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Fehler "Hugin" Panorama erstellen


Nicht mehr ganz neu hier

Hallo liebe Forengemeinde,

ich bekomme einfach keine fertigen Panoramas mehr erstellt. Es kommen immer wieder die gleichen Fehler.

Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read

Habe die Schreibrechte schon überprüft und auch an andere Partition verschoeben - keine Chance!

Bis zum Abschluss läuft alles super, dann dieser Fehler :(

Kann mir jemand weiterhelfen?

Beste Grüße



[Mod] Foto

AW: Fehler "Hugin" Panorama erstellen

Wenn Du das Zielverzeichnis öffnest, wärend Hugin arbeitet, was passiert dort?
Werden die Zwischenbilder erstellt?
Endbild auch? Nur die Zwischenbilder nicht gelöscht?


Nicht mehr ganz neu hier

AW: Fehler "Hugin" Panorama erstellen

Also die Zwischenbilder werden erstellt, nur leider das Endbild nicht. Die Zwischenbilder liegen dann auch im erstellten Ordner, aber das war´s auch. Dann kommt es am Ende zur der Fehlermeldung "Fehlgeschlagen".


[Mod] Foto

AW: Fehler "Hugin" Panorama erstellen

und das ist Deine einzige Fehlermeldung?
Wieviel Einzelbilder sind es denn insgesamt?
Und welche Hugin Version?
Wenn die 64bit Version benutzt wird, mal die 32bit Version probiert?
Verrechnest Du zufällig 32bit Bilder?


Nicht mehr ganz neu hier

AW: Fehler "Hugin" Panorama erstellen

hier mal die komplette Fehlermeldung:

***************  Panorama makefile generated by Hugin       ***************
System information
Operating System: Windows 7 (6.1 Service Pack 1)
Architecture: AMD64
Number of logical processors: 4
Physical memory: 8387816 kiB (28% occupied)
Free space on disc: 454839 MiB
Active codepage: 1252 (Western European Windows)
Output options
Hugin Version: 2012.0.0.a6e4184ad538 built by Matthew Petroff
Project file: C:\Users\Martin\AppData\Local\Temp\hug69AA.tmp
Output prefix: IMG_0606-IMG_0622
Projection: Equirectangular (2)
Field of view: 360 x 180
Canvas dimensions: 7620 x 3810
Crop area: (0,0) - (7620,3810)
Output exposure value: 5.11
Selected outputs
Normal panorama
* Blended panorama
Input images
Number of images in project file: 17
Number of active images: 16
Image 0: D:\Multimedia\Panorama\AKZENT Hotel Krone\Restaurant\IMG_0606.JPG
Image 0: Size 2848x4272, Exposure: 5.26
Image 1: D:\Multimedia\Panorama\AKZENT Hotel Krone\Restaurant\IMG_0607.JPG
Image 1: Size 2848x4272, Exposure: 5.24
Image 2: D:\Multimedia\Panorama\AKZENT Hotel Krone\Restaurant\IMG_0608.JPG
Image 2: Size 2848x4272, Exposure: 5.20
Image 3: D:\Multimedia\Panorama\AKZENT Hotel Krone\Restaurant\IMG_0609.JPG
Image 3: Size 2848x4272, Exposure: 5.18
Image 4: D:\Multimedia\Panorama\AKZENT Hotel Krone\Restaurant\IMG_0610.JPG
Image 4: Size 2848x4272, Exposure: 5.24
Image 5: D:\Multimedia\Panorama\AKZENT Hotel Krone\Restaurant\IMG_0611.JPG
Image 5: Size 2848x4272, Exposure: 5.30
Image 6: D:\Multimedia\Panorama\AKZENT Hotel Krone\Restaurant\IMG_0612.JPG
Image 6: Size 2848x4272, Exposure: 5.28
Image 7: D:\Multimedia\Panorama\AKZENT Hotel Krone\Restaurant\IMG_0613.JPG
Image 7: Size 2848x4272, Exposure: 5.27
Image 8: D:\Multimedia\Panorama\AKZENT Hotel Krone\Restaurant\IMG_0614.JPG
Image 8: Size 2848x4272, Exposure: 5.23
Image 9: D:\Multimedia\Panorama\AKZENT Hotel Krone\Restaurant\IMG_0615.JPG
Image 9: Size 2848x4272, Exposure: 5.23
Image 10: D:\Multimedia\Panorama\AKZENT Hotel Krone\Restaurant\IMG_0616.JPG
Image 10: Size 4272x2848, Exposure: 5.14
Image 11: D:\Multimedia\Panorama\AKZENT Hotel Krone\Restaurant\IMG_0617.JPG
Image 11: Size 4272x2848, Exposure: 5.27
Image 12: D:\Multimedia\Panorama\AKZENT Hotel Krone\Restaurant\IMG_0618.JPG
Image 12: Size 4272x2848, Exposure: 4.96
Image 13: D:\Multimedia\Panorama\AKZENT Hotel Krone\Restaurant\IMG_0619.JPG
Image 13: Size 4272x2848, Exposure: 5.06
Image 15: D:\Multimedia\Panorama\AKZENT Hotel Krone\Restaurant\IMG_0621.JPG
Image 15: Size 4272x2848, Exposure: 4.40
Image 16: D:\Multimedia\Panorama\AKZENT Hotel Krone\Restaurant\IMG_0622.JPG
Image 16: Size 4272x2848, Exposure: 4.39
Testing programs
Checking nona...
nona is ok 
Checking enblend...
enblend is ok 
Checking enfuse...
enfuse is ok 
Checking hugin_hdrmerge...
hugin_hdrmerge is ok 
Checking exiftool...
exiftool is ok 
Stitching panorama
"C:/Program Files/Hugin/bin/nona"  -z LZW -r ldr -m TIFF_m -o "IMG_0606-IMG_0622" -i 0 "C:/Users/Martin/AppData/Local/Temp/hug69AA.tmp"
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
"C:/Program Files/Hugin/bin/nona"  -z LZW -r ldr -m TIFF_m -o "IMG_0606-IMG_0622" -i 1 "C:/Users/Martin/AppData/Local/Temp/hug69AA.tmp"
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
"C:/Program Files/Hugin/bin/nona"  -z LZW -r ldr -m TIFF_m -o "IMG_0606-IMG_0622" -i 2 "C:/Users/Martin/AppData/Local/Temp/hug69AA.tmp"
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
"C:/Program Files/Hugin/bin/nona"  -z LZW -r ldr -m TIFF_m -o "IMG_0606-IMG_0622" -i 3 "C:/Users/Martin/AppData/Local/Temp/hug69AA.tmp"
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
"C:/Program Files/Hugin/bin/nona"  -z LZW -r ldr -m TIFF_m -o "IMG_0606-IMG_0622" -i 4 "C:/Users/Martin/AppData/Local/Temp/hug69AA.tmp"
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
"C:/Program Files/Hugin/bin/nona"  -z LZW -r ldr -m TIFF_m -o "IMG_0606-IMG_0622" -i 5 "C:/Users/Martin/AppData/Local/Temp/hug69AA.tmp"
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
"C:/Program Files/Hugin/bin/nona"  -z LZW -r ldr -m TIFF_m -o "IMG_0606-IMG_0622" -i 6 "C:/Users/Martin/AppData/Local/Temp/hug69AA.tmp"
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
"C:/Program Files/Hugin/bin/nona"  -z LZW -r ldr -m TIFF_m -o "IMG_0606-IMG_0622" -i 7 "C:/Users/Martin/AppData/Local/Temp/hug69AA.tmp"
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
"C:/Program Files/Hugin/bin/nona"  -z LZW -r ldr -m TIFF_m -o "IMG_0606-IMG_0622" -i 8 "C:/Users/Martin/AppData/Local/Temp/hug69AA.tmp"
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
"C:/Program Files/Hugin/bin/nona"  -z LZW -r ldr -m TIFF_m -o "IMG_0606-IMG_0622" -i 9 "C:/Users/Martin/AppData/Local/Temp/hug69AA.tmp"
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
"C:/Program Files/Hugin/bin/nona"  -z LZW -r ldr -m TIFF_m -o "IMG_0606-IMG_0622" -i 10 "C:/Users/Martin/AppData/Local/Temp/hug69AA.tmp"
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
"C:/Program Files/Hugin/bin/nona"  -z LZW -r ldr -m TIFF_m -o "IMG_0606-IMG_0622" -i 11 "C:/Users/Martin/AppData/Local/Temp/hug69AA.tmp"
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
"C:/Program Files/Hugin/bin/nona"  -z LZW -r ldr -m TIFF_m -o "IMG_0606-IMG_0622" -i 12 "C:/Users/Martin/AppData/Local/Temp/hug69AA.tmp"
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
"C:/Program Files/Hugin/bin/nona"  -z LZW -r ldr -m TIFF_m -o "IMG_0606-IMG_0622" -i 13 "C:/Users/Martin/AppData/Local/Temp/hug69AA.tmp"
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
"C:/Program Files/Hugin/bin/nona"  -z LZW -r ldr -m TIFF_m -o "IMG_0606-IMG_0622" -i 15 "C:/Users/Martin/AppData/Local/Temp/hug69AA.tmp"
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
"C:/Program Files/Hugin/bin/nona"  -z LZW -r ldr -m TIFF_m -o "IMG_0606-IMG_0622" -i 16 "C:/Users/Martin/AppData/Local/Temp/hug69AA.tmp"
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
Error: Directory Canon with 8192 entries considered invalid; not read.
"C:/Program Files/Hugin/bin/enblend" --compression=LZW -w -f7620x3810 -o "IMG_0606-IMG_0622.tif" -- "IMG_0606-IMG_06220000.tif" "IMG_0606-IMG_06220001.tif" "IMG_0606-IMG_06220002.tif" "IMG_0606-IMG_06220003.tif" "IMG_0606-IMG_06220004.tif" "IMG_0606-IMG_06220005.tif" "IMG_0606-IMG_06220006.tif" "IMG_0606-IMG_06220007.tif" "IMG_0606-IMG_06220008.tif" "IMG_0606-IMG_06220009.tif" "IMG_0606-IMG_06220010.tif" "IMG_0606-IMG_06220011.tif" "IMG_0606-IMG_06220012.tif" "IMG_0606-IMG_06220013.tif" "IMG_0606-IMG_06220015.tif" "IMG_0606-IMG_06220016.tif"
enblend: info: loading next image: IMG_0606-IMG_06220000.tif 1/1
enblend: info: loading next image: IMG_0606-IMG_06220001.tif 1/1

enblend: excessive overlap detected; remove one of the images
enblend: info: remove invalid output image "IMG_0606-IMG_0622.tif"
make: *** [IMG_0606-IMG_0622.tif] Error 1

es sind insgesamt 16 Einzelbilder, dies sollte ja eigentlich im "normalen" Bereich sein.

Hugin benutze ich in der 64-Bit Version, die derzeit aktuellste! Dann werde ich das mal mit der 32-Bit Version probieren. Vielleicht hilft es ja!

Die Bilder haben alle eine Bittiefe von 24 Bit.

Edit: Hab die 32-Bit Version getestet - diese zeigt mir zwar den Fehler nicht an, aber es kommen überhaupt keine Kontrollpunkte zustande.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


[Mod] Foto

AW: Fehler "Hugin" Panorama erstellen

Hast Du spaßeshalber mal jpg Dateien ausprobier?

Die 64bit Version kann Tiff 16bit, keine 32bit.
Die 32bit Version kann beide.
Aber eine 24bit Tiff wüßte ich gerade nichtmal, wer mir die erstellen soll.
Er meckert ja bei Dir schon bei jeder einzelnen Datei, das er sie nicht lesen kann.
Hugin sagt Dir (grob):
- LZW - die Datei ist komprimiert
- LDR - normaler Dynamikumfang
- TIFF - es ist eine Tiff Datei
- "IMG_0606-IMG_0622" - Dieses Pano will er erstellen
- "C:/Users/Martin/AppData/Local/Temp/hug69AA.tmp" hier will er es Zwischenspeichern
Bis zu diesen Punkt hat Hugin:
- die neue Datei erstellt,
- meistens sieht man der Vorschau auch, wie ausgerichtet und entzerrt.

Danach schaltet sich "Enblend" ein, doch das Prog scheitert und sagt Dir:
"ich kann es nicht lesen"
Enfuse/Enblend sind leider noch externe Progs.

Hier siehst Du das Prog scheitern:
enblend: info: loading next image: IMG_0606-IMG_06220000.tif 1/1 enblend: info: loading next image: IMG_0606-IMG_06220001.tif 1/1  
enblend: excessive overlap detected; remove one of the images enblend: info: remove invalid output image "IMG_0606-IMG_0622.tif" make: *** [IMG_0606-IMG_0622.tif] Error 1

Ich würde erstmal jpg Dateien testen.
Kann Hugin das?
8 - 16 - 32 bit tiff Dateien ausprobieren.
Wenn unbedingt, 24bit tiff, dann mal ohne kompremierung ausprobieren.

Viel Spaß beim Testen


Nicht mehr ganz neu hier

AW: Fehler "Hugin" Panorama erstellen

vielen vielen Dank für deine Antwort und Mühen. Leider hat es nicht funktioniert.

Ich habe das Programm jetzt auch mal auf dem MAC getestet - genau das gleiche in grün :(


[Mod] Foto

AW: Fehler "Hugin" Panorama erstellen

Vom gleichen Quelllaufwerk?

Dann mache mal hier "AKZENT Hotel Krone" die Leerzeichen weg.


Nicht mehr ganz neu hier

AW: Fehler "Hugin" Panorama erstellen

Hab es vom Server versucht und auch mit der Speicherkarte. Ordner hatte ich auch schon umbenannt und auf den Desktop bzw. Schreibtisch gepackt und den Ordner "1" gennant.


[Mod] Foto

AW: Fehler "Hugin" Panorama erstellen

Jetzt gehen auch mir die Ideen aus.
Die Quelldateien sind von Dir?
Und von RAW zu JPG mal neu konvertiert?


Nicht mehr ganz neu hier

AW: Fehler "Hugin" Panorama erstellen

ich weiß, das ist wirklich eine schwere Geburt. Ja die Quelldateien sind von mir, da auch selbst fotografiert.

Ich habe ja auch mehrere Räume fotografiert. Komischerweise gehen einige Dateien und andere wiederum nicht, wie diese hier.

Hab schon die RAW-Dateien gelöscht, neu aufgespielt und auch ins TIFF bzw. JPG konvertiert.

In der Google Suche findet man zwar ein paar Treffer zum Problem, aber leider auch nichts genaueres. Hugin selbst hält sich mit dem Fehler leider bedeckt.

Schon doof :(


[Mod] Foto

AW: Fehler "Hugin" Panorama erstellen

Ich kenne den Fehler auch nur von Unbutu.
Könnte heute Abend, nach 20:eek:o Uhr sie höchstens mal testen, wenn Du mir 2 oder 3 Bilder schickst.

HansHansa (at)


Nicht mehr ganz neu hier

AW: Fehler "Hugin" Panorama erstellen

das ist sehr nett! schicke sie gleich raus. schon mal vielen vielen dank!


[Mod] Foto

AW: Fehler "Hugin" Panorama erstellen

Ich muß nur an meinen Rechner kommen, habe leider kein portables Hugin mit.


[Mod] Foto

AW: Fehler "Hugin" Panorama erstellen

Ein komisches Benehmen der Bilder.
Nachdem ich sie nochmal mit GIMP als jpg abgespeichert habe, war Dein Fehler weg.

Dann hat Hugin nur gemeckert, das zuviele Bilder mit dem gleichen Inhalt waren, gut hier braucht man dann nur jedes 2. Bild zu nehmen.

Aber ein wirklich gutes Ergebnis bekomme ich bei der Ausgabe nicht, Vorschau ist i.O..
Die gleichen grusligen Ergebnisse hatte ich, wenn die erste Konvertierung der Bilder mit LR5beta gemacht worden sind.


Nicht mehr ganz neu hier

AW: Fehler "Hugin" Panorama erstellen

Hab die Bilder jetzt nochmal von der SD-Karte in Lightroom 4 (und nicht 5) geladen und konvertiert. Jetzt funktioniert alles einwandfrei. Sehr komische Sache.

Ich dank dir vielmals für deine tolle Hilfe!

Kann geschlossen werden - Beste Grüße Martin!


[Mod] Foto

AW: Fehler "Hugin" Panorama erstellen

Ich habe jetzt mal ein Pano von mir probiert:
LR5beta auch dieses grauslige Ergebnis
LR5 Final - jpg, tif mit und ohne Tranzparenz gehen wieder
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