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Ist aber wohl erst noch "Release Candidate".
Lohnt sich das schon oder sollte man auf das "offizielle Update" warten (d.h. wenn man das Update nur anwenden und nicht aktiv testen will)?
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The following bugs that were part the Lightroom 5 have been corrected. The team appreciates the very detailed feedback the community has provided on Lightroom 5 and we’re excited to correct a number of issues experienced by our customers. These issues have been FIXED:
- Issues when upgrading catalog from previous versions of Lightroom.
- Incorrect photos are displayed after switching away from a Publish Collection.
- Catalog optimization did not finish, and was not optimizing the catalog
- Feather of ***** spots is set to 0 after upgrading catalog to Lightroom 5.
- Auto White Balance settings are not saved to Snapshots.
- Sony 18-55mm lens is detected as the Hasselblad 18-55mm lens for lens correction.
- Increased Update Spot Removal history steps when in Before and After view.
- Slideshows start playing automatically even when the Manual Slideshow option is enabled.
- Video playback stops when dragging on the scrubber.
- Errors when publishing photos to Flickr through the Publish Service.
- Option + drag on Edit Pin behavior is functioning incorrectly.
- Black border appears around the exported slideshow video.
- Catalog containing images processed with PV2003 were adding a post-crop vignette when catalog upgraded to Lightroom 5.
- Pressing the “Reset” button while holding down the Shift key caused Lightroom to exit abruptly.
- Output Sharpening and Noise Reduction were not applied to exported images that were resized to less than 1/3 of the original image size.
- The Esc key did not exit the slideshow after right clicking screen with mouse during slideshow playing.
- Import dialog remained blank for folders that contain PNG files with XMP sidecars.
- Metadata panel displayed incorrect information after modifying published photo. Please note that this only occurred when metadata was changed after the photo was published.
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Das heisst, wenn ich mir bei dem berühmt-berüchtigten Versandhaus mit dem A im Namen die Update-Version kaufe, arbeite ich wie gehabt brav für mich selbst zuhause auf meinem PC...?Das kommt darauf an ob du CC hast oder die DVD- Update-Version aus dem Handel (ca.75€)
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