isoValue = new Number(0);
    shutterValue = new Number(0);
    apertureValue = new Number(0);
    evValue = new Number(0);
    apertureValue = aperture;
    apertureValue = apertureValue.substr(2,apertureValue.length -2); // Strip off "f/"
    shutterValue = shutter;
    shutterValue = shutterValue.substr(0,shutterValue.indexOf(" ")); // Strip off ending " sec"
    if ( shutterValue.indexOf("/") != -1) {
        topShutter = shutterValue.substr(0,shutterValue.indexOf("/"));
        bottomShutter = shutterValue.substr(shutterValue.indexOf("/") + 1,shutterValue.length -(shutterValue.indexOf("/") + 1));
        shutterValue = topShutter / bottomShutter;
    isoValue = iso;
    //alert ("apertureValue = " + apertureValue +  " shutterValue = " + shutterValue + " isoValue = " + isoValue );
    if (isoValue>0 && shutterValue>0 && apertureValue>0) {
        evValue = Math.LOG2E * Math.log(Math.pow(apertureValue, 2) * (1 / shutterValue) * (100 / isoValue));
        evValue = Math.round(evValue * 10) / 10;
        evString = "EV " + evValue;
    return evString;;

function checkThisItem(key, keyData) {
    // alert("Key=" + key + " Data=" + keyData );


/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Image Description        =
Make                = NIKON
Model                = E990
Orientation            = Normal
X Resolution            = 300.0
Y Resolution            = 300.0
Resolution Unit            = Inches
Software            = E990v1.0
Date Time            = 2000:09:01 08:11:14
yCbCr Positioning        = Cosited
Exposure Time            = 1/120 sec
F-Stop                = f/2.5
Exposure Program        = Normal program
ISO Speed Ratings        = 100
ExifVersion            = 0210
Date Time Original        = 2000:09:01 08:11:14
Date Time Digitized        = 2000:09:01 08:11:14
Compressed Bits Per Pixel    = 3.0
Exposure Bias Value        = 0.00
Max Aperture Value        = f/3.4
Metering Mode            = Pattern
Light Source            = Unknown
Flash                = 1
Focal Length            = 8.2 mm
FlashPix Version        = 0100
Color Space            = sRGB
Pixel X Dimension        = 2048
Pixel Y Dimension        = 1536
File Source            = DSC
Scene Type            = Direct Photographed Image
Image Description        = The Prominaide Image Name %SHORT_FILE_NAME%
Make                = OLYMPUS OPTICAL CO.,LTD
Model                = E-20,E-20N,E-20P
Orientation            = Normal
X Resolution            = 144.0
Y Resolution            = 144.0
Resolution Unit            = Inches
Software            = Adobe Photoshop 7.0
Date Time            = 2002:06:21 11:34:53
Artist                = John J McAssey
yCbCr Positioning        = Cosited
Copyright            = Mr McMouse
Exposure Time            = 1/50 sec
F-Stop                = f/5.6
Exposure Program        = Aperture priority
ISO Speed Ratings        = 80
ExifVersion            = 0210
Date Time Original        = 2002:05:15 17:26:51
Date Time Digitized        = 2002:05:15 17:26:51
Components Configuration    = yCbCr
Exposure Bias Value        = 0.00
Max Aperture Value        = f/2.0
Metering Mode            = Spot
Flash                = 0
Focal Length            = 9.0 mm
FlashPix Version        = 0100
Color Space            = Uncalibrated
Pixel X Dimension        = 2560
Pixel Y Dimension        = 1920
File Source            = DSC
Image Description        = OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA
Make                = OLYMPUS OPTICAL CO.,LTD
Model                = E-10
Software            = 42-0133
Date Time            = 2004:06:01 15:29:17
Exposure Time            = 1/125 sec
F-Stop                = f/3.2
Exposure Program        = Normal program
ISO Speed Ratings        = 80
ExifVersion            = 0210
Date Time Original        = 2004:06:01 15:29:17
Date Time Digitized        = 2004:06:01 15:29:17
Shutter Speed            = 1/125 sec
Aperture Value            = f/3.2
Exposure Bias Value        = 0.00
Max Aperture Value        = f/2.0
Metering Mode            = Center Weighted Average
Flash                = 1
Focal Length            = 20.0 mm
File Source            = DSC
CFA Pattern             = IFD Segment, ID = 41730
Make                 = Canon
Model                 = Canon EOS-1D Mark II
Orientation            = Normal
X Resolution            = 240.0
Y Resolution            = 240.0
Resolution Unit            = Inches
Software            = Adobe Photoshop CS3 Windows
Date Time            = 2008:07:26 18:52:35
Artist                = McAssey
Exposure Time            = 1/60 sec
F-Stop                = f/5.6
Exposure Program        = Normal program
ISO Speed Ratings        = 400
ExifVersion            = 0221
Date Time Original        = 2008:04:05 15:14:29
Date Time Digitized        = 2008:04:05 15:14:29
Shutter Speed            = 1/60 sec
Aperture Value            = f/5.6
Exposure Bias Value        = 0.00
Max Aperture Value        = f/2.8
Metering Mode            = Pattern
Flash                = 9
Focal Length            = 50.0 mm
Color Space            = sRGB
Pixel X Dimension        = 3504
Pixel Y Dimension        = 2336
Focal Plane X Resolution    = 3098.592
Focal Plane Y Resolution    = 3097.884
Focal Plane Resolution Unit    = Inches
Custom Rendered            = Normal Process
Exposure Mode            = Auto
White Balance            = Auto
Scene Capture Type        = Standard
Make                = Canon
Model                = Canon EOS 20D
Date Time            = 2007:09:03 11:29:24
Artist                = John J McAssey
Exposure Time            = 1/800 sec
F-Stop                = f/10
Exposure Program        = Normal program
ISO Speed Ratings        = 400
ExifVersion            = 0221
Date Time Original        = 2007:09:03 11:29:24
Date Time Digitized        = 2007:09:03 11:29:24
Shutter Speed            = 1/800 sec
Aperture Value            = f/10
Exposure Bias Value        = 0.00
Max Aperture Value        = f/5.6
Metering Mode \            = Pattern
Flash                = 16
Focal Length            = 600.0 mm
Focal Plane X Resolution    = 3959.322
Focal Plane Y Resolution    = 3959.322
Focal Plane Resolution Unit    = Inches
Custom Rendered            = Normal Process
Exposure Mode            = Auto
White Balance            = Manual
Scene Capture Type        = Standard
Make                = Canon
Model                = Canon PowerShot SD700 IS
Orientation            = Normal
X Resolution            = 180.0
Y Resolution            = 180.0
Resolution Unit            = Inches
Date Time            = 2007:02:25 12:39:01
yCbCr Positioning        = Centered
Exposure Time            = 1/320 sec
F-Stop                = f/11
ExifVersion            = 0220
Date Time Original        = 2007:02:25 12:39:01
Date Time Digitized        = 2007:02:25 12:39:01
Compressed Bits Per Pixel    = 5.0
Shutter Speed            = 1/320 sec
Aperture Value            = f/11
Exposure Bias Value        = 0.00
Max Aperture Value        = f/5.5
Metering Mode            = Pattern
Flash                = 88
Focal Length            = 23.2 mm
FlashPix Version        = 0100
Color Space            = sRGB
Pixel X Dimension        = 1600
Pixel Y Dimension        = 1200
Focal Plane X Resolution    = 7111.111
Focal Plane Y Resolution    = 7100.592
Focal Plane Resolution Unit    = Inches
Sensing Method            = One-chip color area sensor
File Source            = DSC
Custom Rendered            = Normal Process
Exposure Mode            = Auto
White Balance            = Auto
Digital Zoom Ratio        = 1.0
Scene Capture Type        = Standard

vielen Dank!
Das ist ein Ansatz, mit dem ich was anfangen kann.
Sicherlich ist das eine gute Grundlage für alle, die mit dem Code was anfangen können, um ihn zu verfeinern...

Wenn ich Photoshop auf englische Sprache umstelle bekomme ich die Daten, die ich brauche als Textebene...
Bin gespannt, was aus dem "Projekt" wird. Ich habe leider keinen Plan von der Sache sonst würde ich mich investieren
Falls du mit "Projekt" das Projekt des Programmieranfängers meinst, dann wird daraus wohl nichts mehr werden, weil das ganze sicherlich schon a) 5-6 Jahre her ist und b) der User nicht mehr existiert.

Und nachdem du offenbar selbst keine Programmiererfahrung hast, wäre es natürlich mehr als hilfreich, wenn du zumindest mal ein von Hand erstelltes Beispielbild posten würdest, das alle benötigten Informationen (Kamerawerte, Font, Fontgröße, Position, etc.) enthält, die du benötigst, denn unter "etc." kann man alles und nichts verstehen... ;)

Außerdem ist es für Helfende auch meist ziemlich lästig, wenn Informationen nur nach und nach (oder gar nur auf Nachfrage) eintrudeln und man dadurch den Code mehrfach umändern muss.
... sorry, ich wurde vermutlich falsch verstanden bzw. habe mich nicht gut ausgedrückt!
Ich komme mit dem von JJMack, der leider nicht mehr unter uns ist, bestens hin!
Ich kann mir nur grundsätzlich vorstellen, dass Leute, mit deutlich mehr Kenntnissen als den meinigen, noch mehr Funktionalität aus dem vorhandenen Code machen könnten und dies eventuell auch tun...
Ich persönlich hab noch nie verstanden, wieso man solche Informationen überhaupt als Textebene braucht und dann noch IM Bild :D - denzent unter dem Bild kann ja durchaus nützlich sein, aber im Bild versaut es doch die Aufnahme.

Natürlich kann man aus solchen Scripten noch wesentlich mehr machen - ich hab mir vor Jahren mal ein Overlay programmiert, das mir sämtliche Fokusfelder anzeigt - die tatsächlich verwendeten entsprechend farblich abgehoben von den anderen, um besser beurteilen zu können, ob der Fokus auch richtig sitzt bzw. worauf fokusiert wurde. War aber auch nur eine Spielerei, wie so vieles :D
Beitrag gelöscht, da Möglichkeit schon in der Fragestellung ausgeschlossen wurde.
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