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  1. A

    graubilder einfärben

    AW: graubilder einfärben Open photo, change settings to RGB, open "farbton&sättigung" tick the little box on the bottom right hand side for "farben", change farbton to about 30, sättigung to about 60, and helligkeit to about 12.
  2. A

    Welche Maus zur Bildbearbeitung???

    AW: Welche Maus zur Bildbearbeitung??? I use an ordinary apple mouse at work and a cheap Aldi mouse at home, and unless you have a medical problem with your arms or hands you really don`t need to buy an expensive mouse for working on photos. (That`s just my opinion)
  3. A

    Welche CF Karte für 400d??

    AW: Welche CF Karte für 400d?? I use the 4Gb card from transcend, and the photographers at work use a mix of cards from 1Gb to 2Gb from sandisk or Apacer. The only card that lost data was a 1Gb sandisk and that was restored using a software program.
  4. A

    Fotos digitalisieren / scannen

    AW: Fotos digitalisieren / scannen Hi. You could try "Fotolabor Kadmon" in Vienna, . They are not to expensive, and they do a very good job with the scans, even the scans that have not been worked on are good.
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    Bildqualität verbessern

    AW: Bildqualität verbessern There is not much you can do to fix this photo in a short time.
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    Body Panting

    AW: Body Panting maybe this will help. Fotoeffekt: Der Erdbeerfrosch - Pflege und Aufzucht its in the photoshop tutorials goodluck
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    Raus aus dem Grauen Alltag

    AW: Raus aus dem Grauen Alltag Nice idea, I like both photos.
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    Erste Gehversuche in Photoshop

    AW: Erste Gehversuche in Photoshop I like the third one best. The second one is Ok, nothing really special. The first one is not nearly as good as the other 2.
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    eure meinung bitte

    AW: eure meinung bitte I like the "heimweh" a lot :-))
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    mualtes foto bearbeiten mutter ist gestorben

    AW: foto bearbeiten mutter ist gestorben This photo is really damaged, could not do very much in a short time.
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    mualtes foto bearbeiten mutter ist gestorben

    AW: foto bearbeiten mutter ist gestorben I would like to help you, but I cant download the photo. The website won`t allow it. Sorry.
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    Domain für meine Fotopage

    AW: Domain für meine Fotopage I like the name, but you might get a few visitors to your page looking for a bit of gore and violence (shootings)
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    Bilder - Farben - Schärfe bearbeiten

    AW: Bilder - Farben - Schärfe bearbeiten opened it as RAW and this is the result
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    Meine Photoshopkreationen

    AW: Meine Photoshopkreationen Nice, like the second one better (grunge is good) :-)
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    Fotos digitalisieren / scannen

    AW: Fotos digitalisieren / scannen Hi, fixed the colours a bit for you. But if you want your old photos digitalized in good quality then you need to get them scanned at a professional photo-lab.
  16. A

    Wie mache ich aus ein Farbbild ein Schwarzweißbild?

    AW: Wie mache ich aus ein Farbbild ein Schwarzweißbild? I always use one of the colour channels. Although I have heard that photoshop uses the same method when you choose convert to grey scale.
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    eure meinung bitte

    AW: eure meinung bitte Very nice. I like it a lot. I think I have seen her a few times after a night out, kept me from driving into the trees :-D
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    PSD datei von einer PS7 version öffnen geht nicht

    AW: PSD datei von einer PS7 version öffnen geht nicht Hello. I have photoshop 7 on one of the old imacs. If you would like I could try open it and save it as TIFF.
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    Ganz spontan - yes or no?

    AW: Ganz spontan - yes or no? Hi, I am going to go against the flow and say "Yes I like it". It reminds me of the posters we made in the early 80`s.
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    Wake up the voiceless

    AW: Wake up the voiceless Nice, I like it.