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  1. A

    Online-Magazin für Bildbearbeitung Commag 07/2009 als PDF-Download

    AW: Online-Magazin für Bildbearbeitung Commag 07/2009 als PDF-Download I just get a blank page, no pdf. What is my Mac doing wrong?
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    Gleisbett in HDR oder wann konmmt der Zug nach .....

    AW: Gleisbett in HDR oder wann konmmt der Zug nach ..... Love it. Well done.
  3. A


    AW: Softbox Here are 2 websites that explain how to make a softbox Fotozubehör selbst gebaut. -
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    Tineye- Bildersuchmaschine

    AW: Tineye- Bildersuchmaschine I use tineye sometimes to check how often and where my photos get used.
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    fotografie in sans souci

    AW: fotografie in sans souci I like it as it is, but you could try darkening the background a bit more and a bit more contrast in the clouds.
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    Was für ein Rechner!

    AW: Was für ein Rechner! You can get a 2ghz G5 on ebay for around €600, that leaves you about €400 for a reasonably big (new) monitor.
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    Hat jemand Vorschläge für ein Design eines Gutscheins?

    AW: Hat jemand Vorschläge für ein Design eines Gutscheins? Here is an example of one.
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    Mal bisschen Beauty in Schwarz/Weiß

    AW: Mal bisschen Beauty in Schwarz/Weiß Wow, thats really nice, well done.
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    [PDF Workshops] PSD braucht eure Hilfe

    AW: [PDF Workshops] PSD braucht eure Hilfe Hi Philip, I can help out. Not much happening at work at the moment so I have some free time. Ciao Alan
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    [PDF Workshops] PSD braucht eure Hilfe

    AW: [PDF Workshops] PSD braucht eure Hilfe Hi Philip, I have the time and unlimited internet download limit. Let me know if an when you need help Ciao Alan
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    AW: fotomontage Much better, the hair still looks a bit cut-out, you could maybe try softening the edges a bit.
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    Boden Spiegelung bei räumlichen Ansicht?

    AW: Boden Spiegelung bei räumlichen Ansicht? Vanilladragon, nice tutorial, well explained. Thanks
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    Meine erste beauty retusche

    AW: Meine erste beauty retusche Nice work, pity about the background (to much stuff to draw the eye away from the model).
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    AW: fotomontage Nice work, I would change the eye colour, and you could soften the edges around the head (it looks a bit like a cardboard cut-out)
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    Dark Eva xD

    AW: Dark Eva xD I like it, even with the text. good work.
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    W.I.P. was sagt ihr?

    AW: W.I.P. was sagt ihr? W.T.F. I don`t like it, Football fans have a bad enough reputation for mindless violence, and pictures like this only make it worse.
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    Erste Entwürfe :)

    AW: Erste Entwürfe :) 1 + 2 are nice (sickly sweet teenager stuff), 4. I like it (it`s kind of funny) 3. I like it and I don`t like it. (the stripe irritates me)
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    AW: Optik If I understand your question correctly, then you need to right click (windows)(ctrl+click, Mac) on the eye in the ebenen pallet, there you can choose your ebenen colour.
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    Krater und Löcher

    AW: Krater und Löcher Do you mean something like this : This is the cover picture I put together for the next UNIWIA magazine
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    Panorama Bewertung

    AW: Panorama Bewertung Hi. I liked the first one, and I love the second. nice work.