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  1. A

    eure meinung bitte

    AW: eure meinung bitte Hi S They look good, You have learnt how to use Photoshop. Now you need to let your imagination have free space, combine the things you have learnt, and don`t be afraid of making mistakes, mistakes are the things that give your pictures that personal touch. If you are...
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    Vorlage "Baby" gesucht

    AW: Vorlage "Baby" gesucht You can also look here.
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    Flower Car

    AW: Flower Car Nice idea, also well done, but I have to agree with the others - The car does not fit, try it with something else.
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    Hallo, brauche dringend Hilfe

    AW: Hallo, brauche dringend Hilfe Hi Tom. Not sure if this is a help, but if you open the PSD in photoshop and mark all layers then drag them onto an open Illustrator document it should work. Ciao Alan
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    [CS3] Hardware-Voraussetzungen

    AW: Hardware-Voraussetzungen Hi Don`t bother updating your old PC buy a Mac. I use an old G5 at work and I have a newish 3Ghz Pc at home, and the Mac is still faster. I don`t make posters but sometimes I have to make double page spreads for the magazine and they can easily reach over 500mb...
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    Scanner für Farbnegative

    AW: Scanner für Farbnegative Hi Christine, If you are looking for quality scans from your negatives then you should get them done at a professional Photolab. I dont know of one in Südtirol but I do know of one in Wien. They do a very good job and you can post the negatives to them. I hope...
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    Din A4 drucken

    AW: Din A4 drucken A4 = 210mm x 297mm at 300dpi
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    HI @All Brauche noch ma eure Meinung

    AW: HI @All Brauche noch ma eure Meinung Hi, Sites not to bad, just a few problems: The pages don`t load well in firefox on the Mac. There are a lot of dead links on the start page. The header is not to bad either, just one spelling mistake ( SERVICE you left the E out) and dont use a border...
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    Katzenaugen - Blitzprobleme

    AW: Katzenaugen - Blitzprobleme Hi, here is a book about taking photos of cats, and it costs only €2,95.
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    Frage zu diesem Bild!

    AW: Frage zu diesem Bild! There is not much you can do about the blur but if you open the photo in photoshop cs3 as camera raw you have a lot of options to fix the colour and noise.
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    Komerziell vertriebene Stockfotos und ihre Preise

    AW: Komerziell vertriebene Stockfotos und ihre Preise You are so right, its a rip-off. Its not even a good photo, there are much better photos for free at and at, all you have to do is register and that is also free. I guess there are companies who do have a large budget for...
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    Olympus eE520 oder EOS 450D

    AW: Olympus eE520 oder EOS 450D Hi. I hope its ok to answer in English. As Ferdi said: Test the cameras you plan to buy, I was lucky enough to be able to test many different makes and models that we have at the magazine publisher where I work, and although they are nearly all the same I ended...