AW: Zwei Grafikkarten Zwei Hersteller...
erm...nur kurz zum thema hybridysteme(also ati & nvidia gemischt)
aufm pc isses möglich (nru so als kurzbeispiel: )
da übernimmt die nvidia karte via cuda die hardwarebeschleunigung für diverse programme, welche das unterstützen und die ati karte stellt einfahc des bild zur verfügung...obs was ähnliches bei apple gibt, des weiss ich ned( allerdings kann man doch auf den neuen geräten auch windows laufen lassen?)
hierzu noch was von ms selber zum thema:
If multiple graphics adapters are present in a system, all of them must use the same WDDM driver. If there are two graphics adapters with WDDM drivers from two different manufacturers, then Windows will disable one of them. The VGA adapter will be enabled, and the second device will be disabled.
Notice that XPDM drivers still support heterogeneous multi-adapter as they did in Windows XP. A user who has such a configuration working fine in Windows XP will encounter a problem when upgrading to Windows Vista. An external monitor connected to one of the graphics adapters will have no video signal, because it is disabled. An error message will appear on system boot, as described later in this article.
The solution for this problem could be as follows:
•A user could force the installation of a XPDM driver for each of these devices, and therefore get heterogeneous multi-adapter multi-monitor to work as in Windows XP.
•The user could change the graphics hardware configuration by choosing multiple graphics adapters that use the same WDDM driver. Graphics adapters from the same ASIC family generally have the same graphics driver. In late 2006, each of the major graphics vendors had a single WDDM driver for all supported WDDM graphics adapters. Please consult the graphics vendor's Web site for details on their driver support.
aus :
das stichwort ist wohl heterogene grafikadapter( also 2 hersteller udn 2 serien)
btw: sli kann hybrid, also 2 unterschiedliche modelle (aber biede nvidia)
ev hilfts n bisschen, oder kann dir n neuen denkanstoss geben