Grüß euch,
ich habe ein PHP-Skript welches für eine Javascript-Bilder-Slideshow Spiegeleffekte erzeugt.
Das ganze sieht so aus:
Meine Frage:
Was muss ich im PHP-Skript umschreiben damit das Spiegelbild statt auf schwarz auf weiß verläuft?
Ich habe schon einiges probiert, u.a. bei bgc die Werte von 0 0 0 auf 255 255 255 umgestellt - leider ohne Erfolg.
Wär nett wenn mir jemand helfen könnte, ich kann nämlich kein PHP, aber rein theoretisch müsste das doch einfach zu lösen sein? Oder irre ich mich?
Wenn jemand die PHP-Datei separat haben möchte, bitte einfach sagen.
Vielen Danke für jegliche Hilfe!
ich habe ein PHP-Skript welches für eine Javascript-Bilder-Slideshow Spiegeleffekte erzeugt.
Das ganze sieht so aus:
Meine Frage:
Was muss ich im PHP-Skript umschreiben damit das Spiegelbild statt auf schwarz auf weiß verläuft?
Ich habe schon einiges probiert, u.a. bei bgc die Werte von 0 0 0 auf 255 255 255 umgestellt - leider ohne Erfolg.
Wär nett wenn mir jemand helfen könnte, ich kann nämlich kein PHP, aber rein theoretisch müsste das doch einfach zu lösen sein? Oder irre ich mich?
Easy Reflections by Richard Davey, Core PHP (
v2 - 2nd March 2007
Updates include changes by Monte Ohrt (
You are free to use this in any product, or on any web site.
Latest builds at:
This script accepts the following $_GET parameters:
img required The source image (to reflect)
height optional Height of the reflection (% or pixel value)
bgc optional Background colour to fade into, default = #000000
fade_start optional Start the alpha fade from whch value? (% value)
fade_end optional End the alpha fade from whch value? (% value)
jpeg optional Output will be JPEG at 'param' quality (default 80)
cache optional Save reflection image to the cache? (boolean)
// Replace special chars to be HTML-Code
function stringToHTML($string)
$array_search = array('é', 'è', 'ë', 'ê', 'à', 'ä', 'Ä', 'â', 'ù', 'ü', 'Ü', 'û', 'ö', 'Ö', 'ô', 'ï', 'î');
$array_replace = array('é', 'è', 'ë', 'ê', 'à', 'ä', 'Ä', 'â', 'ù', 'ü', 'Ü', 'û', 'ö', 'Ö', 'ô', 'ï', 'î');
$string_return = str_replace($array_search, $array_replace, $string);
return $string_return;
// PHP Version sanity check
if (version_compare('4.3.2', phpversion()) == 1)
echo 'This version of PHP is not fully supported. You need 4.3.2 or above.';
// GD check
if (extension_loaded('gd') == false && !dl(''))
echo 'You are missing the GD extension for PHP, sorry but I cannot continue.';
// Our allowed query string parameters
// To cache or not to cache? that is the question
if (isset($_GET['cache']))
if ((int) $_GET['cache'] == 1)
$cache = true;
$cache = false;
$cache = true;
// img (the image to reflect)
if (isset($_GET['img']))
$source_image = $_GET['img'];
//$source_image = utf8_decode($source_image);
$source_image = str_replace('://','',$source_image);
//$source_image = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $source_image;
if (file_exists($source_image))
if ($cache)
$cache_dir = dirname($source_image);
$cache_base = basename($source_image);
$cache_file = 'refl_' . md5($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) . '_' . $cache_base;
$cache_path = $cache_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $cache_file;
if (file_exists($cache_path) && filemtime($cache_path) >= filemtime($source_image))
// Use cached image
$image_info = getimagesize($cache_path);
header("Content-type: " . $image_info['mime']);
echo 'Cannot find or read source image';
echo 'No source image to reflect supplied';
// bgc (the background colour used, defaults to black if not given)
if (isset($_GET['bgc']) == false)
$red = 0;
$green = 0;
$blue = 0;
// Extract the hex colour
$hex_bgc = $_GET['bgc'];
// Does it start with a hash? If so then strip it
$hex_bgc = str_replace('#', '', $hex_bgc);
switch (strlen($hex_bgc))
case 6:
$red = hexdec(substr($hex_bgc, 0, 2));
$green = hexdec(substr($hex_bgc, 2, 2));
$blue = hexdec(substr($hex_bgc, 4, 2));
case 3:
$red = substr($hex_bgc, 0, 1);
$green = substr($hex_bgc, 1, 1);
$blue = substr($hex_bgc, 2, 1);
$red = hexdec($red . $red);
$green = hexdec($green . $green);
$blue = hexdec($blue . $blue);
// Wrong values passed, default to black
$red = 0;
$green = 0;
$blue = 0;
// height (how tall should the reflection be?)
if (isset($_GET['height']))
$output_height = $_GET['height'];
// Have they given us a percentage?
if (substr($output_height, -1) == '%')
// Yes, remove the % sign
$output_height = (int) substr($output_height, 0, -1);
// Gotta love auto type casting ;)
if ($output_height < 10)
$output_height = "0.0$output_height";
$output_height = "0.$output_height";
$output_height = (int) $output_height;
// No height was given, so default to 50% of the source images height
$output_height = 0.50;
if (isset($_GET['fade_start']))
if (strpos($_GET['fade_start'], '%') !== false)
$alpha_start = str_replace('%', '', $_GET['fade_start']);
$alpha_start = (int) (127 * $alpha_start / 100);
$alpha_start = (int) $_GET['fade_start'];
if ($alpha_start < 1 || $alpha_start > 127)
$alpha_start = 80;
$alpha_start = 80;
if (isset($_GET['fade_end']))
if (strpos($_GET['fade_end'], '%') !== false)
$alpha_end = str_replace('%', '', $_GET['fade_end']);
$alpha_end = (int) (127 * $alpha_end / 100);
$alpha_end = (int) $_GET['fade_end'];
if ($alpha_end < 1 || $alpha_end > 0)
$alpha_end = 0;
$alpha_end = 0;
Ok, let's do it ...
// How big is the image?
$image_details = getimagesize($source_image);
if ($image_details === false)
echo 'Not a valid image supplied, or this script does not have permissions to access it.';
$width = $image_details[0];
$height = $image_details[1];
$type = $image_details[2];
$mime = $image_details['mime'];
// Calculate the height of the output image
if ($output_height < 1)
// The output height is a percentage
$new_height = $height * $output_height;
// The output height is a fixed pixel value
$new_height = $output_height;
// Detect the source image format - only GIF, JPEG and PNG are supported. If you need more, extend this yourself.
switch ($type)
case 1:
// GIF
$source = imagecreatefromgif($source_image);
case 2:
// JPG
$source = imagecreatefromjpeg($source_image);
case 3:
// PNG
$source = imagecreatefrompng($source_image);
echo 'Unsupported image file format.';
Build the reflection image
// We'll store the final reflection in $output. $buffer is for internal use.
$output = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $new_height);
$buffer = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $new_height);
// Copy the bottom-most part of the source image into the output
imagecopy($output, $source, 0, 0, 0, $height - $new_height, $width, $new_height);
// Rotate and flip it (strip flip method)
for ($y = 0; $y < $new_height; $y++)
imagecopy($buffer, $output, 0, $y, 0, $new_height - $y - 1, $width, 1);
$output = $buffer;
Apply the fade effect
// This is quite simple really. There are 127 available levels of alpha, so we just
// step-through the reflected image, drawing a box over the top, with a set alpha level.
// The end result? A cool fade into the background colour given.
// There are a maximum of 127 alpha fade steps we can use, so work out the alpha step rate
$alpha_length = abs($alpha_start - $alpha_end);
for ($y = 0; $y <= $new_height; $y++)
// Get % of reflection height
$pct = $y / $new_height;
// Get % of alpha
if ($alpha_start > $alpha_end)
$alpha = (int) ($alpha_start - ($pct * $alpha_length));
$alpha = (int) ($alpha_start + ($pct * $alpha_length));
imagefilledrectangle($output, 0, $y, $width, $y, imagecolorallocatealpha($output, $red, $green, $blue, $alpha));
HACK - Build the reflection image by combining the source
image AND the reflection in one new image!
$finaloutput = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height+$new_height);
imagecopy($finaloutput, $source, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height);
imagecopy($finaloutput, $output, 0, $height, 0, 0, $width, $new_height);
$output = $finaloutput;
Output our final PNG
if (headers_sent())
echo 'Headers already sent, I cannot display an image now. Have you got an extra line-feed in this file somewhere?';
// If you'd rather output a JPEG instead of a PNG then pass the parameter 'jpeg' (no value needed) on the querystring
if (isset($_GET['png']))
// PNG
header("Content-type: image/png");
// Save cached file
if ($cache)
imagepng($output, $cache_path);
if(!isset( $_GET['jpeg'])) $_GET['jpeg'] = 90;
$quality = (int) $_GET['jpeg'];
if ($quality < 1 || $quality > 100)
$quality = 90;
// JPEG (the final parameter = the quality, 0 = terrible, 100 = pixel perfect)
header("Content-type: image/jpeg");
imagejpeg($output, '', $quality);
// Save cached file
if ($cache)
imagejpeg($output, $cache_path, $quality);
Vielen Danke für jegliche Hilfe!