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Absturz Davinci Resolve bei Clipimport



Ich habe Davinci Resolve Studio 12.5.3 von Blackmagic auf Windows 10 installiert.

Wenn ich Resolve als Administrator starte, stürzt das Programm sofort ab, wenn ich versuche, Clips zu importieren. Auch wenn ich bestehende Projekte laden möchte, stürzt das Programm ab.

Wenn ich Resolve NICHT als Administrator starte, stürzt das Programm ab, wenn ich gerade einen Clips importiert habe. Es hält lediglich etwas länger durch. Auch hier stürzt das Programm ab, wenn ich bestehende Projekte laden möchte.

Die Clips sind für jeden im Vollzugriff zugreifbar.

Ich habe Resolve auch testweise als nicht Studio-Version und auch mit ältere Versionen installiert, aber auch da zeigt das selbe Verhalten.

Zur HW:
Server = Intel 6-Core mit 24 GB RAM
Grafikkarte = GeForce GTX 770 - 2GB
Blackmagic Intensity 4k mit installierter Desktop Video Software Version 10.8.2

Es scheint etwas mit Zugriffsrechten zu tun zu haben, denn unter Win 7 lief noch alles.
Hat jemand eine Idee, woran es liegen könnte?
Für Tips wäre ich dankbar.
zuerst habe ich gedacht das die Hardware zu dünn gewählt ist, dem ist wohl nicht so, es sei den du hast 4k Material. Dann solltest du auf mindestens 8- core aufrüsten.
Bei mir läuft Resolve auf win7 Quadcore MacPro 3.1 - also ein wesentlch schwächerer "PC"
Als Lösungtip, ich hatte dies mit AVID, mussten in den Regresty Dateien etwas umgestellt werden. Hier wird die Sache harrig, den in den Dateien kann man das ganze System zerstören. Dies kann ein Tip sein da du dein System als server bezeichnest. Somit muss eine Änderung in diesen dateien auf dein Systm zugeschnitten sein.
Ein weiterer Schwachpunkt, jedoch nur bei 4k Material ist die GeForce hier liegt die Stärke bei meinem System mit einer Quatro 4000. Die nimmt dem CPU´s eine Meng arbeit ab.

Funktioniert Resolve wenn es eine Nummer tiefer ist ( 11 oder 10) Die lassen sich noch bekommen. Blackmagic wohnt in Nürnberg.

ob 4K, 2K oder 720p, mp4, dng oder jpg, es gibt keinen Unterschied. Resolve 11 hatte ich schon einmal installiert, aber auch hier das gleiche Problem. Früher lief alles einwandfrei, aber auf einmal gab es dieses Phänomen. Auf meinem wesentlich schwächeren Laptop läuft es auch, wenn auch langsam, aber einwandfrei. Ich habe PostgreSQL neu installiert, aber auch da keine Änderung. Ein leeres Projekt kann ich erstellen, aber wie schon gesagt, Resolve stürzt immer dann ab, wenn auf Film- bzw. auch nur Foto-Dateien zugegriffen wird.
alles deutet auf eine Konfiguration von Win10 hin. Resolve und Win10 verstehen sich noch nicht richtig. Leider kann ich hier nicht weiterhelfen, da ich mich mit 10 nicht auskenne, und ich weiß kein Forum welches brauchbare Info zu Window gibt. Damals bei der Sache mit AVID hat ein Freund in den .reg - Dateien von Win gesucht und wurde fündig, daher meine Vermutung.
Erstmal einen Gruß aus München

@noltehaus: 12.5.4 habe ich bereits installiert, weil ich natürlich hoffe, eine neue Version behebt das Problem. Im bin ich schon länger Mitglied. Da kann auch niemand helfen.

Ich denke, es liegt tatsächlich an Win 10.
Bei Blackmagic ist ja auch angegeben:
minimum system requirements for Windows = Windows 8.1 Pro 64 bit
Von Win 10 steht da nichts.
Mich würde mal interessieren, ob die Win10 ein Upgrade ist, oder eine saubere Neuinstallation. Wie sieht es mit den Treibern für den PC aus? GraKa, Motherboard-Chipsatz ect... Alles aktuell und richtig installiert? Gerätemanager alles sauber? Keine Ausrufezeichen oder unbekannte Geräte?

Win10 ist ein kostenloses Upgrade von Win 7.
Im Gerätemanager ist alles sauber.
Treiber alle aktuell.

Es sieht in den Logfiles eventuell nach der GraKa (GeForce GTX 770 - 2GB) aus:
Hier einmal die Debug-Infos:

[0x00000558] | Main | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:38,524 | Resolve Module Handle 00007FF645720000

[0x00000558] | Main | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:39,758 | Updating display GPU information...

[0x00000558] | Main | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:39,789 | Found correct name from registry for device : GeForce GTX 770, provider NVIDIA

[0x00000558] | Main | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:39,789 | Found CUDA Device: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770

[0x00000558] | Main | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:39,789 | GPU NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770 is used for display

[0x00000558] | Main | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:39,789 | Detected uptime 2304s

[0x00000558] | Main | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:39,789 | GPU Name = 'NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770', Main display = 1

[0x00000558] | Main | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:39,789 | Only 1 NVIDIA display GPU found. Using CUDA for processing.

[0x00000558] | Main | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:39,789 | Setting LsManager.3.NumGPUs = 1

[0x00000558] | Main | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:39,789 | Setting LsManager.3.DisplayGPUName = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770

[0x00000558] | Main | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:39,805 | Setting LsManager.3.DisplayGPUIndex = 0

[0x00000558] | IO | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:39,805 | RED InitializeSdk with library path at C:\ProgramData\Blackmagic Design\DaVinci Resolve\Support\Libraries

[0x00000558] | IO | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:39,805 | Red SDK init is successful

[0x00000558] | Main | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:39,805 | 0 RED rocket cards available

There are 1 GPUs in the system.
[0x00000558] | SyManager.DeckLink | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:39,820 | DL::DisplayDevices: (1/1)

[0x00000558] | SyManager.DeckLink | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:39,820 | DL::DisplayDevices: (1/1)

[0x00000558] | Main | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:39,820 | Decklink model name: 'Intensity Pro 4K', version: '10.8.4'

[0x00000558] | Main | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:39,820 | Installed custom font: Open Sans

[0x00000558] | Main | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:39,820 | Installed custom font: Open Sans Semibold

[0x00000558] | Main | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:39,899 | Finished loading Application style sheet

Local.Speed.Debug switched OFF - ''
[0x0000247c] | Main | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:39,961 | Started listener socket at port 15000

Using 5000 resource buffers
[0x00000558] | BtCommon | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,086 | Starting Daemon: C:/Program Files/Blackmagic Design/DaVinci Resolve/DPDecoder.exe

[0x00000558] | BtCommon | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,086 | Starting Daemon: C:/Program Files/Blackmagic Design/DaVinci Resolve/DPDecoder.exe

[0x00000558] | BtCommon | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,086 | Starting Daemon: C:/Program Files/Blackmagic Design/DaVinci Resolve/DPDecoder.exe

[0x00000558] | BtCommon | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,086 | Starting Daemon: C:/Program Files/Blackmagic Design/DaVinci Resolve/DPDecoder.exe

[0x00000558] | BtCommon | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,086 | Starting Daemon: C:/Program Files/Blackmagic Design/DaVinci Resolve/DPDecoder.exe

[0x00000558] | BtCommon | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,086 | Starting Daemon: C:/Program Files/Blackmagic Design/DaVinci Resolve/DPDecoder.exe

[0x00000558] | BtCommon | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,086 | Starting Daemon: C:/Program Files/Blackmagic Design/DaVinci Resolve/DPDecoder.exe

[0x00000558] | BtCommon | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,086 | Starting Daemon: C:/Program Files/Blackmagic Design/DaVinci Resolve/DPDecoder.exe

Sy High Command Handler Thread ----- (297989712)
SY high priority cmd handler thread starts: 11C2F650
Sy Low Command Handler Thread ----- (297990160)
SY low priority cmd handler thread starts: 11C2F810
Sy Data Handler Thread ----- (297990608)
SY data handler thread starts: 11C2F9D0
Gs High Command Handler Thread ----- (297994192)
GS high priority cmd handler thread starts: 11C307D0
Gs Low Command Handler Thread ----- (297988816)
[0x00000558] | DtManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,102 | Using 8 generic IO threads

GS low priority cmd handler thread starts: 11C2F2D0
[0x000023b0] | GsManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,102 | Gs Processor Thread ----- (297992400)

Dp High Command Handler Thread ----- (297989264)
DP high priority cmd handler thread starts: 11C2F490
GS processor thread starts: 11C300D0
[0x00000558] | DtManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,102 | Total of 16 IO threads (including 8 generic and 8 Red decode threads)

Local.Speed.Verbose switched OFF - ''
Dp Low Command Handler Thread ----- (297991504)
DP low priority cmd handler thread starts: 11C2FD50
[0x000023b0] | GsManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,102 | GsProcessor ---- Total: 20, NumDtThreads: 8, NumComms: 0, NumSites: 1

DpVideoOutput: g_videoOutputRunning is 0
[0x00002a54] | DtManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,102 | Dt Worker Thread Started

Dt High Command Handler Thread ----- (297992848)
DT high priority cmd handler thhread starts: 11C30290
[0x000023b0] | GsManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,102 | Lookaheads -> playback = 20, record = 20, stop = 6

Dt Low Command Handler Thread ----- (297993296)
DT low priority cmd handler thread starts: 11C30450
[0x00002a94] | DtManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,102 | Dt Data Handler Thread Started

DT data handler thread starts: 11C30990
[0x00002b00] | DtManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,102 | Dt Worker Thread Started

[0x000029c8] | DtManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,102 | Dt Worker Thread Started

[0x00002bfc] | DtManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,102 | Dt Worker Thread Started

[0x00002994] | DtManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,102 | Dt Worker Thread Started

[0x000028a0] | DtManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,102 | Dt Worker Thread Started

[0x00002314] | DtManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,102 | Dt Worker Thread Started

[0x00002988] | DtManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,102 | Dt Worker Thread Started

[0x00002b98] | DtManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,102 | Dt Worker Thread Started

[0x00002a18] | DtManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,102 | Dt Worker Thread Started

[0x00002478] | DtManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,102 | Dt Worker Thread Started

[0x0000295c] | DtManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,102 | Dt Worker Thread Started

[0x0000292c] | DtManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,102 | Dt Worker Thread Started

[0x000024f4] | DtManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,102 | Dt Worker Thread Started

[0x00000558] | DbCommon2 | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,102 | Loading dblist file: C:\ProgramData\Blackmagic Design\DaVinci Resolve\Preferences\dblist.conf

[0x000029bc] | DtManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,102 | Dt Worker Thread Started

[0x000025bc] | DtManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,102 | Dt Worker Thread Started

[0x000028f8] | DtManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,102 | Dt Worker Thread Started

Ls High Command Handler Thread ----- (298029056)
Ls Low Command Handler Thread ----- (298029504)
LS low priority cmd handler thread starts: 11C391C0
Ls Data Handler Thread ----- (298033536)
Ls High Command Handler Thread ----- (298030400)
LS data handler thread starts: 11C3A180
Ls Low Command Handler Thread ----- (298033984)
LS low priority cmd handler thread starts: 11C3A340
Ls Data Handler Thread ----- (298073744)
LS data handler thread starts: 11C43E90
[0x00000558] | Main | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,102 | Running DaVinci Resolve Studio v12.5.4.019 (Windows)

Ls High Command Handler Thread ----- (298069712)
Ls Low Command Handler Thread ----- (298071056)
LS low priority cmd handler thread starts: 11C43410
Ls Data Handler Thread ----- (298075088)
Mem Data Transmitter Thread ----- (298067472)
Mem data transmitter thread starts: 11C42610
Starting license poller...
[0x00002a10] | GPUManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,102 | Let There Be CUDA Light!

[0x00000558] | IO | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,117 | Using DNxHR library v2.3.0.35r

Checking License...
DHID 850693765
---------------- Checking License ----------------

[0x000027dc] | GPUManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,422 | Initializing GPU board 0 with context thread 0

All textures are loaded : 1.
[0x000027dc] | GPUManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,547 | Setting channel cache size on GPU board 0 to 4

[0x000027dc] | GPUManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,547 | Board manager 0 on thread 0 initialization done on GPU GeForce GTX 770

[0x000027dc] | GPUManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,547 | Entering loop to wait for commands

[0x00002a10] | GPUManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,547 | Finished initializing CUDA board 0 <GeForce GTX 770> on platform <Nvidia CUDA GPU> clock rate <1137000> multiprocessor count <8> global mem size (MB) 2048, available mem size (MB) 1659, shared mem size (KB) 48, on SBM[0|0]

[0x00002a10] | GPUManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,547 | Hired CUDA board 0 <GeForce GTX 770>

[0x00002a10] | GPUManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,562 | Let There Be CUDA Light, Done!!

[0x00002a10] | GPUManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,562 | Using CUDA Pinned Memory!

[0x00000558] | DbCommon2 | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,750 | Sm2SysIdEntry is not supported in disk database mode

Board 0 - GeForce_GTX_770
LS data handler thread starts: 11C443D0
[0x00000558] | UI.KeyBindings | WARN | 2016-12-29 15:26:43,359 | Key sequence Alt+/ defined by editAssociateWithAudioInViewer and controlPlayAroundToPlayInToOut

[0x00000558] | UI.KeyBindings | WARN | 2016-12-29 15:26:43,359 | Key sequence Alt+6 defined by timelineTrackDestinationSelectionTargetV6 and clipMulticamSwitchToAngle6

[0x00000558] | UI.KeyBindings | WARN | 2016-12-29 15:26:43,359 | Key sequence Ctrl+Shift+, defined by viewStereoSwitchEyeLeft and editNudgeSwapEditReverse

[0x00000558] | UI.KeyBindings | WARN | 2016-12-29 15:26:43,359 | Key sequence Alt+8 defined by timelineTrackDestinationSelectionTargetV8 and clipMulticamSwitchToAngle8

[0x00000558] | UI.KeyBindings | WARN | 2016-12-29 15:26:43,359 | Key sequence Alt+4 defined by clipMulticamSwitchToAngle4 and timelineTrackDestinationSelectionTargetV4

[0x00000558] | UI.KeyBindings | WARN | 2016-12-29 15:26:43,359 | Key sequence Alt+7 defined by clipMulticamSwitchToAngle7 and timelineTrackDestinationSelectionTargetV7

[0x00000558] | UI.KeyBindings | WARN | 2016-12-29 15:26:43,359 | Key sequence Alt+2 defined by timelineTrackDestinationSelectionTargetV2 and clipMulticamSwitchToAngle2

[0x00000558] | UI.KeyBindings | WARN | 2016-12-29 15:26:43,359 | Key sequence Alt+1 defined by timelineTrackDestinationSelectionTargetV and clipMulticamSwitchToAngle1

[0x00000558] | UI.KeyBindings | WARN | 2016-12-29 15:26:43,359 | Key sequence Ctrl+Shift+. defined by editNudgeSwapEditForward and viewStereoSwitchEyeRight

[0x00000558] | UI.KeyBindings | WARN | 2016-12-29 15:26:43,359 | Key sequence Alt+5 defined by clipMulticamSwitchToAngle5 and timelineTrackDestinationSelectionTargetV5

[0x00000558] | UI | WARN | 2016-12-29 15:26:43,578 | Failed to load media metadata preset list or the list is empty.

[0x00000558] | UI | WARN | 2016-12-29 15:26:43,594 | Failed to load media metadata preset list or the list is empty.

[0x00000558] | UI | WARN | 2016-12-29 15:26:43,781 | Failed to load media metadata preset list or the list is empty.

[0x00000558] | UI | WARN | 2016-12-29 15:26:43,781 | Failed to load media metadata preset list or the list is empty.

[0x00000558] | UI.ActionConnector | WARN | 2016-12-29 15:26:43,906 | Missing ActionDefinition for sessionDolbyVisionAnalyzeAllShots

[0x00000558] | UI.ActionConnector | WARN | 2016-12-29 15:26:43,906 | Missing ActionDefinition for sessionDolbyVisionAnalyzeSelectedShots

[0x00000558] | UI.ActionConnector | WARN | 2016-12-29 15:26:43,906 | Missing ActionDefinition for sessionDolbyVisionAnalyzeSelectedAndGroup

[0x00000558] | UI.ActionConnector | WARN | 2016-12-29 15:26:43,906 | Missing ActionDefinition for sessionDolbyVisionAnalyzeCurrentFrame

[0x00000558] | UI | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:43,922 | Not creating special GL widget for screen 0

[0x00000558] | UI | ERROR | 2016-12-29 15:26:44,491 | Failed to find value '0' in combo-box

****************** Flushing GPU Buffers
[0x00000558] | SyManager.Signals | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:50,449 | Current user pointer is changed

[0x00000558] | UI | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:50,452 | UI Persistence - HandleLogin() Current user name is dte

[0x00000558] | UI.KeyBindings | WARN | 2016-12-29 15:26:50,618 | Key sequence Alt+/ defined by editAssociateWithAudioInViewer and controlPlayAroundToPlayInToOut

[0x00000558] | UI.KeyBindings | WARN | 2016-12-29 15:26:50,618 | Key sequence Alt+6 defined by timelineTrackDestinationSelectionTargetV6 and clipMulticamSwitchToAngle6

[0x00000558] | UI.KeyBindings | WARN | 2016-12-29 15:26:50,618 | Key sequence Ctrl+Shift+, defined by viewStereoSwitchEyeLeft and editNudgeSwapEditReverse

[0x00000558] | UI.KeyBindings | WARN | 2016-12-29 15:26:50,618 | Key sequence Alt+8 defined by timelineTrackDestinationSelectionTargetV8 and clipMulticamSwitchToAngle8

[0x00000558] | UI.KeyBindings | WARN | 2016-12-29 15:26:50,618 | Key sequence Alt+4 defined by clipMulticamSwitchToAngle4 and timelineTrackDestinationSelectionTargetV4

[0x00000558] | UI.KeyBindings | WARN | 2016-12-29 15:26:50,618 | Key sequence Alt+7 defined by clipMulticamSwitchToAngle7 and timelineTrackDestinationSelectionTargetV7

[0x00000558] | UI.KeyBindings | WARN | 2016-12-29 15:26:50,618 | Key sequence Alt+2 defined by timelineTrackDestinationSelectionTargetV2 and clipMulticamSwitchToAngle2

[0x00000558] | UI.KeyBindings | WARN | 2016-12-29 15:26:50,618 | Key sequence Alt+1 defined by timelineTrackDestinationSelectionTargetV and clipMulticamSwitchToAngle1

[0x00000558] | UI.KeyBindings | WARN | 2016-12-29 15:26:50,618 | Key sequence Ctrl+Shift+. defined by editNudgeSwapEditForward and viewStereoSwitchEyeRight

[0x00000558] | UI.KeyBindings | WARN | 2016-12-29 15:26:50,618 | Key sequence Alt+5 defined by clipMulticamSwitchToAngle5 and timelineTrackDestinationSelectionTargetV5

[0x00000558] | UI | ERROR | 2016-12-29 15:26:50,622 | Failed to find value '14' in combo-box

[0x00000558] | UI | ERROR | 2016-12-29 15:26:50,623 | Failed to find value '-1' in combo-box

[0x00000558] | SyManager.Signals | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:50,696 | Main view page is changed to 12

[0x00000558] | UI | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:50,766 | Gallery pointer is changed, refreshing color gallery

[0x00000558] | UI | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:50,769 | Gallery pointer is changed, refreshing gallery browser

[0x00000558] | SyManager.Signals | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:57,298 | Main view page is changed to 1

[0x00000558] | SyManager.Signals | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:57,317 | Main view page is changed to 1

[0x00000558] | UI | WARN | 2016-12-29 15:26:57,464 | Layout is disabled.

[0x00000558] | UI | WARN | 2016-12-29 15:26:57,466 | UI Persistence - ListViewSortColumn not read

[0x00000558] | SyManager.Signals | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:57,718 | Main view page is changed to 1

[0x000027dc] | GPUManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:27:11,337 | Flushing GPU memory...

[0x000027dc] | GPUManager | ERROR | 2016-12-29 15:27:11,397 | Exception caught while running GPU algorithms: an illegal memory access was encountered.

[0x000027dc] | GPUManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:27:11,397 | Flushing GPU memory...

[0x000027dc] | Main | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:27:11,398 | Caught termination signal SIGABRT, triggering termination routine[0x00000558] | Main | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:38,524 | Resolve Module Handle 00007FF645720000

[0x00000558] | Main | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:39,758 | Updating display GPU information...

[0x00000558] | Main | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:39,789 | Found correct name from registry for device : GeForce GTX 770, provider NVIDIA

[0x00000558] | Main | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:39,789 | Found CUDA Device: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770

[0x00000558] | Main | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:39,789 | GPU NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770 is used for display

[0x00000558] | Main | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:39,789 | Detected uptime 2304s

[0x00000558] | Main | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:39,789 | GPU Name = 'NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770', Main display = 1

[0x00000558] | Main | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:39,789 | Only 1 NVIDIA display GPU found. Using CUDA for processing.

[0x00000558] | Main | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:39,789 | Setting LsManager.3.NumGPUs = 1

[0x00000558] | Main | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:39,789 | Setting LsManager.3.DisplayGPUName = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770

[0x00000558] | Main | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:39,805 | Setting LsManager.3.DisplayGPUIndex = 0

[0x00000558] | IO | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:39,805 | RED InitializeSdk with library path at C:\ProgramData\Blackmagic Design\DaVinci Resolve\Support\Libraries

[0x00000558] | IO | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:39,805 | Red SDK init is successful

[0x00000558] | Main | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:39,805 | 0 RED rocket cards available

There are 1 GPUs in the system.
[0x00000558] | SyManager.DeckLink | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:39,820 | DL::DisplayDevices: (1/1)

[0x00000558] | SyManager.DeckLink | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:39,820 | DL::DisplayDevices: (1/1)

[0x00000558] | Main | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:39,820 | Decklink model name: 'Intensity Pro 4K', version: '10.8.4'

[0x00000558] | Main | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:39,820 | Installed custom font: Open Sans

[0x00000558] | Main | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:39,820 | Installed custom font: Open Sans Semibold

[0x00000558] | Main | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:39,899 | Finished loading Application style sheet

Local.Speed.Debug switched OFF - ''
[0x0000247c] | Main | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:39,961 | Started listener socket at port 15000

Using 5000 resource buffers
[0x00000558] | BtCommon | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,086 | Starting Daemon: C:/Program Files/Blackmagic Design/DaVinci Resolve/DPDecoder.exe

[0x00000558] | BtCommon | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,086 | Starting Daemon: C:/Program Files/Blackmagic Design/DaVinci Resolve/DPDecoder.exe

[0x00000558] | BtCommon | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,086 | Starting Daemon: C:/Program Files/Blackmagic Design/DaVinci Resolve/DPDecoder.exe

[0x00000558] | BtCommon | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,086 | Starting Daemon: C:/Program Files/Blackmagic Design/DaVinci Resolve/DPDecoder.exe

[0x00000558] | BtCommon | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,086 | Starting Daemon: C:/Program Files/Blackmagic Design/DaVinci Resolve/DPDecoder.exe

[0x00000558] | BtCommon | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,086 | Starting Daemon: C:/Program Files/Blackmagic Design/DaVinci Resolve/DPDecoder.exe

[0x00000558] | BtCommon | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,086 | Starting Daemon: C:/Program Files/Blackmagic Design/DaVinci Resolve/DPDecoder.exe

[0x00000558] | BtCommon | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,086 | Starting Daemon: C:/Program Files/Blackmagic Design/DaVinci Resolve/DPDecoder.exe

Sy High Command Handler Thread ----- (297989712)
SY high priority cmd handler thread starts: 11C2F650
Sy Low Command Handler Thread ----- (297990160)
SY low priority cmd handler thread starts: 11C2F810
Sy Data Handler Thread ----- (297990608)
SY data handler thread starts: 11C2F9D0
Gs High Command Handler Thread ----- (297994192)
GS high priority cmd handler thread starts: 11C307D0
Gs Low Command Handler Thread ----- (297988816)
[0x00000558] | DtManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,102 | Using 8 generic IO threads

GS low priority cmd handler thread starts: 11C2F2D0
[0x000023b0] | GsManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,102 | Gs Processor Thread ----- (297992400)

Dp High Command Handler Thread ----- (297989264)
DP high priority cmd handler thread starts: 11C2F490
GS processor thread starts: 11C300D0
[0x00000558] | DtManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,102 | Total of 16 IO threads (including 8 generic and 8 Red decode threads)

Local.Speed.Verbose switched OFF - ''
Dp Low Command Handler Thread ----- (297991504)
DP low priority cmd handler thread starts: 11C2FD50
[0x000023b0] | GsManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,102 | GsProcessor ---- Total: 20, NumDtThreads: 8, NumComms: 0, NumSites: 1

DpVideoOutput: g_videoOutputRunning is 0
[0x00002a54] | DtManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,102 | Dt Worker Thread Started

Dt High Command Handler Thread ----- (297992848)
DT high priority cmd handler thhread starts: 11C30290
[0x000023b0] | GsManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,102 | Lookaheads -> playback = 20, record = 20, stop = 6

Dt Low Command Handler Thread ----- (297993296)
DT low priority cmd handler thread starts: 11C30450
[0x00002a94] | DtManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,102 | Dt Data Handler Thread Started

DT data handler thread starts: 11C30990
[0x00002b00] | DtManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,102 | Dt Worker Thread Started

[0x000029c8] | DtManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,102 | Dt Worker Thread Started

[0x00002bfc] | DtManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,102 | Dt Worker Thread Started

[0x00002994] | DtManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,102 | Dt Worker Thread Started

[0x000028a0] | DtManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,102 | Dt Worker Thread Started

[0x00002314] | DtManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,102 | Dt Worker Thread Started

[0x00002988] | DtManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,102 | Dt Worker Thread Started

[0x00002b98] | DtManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,102 | Dt Worker Thread Started

[0x00002a18] | DtManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,102 | Dt Worker Thread Started

[0x00002478] | DtManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,102 | Dt Worker Thread Started

[0x0000295c] | DtManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,102 | Dt Worker Thread Started

[0x0000292c] | DtManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,102 | Dt Worker Thread Started

[0x000024f4] | DtManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,102 | Dt Worker Thread Started

[0x00000558] | DbCommon2 | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,102 | Loading dblist file: C:\ProgramData\Blackmagic Design\DaVinci Resolve\Preferences\dblist.conf

[0x000029bc] | DtManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,102 | Dt Worker Thread Started

[0x000025bc] | DtManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,102 | Dt Worker Thread Started

[0x000028f8] | DtManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,102 | Dt Worker Thread Started

Ls High Command Handler Thread ----- (298029056)
Ls Low Command Handler Thread ----- (298029504)
LS low priority cmd handler thread starts: 11C391C0
Ls Data Handler Thread ----- (298033536)
Ls High Command Handler Thread ----- (298030400)
LS data handler thread starts: 11C3A180
Ls Low Command Handler Thread ----- (298033984)
LS low priority cmd handler thread starts: 11C3A340
Ls Data Handler Thread ----- (298073744)
LS data handler thread starts: 11C43E90
[0x00000558] | Main | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,102 | Running DaVinci Resolve Studio v12.5.4.019 (Windows)

Ls High Command Handler Thread ----- (298069712)
Ls Low Command Handler Thread ----- (298071056)
LS low priority cmd handler thread starts: 11C43410
Ls Data Handler Thread ----- (298075088)
Mem Data Transmitter Thread ----- (298067472)
Mem data transmitter thread starts: 11C42610
Starting license poller...
[0x00002a10] | GPUManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,102 | Let There Be CUDA Light!

[0x00000558] | IO | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,117 | Using DNxHR library v2.3.0.35r

Checking License...
DHID 850693765
---------------- Checking License ----------------

[0x000027dc] | GPUManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,422 | Initializing GPU board 0 with context thread 0

All textures are loaded : 1.
[0x000027dc] | GPUManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,547 | Setting channel cache size on GPU board 0 to 4

[0x000027dc] | GPUManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,547 | Board manager 0 on thread 0 initialization done on GPU GeForce GTX 770

[0x000027dc] | GPUManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,547 | Entering loop to wait for commands

[0x00002a10] | GPUManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,547 | Finished initializing CUDA board 0 <GeForce GTX 770> on platform <Nvidia CUDA GPU> clock rate <1137000> multiprocessor count <8> global mem size (MB) 2048, available mem size (MB) 1659, shared mem size (KB) 48, on SBM[0|0]

[0x00002a10] | GPUManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,547 | Hired CUDA board 0 <GeForce GTX 770>

[0x00002a10] | GPUManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,562 | Let There Be CUDA Light, Done!!

[0x00002a10] | GPUManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,562 | Using CUDA Pinned Memory!

[0x00000558] | DbCommon2 | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:42,750 | Sm2SysIdEntry is not supported in disk database mode

Board 0 - GeForce_GTX_770
LS data handler thread starts: 11C443D0
[0x00000558] | UI.KeyBindings | WARN | 2016-12-29 15:26:43,359 | Key sequence Alt+/ defined by editAssociateWithAudioInViewer and controlPlayAroundToPlayInToOut

[0x00000558] | UI.KeyBindings | WARN | 2016-12-29 15:26:43,359 | Key sequence Alt+6 defined by timelineTrackDestinationSelectionTargetV6 and clipMulticamSwitchToAngle6

[0x00000558] | UI.KeyBindings | WARN | 2016-12-29 15:26:43,359 | Key sequence Ctrl+Shift+, defined by viewStereoSwitchEyeLeft and editNudgeSwapEditReverse

[0x00000558] | UI.KeyBindings | WARN | 2016-12-29 15:26:43,359 | Key sequence Alt+8 defined by timelineTrackDestinationSelectionTargetV8 and clipMulticamSwitchToAngle8

[0x00000558] | UI.KeyBindings | WARN | 2016-12-29 15:26:43,359 | Key sequence Alt+4 defined by clipMulticamSwitchToAngle4 and timelineTrackDestinationSelectionTargetV4

[0x00000558] | UI.KeyBindings | WARN | 2016-12-29 15:26:43,359 | Key sequence Alt+7 defined by clipMulticamSwitchToAngle7 and timelineTrackDestinationSelectionTargetV7

[0x00000558] | UI.KeyBindings | WARN | 2016-12-29 15:26:43,359 | Key sequence Alt+2 defined by timelineTrackDestinationSelectionTargetV2 and clipMulticamSwitchToAngle2

[0x00000558] | UI.KeyBindings | WARN | 2016-12-29 15:26:43,359 | Key sequence Alt+1 defined by timelineTrackDestinationSelectionTargetV and clipMulticamSwitchToAngle1

[0x00000558] | UI.KeyBindings | WARN | 2016-12-29 15:26:43,359 | Key sequence Ctrl+Shift+. defined by editNudgeSwapEditForward and viewStereoSwitchEyeRight

[0x00000558] | UI.KeyBindings | WARN | 2016-12-29 15:26:43,359 | Key sequence Alt+5 defined by clipMulticamSwitchToAngle5 and timelineTrackDestinationSelectionTargetV5

[0x00000558] | UI | WARN | 2016-12-29 15:26:43,578 | Failed to load media metadata preset list or the list is empty.

[0x00000558] | UI | WARN | 2016-12-29 15:26:43,594 | Failed to load media metadata preset list or the list is empty.

[0x00000558] | UI | WARN | 2016-12-29 15:26:43,781 | Failed to load media metadata preset list or the list is empty.

[0x00000558] | UI | WARN | 2016-12-29 15:26:43,781 | Failed to load media metadata preset list or the list is empty.

[0x00000558] | UI.ActionConnector | WARN | 2016-12-29 15:26:43,906 | Missing ActionDefinition for sessionDolbyVisionAnalyzeAllShots

[0x00000558] | UI.ActionConnector | WARN | 2016-12-29 15:26:43,906 | Missing ActionDefinition for sessionDolbyVisionAnalyzeSelectedShots

[0x00000558] | UI.ActionConnector | WARN | 2016-12-29 15:26:43,906 | Missing ActionDefinition for sessionDolbyVisionAnalyzeSelectedAndGroup

[0x00000558] | UI.ActionConnector | WARN | 2016-12-29 15:26:43,906 | Missing ActionDefinition for sessionDolbyVisionAnalyzeCurrentFrame

[0x00000558] | UI | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:43,922 | Not creating special GL widget for screen 0

[0x00000558] | UI | ERROR | 2016-12-29 15:26:44,491 | Failed to find value '0' in combo-box

****************** Flushing GPU Buffers
[0x00000558] | SyManager.Signals | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:50,449 | Current user pointer is changed

[0x00000558] | UI | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:50,452 | UI Persistence - HandleLogin() Current user name is dte

[0x00000558] | UI.KeyBindings | WARN | 2016-12-29 15:26:50,618 | Key sequence Alt+/ defined by editAssociateWithAudioInViewer and controlPlayAroundToPlayInToOut

[0x00000558] | UI.KeyBindings | WARN | 2016-12-29 15:26:50,618 | Key sequence Alt+6 defined by timelineTrackDestinationSelectionTargetV6 and clipMulticamSwitchToAngle6

[0x00000558] | UI.KeyBindings | WARN | 2016-12-29 15:26:50,618 | Key sequence Ctrl+Shift+, defined by viewStereoSwitchEyeLeft and editNudgeSwapEditReverse

[0x00000558] | UI.KeyBindings | WARN | 2016-12-29 15:26:50,618 | Key sequence Alt+8 defined by timelineTrackDestinationSelectionTargetV8 and clipMulticamSwitchToAngle8

[0x00000558] | UI.KeyBindings | WARN | 2016-12-29 15:26:50,618 | Key sequence Alt+4 defined by clipMulticamSwitchToAngle4 and timelineTrackDestinationSelectionTargetV4

[0x00000558] | UI.KeyBindings | WARN | 2016-12-29 15:26:50,618 | Key sequence Alt+7 defined by clipMulticamSwitchToAngle7 and timelineTrackDestinationSelectionTargetV7

[0x00000558] | UI.KeyBindings | WARN | 2016-12-29 15:26:50,618 | Key sequence Alt+2 defined by timelineTrackDestinationSelectionTargetV2 and clipMulticamSwitchToAngle2

[0x00000558] | UI.KeyBindings | WARN | 2016-12-29 15:26:50,618 | Key sequence Alt+1 defined by timelineTrackDestinationSelectionTargetV and clipMulticamSwitchToAngle1

[0x00000558] | UI.KeyBindings | WARN | 2016-12-29 15:26:50,618 | Key sequence Ctrl+Shift+. defined by editNudgeSwapEditForward and viewStereoSwitchEyeRight

[0x00000558] | UI.KeyBindings | WARN | 2016-12-29 15:26:50,618 | Key sequence Alt+5 defined by clipMulticamSwitchToAngle5 and timelineTrackDestinationSelectionTargetV5

[0x00000558] | UI | ERROR | 2016-12-29 15:26:50,622 | Failed to find value '14' in combo-box

[0x00000558] | UI | ERROR | 2016-12-29 15:26:50,623 | Failed to find value '-1' in combo-box

[0x00000558] | SyManager.Signals | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:50,696 | Main view page is changed to 12

[0x00000558] | UI | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:50,766 | Gallery pointer is changed, refreshing color gallery

[0x00000558] | UI | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:50,769 | Gallery pointer is changed, refreshing gallery browser

[0x00000558] | SyManager.Signals | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:57,298 | Main view page is changed to 1

[0x00000558] | SyManager.Signals | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:57,317 | Main view page is changed to 1

[0x00000558] | UI | WARN | 2016-12-29 15:26:57,464 | Layout is disabled.

[0x00000558] | UI | WARN | 2016-12-29 15:26:57,466 | UI Persistence - ListViewSortColumn not read

[0x00000558] | SyManager.Signals | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:26:57,718 | Main view page is changed to 1

[0x000027dc] | GPUManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:27:11,337 | Flushing GPU memory...

[0x000027dc] | GPUManager | ERROR | 2016-12-29 15:27:11,397 | Exception caught while running GPU algorithms: an illegal memory access was encountered.

[0x000027dc] | GPUManager | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:27:11,397 | Flushing GPU memory...

[0x000027dc] | Main | INFO | 2016-12-29 15:27:11,398 | Caught termination signal SIGABRT, triggering termination routine
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Hallo vielleicht eine Lösung. Cuda deinstallieren und GeforceExpieriment suchen den der Karte entsprechenden herunterladen, installieren PC neu starten und probieren.
Habe bei mir zurzeit eine Geforce 8800GT (uralt) und Win7. Resolve12 hat nach einen Cudatreiber gesucht, diesen ibt es für diese Karte nur für Mac, so bin ich auf GeforceExpiriment gekommen (ist auch von Nvida), und plötzlich funktioniert Resolve wieder.
Hatte mich nicht darum gekümmert da ich FCP nutze.

ich habe das Thema im Forum von BlackMagic Design eingestellt.
Entsprechende Logfiles habe ich gleich mitgeschickt. Der Support hat sich der Sache angenommen, aber noch keine Lösung gefunden. Zurzeit sieht es nach der GraKa aus. Ältere Treiberversionen funktionieren allerdings auch nicht.

@foed_erde: Das mit Cuda deinstallieren usw. habe ich gemacht, jedoch ohne Erfolg. Trotzdem Danke für den Tip.
GeforceExpiriment ist keine ältere Treiberversion, die Geforcekarten sind eigentlich gedrosselte Quatrokarten. Mit einigen Tricks kann man die Bremse lösen. Der Geforcetreiber ist aber dafür geschrieben, die Karten sind für Gamer gebaut.
Wichtig ist bei meinem Vorschlag das der Cudatreiber ganz ausgeschaltet wird, daher habe ich diesen deinstaliert (nur für Window, sonst läuft der Rechner als Mac) und hier mit Cuda.

Ich konnte aus deiner Nachricht nicht ersehen ob du so gehandelt hast. Die Lösung bleibt aber interessant.
Natürlich sieht es nach dem log_file nach einem Konflikt mit der Grafikkarte aus.
Wenn ich richtig gelesen habe handelt es sich hier um Upgrade von Win 7 auf 10.
Wenn das so ist dann unbedingt Win 10 neu installieren, nicht auffrischen! Da sind garantiert Treiberleichen en masse noch übrig.
Mit Microsoft-Konto anmelden und die Lizenz wird automatisch überrnommen.
Bei Einzelbenutzer als Admin arbeiten ist die beste Methode unter Win10.
Hallo ford_erde,
wie genau hast du DUDA abgeschaltet, bzw. deinstalliert?
Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob der bei mir wirklich nicht mehr da war.
Hallo anemande,
Win 10 neu zu installieren fällt schwer, da nicht nur Resolve installiert ist und ich deshalb eine lange Zeit bräuchte, um alles wieder zu installieren.
Im Grunde bin ich aber deiner Meinung, ein frisches BS ist immer besser, als ein Update.
hallo verstehe ich an sich vollkommen,
.... aber, ich garantiere dir irgendwann fliegt dir Win 10 um die Ohren bzw. hast du nur noch Ärger damit, weil Microsoft bei den großen Updates immer ziemlich umbaut und mit dem Restmüll aus Win 7 dann nicht mehr zurechtkommt. Mach es jetzt in Ruhe, im April steht uns ein weiteres größeres Update ins Haus steht. Ich selbst habe 2 Rechner von 7 nach 10 gezogen und habe jeweils innerhalb von 3 Monaten neu gemacht und beim großen Rechner bin ich aus genau deinen Gründen bei Win 7 geblieben.
Bilder bitte hier hochladen und danach über das Bild-Icon (Direktlink vorher kopieren) platzieren.
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